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55719847 No.55719847 [Reply] [Original]

>white genocide isnt rea.....

>> No.55719887
Quoted by: >>55720920

Based elon making kikes seethe eternally. WAGMI bros.

>> No.55719911

SA and Brazil are just previews for USA, UK, France, etc in about 10-15 years.

>> No.55719990

Ah yes he's actually kind of based. Well he grew up there he knows

>> No.55720021

Black Americans are the majority in SA & Brazil, they are not in the US & UK & France, chuds.

>> No.55720041
Quoted by: >>55720942

french here, sandniggers will be a majority soon if they arent already
they're way worse than nigs believe me

>> No.55720167
Quoted by: >>55722169

>Black Americans are the majority in SA & Brazil
>Black Americans
>in SA & Brazil
what did he mean by this?

>> No.55720416

As some of you might know, the information that is not allowed to be spread is a threat to the established propagandized narritive. Check out a British historian by the name David Irving on rumble (nothing on youtube).

>> No.55720449

>Do Apartheid
>Wonder why the Blacks ended up being mad

Confirms Elon's retardation.

>> No.55720460

Apartheid was a government policy whereby the government spent about half their budget developing black areas into sustainable nation-states, self-governing, where before Apartheid the government had just ignored the blacks and let them languish in abject poverty with no voting rights inside or outside the Bantu Homelands/reservations, you dumb nigger.

>> No.55720461

skipped a couple steps where the country being unfathomably more industrialized and advanced than all surrounding neighbors except the other white apartheid state

>> No.55720481

American aboriginals, AKA head chopping cartel niggers, are black in every way.

>> No.55720487
Quoted by: >>55720530

>Feed everyone
>Bring civilization
>blacks don't like Whites doing that
>Oh we're sorry have control over your land
>Starvation, can't farm, can't govern
>80 man forced-snuggle gangs, necklacing
>Genocide the nice Whites

>> No.55720516
Quoted by: >>55720541

Based, Elon is my favorite African-American, but he needs to further define "they." Who are "they?"

>> No.55720530

>feed someone a pizza they don't want
>fill it up with spices so hot that not even a Mexican can digest them
>the guy with his mouth burning, puts some of the pizza in your mouth

>> No.55720540

the beauty of being part of the most diverse races (europeans) is that its so trivial to tell if somebody else isn't one of you. unlike with mud races where differences and dimorphisms are significantly lower.

there's fundamentally no way to stop slave races worshiping europeans because they're the only unique race on the entire planet.

>> No.55720541

he's talking about the former slaves that his family owned

>> No.55720920

elon a jewish supremacist. he just let kanye back on the platform on the condition that he never says anything bad about jews again. elon lets ADL run the moderation on x

>> No.55720942

lol yeah you guys imported all the scum of society and let them procreate.

>> No.55720943
Quoted by: >>55721467

90% of the black african gruops in south africa werent there before whites showed up. they immigrated because whites built civilization there

>> No.55721009

Nothing like that will ever happen on European soil you fucking seething third world amerilard

>> No.55721020

le south africans those are the real oppressed people! zomg noooo can we send them trillions?

>> No.55721467
Quoted by: >>55721763

did anybody ask for civilization?
precisely. now shut up bitch

>> No.55721492

>Son of emerald mine magnate in a country known first and foremost for its exploitation of the indigenous population complains that colonists are being driven out
He's gonna Pistorius one of these days.

>> No.55721763

Whites Create
blacks negate

>> No.55721798
Quoted by: >>55721845

I would appreciate it if he'd Pistorious your faggot ass

>> No.55721819

Based South African

>> No.55721824

>Kills all the farmers
>Starts starving to death
Noooo how cud whitey do this to us

>> No.55721836
Quoted by: >>55721954

>repeating the emerald mine bullshit
>colonists are being driven out
Almost all black people in South Africa today are not indigenous to the land

>> No.55721845
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>> No.55721878


>> No.55721954
Quoted by: >>55722031

>Almost all black people in South Africa today are not indigenous to the land
yes, they are indigenous to Africa, not white Europeans. Also if they didn't want Black Africans there then they should have done their own work.

>> No.55721970

>white genocide
just go back to Europe if you're getting "genocided", how difficult is that? Why would you stay in Africa if people want to genocide you, just leave, nobody will stop them.

>> No.55721985


Thread theme

>> No.55721991

>x screencap thread

>> No.55722010
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This is only the beginning of the big clean-up

>> No.55722021
Quoted by: >>55722105

Europe lost to jews in WWII. Jews control Europe, and are ethnically cleansing Europe of Europeans. London and Paris look like Pakistan and Somalia. The UK tried to vote and US brexit to stop the white genocide, but you can't vote your way out of ethnic cleansing. Jews continue to perform a white genocide, stealing European wealth so they can't have families, and giving it to the horde of invaders.

>> No.55722031
Quoted by: >>55722085

lmao, your precious black colonizers nearly wiped out the native black populations of the area.

>> No.55722051
Quoted by: >>55722067

They are going to epstein Elon, arent they?

>> No.55722067

Elon is just another shabbos goy. In the long run, I don't trust him to stop the white genocide.

>> No.55722068
Quoted by: >>55722105

So Europeans have the right to kill every non-euro in their country?

>> No.55722085
Quoted by: >>55722212

No different than Native American tribes warring with each other, Blackfoot vs Seminole or whatever...on their continent. The interloper is the whites who have no business being there in the first place.

>> No.55722086
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Quoted by: >>55722097

>South Africa with whites in power
Largest economy of the African continent

>South Africa with niggers in power
Daily power outages and no running water

>> No.55722097
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>> No.55722105

isn't that more the reason to get an injection of White people from former colonies?

no, genocide is wrong, but if people are genociding you then it makes sense to get the fuck away from where you are.

>> No.55722118

That's great

>> No.55722143


t. societal collapse incoming

>> No.55722164

>>Son of emerald mine magnate
uhm yeah id like a grande black coffee, with whip cream please

>> No.55722169

Newspeak has it's limitations.

>> No.55722180
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>> No.55722182

The issue isn't them being mad about it, that's understandable
The issue is them thinking "revenge genocide" is an appropriate response to it that should be carried out

>> No.55722212

native americans walked over to the united states they're not native to it. White ppl did the same thing. Africans are different because 10,000 generations and they never left

>> No.55722214

Dumb monkeys that will bow even more to corpos.

>> No.55722217
Quoted by: >>55722316

Ok, so if Africa is for niggers, then can we agree Europe is for white peoples? And therefore can you please remove all the infestation of niggers and sand niggers back to Africa?

>> No.55722316

well if South Africa is any example apparently genocide isn't even enough to get people to leave so no. Also don't you think Whites gave up the right to a "homeland" by interfering with basically everyone else on the planet? Most of the browns and blacks in Europe can exist there because of European colonization, if they weren't colonized then it would be like trying to drop a tribal African in Europe, they wouldn't fit in there and they wouldn't want to be there either.

>> No.55722320

>Nothing like that will ever happen on European soil you fucking seething third world amerilard
Yeah it won't happen as it already happened.

>> No.55722349
Quoted by: >>55722364


>> No.55722364
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>> No.55722375


found the nigger

>> No.55722393

Why did Elon Musk fire every white person in his companies and replace them with pajeets? Why does Elon Musk support banning abortion (of mostly brown babies)? Why does Elon Musk support 60% white Russia attacking 99% white Ukraine? Why does Elon Musk support high immigration rates?

Can't believe /pol/tards still believe this guy cares about muh white race.