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File: 59 KB, 718x597, 1689340238347183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55591560 No.55591560 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have just one thread that isn't filled with trash? Where we can discuss decent, upcoming, or unknown coins & NFTs?
Stuff like KUJI, KAVA, Ordinals, INJ, GLTO, Urbit stars, White Hearts, whatever.
But no meme coins, jeet coins, XRP, LINK, XMR, AVAX, or other shit that is constantly shilled on biz.

>> No.55591579

We can but we won't.

>> No.55591596

Right now I'm in KAS, looking at ARB and TAO for my next trade.

>> No.55591599

Rune is another good one given the need for better DEXs as centralized exchanges all go KYC.

>> No.55591619


>> No.55591643

https://app.kava.io/kava-liquid-staking Just came back from here looks actually nice

>> No.55591646
File: 483 KB, 1080x1317, 1663543754929992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't lump XMR together with pajeet shitcoins or other garbage you braindead nigger.

>> No.55591662
Quoted by: >>55591725

>implying INJ wasn't being shilled non-stop at a certain point
Lol. Lmao, even

>> No.55591668
Quoted by: >>55591740

GIWTWM on the left

>> No.55591674

Many people here seem to have forgotten how much potential Cosmos has.

>> No.55591693
Quoted by: >>55591713

This. I've already made it anyways so I just spend most of my time trolling newfags on /biz/ by telling them to buy garbage scams because it's not enough for me to live comfortably - others must FAIL. Simple as.

>> No.55591700
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Quoted by: >>55591740

>wanted to post "but it's only far" expecting xmr to have a shitty chart at the time of writing
>its very good actually
god damn
am i the bad guy?

>> No.55591702
File: 107 KB, 512x526, 1642132252995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D-Do I get to join you guys...?

>> No.55591707

Implying XMR is not another pajeet shitcoin payshilled on biz

>> No.55591713
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whatever you say bro


>> No.55591716
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>> No.55591721
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Quoted by: >>55591732

>Combines the speed of Cosmos and the developer power of Ethereum
So the ultimate shitcoin NFT trash generating machine?

>> No.55591725

I don't hold it, don't know much about it, and remember that as well, so if it's a bad pick fine. But you get the idea, stuff that isn't shilled here constantly.

>> No.55591732

If you think ethereum is only used for scams and shitcoins you are delusional and really fucking stupid.

>> No.55591735
Quoted by: >>55591754

whats the problem, anon

i dont really think 23 threads about chainlink at any given time throughout the day is enough. if you ask me there should be more. like way more.

>> No.55591740
File: 114 KB, 1920x984, 1655276560072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frogposter opinions are instantly discarded.
Cope harder jeet

>> No.55591748
File: 583 KB, 743x758, 1659080255882113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kava's rewards for lending and staking are absurdly good. Can't wait for the pools to dry up once the Rise program ends and no more good projects are made.

>> No.55591750

Probably because $ATOM has been hacked in the past so they'd rather stick to something that hasn't been touched like Chainlink, huh? Really makes you think

>> No.55591754

Not good enough. We need more

>> No.55591758

by the time rise ends and they dont give any more rewards to developers i assume at the very least a good dozen projects should prevail simply because they were well made and reliable and people use them. thats the goal, have enough to build a solid foundation that makes kava profitable

>> No.55591760

This isn't bagholder general, fuck, we already know you exist, go back to your own threads.

>> No.55591782

What's stopping me from creating a vaporwave scam anyways disguised as "le next bestest project yes ser buy now" and claim those profits for myself while providing nothing of value?

>> No.55591852

Also maybe Akash? Inflation isn't too bad and the platform seems actually useful.

>> No.55591912
Quoted by: >>55592442

This seems kinda silly. He's clearly down a steep step compared to the gentlemen behind him.

>> No.55592442
Quoted by: >>55594956

He's on the same step as the two women, yet no taller than them, even taking his closer position to the camera into account.

>> No.55592470
Quoted by: >>55604013

/biz/ is going to rope when dbi is at like 800m market cap. Imagine fading an exchange coin in 2023 LOL.

>> No.55592790
File: 86 KB, 840x709, apu Monero thumbs up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55593888


bro we barely raise enough money to fund the most important dev work, you seriously think there are paid shillers on here?

>> No.55593157
Quoted by: >>55593631

How is Russia losing to this midget?

>> No.55593631

Meds and bump

>> No.55593888
File: 398 KB, 1135x1145, 546816465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im really fucking tired of this shit being shilled and furiously dumping at the same time

>> No.55593906
File: 248 KB, 1538x1118, IMG_5427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55594477

Bumperino. Any Bitmap chads in here?

>> No.55593911

KAVA bros, what are your targets for the next mania phase?

>> No.55594477
Quoted by: >>55602521

I've got about 40 in the 30k, 50k, 80k, and 130k ranges.

>> No.55594956
Quoted by: >>55594969

>as the two women
They're wearing 4" heels...

>> No.55594969

Manlet cope. He shouldn't be shorter, or even on par with, a woman in heels.

>> No.55596463

I guess, ANKR, PENDLE, and NXRA are the type of gems you are looking for. They got the utility, community, and good potentials to kaboom.

>> No.55598714
Quoted by: >>55603896

cosmos is its on universe
Chainlink is capable of covering the cosmos universe, the EVM universe, and new ones that haven't came up.
Im thinking the PACT universe will be next (which cosmos also supports PACT)

>> No.55600574
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>> No.55601385
Quoted by: >>55601621

Literally no one cares about XMR except darkweb pedophiles and drug dealers. Literally nobody. It's a cool piece of technology but it will never, ever, make you rich.

>> No.55601580

Spare yourselves some pain and avoid ROSE, HBAR and other shit like that.

>> No.55601621

There is a running joke in cybersecurity on how fucked you are if pedos aren't using your OPSEC. They are the scum of the earth and etc but XMR is too important to disregard like this just because it's not part of the shitcoin casino that is crypto.

>> No.55601883

why is this odious little man forever larping as a soldier? Has he even done basic training?

>> No.55602238

What else is Ethereum used for. Be very specific.

>> No.55602340 [DELETED] 

It's used to drain my fucking money through ridiculously high transaction fees and also making me pay those fees even when transactions fail. It's an utterly worthless, useless piece of garbage. The ONLY reason its popular because its the first mover.

>> No.55602356
Quoted by: >>55603896

Do you know how exciting trannies are after the IMM IDO launch, the focus is on data security, privacy, and interoperability, it's poised to tackle the industry's key challenges head-on. This is meltimg faces.

>> No.55602521
File: 183 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_5390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55602531

I’ve got a few dozen in those ranges as well. Also have a 3 digit Bitmap, and two 4 digit Butmap. I have almost Bitmap total. It’s up 1400%. I inscribed almost all of them ~$1. Wish I would’ve minted more now looking back. I made a Bitmap thread here on /biz/ and was banned for a week. Sorry anons, I tried to share it with y’all.

>> No.55602531

*500 Bitmap

>> No.55602574
File: 61 KB, 1057x966, 20230718_144040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to fuck pussy and live. I know I'm going to die soon because I'm sick. I've just wasted all my crypto in gambling.

>> No.55602635
File: 3 KB, 140x80, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55603896

Talking about utilities without mentioning Immunify Life is biased. Imagine a blockchain-based platform that makes informed decisions, enhance care coordination, and improve treatment outcomes.

>> No.55602713
File: 328 KB, 733x716, Blackswan 1st mover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55603896

Blackswan is the play of 2023. Get in now before phase 4 release.

>> No.55603896

Kill yourselves niggers.

>> No.55604013

>Almost 1 year later and the team still hasn't being able to pay not even a shitty L3 cex
Kek delusional baggie