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55465865 No.55465865 [Reply] [Original]

>losing hair
>losing money
>no more opportunities
>no more exciting things to look forward to
>its over, but you hardly started
whats your endgame, some will run to Hawaii surf and die, some travel around the world accumulating debt, then die. some start ponzi chemes and die.

>> No.55465879
File: 60 KB, 685x613, 1672529673205979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the endgame is what it always was, get rich.

>> No.55465887

Only retards think it's over at 30 for men. If it's over for you now, it's been over for a few years already.

>> No.55465890

whats bad about being a step dad?
I'm dating a chick and she has 2 daughters, they are very nice and even call me daddy.

>> No.55465925
Quoted by: >>55465957

not your daughters, is the real dad still in the picture? being in a step kind of relationship means that you have to deal with more issues.
>step dad
>daughters growing up
>girlfriends bullshit
the ass is never worth it.

>> No.55465926
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Quoted by: >>55465957

>new gf says you're the best lover she's ever had just to get you to pay to take care of another man's sex products
That's not even normal cuck territory...its outer space flat earf cuck level shit

>> No.55465930
Quoted by: >>55466658

I'm a 34 year old virgin. Gave up at 26.
I wish I hadn't because the moment I gave up it's like I stepped into a time warp. Became 34 over night.

>> No.55465932
Quoted by: >>55465985

Being a stepdad isn't bad if the father is completely gone imo, else never ever

>> No.55465939
File: 473 KB, 839x768, 1637265166958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blew straight through this intersection at 100mph with zero hesitation. You get used to it.

>> No.55465948

I space out in my car and do that sometimes.

>> No.55465950
File: 2.43 MB, 498x413, IMG_5321.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 daughters
>they are very nice and even call me daddy

>> No.55465957
Quoted by: >>55465978

>not your daughters
kinda nice I can walk away from them whenever I want. also when they grow up I can date them and have younger versions of their mother. great deal.
>is the real dad still in the picture?
nope, he died in some zogbot conflict some years ago think it was afghanistan but it was a car accident not enemy fire. I didnt really ask that much for the details. whats funny is both girls were so little they dont even remember him so I'm their daddy now.
I will take good care of his daughters :)

>> No.55465978
File: 140 KB, 600x731, mom-invites-you-into-life-mess-meme-600x731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55466048

be careful with dating the daughters, they can claim you touched them when they were kids or something, women are no joke, they can make shit up thatll ruin your whole reputation. but if youre happy godspeed anon. still you have to feed them and raise them you know.

>> No.55465985
Quoted by: >>55466067

Rarely the case unless he's dead or in prison. You're always going to have the gfs ex showing up every couple of weeks to see the kids.

>> No.55466011

life begins at 30 for men...if ure rich
u can easily date and marry girls 10 years younger and have 5 kids

>> No.55466015
Quoted by: >>55466029

not for OP
his asshole is so blown out he can't hold his shit in

>> No.55466025
Quoted by: >>55466041

For me as of now it's just living a frugal bachelor life and working jobs that I tolerate but not really care about. Hopefully travel a bit and make some money from crypto. Could be better but could be a lot worse so I'm content with what I got.

>> No.55466029
File: 10 KB, 275x183, cbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55466045

thats sounds like cope, i have money but its not worth it, thinking of just dying in miami or somewhere tropical.
its true. its over.

>> No.55466037
Quoted by: >>55466064

>Get a fat girl with tits, ass and good proportions.
>Make her get in shape.

>> No.55466041
Quoted by: >>55466968

Oh and seeing escorts from time to time. It's really my only vice now as I've stopped drinking and I don't do drugs.

>> No.55466044

Literally nothing you said is true.

>> No.55466045

its not, forget white women.
Marry a trad Asian or Arab women who dont ride the cock carousel, can cook, clean and interested in family and children
I personally had a lot of success in Morocco, just casual meets not sex

>> No.55466048

you are right that this is a possibility but these girls are really sweet and love me and I'm not worried at all.
I'm not molesting them or anything, I treat them with respect and dignity and teach them useful things.

>> No.55466064
Quoted by: >>55466080

Almost never happens. They're fat for a reason. They either temporarily lose the weight and gain it back, or they never do and you give up on trying to politely make her try. The chances of you meeting a girl that's decently looking, fat, then keeps the weight off is just as rare as meeting a thing good looking girl who likes you anyways. The only exception is girls who are fat in high school still have a chance to not develop life long bad eating habits but gl meeting high school girls as a grown ass man.

>> No.55466067
File: 31 KB, 387x387, 1687767277298840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>settle with blownout vag roastie and her kids
>chadad with a 10/10 zoomerette on his side shows up every weekend to take the kids to the amusement park and shit basically giving them something to look forward to every weekend
>you and roastie seething
>you because you settled with a walled blownout whore
>she because chadad wouldn't peg her not even with a 10" pole

Absolute pottery

>> No.55466080
Quoted by: >>55466095

>politely making her try
That's where you messed up, you have to be direct and get her used to not being comfortable with being overweight.

>> No.55466095

She'll have a legion of friends, family, and beta orbiters counteracting and overwhelming your messaging, telling her she's beautiful just the way she is and you're abusive and don't deserve her.

>> No.55466105

kids = instant no, I wouldn't even consider it.

a woman's sole two jobs in life are to not consume >3000 calories a day, and to choose a loyal partner that will help them raise their kids. that's literally it, and they seemingly can't even do that.

>> No.55466131

I get the feeling that people who always post stuff like this live in flyover territory or ruralites who are left with those kind of women in their area by their age. And are also the kind of people who talk about how college is a scam. In large cities, especially in white collar world, however, there are lots of single childless, and non fat women in their late 20's and early 30's. Sure. it's not your ideal trad wife on your homestead fantasy, but if your a guy who has some sort of resentment fueled aversion to large cities and college, then you're really shooting yourself in the foot by not going.

>> No.55466154
File: 355 KB, 713x800, 1688443432864382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55466832

Have you tried not being genetic trash? Met my wife at 33 (she was 18), been together for a decade now

>> No.55466165

Turned 30 a few months ago
>work in a trade for almost 10 years now and still havent went for the license
>new guys getting paid more than me when i have to fix their fuckups
>havent owned a car last 4 years
>havent had sex last 4 years
>havent had a gf last 4 years
>have almost 60k sitting in my bank account doing nothing
But hey I "own" a house, this is making it right? right?...
I have no motivation to do anything i just want out at this point

>> No.55466171

pretty much, I've lived in both rural and city locations the city is where most women are. women love trendy shit, blowing money on stupid things, diversity, left leaning politics, etc. It makes sense big cities are where you would find more of them. The way to play it these days for men in my opinion is to go to big cities, try to find a good woman in the sea of shit, then after you both make bank from the opportunity move to one of the other states. that's how californians have been doing it and as much as I hate californians it seems to be working for them

>> No.55466177

4th way, get rich and marry a 20 years old woman

>> No.55466200

My only qualifications for a partner are:
> Does she have a six-figure income
> Does she have kids or is she willing to have kids
That's pretty much it. If that never materializes, then I'll just retire around age 40 and spend the rest of my time doing hobbies.

>> No.55466222
File: 39 KB, 500x367, 2886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55466236

The pic is about to be my life. I'm honestly thinking about going Diogenes mode. What is the point of my daily toil? I need to find a worthwhile surrogate activity, as Ted K would say, or I'm gonna go insane.

>> No.55466236

Surrogate activities are a poison pill. They only work if you really buy into them, but sporadically you have moments of clarity where you realize how pointless they are and then you hate yourself for really buying into them in the first place.

>> No.55466269

all the people who fud step parents are seething glowies trying to keep society divided
step parenting is not cuckoldry in any sense of the word and it has always been held in high esteem throughout history except by actual cucks who doubted their childs lineage

>> No.55466284
Quoted by: >>55466294

Found the roastie.

>> No.55466291
Quoted by: >>55467000

This only applies if you have a shit job. You had a whole decade to study, why do you have a shit job?

>> No.55466293
Quoted by: >>55466301

It's also an enabling behavior for women who choose poor partners and for men who have a preference for abandoning their children.

>> No.55466294
Quoted by: >>55466314

im a man
you can check history to verify what i've said glowie
you just want more single parent raised kids to groom for your pedo masters

>> No.55466301
Quoted by: >>55466490

not stepping in is enabling behavior for single parents and the kids who grow up retarded because of it
besides, not all single parents have been abandonded by their spouse
there is such a thing as fatal accidents

>> No.55466314
Quoted by: >>55466373

the solution for that isn't to promote step parents, but to admonish people who abandon their children or make poor life choices especially women who choose garbage partners. IE white women that fell for the nigger meme. Also it's been proven that step parents are worse for the kids long term than biological parents most of the time.

>> No.55466345
File: 56 KB, 699x485, 1684143670709059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls started noticing me at 29. Cute ones too.

But I really should pick one before I hit the wall. I reckon I've got 2 years tops.

>> No.55466373
Quoted by: >>55466455

>step parents are worse for the kids long term than biological parents most of the time.
A moot point when the biological parent isn't available.
You point the finger at females who've failed their responsibilities, females point finger at men who failed in their responsiblities. Nothing is solved and a new generation grows up in the shadow of this seethe. A generation you will complain about while having done nothing to prevent the things you complain about. Non-action is enabling too. Online discussion is not action.
And again everyone is completely ignoring the fact that single parents, of both genders, have not necessarily been abandonded. Perhaps they chose to, or were forced to, abandon the unworthy parent and take the children from them.
But regardless. Nothing is achieved arguing about this here. My point has been made.
Cucks and glowies pointing fingers at step parents because they, themselves have been cheated on and made into cucks. They twist the definition of a well established word out of their own shame and for their own purposes.

>> No.55466381
Quoted by: >>55466400

>Coping cuck, the post
Lol. Lmao even.

>> No.55466400
Quoted by: >>55466527

not a step parent, never been cheated on

>> No.55466426

based frogman

>> No.55466428
File: 41 KB, 600x497, 1684888803386079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touch grass, faggot. If you took care of yourself and worked to improve your skills and education during your 20s, you should be set in your 30s, which is man's peak years.

>> No.55466455
Quoted by: >>55466527

>t. stepfather
cringe. If you enable/reward poor decisions, they're made more often. No amount of retarded cope from you will change that extremely simple reality.

>> No.55466490
Quoted by: >>55466527

not stepping in is not enabling
not stepping in means I have literally nothing to do with these people.
The kids are going to grow up retarded regardless of whether or not someone steps in because their genetic parents were both retarded.

>> No.55466527
Quoted by: >>55466534

see >>55466400
>The kids are going to grow up retarded regardless of whether or not someone steps in because their genetic parents were both retarded.
Genes are not limiting behaviorally, only physically.
You don't need to rationalize it. You are simply not willing to raise someone elses kids. I'm not trying to force you to adopt or become a step parent. It's the cucks and glowies who are trying to force you to behave a certain way through shaming tactics.

>> No.55466530

Basically this, without thinking too much, the juice today is not worth it
Also I love strong independent wagie women

>> No.55466534

>Genes are not limiting behaviorally, only physically.
I'm not going to have a conversation with a science denier.

>> No.55466544

there are cities with multiple millions of people in them that you call "flyover"

"non fat woman" refers more to a segment in time than a noun, from sea to shining sea, there isn't anything on the coasts that prevents them from ballooning and the statistics are very clear

>> No.55466557

What a depressing and pathetic thread

>> No.55466563

What about a covid denier?

>> No.55466569

Life with a liberal urban woman sounds more miserable than simply being alone though. I'm not saying this lightly, I'm trying to look at the situation objectively. And I know what you're going to say, but the idea that you can "convert her" is basically the male version of when women say "I can fix him."

>> No.55466570

>le science
Studies show that removing people with genetic predispositions towards violence and placing them in non-violent environemnts results in less instances of violence from the genetically predisposed than even the non-predisposed.
But you don't care about those studies. You just want to blame everything wrong with you and others on genetics ignoring free will and all instances of people overcoming supposed genetic limitations.
>TL;DR Noah "the boy with no brain" has been proving you faggots wrong for over a decade.

>> No.55466594
Quoted by: >>55467186

>You just want to blame everything wrong with you and others on genetics
Not true. I'm simply acknowledging that genetics plays a (significant) factor, while you literally made an "evolution stops at the neck" argument.

>> No.55466610
Quoted by: >>55467186

>Studies show that removing people with genetic predispositions towards violence
Also your debunk takes for granted my assertion you fucking retard.

>> No.55466658

>I wish I hadn't because the moment I gave up it's like I stepped into a time warp. Became 34 over night.
I don't understand why this is a bad thing

>> No.55466673

>Life with a liberal urban woman sounds more miserable than simply being alone though.
You said it, brother. There nothing quite like someone who does not have their shit together, financially or otherwise, try to "improve" you.

I didn't choose the bachelor life, it -- Oh wait, yes I did.

>> No.55466786

>luscious hair
>long beard
>better shape than in my 20s
>not a fag like op
>still fuck 18y/o grills
You're just a loser OP.

>> No.55466794

What the hell? The older I get the more pussy I get. Maybe you shouldn't have spent your youth unproductively or else you'd be your best self now.

>> No.55466809

Don't listen to the bitter zoomies and forever virgin millennials. I've been a step dad for 10 years and it's fine, I also have 4 of my own. My only advice is the girl you are dating does she have any real hobbies? Scrolling Instagram and online shopping don't count

>> No.55466832

Tbh honest the real genetic peaks meet their 17 year old beautiful wife when they are 18, but yeah for higher than averages it's when they're 30. The real genetic trash can't improve even with time.

>> No.55466839

half of americans don't even vote, women even less, youth even less, and of the ones who do you have to subtract independents and people who don't really care or didn't put much thought into it. Just find some random chick in the city and theres probably a 70% chance she'll just adopt your values after dating you.

>> No.55466872

To be happy you must live in agreement with your nature. The whole and sole perk of being a male is that nobody will care about you. Whereas the sole perk of being a vagina is that all the men will be desperate to talk to you and give you free stuff spontaneously.The male nature is to be forever alone. On the female side, it is not all rosy, women hate to have a flock of ugly orbiters, and they hate it even more when there is physical contact with those. In other words women hate that too much men care about them. So everybody is unhappy, especially the men. Thanks to a twist, women are actually happy because, doing it for free, the chad orbiters will beat up the ugly orbiters for the sake of the women.
So to be happy as a male you must rejoyce in being a loser. This is the only truth in the universe.

>> No.55466873
File: 73 KB, 1024x526, basically my marriage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55466920

If you are white, the greatest sexual arbitrage exists in East Asia. Go find you a yellow girl that loves you. WMAF is the future. (Source: married to a Chinese woman with an MBA)

>> No.55466884

you forgot the 18 year old virgins

>> No.55466894

unless you have skin problems from too much sun most of looks will depend on testosterone from here on out as long as you keep it up you won't "hit the wall"

>> No.55466901
Quoted by: >>55466979

surprisingly little talk of covid vaxxed women ITT
I’d probably go for a single mother if she was verifiably unvaxxed

>> No.55466919

I'm so fucking sick and tired of being poor.

>> No.55466920

If you're white you can honestly go anywhere. Aside from near 100% muslim countries where marrying outside the faith is strictly discouraged.

>> No.55466940

The same (((people))) telling you this are the same (((people))) telling you to fuck around in your entire 20s. Evil fucking jews

>> No.55466950

I hate how true this bullshit is, all I've met are women who let themselves get fat or single mothers
All the normal-ish attractive women I meet have bfs or husbands

>> No.55466968

How do you stomach having sex with escorts? They’re so fucking damaged and gross…

>> No.55466979

I forgot about this to fuck
I don't want to harm my future children with mrna or other bullshit so that lowers choices of women even more

>> No.55467000

Depression. I make it with crypto or I kms. Welcome to /biz/.

>> No.55467049

Really have no other choice desu.

Just no strings attached sex. Cheaper than going to bars, clubs and doing activities that I don't care about just to get laid.

Have only had sex twice without paying for it but have never been in a relationship so don't know what it's like to be with someone who actually likes me.

I only do it once in awhile so it's not like I'm addicted to it. Didn't do it for 10 years at one point.

Would rather pay for it than be one of those simps who throw money away and get nothing in return.

>> No.55467084

would you rather have sex with a woman with a kind who has the same exact problems and expects the same amount of money in return? dont get me wrong sleeping the same bed with someone you care about deeply feels nice but some people wont get that either. Gotta make the best of what you have

>> No.55467097
File: 14 KB, 1023x94, based_post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beyond based.

I'm in the exact same spot. 31KHV, losing hair, currently unemployed, no friends, fat, dyel manlet and I'M STILL in the fight. All the mistakes of my 20's have just made me wiser, confident and more determined to make it.

Getting absolutely fucking tired of these demoralizing doomer posts.

>"waa, waa, waa tfw no gf, hunnie waifu!"

If it was fucking easy every slackjawed, pimpledfaced, hunchback, morlok looking mf on this hello kitty TCG forum would of gotten the girl a LONG time ago.

Get out there, work on yourself, get some hobbies that don't involve pulling at your dick at high friction rates. Have a fucking plan for your life! Have a goal, have a dream! No one is going to give you this purpose but yourself.

>"what if I just want tight puss?"

Imagine your entire life devolving to worship a hole. The self-inflicted torture of it all. What happens afterwards? What will you do once you finally get the girl? Go rub one out, get an escort, do something, ANYTHING but being a miserable sad bitch about it.

>"b-b-but muh hair! muh tendies! no new marvelinos to get hype for!"

I'm sick of it. I'm tired of it. I'm right there with you in the trenches but I'm not giving up. How could I. If you give up (((they))) end up winning. Let spite be your motivator, let it be pride or your hopes or dreams or whatever besides winning over some girl who's going to leave you for another shiny toy the instant you look away.

Life is what you make of it. People wallow in their pool of misery hoping for things to change instead of changing to meet their goals. I'm right there with you but we can only make it if we try.

>> No.55467104

30 is where the fun begins pal. this is loser mentality.

>> No.55467186

>Not true. I'm simply acknowledging that genetics plays a (significant) factor
No, you'e implying that environment will have no effect at all.
>Also your debunk takes for granted my assertion you fucking retard.
No it doesn't.
But let's not argue about genetics. None of this matters.