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55155039 No.55155039 [Reply] [Original]

>open position at my company
>HR roastie is in charge of finding new employees
>constantly cycle through diversity hires for this position
>Vice President decides to go to a job fair and hires someone without experience and barely a resume
>One of the best performers we've ever had
So what does HR actually do?

>> No.55155062

>complaning about nonwhites and women
HR weeds out incels like you.

>> No.55155077
Quoted by: >>55155103

HR exsists to satisfy diversity requirements.

>> No.55155089
Quoted by: >>55155103

protect the company against sexist creeps like you

>> No.55155103

But how does this make the company better

>> No.55155111

Being a cost and a retarded gatekeeper, that are mainly responsible for the current state of the economy being stagnant and anti innovative.

>> No.55155133
Quoted by: >>55155218

It prevents the company from being sued for discrimination, and if the company is large enough they get ESG money.

>> No.55155218
Quoted by: >>55155251

You really expect the esg scam to keep running in a 0%+ interest rate environment. Wishful thinking

>> No.55155251
Quoted by: >>55155411

Yeah? Every western government budget puts billions of dollars towards the green energy scam.

>> No.55155260

How the fuck is it possible that all the posts complaining about frogposts are the first comment? Probably bots I guess

>> No.55155302

I don't believe you.

>> No.55155313

Just a case of the first poster being the best poster and the original poster being a giant cum-guzzling faggot.
It's simple.

>> No.55155338

Everyone that says something you don't like is a bot, bro. No one could ever subscribe to a different viewpoint than your parochial shit

>> No.55155349

trips of truth

>> No.55155361
Quoted by: >>55155704

make the company better?

>> No.55155392

Dubs + trips, Kek has spoken

>> No.55155411

Only that nobody is buying the debt.
>ib4 mmt
The elephant has sucked all the cum dry and is starving

The grift is over. Green shit hasn't created Innovation or growth in 30 years

>> No.55155451
File: 420 KB, 700x525, 1685283153037907.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone without experience and barely a resume
That's because your personality is what matters the most. Most jobs (99%+) don't really require that much brainpower and are easy peazy assuming you ain't a complete brainlet. You can learn most jobs within a month tops. What matters is that you are willing to integrate into the team, communicate properly, and learn.
Hell, I used to work 80h/week at my university, trying to absorb as much as possible, conduct as many experiments as I could and with as many instruments as I could (anything from advanced XRD measurements to simple DLS analysis) and then I entered the industry... literally gave me a shock. Everything is piss easy as long as you can communicate and be a team player. I had nothing on my resume and couldn't really substantiate my experience since me and the examiner parted on really shitty terms so I left everything out

>> No.55155487

>your personality is what matters the most
i was never meant to make it

>> No.55155506

I've had a number of choice applicants for positions in my team get rugpulled by HR.
>we just didn't think he'd be a good fit
>he didn't do well on the culture interview
>we don't think he aligns with company values
Who fucking cares? Peptide chemists are hard to find, I don't want some fresh graduate diversity hire; I want someone with demonstrable experience in the field. 100% of the nogs we've hired have been fired or quit within a year.

>> No.55155509
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>> No.55155531

It’s literally a jobs program for women

>> No.55155564
Quoted by: >>55155652

>XRD measurements to simple DLS analysis
>Everything is piss easy as long as you can communicate and be a team player.
Join a small productive start up and be amazed at how engaging and rewarding real work can be, anon.
You could make good money doing challenging work in crystallography if you find a job at a decent biotech company.

>> No.55155617
File: 71 KB, 770x574, 1685481446441274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55155741

Unironically, how do I make my CV the most appealing for the Applicant Tracking System and HR roasties?

>> No.55155652
Quoted by: >>55156565

Maybe I'll get there some day but I sorely lack in ambition. Plus, start ups can be a bit iffy, at least here in Scandinavia.
Biotech companies are usually just one big scam... then again, that depends on the drug they are working on. If it's cancer or related, it's usually a big hoax

>> No.55155662
File: 48 KB, 300x290, 1685249834889859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>55156582

I work at this big company that gives HR literally their own floor so everyday I take the elevator there to take a huge dump in the men's bathroom knowing no one will be there since it's all roasties

>> No.55155667

Women need work, thus HR exists to give them work

>> No.55155683
Quoted by: >>55155760

Nah. Women are supposed to consume, that was the entire idea of getting bitches into the workforce. The jew played itself

>> No.55155704


>> No.55155728
File: 304 KB, 467x533, 1574038809310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did the "tailor your resume, write a specific cover letter" meme and got no responses then stopped giving a fuck and spammed my generic resume and got like 4 calls within the first week

>> No.55155741
Quoted by: >>55155921

Play up any sort of minority status you have. Make it your personality. Join some sort of club or group on paper and then never actually do anything with them.
If you can't do that, pretend to be gay/bisexual/whatever takes the least effort. same as above.
If the thought of that disgusts you (it should), pretend to be 'neurodivergent' in some way. Autism, tourettes, anything works. Join a support club on paper, etc etc. Basically make yourself as much of a victim of le evil modern society as possible, and you will become a diversity hire adored by HR roasties.

>> No.55155760
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Quoted by: >>55155783

You guys clearly don't have experience with women working in research. They are fuckin crazy. I knew this one chick that used to work to 4 AM. And they were also the nicest and easiest to talk to. Heh, I remember once when we talked trash about gypsies till the late morning. If only research didn't pay squat. Like what is that? 12h/day for the same salary as someone working at McDonalds, kek

>> No.55155783

>If only research didn't pay squat. Like what is that?
For maximum bribability.

>> No.55155921

Have you tried this?

>> No.55155932

hire employees arbitrarily
slideshows that no one cares about
reports that no one cares about
update policies that no one reads
supporting useless middle managers
support health, wellness, and diversity that no one actually cares about
execute disciplinary actions that draws up rumors

>> No.55156101

Diversity isn't about giving free jobs to non-whites, it's about building an organization where different perspectives can actually permeate into the decision making process rather than everyone having the same background and beliefs, thus confirming their own per-dispositions and decisions. This doesn't mean that you should hire incompetent people for their skin color, it means hiring the best possible candidate based on your organizational needs, looking solely at academical achievement and not caring about other things doesn't mean that you end up with the best possible candidates for you and as a result the best possible organization you could be.

>> No.55156501

>an organization where different perspectives can actually permeate into the decision making process rather than everyone having the same background and beliefs
But does that happen in practice?

>> No.55156565

Who cares that you're working for a scam company if they pay you well and the work is challenging?
They're all scams in my book.

>> No.55156582
File: 30 KB, 861x485, 1646652863828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one HR-faggotman working on that floor suffers because of you
Keep it up anon

>> No.55156607

The magic number never lies

>> No.55156618

Diversity means taking the perspective of inferior people into how things should work. Yes. You just said this a bit more nicely.
>purposely takes input from obviously less competent people
>competence level decreases
Weird how that works.

>> No.55156910

it's made of jobs for wyman that kinda got out of hand.

>> No.55157145

Excellent b8