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55640046 No.55640046 [Reply] [Original]

did any of you idiots really think that he's going to get punished?

>> No.55640052

ftx cucks deserve it
my antisemitism protected me from it
my racism protected from bitmex
my elistism protected me from binance
white power

>> No.55640092

>that smug face looking into the camera
He knows hes getting away with it all.

>> No.55640101

He has no emotions. He is drugged out since he was a kid. Did you not see how he twitches and shakes during interviews?

>> No.55640109
Quoted by: >>55641791

that's normal for jews
they are inbred

>> No.55640141
Quoted by: >>55641791

jannies allow /pol/ threads here now?
this was the cleanest-cut CIA glow-op in crypto history

>> No.55640153
Quoted by: >>55641791

Justice does not exist in 2023.

>> No.55640170
Quoted by: >>55641791

I should be outraged but I just don't give a fuck anymore. If this is what it takes for my shitcoins to moon again so be it, if it doesn't who the fuck cares? Anything else is just noise from the ongoing collapse of the tower of Babel.

>> No.55640177
Quoted by: >>55641791

buddy you may be face blind, that dude is 100% wacked out of his mind with no internal reference point.

>> No.55640352

Of course not, the jews own america.

>> No.55640374
Quoted by: >>55641791

i've learned my racism after bitmex,i've survived the ftx by avoiding it knowing who owns it. I've seen people lose their lifesavings on both platforms, they used to call me a racist. Binance is next to fall,already got my funds out of there 4 months ago, they want revenge on CZ ,and its going to happen.

>> No.55640375

>muh joooz

>> No.55640379

What makes them so OP? They're a tiny group. And intelligence only goes so far. While other groups are far dumber on average, they have more capable/intelligent people due to the sheer mass. Something seems really fishy about it.

>> No.55640424

Intense tribalism

>> No.55640433
Quoted by: >>55640907


>> No.55640456

They have been genocided for 1000,s of years and still survive. The reason for their high IQ is the smart ones survived all the purges and bred. And an INTENSE in group preference. Imagine your people have been shit on for thousands of years and boom suddenly you are in a position to get revenge of every single group who has wronged you

>> No.55640458

nazis are evil, therefore jews are good

>> No.55640474

It's more complex than that. We cannot pass this test with force. other advanced civilizations already passed it.

>> No.55640515
Quoted by: >>55640547

>They have been genocided for 1000,s of years and still survive.
There might have been consequences for their actions thoughout the millennia, but the holocaust is still a hoax.

>> No.55640547

I agree the holocaust was their greatest achievement but that fact doesn’t dismiss that they have been bred for IQ during the many pogroms held against them

>> No.55640589

Power from demons unironically.

>> No.55640642

they are not afraid to use violence, they are not afraid to steal, they are not afraid to be evil
if they have an issue they pay someone to kill the person causing it

they are evil

>> No.55640657

He is still being charged is everyone here aware of that or do you blindly believe twitter pictures

>> No.55640737

How are you retards all so easily manipulated?

>> No.55640761

I mean I obviously think they'll take care of him since he paid off almost every single politician but still... c'mon.

>> No.55640810
Quoted by: >>55641791

for once this is actual justice
for half the charges brought against sam, the usa has no jurisdiction
if they let him walk for the failure of ftx us however then its kristalnachting time

>> No.55640836
File: 10 KB, 230x219, 1688495107951117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those charges that were dropped were dropped for perfectly legal reasons actually.

>> No.55640876

Not all charges were dropped

>> No.55640883
File: 304 KB, 945x1299, 1690126260576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55641791

This. Amerimutts are truly cucks.

>> No.55640887
Quoted by: >>55641791

>Judge belongs to the same tribe as him
>No punishment
What a coincidence!

>> No.55640907
Quoted by: >>55640952

even an average of 115 doesn't explain their success considering how very little of them there are

>> No.55640952

They were poised to inherit the world by being put into banking roles which is exactly what happened when the world industrialized. Also your people having an AVERAGE of 115 is a massive advantage

>> No.55641039
File: 2.81 MB, 480x270, 1688306244954958.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55641806

They explot high trust societies by interbreeding with them to gain an approximation of their physical appearances to blend in then predate on the civilization until it collapse.

>> No.55641121
Quoted by: >>55641791

Strange only jews get this sort of treatment, very strange indeed.

>> No.55641124
Quoted by: >>55641791

He's a good yid

>> No.55641216

because of their religion muslims and Christians tolerate them because they are from the tribe of israel.they have high reverence for biblical/quranic prophets. you don't really see Jews thriving in non Abrahamic civilizations

>> No.55641253

They're actually the Synagogue of Satan, read the Bible, specifically Revelation 2:9 and 3:9
>I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan
>Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

These are demon worshippers larping as Israelites.

>> No.55641272

They always say they're being genocided but they never tell you why.

>> No.55641476

Muslims don't tolerate jews

>> No.55641506

He did nothing wrong. Give the poor kid a break we all make mistakes

>> No.55641565
Quoted by: >>55641791

He's Jewish, of course not.

>> No.55641583

Based racism bwos we can't stop winning.

>> No.55641791
File: 18 KB, 586x578, rarted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I only read headlines from screenshots posted on 4chan and I believe it

>> No.55641806

>Der Dämonenjude

>> No.55641833

Jews can't commit crime
crime is doing something illegal + privilege

>> No.55642799

Read the Talmud