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54671140 No.54671140 [Reply] [Original]

>started investing in index fund 4 years ago
>to date net gain: -2K
youtube lied to me

>> No.54671187
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Quoted by: >>54673036

>Just hold for 40 years bro and you might just about keep up with inflation once the boomers start to dump their retirement bags
>Don't invest more than you can afford to loose but bet your retirement on it bro

>> No.54672707

Looks like you didn't DCA.

>> No.54672840


You have to to do macroeconomic analysis and then use your knowledge to time the point you want to buy sector specific mutual funds, or ETFs. Index funds are only okay if you have absolutely no idea what you're doing and don't care about finance, or economics at all.

I've outperformed the S&P 500 since I've had a brokerage account 5 years ago. You just need to have patience, pay attention and have basic risk management. Leave the daily technical analysis to the fund managers. Unless you can watch your stocks everyday and have no social life, focusing on multiple stocks everyday can get tiring after a while.

Also, try to watch multiple people with opposite views. Then judge them by the evidence they provide. If they are constantly saying the same shit every podcast and getting it wrong (like Peter Schiff), then take their predictions with a grain of salt. That doesn't mean you should dismiss them totally, but understand the motives of the people you're watching. Economics is just as much psychology as it is mathematics.

>> No.54672914
Quoted by: >>54673613

>time in the market beats timing the market DUR

thank you for being exit liquidity for boomers. index funds do not just go up forever. if anything they will crash as boomers start cashing out. enjoy holding those bags for 60 years.

>butbut index funds always go up!!!!

only a moron would believe any investment is guaranteed to go up even in long term.

>> No.54673036
Quoted by: >>54673382

Why is everybody spelling this word wrong?

>> No.54673348

This is the best generalist inevsting advice ever given on this board and. As shame that no one will see it or pay attention to it

>> No.54673356
Quoted by: >>54673577

Like right now you should be heavy in commodities and value plays.

>> No.54673382

Quiet you. Real 100% pure aryans spell it like that. Only jeets and esl does it otherwise

>> No.54673440
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Take the Hedgeye Pill.

>> No.54673577
Quoted by: >>54675900

What makes you think commodities are the place to be atm?

When you talk about moving between sector specific ETFs, do you mean e.g. moving into "defensive" sectors (utilities, consumer staples) when you expect a downturn and more speculative sectors (tech, financials) when you expect good market conditions? I agree you might beat indexes by doing that but not if you expect protracted market crabbing or crashing caused by retirees dumping their bags. Index funds by definition invest in the market at large, if boomers sell SP500 it doesn't just make VUSA go down, it makes all the constituent companies' share prices dump as well when Vanguard sells all the excess shares. And twitchy retail retards pull out of other companies so the entire market tanks. If you think something like that is imminent why hold equities at all?

>> No.54673613

Nigga boomers cashed out already. They retired during Covid-19 shutdowns

>> No.54674861
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>not a single chud bothers to question how it is after four years of dividends and capital growth that the net return of the """index fund""" is negative
>it's because they do not care, they have no money of their own to invest and have no human capital with which to obtain it
>instead they spend their days inventing various coping mechanisms to present on an internet forum filled with more people like them

>> No.54675900


Ya, that's basically what I mean. But, if I think there is a big downturn coming, I hold cash, not even consumer staples. I just keep a watch list with a bunch of the different funds and just track the prices over time. I won't buy anything unless I think it's cheap.

Every now and then I'll buy a single stock, but I rarely do that anymore. My last good trade was Posco Holdings (PKX) for an 80% return. I've also completely fucked up on a couple single stocks though, so it's not like I'm some genius either.

>> No.54675914
Quoted by: >>54675924

Boomer finance is the past
cryptochads degen gamblers are kings

>> No.54675924
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>5-year annualized return: 1.74%

>> No.54675926
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PDBC. if you bought other shit it s your pb