And still haunts me to this day. He did everything he was supposed to do grinded out STEM, grinded out a shit job, didn't have a gf or anything, and just before he was going to make it he just straight up died one day. He was fine two weeks before then he didn't show up and then he just died. Take some time to enjoy things anons and take risks you never know when you'll just die.
>>OPThat's fucking depressing. Keep yiur head up Anon.
>>55324052He was nice too it's still traumatizing to me. Same thing happened to one of my dad's friendly coworkers just dropped of a heart attack out of nowhere, was fit, was given a clean bill of health 1 month before, apparently they missed congenital heart failure and he died at 40.Just idk man enjoy whatever you are doing.
Yeah Im 35 and lost 200k in crypto and Ive been beating myself up about it for awhile.But 50 year old guy told me not to stress about it because he did everything properly, has millions net worth in investments, but he recently got diagnosed with cancer, and has a few years to live, and he wont even be able to enjoy his investments after spending his 30s/40s stressing over it.Really put things into perspective
>>55324067Speaking of that, I have a family friend who died at 40 recently from a massive heart attack. Not vaccinated. Not fat. Left 4 kids behind.
>>55324070That's okay anon you have time to bounce back everyone takes huge hits in market tuition. Remember back in 2017 I lost like 16k and wanted to die since it was a lot to me in my early 20s.
>>55324067>was fit, was given a clean bill of health 1 month beforeModern medicine is a joke, also beeing fit is not healthy
>>55324078Fuck, yeah, my dad's coworker was Mormon, had six kids...I really hope he had a good LI policy.
> not asian> dont have brain cancerwowww anon that story is sooo compelling i hope you're alright *roll eyes*
>>55324067I feel it man. Just enjoy your life. My mom has degenerative spinal/shoulder shit. It's literally impossible to cure. All they can do is have her take steroids every now and then and prescribe her some 5mg percocets. She doesn't like drugs though so she just takes little thc gummies when she's in pain.
>>55324085Being fit is absolutely healthy. Being /fit/ is not healthy. Get your 8 hours of sleep, get your 10k steps of walking per day, stay away from drugs and alcohol, stay away from goyslop food, and try to limit your caffeine especially after 4pm
>>OPHe was a worthless bug and you are a lower human being for sympathizing with him
>>OPRIP. Remember to have fun while you're still here anon
My respect for the medical system disappeared when I was given a clean bill of health after faining and getting sent to the ER and then I ended up in the iCU a week later. Best you can do is take care of yourself and exercise, doctors are just there to pretend things are alright until things get really bad.
>>OPFunny how people who enjoy life gets taken away so abruptly whilst miserable sods like myself who don't want to wake up the next time they fall asleep gets to live on
>>55324121I mean yesLifting is not healthy, heavy training aswell and especially long runs.The things you said are healthy, exept you forgot to eat more meat10k steps are maybe not even needed but i do them anyway, i do drink alcohol sometimes but dont drink coffeine
>>55324133you a sv3rige enjoyer?
>>55324129that's a sign. Start making moves. Making even a degradating ones is better than living plant life. cosplay ninja from naruto and start fighting niggers and hobos. It's fun
>>55324141Yes you too ?Livestream wen?
>>55324067Nice guys finish last.
>>55324085>t. coping fatso
>>55324133>anon doesnt realise meat is listed as a known carcinogenOh god, you're not out there eating meat in 2023 are you? Fat makes you fat mate. Try a High Carb, Low Fat diet - look it up.
>>OPI got 2 friends dying of the vaxx. Both cases 3rd shot killed them.1) was a military colleague, died at age 35.2) was working in IB in London for Standard Chartered. Got a wife, a kid. Died age 36.Makes you rethink about life.
>>55324155Couldn't be more wrong if you tried. I hope this is bait.
>>OPYeah, it took me a while to ask what it as all for, I mean, I am never going to have my own house, wife or family, so what was the point of me burning myself out for no reason? Now I'm just coasting through life.
>>OPWe've got people dying/getting ill from the jabs at my place too.It sucks, but all you can do is move forward.
>>OPWas he vaxxed?
>>OPNo refunds tho
>>55324154>t. coping lifter
Anyone ever feel like we're living in a death cult?The productivity is there, but few have kids. And we are dying earlier and earlier from suicides, cancer, overdoses, heart attacks.They say we live a lot longer now but for context, people in my family tree used to easily do 85-95 even as recently as 3-5 generations back.
>>55324225Of course he was. Bugman chink was a good little goy
>>55324239Well the system is anti human so yes this is a logical conclusion.In my family tree there are only extreme hard working farmers but yes there were also two great grandparents of mine who lived over 90 despite this.The people used to live so short is 100% a lie.
>>55324148I like him yeah but I don't agree with him that a 45min gym workout is bad for you, and I won't be eating raw meat any time soon probably. I always cook it
>>OPYou only die randomly if you were stupid enough to inject multiple doses of an experimental gene therapy.These things were EXTREMELY rare before.
>>55324133>>55324197do you realize how much the meat is poisoned with vaccines, antibiotics, steroids, and whatever else fucking shit they put in it? and don't give me that grass fed bullshit. nobody eats 100% grass fed although they love to larp about it on the internet like faggots.enjoy being poisoned you fucking moron. they want you eating meat it's literally advertised by jews everywhere although you meat eating cucks think veganism is the enemy which is what they want you to organic. eat fruits, vegetables, starches. don't drink tap or bottled's literally that easy. but you fat fucks love your poison flesh too much. oh well.
>>55324299>nobody eats 100% grass fed although they love to larp about it on the internet like faggots.yeah I literally do actually>don't drink tap or bottled water.yeah nice and easy having your own well in your garden>eat organic. eat fruits, vegetables, starches.and meat... why would you avoid meat it's incredibly obviously our natural diet. why can't you get a farmer's grass fed meat delivery?
>>55324155>high carb, low fat dietHello rabbi>>55324299I eat tons of meat, most of it i get from a hunter. Deer, wild boar, hare. This is the healthiest food you can get.
>>55324292Hes too extreme with exercise for sure, but i would say its bad, if you do it regulary. Just purely health wiseMeat raw, well like 30% i eat raw, but if you include raw sausages i always ate a big part raw
>>OPsad, rip
>>55324299>dont drink tap or bottled waterWhat else should i drink? Goyslurp?Fuxking kill yourself.>>55324310This is the way to go, meat from wild animals is unironically the most healthy food.
>>55324299Coming from a farmers family i can only laught at your bullshitCows dont get vaccined or supplemented ever. Medicated maybe 2 times a life>>55324299>enjoy being poisoned you fucking moron. they want you eating meat it's literally advertised by jews everywhere although you meat eating cucks think veganism is the enemy which is what they want you to think.Schizo bullshit, or better to say you seem to want invert reality.>>55324299>vegetables, starchesNot healthy, yes i eat it in lower amounts but its not nutritional
>>55324318you drink distilled or reverse osmosis water you fucking fat ass
>>55324122did a asian fucked your gf lmfao
>>55324323>Cows dont get vaccined or supplemented ever. Medicated maybe 2 times a lifeNot organicOrganic isnt always better also, many plants get mold, or produce more antinutrients if under no corp protection.Cows can eat the liver toxin ragwort which grows often in organic farms.Only pigs and chicked products i would say organic is way better
>>55324312I feel like a lot of his arguments come back to his idea that adrenaline/cortisol is bad and decreases lifespan - fasting/cold water/exercise, it's all the same argument. If it makes stress hormone then it's bad. Not sure I really agree and I'm not sure I even want to live to 100 or give a shit if I die at 65. You ever seen him answering questions on livestream? He thinks putting raw meat on wounds heals it faster etc, or getting lots of sun makes you more attractive to women when it ages the skin badly if you're caucasian. It's really difficult to know where the middleground is and I find myself oscillating back and forth with it. Cold shower feels pretty fucking good when you go numb, but adrenaline produced means it's bad and you're straining your heart... Ok... You fully agree with him 100% on it? As for raw meat, how did you get started? I just keep thinking about worms etc. If I got food poisoning I'd be extremely angry too, and I know he has had it multiple times. Not like any of this shit even matters, we'll be dead soon anyway and we're being poisoned left right and center by pretty much EVERYTHING
>>55324324You want to hurt us, do youDistilled water is super unhealthy, it ages you like shit.It sucks out minerals from the body
>>55324323>>55324334look at this faggot sockpuppet replying to himself. you got caught. like i say these jewish meat shills are fucking stupid and fat. they want you eating the poison!
>>55324342you forgot to switch your ip retard. you got caught. now shut the fuck up and leave you kike>>55324318>>55324334
>>55324323>>55324334you fucking kike replying to yourself as if you're different people
>>55324350pretty sure he was just expanding on a point... >>55324342you drinking evian bottled water then? superior to tap water at least and contains no flouride. plastic unavoidable anyway
>>55324340>lots of sun makes you more attractive to women when it ages the skin badly if you're caucasianBut here i disagree with you, sun doesnt age you if you dont use sunscreen and go out before you get red. Its great for you.>>55324340>It's really difficult to know where the middlegroundYes true and no i dont 100% agree with him of course.On cold showers i think 20 degree showers are no problem in summer but ice baths are obviously bad, just look at retarded wim hof cultists.>how did you get started?Raw sausages i always ate, and i started with raw spiced meat used for sausages you can buy tzhat here easily for example from calve for 10 euro per kg i always ate raw pork, i never thought about it
>>55324343I added something>>55324350>>55324355Holy shit ánswer my arguments or kysI swear these are the exact people porposefully shilling bad shit here to try to make us lose money
>>55324356i've caught that faggot before you fat fuck. he's a fucking retard. keep listening to him though you fucking loser
>>55324357>retarded wim hof cultists.??? cold showers and breathing techniques = badare you serious
>>55324356I drink basically exclusively glass bottle water50 cent per liter
>>55324364YESAnd i dont see how anybody can see that as healthyHere are some arguments i would support if you are interested
>>OPWe told you dumb fucks not to take the vaccine.
>>55324213He didn't got the poontang/boypucci
>>55324366Forget that timestamp
>>55324365what's the brand? maybe I can get in SEA. Will be moving there soon for cheaper lifestyle. Plenty of raw milk and grass fed beef over there too if you know people
>>55324078>Not vaccinated.No way of knowing that. He probably got it but was ashamed.
>>55324350Take meds
>>55324070Thats my uncle. Literally worth $10 million usd at 72 but cancer took him. This happened 3 years ago. He only started spending money when he retired at 70. And before anyone asks, no i did receive anything from him
>>55324067>>OPAnon, humans aren`t made to have a comfy life after 40 years oldThe boomers lied to us and "someone" manipulated boomers
>>55324374I buy always the cheapest glass bottle in supermarkets, german brands, krumbacher,´etc you wont find there
>>OPI hope he was baptised and a practicing Catholic (real not modern). Otherwise. Eternal fire.
>>OPmy sister was friends with twins who lived on our block. one of them died from ewings sarcoma in her early 20s, either during college or shortly after she finished her degree. i think about it a few times a year, especially when i visit my parents and drive by their parents' home.
>>OPWas he vax maxxed?
>>55324383I'll keep an eye out. I'm an evian enjoyer. I suppose you've already got this sorted out, but remember wifi interrupts rem sleep, so turn it off at night, and only wear 100% cotton clothing
>>55324416>but remember wifi interrupts rem sleep, so turn it off at nightOh im too lazy for thisEnvian sounds good but must be expensive as shit
>>55324366 is a publishes study on his breathing methodsAnd ice bath's have been used by the world's top athletes. I think I trust the top performing athletes and publishes research more than a guy who eats raw meat and spouts the same bs pseudo science.
>>55324425impossible to avoid really, if you have any neighbours then you'd getting fucked by their wifi. Evian not too bad, bit more expensive than your glass water though
>>55324129God is giving you more.time to repent and be converted to Him. God often does punishes people it is better to receive punishment as it comes rather then have it store up for your damnation.
>>55324430The thing is, top athletes get muscular relief and faster recovery times. That's probably a fact, but what about the heart being put into increased heartrate and shock whenever you plunge into the cold water along with the shot of adrenaline? It almost undoubtedly decreases lifespan. I'm not saying you shouldn't do it, but it probably does technically decrease lifespan, no?
You guys worry about living longer. Just be prepared for death at moment, so you have the best chance of going to heaven. Human life is a meme. What is 80 years compared to eternity?
>>OPI too had an Asian that grinded and died in a freak accident right at the finish line. He was a good guy. World is worse without him. Not to mention all that wasted talent.
>>55324443My heart rate is not increased after an ice bath or cold shower. Have you done them? I am calm and heart rate is low after.
>>55324464Of course I've done them, and if you watch any video you'll see people gasp for air, increased deep breathing, heart pumping blood fast to the extremities to maintain temperature... dunno how you can say you have no tachycardia from it really
>>55324443Not sure how "Stress on the heart" is an arguementExercise, running, lifting all are stress on the heart. You know what is NOT stress on the heart? Sitting in front of a computer all day and not using your heart. Is that the healthy thing?
>>55324471The point is you are training yourself to handle stress. I benefits I get (besides recovery)>Before I get panic attacks, always stress over small things, interview, boss meeting, dates>After cold showers I no longer find small things stressfulIt helps me to manage my stress, by facing my fears head on. For 10 seconds of initial stress, and being accustomed to it, I now live the rest of my day stress free. It is a tradeoff. A training.
>>OPEnough with the antivaccine fearmongering.
>>55324318Wild game at this point is probably as bad, if not worse than decent quality farmed meat. Rural America is an unregulated dumping ground for industries where streams of water are allowed to be polluted with run off, and ground water is posioned by fracking fluid. There was even an article about the high level of pfas found in deer and fish in the Northeast.
>>55324239Yeah it's bs. Smoking is down too and cancer is rising. Doesn't make sense. Just live close to nature and keep yourself active and busy. Will do a lot more for your aging healthy than smoking can.
>>55324484I absolutely have the worst stress management ever. Cold showers alone didn't give me that same result, except for a few moments while numb and my brain turns off. I'm a chronic overthinker. Did you supplement the shower with anything for increased results?>>55324475Well the argument that me and the other lad here are purporting is that what you said is exactly correct. Only walking is natural and healthy, and everything else is strain on the heart. Anything that increases your heart rate to 95% capacity like HIIT etc could even scar your heart. I'm not sure where I stand on it personally, but you can see the argument taken to the maximum by the youtuber Goatis (sv3rige) who talks about it constantly. Essentially that humans want to naturally rest and only walk, bask in the sun etc, and that gyms/workouts are manmade and pointless and serve only to shorten lifespans
>>55324430Ok im not doubting it can help with performanceBut as i said earlier having extreme performance is not healthy
>>55324475>Exercise, running, lifting all are stress on the heart.Yes thats why its not healthy when you go to your limits with any of thatLight exercise is goodI have to add this is my opinion im not saying im 100% right on this
>>55324516>I absolutely have the worst stress management ever. Cold showers alone didn't give me that same result, except for a few moments while numb and my brain turns off. I'm a chronic overthinker. Did you supplement the shower with anything for increased results?Cold showers, no fap, and working out all helped me a lot. I used to get the worse panic attacks daily. multiple times a day every day. before anything. Also getting better / more sleep. waking up naturally. healthy diet helps a lot too. when i eat too much junk it fucks with my head. gut health is brain health. Mainly nofap (unironically) and cold showers.wimhof breathing also helped me a lot. which is why i am defending these things.I used to get panic attacks so bad i would vomit daily. before interviews i would throw up for hours. i cant sleep. had to use xanax. it was terrible. was like this for 10+ years from age 17-27 Only recently got better.
>>OPExactly why waging is a waste of timeImagine this happening at 55 after 30 years of wagingDon't do it anons
>>OPI'm not really a /biz/ralian, but it's part of my life philosophy to live in asceticism after obtaining the necessities. If you have shelter, food, water, health then everything else after that is extra. Keep life low in stress and find joy in the smaller details - maintain and make relationships, exercise, read about philosophy, engage in art, etc.
>>55324583i'm happy for you, that sounds amazing. I'm 33 but still suffering what you did from 17-27. what wim hof breathing do you do exactly? I don't want to pay for his app, and how long are the showers/what temp etc etc? tell me your whole routine for these please. my life is absolutely destroyed by stress. I can't sleep, panic attacks daily over everything. which is strange as my diet is good. I can't confront any dragon in my life (to coin peterson)
Hint: There is no god. Life is random chaos. Sometimes that randomness aligns for you in good ways, sometimes in bad. There is no divine being making this happen.Pure random chaos.
>>55324639There is a God, but he has nothing to do with the material plane of existence, which was created by the demiurge.
>>55324639Brainlet take. God is the first cause.>>55324649Gnostics are foolish.
>>55324070and that's why I work as little as possible and travel and enjoy myself. the funny part about your story is that, he neglected his health and well being to chase big money. he obtained it but then he got cancer kek.
>>55324639chaos doesn't exist. when you look more closely there is order to everything.
>>OP>>55324067This is why I want to LeanFIRE as soon as possible. life is way too short to spend on waging...
>>55324515>Smoking is down too and cancer is risingIt's the vax, most of u people describing vax injury. Coping faggots need to understand if under 40 and heart problems, look at vax. I'm willing to bet my left nuts on more than 70% regret the shot and won't say anything. Keep trying to come up with coping and projection.
>>55324747>everyone is sedentary and eating garbage & pickup for an entire year>heart problems skyrocket>"must be tha vax!!1"peak American thinkingIn OP's coworker case it seems like a genetic thing.
>>55324583>>55324633Do you guys eat enought cholesterol and raw meat?
Thanks for the thread OP, I just turned older than a coworker of mine who died at 25 due to, you guessed it, undetected brain cancer. Apparently he had a tumor in his brain the size of a grape he was dealing with. When his manager became my manager, we would talk about him every so often because he used to work in my department before transfer. He was okay, kind enough guy; Nerdy, pasty faced liberal but wasn't terrible to anyone directly. Hope he wasn't an athe*st
>>55324835I eat 400g minced steak per day, but nothing raw. It doesn't seem to help my stress, there's probably something else going on
>>55324633I always start at a warm shower and slowly turn the screw down cold. Just inhale deeply before and you'll probably quite naturally start breathing quickly/hyperventilating if it gets to cold (wimhof). Just keep going from warm to cold, to colder, coldest. And then turn the shower off and start the day.After a while you'll get more used to the cold and start craving the cold shock.
>>55324876Well if you have a lot of stress in your life it makes sense
>>OPI often think about this. I never consider myself a failure as long as I'm alive. So many people die young for one reason or another, be it sickness or an accident. I'm just happy to be here.
>>55324876Ever thought that your anxiety could be completely natural and justified because you're living something your soul is screaming out terror for?Do some soul searching.I get anxious too thinking about corporate jobs with pension funds. Makes me want to kill myself.
>>55324808Oooof coping vaxxed faggot. Kids just get heart attacks now right? Always been that way. Move along europoor.
>>OPdont take your health for granted, have been sick for 5 years, cant do anything, cant exercise cant game, cant go out, cant work, its worse than prison, take care of your health, you dont know what a gift just being healthy is, if i ever get better i wont need anything to be happy
>>OPonly good chink is a dead chink. i would have been celebrating and pissing on his grave. fuck off you shitskin redditfag
>>OP>>55324070>>55324078Good thread OP.I am 40, lost $2 million becoming a crypto baggie and scream at the mirror every day for it, because I also work a soulless job where the CEO yells at everyone all the time and all of my colleagues are emotionally broken. It gets me really depressed because all I want to do is spend time with my 3 kids.But I am healthy, and I have a beautiful family, I have $400k in equity in my home (for now). I have a lot to be happy for and I could die at any time. It’s hard to remind yourself of the things you have when you spend most of your time on the planet away from them in a wage cage, but I should be more conscious of appreciating them with the time I do have.But ffs why didn’t I sell…
>>OP>>55324067Vaxxie stembot drops dead from VACCINE
>>55324121I thought 10k steps was a meme made up to sell a product back in the day
>>55324744I am turning 31 and want to do it some time when I'm 32I'm always afraid something bad will happen in that timespan
>>55324122You are not a homosapien if you can’t have empathy.
My brother was in perfect health and died in a freak car accident on a road with no one else around. It wasn't suicide, either. This world is cruel.
Cancer is a meme, lol, lmao evenwhat is German new medicine?
>>OPAt least he doesn't have to suffer in this hell anymore.
>>55324808, lmao
>>55324895>Ever thought that your anxiety could be completely natural and justified because you're living something your soul is screaming out terror for?That sentence is hilarious.>antidepressant consumption per capitakek
>>55324155>Try a High Carb, Low Fat diet - look it up.
>>55325230my life didn't start until I got on really expensive medicine to cure my severe eczemaI'm still a NEET anyway but at least I'm not scratching my entire body red raw anymore
i am planning on suicide, because life is not worth living, especially after 40.
>>55326708>>my life didn't start until I got on really expensive medicine to cure my severe eczemawhat medicine did you find?
>>55326793Probably a biologic like Dupilumab. This stuff wouldn't be necessary if they didn't ruin your immune system as a baby with 14 immunizations in a few months. Autoimmune disorders are caused by b cell dysfunction. They wreck your body then sell you the treatment.
>>OPIt’s about balance. I recently spent $20K on a bunch of Fender guitars and basses, a Roland Fantom 8, a new recording interface, the nicest tv out there, and built the most beast gaming PC possible. A bunch of smaller shit too. Total spending spree getting every single thing I wanted without hesitation. I could die at any moment, I’m not going to hoard all my money like some faggot. Now my little home office/music zone is god-tier. That said I also invested enough into this accumulation zone to be set for a good while when the bulls return. And put some money into an index fund. And still have a nice amount of cash to last a couple years. I could have just blown everything and bought a nice car and taken expensive trips and degen’d into whores and drugs but that is equally retarded as hoarding everything. I set some arbitrary budget for getting what I want but don’t really need, I got it all and now I’m just going to maintain and wait for the bullrun in a comfy environment.
>>OPgood chink = dead chink. thanks OP this story warmed my heart. Asians aren't human they are insectoids. parasitic vermin. A beautifull orchid blossomed when this cunt died.
>>55325334The number itself is obviously made up, but it’s a good gauge for getting a decent amount of steps in. Walking is good for your cardio, your muscles, your posture. Running on the other hand is not really healthy either. It’s supposed to be reserved for fight/flight mode.
>>55325307>lost $2MPost portfolio or didn't happen
That's why you disregard 4chan 'advice' about waiting until you /makeit/ to live your life. This is true regardless of whether you're a 40yo roider waiting for your investments to payoff or a 20yo degen or a 30yo neet former office worker. If you're 50 then I hope you make it but what have you been doin nigga cmon.You never know when you could die so if stacy wants to suck your dick when she's drunk you let her do it.
>>55324382The boomers didn't lie, they COPED. "50 is the new 30" because they KNEW about The Wall back then but all the women were in denial. Men having midlife crises because they got a girl pregnant when they were 20, divorced at 25, remarried at 30 and realized they spent their life cleaning diapers and going to work for harpies who were probably cheating on them and post-wall.There's no good answer. You 'chase youth' until you hit your 40s and you've missed out on career growth and relationship growth. You chase career and relationships and you end up a middle aged dude wearing your Metallica t-shirt telling people you saw them in concert in 1994 so they know you were, once, cool as shit.
>>55324365based, get a primo filter cuts down on costs fr fr
Mission Accomplished
>>OPProfessional jobs and management increase the chances of brain cancer by a significant amount. You are at risk if you pursue a career that maintains brain plasticity
> muh heckin happinesserino!Hedonists can get fucked. The only justifiable reason for continuing to exist is to work for a purpose greater than yourself. I don't care if that's a family, a community, a social cause, or just keeping shit from collapsing, but it's gotta be something that isn't just masturbatory pleasure.
>>55327396good goy, well raised
>>55327427Thinking "having a purpose" is some kind of Jewish psyop is pathetic. Being a driftless loser that does nothing, contributes nothing, and just consooms until their heart pops is just as bad as being a homeless heroin addict.
>>55327436It's not jewish psyop. It's general society psyop.People in power intentionally propagate this ultimate cuck mentality. And people around you intentionally approve of it.We need people like that to fight wars. Marry total sluts without divorcing them when they inevitably cheat, so that their children would have both parents. Clean the streets around community houses on weekends.My post wasn't really ironic at all. You keep doing what you doing.
>>55324165>>55324225>>55324414>>55324747>>55324911>>55325313kill yourself
>>OP>He was fine two weeks before thenImagine how much worse it could have been if he wasn't fully vaccinated. I am glad to hear he got his booster.
>>55327497Cant tell if rightly annoyed by the offtopic spam or vaxcope
>>55327092You dont get it, this filtered water has no minerals and is unhealthy and ages youForget any kind of filter for water
>>55327568All the vaxx tards can do is cope, neurological problems are evident from the lack of logic>>55327497Go get another jab for me, I want a where are they now on the gigavaxxed fags
>>55325237>>55326946Whats up with you?Not defending immigrants but comeone.
>>OPThanks for that. I've been getting some beer here and there because, you know fuck it life's too short to constantly worry about sobriety and all that.I was in a bad mood and some guy on the bus showed me his skin cancer the other day.Truthfully in life right now I'm struggling with what to do because I started learning Japanese a little bit late and can't stay motivated enough to actually see it through. It's like I don't even have a degree or a car so it's not like I can move to Japan. I don't have anything else to live for so I'm going to keep learning, but I'm not too sure what the point of life is right now.
>>55327600Jews were rejected in 2015 by China.Their plan B was New Zealand, which will be part of China by 2100.These neurotic lashing-outs are just the struggles of a parasite trapped in its dying host.
idk about exercise, i mean if stressing your body out and making your cells die and be replaced, wouldn't that just push you towards your hayflick limit faster? I think a minimum amount of stress on your body and as little cell trauma as possible, in combination with extreme oral health is the key to longetivity
>>55327627Kek hopefuly
>>55327629Excercise is less about making you live longer and more about making your passing less painful. People who aren't active tend to have all sorts of mental and physical issues when they're close to dying, whereas physically active people usually get a stroke or something and get to pass much more peacefully.
>>55327615I know so many people who fell for the "I'm gonna learn japanese because their culture is so heckin' based" meme. Don't do it. The language is too difficult and you'll never be proficient at it. I know people far more intelligent than me who wasted so much time studying that autistic dumpster fire of a language and then when they went to Japan people just spoke English with them anyway.What you need is a community/new group of friends to get you out of your slump. Try getting a job doing anything at a company that doesn't seem like an exploitative dump to you.
>>55324244you're definitely gonna die to a treatable disease lol
>>55324425you can schedule most modem-routers to automatically toggle wifi networks on/off at set times for each day of the week.
>>55324067Okay I feel really bad for your friends but let’s not continue the conversation any further. LOOK, yeah open discussion is nice but it always leads to a vax discussion. NO, they didn’t die from the vax. Okay, please the conversation stops here.
I found out I have bicuspid ariotic valve and I’m 21. It’s a heart defect. So I’ll probably need surgery when I’m like 50. I never knew that until recently.
>>55326873You're going to regret like 90% of that purchase. When you buy it all at once like that it's just pure dopamine. It's gonna wear off. Saying this to possibly help you.
>>55329292These are some items that will last for a good while and when you spend a lot of time with them, it's a direct investment in qol, money well spent.
>>55324067Many 40 year olds die of a heart failure these days. It's normal.
>>55324365What country?
>>55324639Randomness doesn't exist unless you believe in a soul.
>>55324378Oh kys, its always the vaccine with you guys. People die. It happens. It can happen fast with anyone and that was true before covid vaccine schizos too.I remember a guy in 2010 died suddenly with seemingly no underlying cause. It just happens.
>>55329434>Implying he will spend time with them Not typically the case of splurge purchases
>>OPMoral of the fucking story stay away from Rockefeller founded medically trained doctors.If you don’t have a broken bone stay the fuck awayQuit eating the poisons they push, bugs don’t even want half the shit people call food
>>55324129It’s cuz we’re too poor to go get falsely diagnosed by these profiteering shithead doctors or finished off with horrendous shitty “procedures”
That is what happens if you take the experimental jewish jab, multiple times
>>55324334Enjoy eating glyphosate, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, preservatives, and making for Monsanto money while you do it
>>OPIt's too bad you couldn't have died in his place so the board wouldn't be plagued with your stupid off-topic bullshit threads.
>>55324342You add minerals to the distilled water dummy.Enjoy your trace pharmaceuticals and bpa in tap and bottled.Gee I wonder why infertility iis on the rise
>>55329803Fauci and gates are Jewish? I didn’t know They were the 2 biggest voices also Faggot Jew hater, it’s your punk ass race to pussy call them out
>>55326783Should just kamakize on the fucking Uber rich elites plan to dominate forever and brain chip us, don’t go out like a bitch
>>55329752>buying instruments and not using them I play them every day and I will continue to play them every day, and there is nothing you can do to stop it anon. I will watch my massive tv every single day while playing vidya on my top of the line PC. Every day. Without fail. I will record songs with all of my new Fender guitars and basses, and I will practice classical and jazz piano on my Roland Fantom 8. Daily. You will never be right. You will never be correct in your assessment of my purchases, no matter how badly you want to be. No matter what you have experienced in your own life and no matter what you believe should be true for me based on your own reasoning, nor how deeply you believe it to be true. It’s over. It has always been over. And it will always be over.
>>55329829What do Fauci and Gates have to do with it, beside one being one of ten thousands of promoters of the genocide and the other a financier.Have you zoomers all been brainwashed by advertisers and iconographs.
>>55324639The truth is that there is truth to all things that offend people. That’s why they’re offended. Truth is not painful because you embrace it, truth is painful because people deny it.
>>55324103>All they can do is have her take steroids every now and then and prescribe her some 5mg percocets.Its legit mind blowing how very little modern medicine can actually treat or cure. All doctors seem to do nowadays is give you a prescription for pain and the ailment just sticks around til you learn to live with it.
>>55325307At least you have kids and a wife bro. I’ve got neither and haven’t made enough to lose anywhere near that amount of money.
>>55325517Probably was suicide. Suicidal people like to pretend they are happy to others because they are ashamed of their thoughts.
>>OP>He did everything he was supposed to doThe people that do this always end up miserable and a mess.
>>OPMy girlfriend is currently ruining my life. This post is giving me a lot of courage to maybe get rid of her and go travel a bit.
>>OP>>55324052>>55324067>>55324070>How strange and foolish is man. He loses his health in gaining wealth. Then, to regain his health he wastes his wealth. He ruins his present while worrying about his future, but weeps in the future by recalling his past. He lives as though death shall never come to him, but dies in a way as if he were never born> Imam Ali ibn abi talibI get so freaked out by this. I'm in a similar position, 24, 120k/year, /fit, run, box. But still a virgin. Terrified I'll drop dead when I have kids and a wife, I'd have wasted my time for naught. Now I'm just trying to get closer to God bros. Going to pray and read the Quran.
>>55327629Excercise does help you live longer. It destroys cancer cells and reduces cancer mortality even
Death is only the beginning.
>>55330069woah how'd you know me? I can confirm and the worst part is, none of it really paid off.
>>55330109>“He who knows himself knows his Lord.” - Ibn ArabiAlhamdulillah you shall live a prosperous life with a family of your own, brother.
>>55324456I am prepared and excitedly await my fate.
>>55330109>read the Quranngmi
fuck it bros, im gonna buy a motorcycle
i don't believe "cancer" is real. why aren't there any historic or ancient texts that describe it? i think cancer is just a catchall term used to describe illnesses caused by toxic pollution, pharma meds (such as vaxxes), radiation, etc. all the nasty shit in cities. what's the cancer rate of people living in the most remote or natural areas? what's the vaxx rate of native americans on reservations? i heard that okinawan japs living in lush green mountainous areas live for quite a long time. same goes for some mountain folks in the Med.
>>55329628I mean there is tons of data t9 suggest lots of batches of vaccines were risky, bro. Some of those companies are even in trkuble over that shit rn. Don't act like the world is so perfect or that sciwnce has never fucked up before. It's always the same w you authority trusting niggers. Woooahhh you remember 1 guy in 2010 compared to rhe extrwme increase of how many peoppe suffered cardiac arrest in the past few years lmaoWhat kind of stupid ass argument is that even... 1 guy? Plenty of people died in 2010 due to heart atks kr cardiac arrest. You gonna tell me there wasn't any exponential increase that was extreme at the time of trumps presidential term? Cuz u would be a god damn nigger to deny it.
>>55324299Man you are one schizo retard, anon. Eating meat is great. It's healthy. It won't kill you unless you eat like a grwasy pig. :) Jews want you to be eating bugs. Sk they can have all the meat to themselves.
>>55324085>also being fit is not healthyholy coping retard batman
>>55330382The Greeks have a word called carcinos, which is the root of the modern English word carcinoma. It was used to describe tumors. You clearly have one on your brain, which prevented you from googling this before making your retarded assertion. You could have read a book, googled it, asked a doctor but instead you trusted your natural intuition, which has been mangled by poor education, conspiracy theory videos, etc. I can’t even believe someone would seriously take the time to write this out without a cursory glance at anything related to the subject. We literally have fossils with tumors on them, anon. You literally wrote “why aren’t there any historic or ancient texts that describe it?” When there are ancient and historical texts from every culture on the planet describing the illness. Dear fucking lord I can’t believe we breathe the same air. This is exactly why equal rights for all is a huge mistake. Giving people like you the right to vote is why democracy fails. If you had taken fuckin 20 seconds to use the most advanced information gathering apparatus in human history, the internet, you would have been able to not look like a dumbass. But here you are, looking like a dumbass and posting cringe
>>55330382Also, if you’re interested, cancer rates are pretty consistent world wide, cross culturally and the advent of new pharmaceutical drugs and pollution have marginally increased the rate of cancer in western countries. Unfortunately, science can’t prove a causal relationship because so many things have changed in the same time frame due to industrialization. Pro tip.. next time when you don’t know soemthing, don’t fucking guess. Just ask or google. People like you are exactly why authoritarian governments like the US get away with labeling whistleblowers as conspiracy theorists. Dipshits that believe any contrarian viewpoint and immediately believe everything is a conspiracy is exactly why vaccine mandates exist and the people raising reasonable questions about their efficacy and safety get labeled as conspiracy theorists and summarily dismissed. You should spend the next few years reading and reflecting at how fucking retarded this post is before contributing to any kind of discussion. Your shit is fucking toxic and antithetical to public discourse. You just talk out of your ass and are exactly why skepticism is viewed as hillbilly conjecture and not scientific inquiry, now.
>>55324133>Lifting is not healthyDYEL faggot detected
>>55330447Stfu establishment dick sucker ladyboyCancer has skyrocketed thanks to this hell system and it’s controllers
>>OPIs this supposed to be depressing?Fucking normalfaggots I WISH for death every day.Plus he had no gf at 25 it was beyond over for him. Death was God's way of saying sorry. Can't believe I have to share a board with this level of normalfaggotry
>>55330326>>“He who knows himself knows his Lord.” - Ibn ArabiI heard a very inspiring lecture regarding this recently. About how the names of Allah are within us, and we should spend our lives revealing them. Was very inspiring. Thank you brother, wish the very same to you, salam.
>>55330044>All doctors seem to do nowadays is give you a prescription for painAfter the opioid """crisis""" they won't even give you shit for pain apart from Tylenol and Ibuprofen, you could be in massive pain and have to beg them like a fucking junkies.I know all the horror stories and the best part is if you get those drugs illegally you risk getting fucked in the ass in jail just cause you wanted more than a fucking Tylenol for whatever horrible shit sent you to the ER in the first place.Don't you just love normalfag society?
>>55324155that's so progressive of you! you are successfully shifting /biz/ culture! slay! queen!
>>55330109>24 and still a virgin>when I have kids and a wifeI was gonna laugh at how delusional you are but since it was posted during middle east hours you're probably from Syria or some shit.If you are a virgin at 24 it's for a reason. The only way you will get a wife is if your parents arrange you one.
>>OPdon't worry cell phone radiation is harmless.
>>OPi miss 2021/2 when the first response would had been "was he vax?"
>>55327497Do you get paid by govt to sow dissent on 4chan?
>>55330575I didn't ask because I already knew.
>>55328764fuck off vaxxoidjust admit you caught cuckvid like everyone else and your double dose + boosters were useless
>>55330350This. Christ is King.
>>55329628>>55329829>>55327497kek vaxxies
>>55327497do you get paid by govt or social relations organizations to sow division on 4chan?
>>55324078take aspirin and garlic every day anons
>>55324213>soi claws
>>55324435>he hasn't made his house into a SCIF
>>55324165>Makes you rethink aboutkikes
>somebody dies>antivaxx schizos use it as a opportunity to fearmonger You people are dirt.
>>55330044>Its legit mind blowing how very little modern medicine can actually treat or cure.I think you're under a misconception. Before modern medicine, basically nothing was able to be cured. The fact that you think things should be able to be cured or treated is due to the precedent set by the ubiquity of effective medicines today.
>>55331282No (((you))), you "TRUST THE SOIENCE" bootlicking troglodyte.
I actually wouldn't mind dying right now. I spent my 20's and 30's partying, traveling, and banging sluts. Now I'm almost 40 and playing catchup with my career, but I know my best days are over.
>>OPLife isn't fair and any one of us can drop dead from a complex sequence of events at any time.Best just to just not think about it.
>>55332295Literally have multiple myeloma, why the fuck does 4chan care about a larp about a random chink from a time wasting OP?Go live your fucking lives jesus christ.
>>55327629I hate you, you disgust me. Finding excuses and reasons not to enter a fucking gym. Repulsive.
told u the vax is badsorry not sorry
>>55331282>somebody dies>vaxfags use it as a opportunity to fearmongerYou people are coward
>>OPand he took the vax like a good little boy and died for itsometimes being utterly obedient and doing what your supposed to leads down this roadboomer worked all their live and voted cryptokike red or cryptokike blue just to get their head bashed in by some nigger caretakerjust be an egoist heonist who shits on society and you are good to go at least you tried your best
>>55331282How is it schizo when there has now been a proven link between being injected and suffering adverse cardiac events?Excess deaths across the entire globe have been elevated since 2020 and are markedly higher in populations with higher rates of injection.It's over. You lost. Your boot licking only got you poison injected into your body. Better luck next time, authority lover.
>>OPThis happened to one of my classmates when I was in 2nd grade. I couldn't even comprehend it back then, I just remember the teacher crying a lot.
>>55324310>DeerEnjoy being one of the first humans in existence to experience Chronic Wasting Disease. True, we don't know if deer prion diseases can affect humans, hasn't happen yet, but not outside the realm of possibility for it to happen eventually. Only way to be certain that you won't be the first human to experience it is straight up never eating deer. Really simple start.
>>OPwtf killed him? Do you know?
>>55324067>safe and effective >safe and effective >safe and effective
>>55330109120k is great for 24 anon focus on living your life for now man you're set for the moment
>>55330459Nothing about is healthy
>>55329808Id argue glyphosate is better then the molds and toxic weeds it prevents, but i can see arguing against that>>55329819So you add them again? Meh seems unnatural. The water im drinking is from mountains it is fine.
>>55329628tumor weeks
>>55330798You want to poison us?
>>55332405Read the discussion above, exercise that is exhausting is unhealthy we agreed on that
How do I check my body for cancers? Do I have to do those full body check up things?
Like three or four out of not very many nurses on Helene's unit at University Medical Center died from brain cancer. She would go on and on about how she though it must be toxic fumes from the laser printer but really she was just gloating in her murderousness.
>>55324067I know someone 35 who just died of “rare aggressive brain tumor” one thing all these sudden cancer cases have in common is Pfizer vaccines. Moderna causes more heart attacks but much less cancer.
same, obvious
>>55330416Lmao. This reply was entertaining. Kudos to you for gathering the strength to put that fucking retard in his place, even though it will ultimately change nothing.
>>55330447>>55330416funny posts that i enjoyed reading, but people like him serve a good purpose. with so many studies, academia and public health recommendations being perverted by donations and influence from big pharma, big food etc I think being able to reject most of it and put forward your own point of view about things (even a wrong one) is valuable at this point. It's part of the reason I like reading old texts, because they're uninfluenced by modern powers that would prefer to misguide us and lead us to whatever conclusion benefits them
>>OPIt is better to just drop dead quickly instead of suffering
Why are those young people who took Covid19 vaxxes getting sick and dying from old people diseases? If you took the covid19 jab, you should be out to get the nurse/doctor who jabbed you. no mercy as they profited from you getting sick and dying.
>>55324197He is saying the absolute diametric opposite of the truth, so it is obviously bait.
>>55327629Being sedentary is horrible for your health. The problem with too much exercise is probably because it's done too much at an unhealthy heart rate and also not being grounded to the earth which eliminate positive charge and inflammation.
>>55324070There are many alternative cancer treatments and many people have survived even with 'late stage's. The biggest killer is when doctors give you x amount of time to live, because the mind is extremely powerful (which is why placebo is a thing) and when you believe and trust the word of a doctor you give up and greatly increase the risk of dying.
>>OP>he just straight up died one daygod i wish that were me.
>>OPImagine making all those sacrifices just to get yeeted out before even hitting break even. Imagine dying in the red. It's like throwing 100k into a coin, holding a 90% dump, and dying before it does a 10x from the bottom. I'd kill myself.
>>55324067Nice guys finish last, kid. Imagine being nice in this world where everyone wants to kill you.
>>OPWTF... the grim reaper is coming for all of us.
>>55324425i bought a ShieldApparels EMF-blocking neck shawl and wrapped it around my wifi router. Wired connection still works to my PC, but the wifi network is now not even detectable to my other devices.
>>55339839Not sure what the sad souls living under 5G towers are going to do, should be illegal to isntall them on top of apartment buildings
Thread is too bright to read a single post.
>>55324133You have no idea what you are talking about you fucking moron. Lmaoo resistance Training (and yes you can go “heavy “) is absolutely linked to a positive correlations with longevity , heart health , blood flow , bone health , etc
>>55340271Blood flow afterwards for sure but why in the long term?Longevity and hearth health is for sure wrong just look at bodybuilders lolBone health maybe
>>55339839just turn off the wifi in the router's settings retard
>>55324239My granddad spent his whole life working in coal mines, literally from the age of 14 onwards, and died in his mid 80’s from esophageal cancer. And plenty of other family members who did all sorts of shit are still kicking today well into their 90’s. I’m not saying the past was much better but todays šöÿciety is beyond fake and gay, so don’t be surprised if a ton of relatively younger people in their 40’s and whatnot get all sorts of health problems. Hell I work with a woman in her 30’s whose body is basically constantly falling apart, has all sorts of issues with her shoulders, her teeth, her knee is one bad angle from just bailing, fucking everything. People say everyone’s gonna get older and older, but honestly I doubt it. Hell life expectancy for men here in muttland dropped a full year to fucking 73. Thats nearly Russia tier.
>>OPSorry to hear OP