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File: 2.35 MB, 2264x4200, worldcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55662763 No.55662763 [Reply] [Original]

The writing is on the wall. This Mr. Sam bankman - sorry i mean Sam Altman originally made his fortune from selling an app that tracks your phone's location then comingling with Y combinator for years. He's got tens (hundreds?) of high level silicon valley connections and friends. They literally built this shitty version of ICP running on with ethereum and threw in this gimmick eye orb scanner to obfuscate how stupid the whole thing is. They claim it's to help protect us from the big bad AI. I guess chatgpt isn't getting them much revenue

>> No.55662799
Quoted by: >>55663524

if anyone can tell me exactly how this shit works please explain here their website is so laggy and awful. There must be something I am missing here this whole deal feels like a bit from the tv show silicon valley

>> No.55662805

Normalfags love surveillance state bullshit like this. Cattle to the slaughter

>> No.55662827
Quoted by: >>55663524

I'm starting to believe Sam just wants iris data to feed into chatgpt

>> No.55663032

This is literally nothing like icp, you are majorly retarded if you actually believe what you are saying.

>> No.55663078


>> No.55663168

If you have a specific question I will try to answer it for you but I’m not going to write a book on how different world coin and icp are which should be glaringly obvious if you know anything at all about them.

>> No.55663179

>If you have a specific question
what does it do? What are the use cases? What is the purpose of using uhm your uh World ID?

>> No.55663332
Quoted by: >>55663524

I’ll buy maybe at under $0.20

>> No.55663355

>the eye orb scanner OBFUSCATES who stupid this really is
Wait.. how does that retarded shit obfuscate it?

>> No.55663395

still waiting mr expert

It just seems like a stupid silicon valley marketing gimmick. Imagine you get lasik surgery and get locked out of your wallet and have to go consult the orb wizards to sort it out

>> No.55663415

ICP doesn't store your iris scan, or any other biometrics, you fat retard

>> No.55663423

yeah because it's a stupid idea that they threw in there to make it less obvious worldcoin is a shitty great value version of icp

>> No.55663436

World coin is a proof of unique person service that is built on ethereum which means that it is almost certainly just an erc-20 token with the back end being completely centralized.

Icp is a blockchain that allows you to host full stack dapps on chain. It also has many other unique features like being able to communicate directly with the web and even communicate with other blockchains. Icp is pretty complicated but that is a basic breakdown.

Internet identity is a service on the icp blockchain that allows you to sign into multiple dapps without being tracked across platforms. It does not provide a unique personal identity or proof of being human. It is basically just a wallet with some cool features to it. You can make as many internet identities as you wish. These are in no way tied to your personal identity even though retarded shills would have you believe otherwise.

>> No.55663478

It's still nothing like ICP lmao

>> No.55663510

Honestly there is a good chance we are just replying to a shill, idk what the motive is but I have seen this exact shit posted on at least 3 platforms today. Maybe he’s just a troll though idk. I put in a small effort post in the off chance he’s just retarded.

>> No.55663524 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 638x359, 28E3C522-F409-456C-ACD5-81ECD3C7982D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy it

>> No.55663650
File: 146 KB, 630x872, worldcoins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes thanks but they're not marketing it as some erc20 eye ball scan. They're marketing it as some ground breaking revolutionary platform that can change the world, protect us from artificial intelligence and redistribute wealth to the poor. But if I'm understanding correctly it's just an icp internet identity except you use your eye ball and there's gazillion supply left to dump on retards. All coming from Sam the man, guy who personally gave the Arkham Intelligence ceo money before and after they shit on Dfinity

i am a shill I have about 2k ICP

this makes me ponder the orb

>> No.55663661

Yeah, Everest has been poking out lately, like a turd out of your butt though. For some reason the fiver pajeet shill farm has been given money and picrels for retarded Everest garbage. Makes you wonder, whales about ready to manipulate? A group of crypto CEO’s that need more fucking money and exit liquidity? Hard to say, but don’t buy Everest, it’s dogshit and it’s inorganically spammed here.

>> No.55663671



>> No.55663673 [DELETED] 

That’s straight from their twitter AMA today. I see what you’re doing fudder

>> No.55663713
Quoted by: >>55663827

If you own 2k icp how is it that you have such little knowledge of what icp and ii are?

>> No.55663827
Quoted by: >>55663898

don't understand worldcoin or why scanning my eye ball i going to revolutionize the world

>> No.55663832

Personally, I'll start shorting once it breaks $0.90 mark.

>> No.55663851
Quoted by: >>55663898

Confirming as an ICP geek that all of this is correct info about ICP. I have no idea about what worldcoin does, so can’t compare, but if it isn’t this, it’s not the same.

>> No.55663898

I haven’t done a deep dive on it but it seems like it’s just a service to prove that you are a unique human. This has nothing to do with icp or ii. Comparing these is honestly retarded. If you have any more questions I will try to clear this up for you.

>> No.55663972
Quoted by: >>55664714

As I already divulged I am no worldcoin reference. But my hunch from watching twitter is this “worldcoin icp connection” meme comes from some talk about similarities in token distribution and expected chart. Basically, ICP has managed to turn into a household meme that goes “enter the market with a big splash, starting in the top 10, and then just fall forever”. It is also felt that this was a result of early VC investment, that the VCs just dump on retail.
Because worldcoin entered with about 1% of supply circulating, pundits expect to see a similar fall from grace/dump by VCs where it simply keeps dumping. Add to this that ICP has the Internet Identity concept, which ostensibly sounds similar to the “identity” you prove with orbs on worldcoin (it isn’t, afaics, since the point of iris scans is to give everyone exactly one account, whereas the point of ICP II is to let you extend your crypto wallet seed into something you can use to log into websites, plus let you use biometrics to prove ownership of your seed instead of having you type in or even send your seed around).
The difference between ICP and VC scams is that with ICP you have a genius, driven founder (Dominic) with a world class team trying to build something revolutionary, and they attracted VC funding to get it off the ground. Yeah, that had the same effect as it does on tech startup stocks, but that’s part of the cost of doing business. Early money will get paid.
VC scams, otoh, are the result of people like SBF and his cronies getting together, saying “we have a bunch of money, let’s find some beardy dude who looks like a geek, train him to say “blockchain, not Bitcoin” like a parrot, build another shitcoin, and dump on retail. Worldcoin seems to be the latter, but what do I know.

>> No.55664001
Quoted by: >>55664714

You guys with your cRitIcaL tHiNkInG are fucking losers. Stop questioning the narrative and ape the fuck in goddamn it the money we've paid Bankless should have been more than enough to convince you dumb goys already. Enough!

>> No.55664004

Sam Altman is Sam Bankman’s alt. It’s pretty obvious.

>> No.55664043

>But if I'm understanding correctly it's just an icp internet identity except you use your eye ball
They use the eye to onboard and then give them a key to use it isn't real biometrics and they don't even use their eyes to log in. it is a scam for Sam to collect biometrics and feed them to OpenAI

>and there's gazillion supply left to dump on retards.
no disagreement here

>> No.55664215

ID rules
Worldcoin is aids
Pinkboys are fags
Everest will prevail

>> No.55664292

Hurr durr

>> No.55664714

made me chuckle @ fall forever because it couldn't be closer to the truth.
some of us don't care if this thing 1000x's from here if it means the project is shady which it clearly seems to be. How is getting scanned going to preserve your privacy? How is any data stored ever truly prone free from breaches? If it's human made it can be human reversed. Don't even get me started on the tokenomics.

>> No.55665050

>> Cheap scam imitation copy and paste of ICP

I got that same vibe as well. Shit reaks.

>> No.55665704
File: 441 KB, 1144x888, 1401621941601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you faggot, for taking time out of your day to fud a microcap project with good fundamentals. I know you have my best interests at heart and believe you 100%.

>> No.55666447

it's just another shitcoin but instead of jeets it's jews and they take your biometric data

>> No.55667511
