>> | No.54569131 File: 18 KB, 413x398, SoTiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] >>54569010 If you don't eat 99% of your sustenance from food prepared at home, you are crazy. I stopped going out to eat after getting sick of the shitty service (live in the south, guess why bruh). Also most all food is poison and will kill you long term. So you have to look at every fucking ingredient. Want bread, get flour (still have to be careful), yeast, water. Remove all processed foods. Remember the Food and Drug Act of 1906? They made is seem so bad that you'd get the occasional rat nest fall into the sausage machine. At least those rats were natural. It would be better to have all of your food teleported here from 1906 and eat that than the slop poison we eat today.