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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54557943 No.54557943 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>54527981


- NO A.I. posts
- NO tripfags/namefags

Buy XRP on Uphold/CoinMetro/Bitrue/Kucoin[NY]
[for Bitrue send USDT or XLM and use XLM/XRP]
or on the XRP ledger https://xrptoolkit.com/trade
or on XUMM app (with USD IOUs from Bitstamp)

>Why Do I Hold XRP?
>Newfag Tutorial:
>XRP $2,000+ EOY:
>SEC Lawsuit Latest:

>Flare Networks (FLR) Overview:
>Bitrue vs Poloniex FLR:
>Flare vs Ethereum:
>Flare Finance (YFLR) Intro:
>Flare Finance FAQ:
>Flare Finance Wiki:

>XRP Ledger:
>XRP Charts:
>XSG Frenlist:




>The Myth of Market Cap:


>Past /XSG/ Threads:

>What wallet do I use?
Hot storage - XUMM, Exodus or TrustWallet
Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/D’CENT
Paper Wallet - https://pastebin.com/zFL8nJXd

>> No.54557974
Quoted by: >>54557998

What in niggerville is this even supposed to be?

>> No.54557998

Well he's right in your shit, so what the fuck?

>> No.54558028


>> No.54558045

Warren Buffet mentioned Ripple by name in this old video:
Is Berkshire Hathaway connected to Ripple in any way???

>> No.54558063

Holy shit look at this mention from many years ago surely this must mean XRP is the chosen one right guys

>> No.54558116

Well originally it belonged to the senior chuck aka Chuckles Fuck McSneed, they were originally irish immigrants who found a place in the italian-american community and the establishment was later passed into the hands of Chuckles Fuck(Chuck) McSneed who went on to change the surname to Sneed to avoid assumptions about their heritage.
Before it's initial endowment to the McSneed family the property belonged to the sneed worker's unions, prior to that it was the property of the easy india trading company conglomerates, prior to that it was a crown possession.
is there a real question here?

>> No.54558136
Quoted by: >>54558153

Goober thread
Early goober spammer

>> No.54558153
Quoted by: >>54558388

>well over 270 posts

Zoom zoom

>> No.54558212

Now that the dust has settled, did anyone ever believe that babafux wasnt a huge larper?

I mean it was obvious from the start

>> No.54558259


>> No.54558271
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>> No.54558294
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Quoted by: >>54558505


>> No.54558331
Quoted by: >>54558346

So I apparently have some flare dropped to me by coinbase of all places kek. I bought some xrp from CB right before the sec case and CBs crackdown and now they air drop me some flare? I'm thinking we're back... Anyways, I have no idea how FLR works or if you can even do anything with it, especially on cuckbase of all places, but still the fact that I got the flare and it's integrated now with them is a good sign. Maybe they were just obligated to give cb users flare as well for legality sake though. If someone could tell me what the fuck I can do with it I would really appreciate it.

>> No.54558346
Quoted by: >>54558385

move it to a bifrost wallet, pick out your ftso's, set up auto-claim, and walk away

>> No.54558367
File: 65 KB, 1024x540, 1681276136171143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54560803

right now the news is that Buffett put billions dollars into SBI Bank, Mitsui, MUFG R3 Japan, all of which are big Ripple partners. (side note this might mean the yen is at a low point, BoJ yield curve control is about to fail spectacularly after Ueda's recent statements, and insiders know the digital yen is about to be a success after the explosion)

but he's also the biggest shareholder of Bank of America which is the biggest Ripple ally among the top banks (JPM and Goldman, not so much, and Citi works with Volante which uses XRP)
also this one from last year: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/11/22/bank-of-america-to-partner-with-ripple-for-odl-services-after-xrp-lawsuit-finishes-report/

anyway Buffett is the biggest shareholder of Bank of America and i can't find the articles but i thought i remembered Buffett buying a huge amount of BoA stock right after the Ripple partnership was announced in like August or September 2020

>Keep in mind that Buffett is now the No. 1 owner of BofA stock. Berkshire Hathaway owns 12.6% of the bank, outranking even ETF giant Vanguard with its 7.6% stake.

but the real story is that Buffett is a CIA asset and was linked to the Franklin Credit Union blackmail/fraud scandal and Boy's Town child sex trafficking. it's all connected maaan

>> No.54558385
Quoted by: >>54558396

What's an FTSO? I have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.54558388


>> No.54558392
Quoted by: >>54558516

Absolutely everyone did. It was the faggot himself that would come in here and shill himself to us and pretend to be “one of us” for like 3 or 4 months.
Wow it’s almost 2 years ago

>> No.54558396
File: 24 KB, 112x112, 1681123966353609.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

flare time-series oracle. you wrap your FLR into WFLR then delegate their votes to FTSO(s) of you choice, which pay out rewards to you each epoch
now get yer own spoon

>> No.54558414

I walk with Christ and God always wins.

>> No.54558440
File: 232 KB, 1434x1692, 6D90DC1E-05F9-480B-B7F5-8D0B59FE43C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baba’s gonna seppuku soon

>> No.54558446
File: 151 KB, 819x1024, 1646053098987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone edit baba's face onto picrel?

>> No.54558455
File: 701 KB, 728x721, 23423432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54558528

I was bored at work one time and he put out his discord shit for $1, i said fuck it and found a huge pile of retarded faggots, people having technical issues with the payment method, and of course, the only discussion baba was involved with significantly was inflating himself while entertaining the idea of charging $30/month for access to his cult club troonroom with his biggest dicksuckers in that server. Later that day I joined another riddler discord and it was just as bad. From that moment I knew from firsthand why people bash the fuck out of discord, but also that xrp twitter was a clownshow like any other. I cope with having given that shitfuck $1 by telling myself it purchased me experience contributing to my conclusion that the everyman is a goycattle nigger slave, or atleast reinforcing that notion.

>> No.54558461

Leaving this here for later
I invited some people in from pol
It's over.

>> No.54558465

God they have no sense of discretion with secret gems like this

>> No.54558473


>> No.54558505

what is Mr Intuitive BlackBerryXRP Trumors Only's target demographic? There are influencers for every population segment in this ARG, what's his?

>> No.54558516

yeah didn't he post screenshots from /xsg/ or something?
>that was 1000 days ago

>> No.54558525
File: 359 KB, 1146x1134, 6713602B-8E7B-4C47-B294-20CE2F5F9647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice all the green IDs in this thread?
There will be a day in which “2 more weeks” was said 2 weeks ago from that day

>> No.54558528

Checked, very funny post. Thank you.

>> No.54558531

And that moment is exactly 2 weeks from now

>> No.54558606
Quoted by: >>54558712

is that real?
thats kek

>> No.54558662
Quoted by: >>54558708


>> No.54558672


>> No.54558708
File: 225 KB, 683x1024, big ass meteor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just went outside about 20 minutes ago and was looking up at the stars, wondering things, as one does, and saw the biggest shooting star of my life, shooting a bright trail across half the sky from right above me all the way down to where i lost it behind some houses, with a bright green point at the tip. then when i was laughing and making the wish, a moth came and landed on my forehead just between my eyes for a second. call me schizo but it felt significant. auspicious!

sorry for blogposting, i just wanted to get that timestamped in the archives in case things start moving long. a sign has been delivered and received, WAGMI, $2kEOY confirmed

>> No.54558712
File: 114 KB, 1184x1280, 600D9887-DEB3-4418-8CDE-64114DDB0777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah man he’s seething so hard about DS distancing from him

He’s threatening to sacrifice himself for XRP now

>> No.54558839

Sounds lovely.

He needs to repent and come to Christ.

>> No.54559136

Lol wut a fag. David saying that shit is absolutely epic.

>> No.54559137

"Baba baba baba"
>I hate when people refer to themselves in the third person using gay and meaningless nicknames. It is pathetic and childish. If he had any self respect he would quit his riddling shit, get a real job, and sit on his bags until he hits his sell point, and then retire quietly.

>> No.54560063

How we feeling now that we missed the 21 bullrun and flare is a ghost chain dumpster?

>> No.54560633

Hmmmmm isnt that quite interesting guys

>> No.54560701
File: 1.44 MB, 706x996, 1681298602840689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're close bros

>> No.54560754
Quoted by: >>54568973

That means youre further away dumbass

If ham sandwich gets more expensive but xrp cheaper it means xrp is losing value

>> No.54560803

all priced in
its over

>> No.54560843


>> No.54560945
File: 231 KB, 342x378, bigguy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Faggots,

My name is Baba Cuggs, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at frogs on /biz/. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of trannies because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures of the blue haired girl on /XSG/.

Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was captain of walking under the stick on the Limbo team, and used to pose for the tops of trophies. What sports do you play, other than "jack off to David Schwartz's giant hog"? I also get straight A's, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

Pic Related: It's me and my bitch

>> No.54561017
Quoted by: >>54568973

Fuck New York.

>> No.54561108

is moonlambo the most pompous insufferable clownshoe name ever? how does he try and pass himself off as a nonschizo with such a faggy ass nigger name? can't stand the guy, with his gay ass kermit the frog voice, why does he even do youtube? shit can voice shit takes and dumb ass impersonations.

>> No.54562027

he's the beta faggot of crypto

>> No.54562314

im glad the wrapper said to eat it

>> No.54562315
Quoted by: >>54563492

Take note schzios, April 26th

>> No.54562821

I have emotional motion sickness.

>> No.54562854
Quoted by: >>54568973

Instructions vague, eat the sandwich, the wrapper, or both?
Should be sued for trying to make people eat plastic.

>> No.54563049
Quoted by: >>54563304

please look into evernode schizos

>> No.54563304

Please look into this anon's post history on the archive, schizos

>> No.54563492
File: 192 KB, 720x1040, Screenshot_20230412-120048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, no. Fuck off you clown.
It's going to reach a dollar then crash like the rest till magic number (by now you idiots ought to know) then up

>> No.54563519
Quoted by: >>54563706

>I'm in public I'll do whatever the fuck I want.

>> No.54563557
Quoted by: >>54568904

Remember CSC? Shit dumped 17% on the daily and it has $10k volume kek what the fuck
I remember buying the dip, my $100 is now worth $8. Might throw in $50 if it were to hit 0.001 I’d have around 100k

>> No.54563641

Yes he's a sociopath

>> No.54563706
Quoted by: >>54565385


>> No.54563730
Quoted by: >>54563862

So if people here think xrp really will be used and be useful to the future of money and think there is truth to these riddlers then I would say buckle up as faith is about to be tested. And yes this goes hand in hand with Babas recent posts. Enjoy the rest of the year lmao.

>> No.54563862

>useful to the future of money and think there is truth to these riddlers
Those are two separate things
A is correct
B is false

>> No.54563913
Quoted by: >>54563962

Well lets just say the scales may not represent the court case directly but rather decisions made, and after that the key which will be closing and locking the door before everything finally goes to "shit" for lack of a better term. Imagine the case was settled today, I imagine in a few months it wont matter.

>> No.54563935


>> No.54563944
File: 354 KB, 800x800, 1680318500891981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54564289

So everyone is still ignoring the unicoin announcement that replaces xrp? Can we please talk about this. It's the only fud worth bringing up.

>> No.54563962
Quoted by: >>54563973

God, you're so new.....
Anon, the lawsuit almost doesn't matter
It's a show, a petty game, just meant to stall

>> No.54563963

How many of you faggots are new here today?

>> No.54563973

And you are not the real Barron. Have a nice day.

>> No.54564001
Quoted by: >>54564019

Like, Trumps son? Nod efinitely not hahaha.
Likewise, anon.

>> No.54564019
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>> No.54564289
Quoted by: >>54566039

its not fud

>> No.54564466

I didn't care for OG barron that much either

>> No.54564516
File: 486 KB, 1157x839, B134C883-B119-4C2B-B1C5-E7CDAF504D94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54565617

I can’t hear you Baron, talk louder

>> No.54564571
Quoted by: >>54564620

what does xsg think about BBBY

>> No.54564620

Big Ballin Baby Year?

>> No.54565048
Quoted by: >>54565330

i just ate a corn beef egg burger with colby jack cheese and 5 more fried eggs a cup of yogurt and two tall glasess of milk

>> No.54565330

Thanks, joe

>> No.54565385


>> No.54565617

Good for you anon.

>> No.54566013


>> No.54566039

A direct competitor to what xrp is supposed to do is launched by the IMF and it's not fud? What dictionary are you using?

>> No.54566054
File: 173 KB, 793x500, XSG meme 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54566127
Quoted by: >>54566149

Kek, how much people want to bet the case gets resolved while ethereum dumps when all the staked eth gets released?

>> No.54566149
Quoted by: >>54566174

Lmao eth will go to 10k soon

>Muh case resolved

Just two more weeks

>> No.54566174

I enjoy a good show, don't you?

>> No.54566251

He is a trust fund baby
He gets paid an allowance and so doesn't have to get a job. Besides, he never finished college, so what else is a midget going to do other than go to the gym and inflate his own self worth by building up an online alter ego?

>> No.54566277

Fuck the IMF
Fuck the WEF
Fuck the BIS

>> No.54566287
Quoted by: >>54573527

Oh and fuck the world bank and UN
Anyone want to add to this list?

>> No.54566594
File: 261 KB, 1135x1066, 20230412_134046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sh. Dont tell anyone about it.

>> No.54567044

i dont care what nigger shithole countries do
bearish post

>> No.54567235

So no one has any answer to it. You faggots just going to pretend that globohomo created their own cross border payment crypto.
Fuck me, I remember when this place actually discussed shit that would influence xrp. Now all you do is stick your head in the sand.

>> No.54567390

just check their scuffed website, its not worth worrying about
don't sweat it, newfriend

>> No.54567585

If you haven't noticed people are intentionally being over the top for whatever reason.

>> No.54567590
File: 359 KB, 948x718, BFF5AEAF-FD6C-49E0-BE17-87EBB43E56D6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54569545

It’s not by the IMF and the IMF doesn’t endorse it you out of the loop faggot. Just sell me your xerps already.

>> No.54567830
File: 2.13 MB, 4032x3024, liminal space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54567951
Quoted by: >>54575628

XRP =/= globohomo
XRP = great awakening/globohomo counter

>> No.54567954

That’s your mother you’re talking about.

>> No.54568305
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>> No.54568319
Quoted by: >>54568357

xrp will reach $30000+ after the lawsuit in the near future and there is nothing you nigger faggot kikes can do about it. I will send hitmen to all of you nigger fudder pajeets with my billions of dollar in minecraft, and will delete your real life ip address, in minecraft of course, you too glowie who is reading this post prepare your anus

>> No.54568357


>> No.54568487

Lumens are better

>> No.54568896

wo jake the only tripfag i like

>> No.54568904
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, firsttime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

During this shit coin casino days I bought 1MM CSC. Worst decision ever. Didn't cost me much since I'm not destitute like most here but still. I don't get rid of it in case it hits some insane number like $0.02 or something. Actually if it ever hit that might as well hold on some more. Anyway, I made up for all the other shit coin failures with SOLO. Some anon came on XSG saying to buy SOLO. I did around $0.07 and checked out around $5. More than made up for any loses. I still hold SOLO. Might as well. XRP bags are way too packed. Over invested in this shitcoin.

>> No.54568913

Ass cancer anon was better

>> No.54568973
Quoted by: >>54569127

Zabars is a jewish (Satanist) delicatessen. They are notoriously overpriced. (Goyim taxes and fees, jews(Satanists) pay the regular price of 7.00)

By the way, that $2000 Ham Sandwich meme is prophecy.

>> No.54569010

$7 for a sandwich is crazy

>> No.54569127

>Zabars is a jewish (Satanist) delicatessen.
Your bullshit is showing. Big noses don't touch pig.

>> No.54569131
File: 18 KB, 413x398, SoTiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't eat 99% of your sustenance from food prepared at home, you are crazy. I stopped going out to eat after getting sick of the shitty service (live in the south, guess why bruh).
Also most all food is poison and will kill you long term. So you have to look at every fucking ingredient. Want bread, get flour (still have to be careful), yeast, water. Remove all processed foods. Remember the Food and Drug Act of 1906? They made is seem so bad that you'd get the occasional rat nest fall into the sausage machine. At least those rats were natural. It would be better to have all of your food teleported here from 1906 and eat that than the slop poison we eat today.

>> No.54569181
File: 77 KB, 640x461, the kind of tired that sleep won't fix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54569248
Quoted by: >>54569290

agreed. I stopped eating and started sungazing for nutrition.

>> No.54569290
Quoted by: >>54576035

dangerously based
do you actually do this tho? i tried but saw no results and frankly i was worried about my eye health

>> No.54569545

Oh, excuse me, the DCMA created it per the IMF recommendations and then presented it to them during their first major event of the year. I got one fact wrong. Good to know you Jews are still just as shit at pilpul as always.

>> No.54569562
File: 317 KB, 1078x1454, 1678424007564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54570230

I wonder why anyone would try to avoid discussing a potential disruptor to XRP in xsg. Is the place really so dead you have to go to frens @ a different chan to have honest discussion?

>> No.54569597

I looked into dcma but nothing came up but a jeetbashed website and a Twitter with no activity.

>> No.54569967
Quoted by: >>54571991

hey guys if you had the snapshot for flare on coinbase in 2020 your flare came in today, just checked my account and i got mine

>> No.54570202

The founders name is Darrell Hubbard.

>> No.54570230
Quoted by: >>54570630

It was already discussed 2 days ago you stupid fuck, there were multiple threads about it and I don’t feel like going through the archives for (You).

>> No.54570248

The riddle lore is legit (outside Baba) but Baba is a satanist Retard (intentionally not capitalized/capitalized respectively). Complete fucking cringe

>> No.54570620

Con dios

>> No.54570630
Quoted by: >>54570882

No it was faggot. I was the first person to post it two days ago, and one other person also posted a different thread. That's it. And all that was said was fake and gay.
I'm here all the time you lying edomite. Why are you trying to stifle discussion?

>> No.54570882

just buy a bag of the shitcoin to be safe...why stress? Is it even available yet?

>> No.54571418

the headlines coming up are to lead people down particular paths
retards get the retard path
good people find the good guy path
but it is actually too late

you'd only find xrp by looking into various narratives on various social medias
they all start off on a surface level telling you xrp is bad and stupid (and other iso coins) and that btc and eth are the real deal
big money and surface level research show btc and eth are the kingpin big boy hedge your bet here

but doing any real deep research you find what's going to be on the other side

so think of btc and eth as greed traps
those with brains and autism dig deep and put their money where it matters and become the financial backbone of the future ecosystems humans on earth (and more maybe) use to trade and develop and expand

thus the greedy retards are left with bags
and those that have faith are left to inherit the earth

thus an ARG for everyone given an equal chance

>> No.54571515
Quoted by: >>54572226

He's remarkably beta. I also want to know how he manages to ramble on for twenty fucking minutes, several times a day.

>> No.54571544

Have you even checked what this Unicoin is?
Unicoins will be used to develop a diversified portfolio of equity positions in the numerous emerging growth companies. Coin holders will, therefore, be stakeholders of a major global fund of innovation and will receive dividends.

>> No.54571575

Retard, third world countries always adopt the latest technology
When mericans had dialup internet, thirdies that got internet got fiber from the get go

>> No.54571600

Good night.
Fuck the SEC.
Maybe next week will be better but fuck Torres taking her sweet ass time.
Should be saying Fuck the SEC once a thread at least.

>> No.54571613
File: 203 KB, 1500x1941, Bingo-Card-Template.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54571817

As a California fag, we're just ahead of everybody else in America.

>> No.54571662


>> No.54571673
Quoted by: >>54572095

The mechanisms you speak of in media are there on purpose to capitalize on the midwit normie problem.
>but doing any real deep research you find
Midwit normies do the surface research and think they're doing as you say "real deep research" thus keeping them ignorant and proud of their idiocy.
At the lower end of the bell curve are people who are also stupid but follow their gut feeling, their instinct to like/dislike for/against etc.
At the other end are the smart people who were midwits doing surface research BUT they also listened to their inner instinct and either basically self intuited a general understanding of what is really going on or did so much research they figured it all out.
In either case, you meet the other and take from one another forming a genuine pairing of two tribes who's union is a trinity that can use the lower end of the bell curve to unironically flatten the curve, as in; making the normies either capitulate and trust their instinct or trust their instinct while putting in the work to becoming part of the real "chosen" of God.
Funny how it all works, this is the decentralized collective of humanity that is against that which is wrong, that which you knew as a child and so no matter how many wrongdoings are done by those who choose to evil (all along the bell curve), they can never truly ever stop what is coming for them.

>> No.54571722



>> No.54571782
File: 27 KB, 300x300, 1608323397137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit

>> No.54571817

As a Norcal fag
We really are, suck it

>> No.54571942

Same, brother

The shitcoin casino days allowed me to double my xrp stack for free using 10 wallets. Still regret buying 1 million CSC

>> No.54571991

Thanks for the headsup anon

>> No.54572012

>what the fuhhk

Gets me every time

>> No.54572014
Quoted by: >>54579767

I totally forgot about Casinercoin
I was gonna buy a bag. Is it dead, what happened?

>> No.54572081

i feel sheepish that i fell for the Unicoin larp based off a PRnewswire shill article and 3 other articles referencing the PRnewswire one

the montenegro thing is real and big though. Ripple just casually piloting 3 different CBDC projects (announced, not counting fednow, britcoin, e-euro) while every other digital asset company sits at zero

>> No.54572095

>2 weeks to flatten the curve

>> No.54572133
Quoted by: >>54573551

>you'd only find xrp by looking into various narratives on various social medias
they all start off on a surface level telling you xrp is bad and stupid

really? when you type xrp in youtube you get klaus swab xrp replace the dollar rocket emoijs videos, its not that deep

>> No.54572190
Quoted by: >>54572191

i sold all my xlm for xrp

>> No.54572191

well not all i suppose

>> No.54572202

monty negro must be interoperable with the eu

>> No.54572214

I should have bought a million xrph

>> No.54572226

Has to be a woman

>> No.54572233
Quoted by: >>54578729

2k EOY 2020 right bros haha
>unironically tired of waging

>> No.54572339

Wo jake became too poor for a tripcode by monkeycoding evernode.

>> No.54572372

This is an important service announcement:


That will be all

>> No.54572381


>> No.54572472
Quoted by: >>54572630

At least you're not still holding 125000 ELS from the beginning
It's worth so little now I couldn't be bothered doing anything with it

>> No.54572630
Quoted by: >>54572841

To be honest I believe that once the case is over & XRP pumps we will see XRPL shitcoin casino 2.0.

I'm holding onto my ELS and other XRPL shitcoins even XRdoge (of which I sold 90% during the casino).

I'm recently unemployed and I don't want to touch my xrp bags until 2 dollars at least. (Average buy price 20 cents & I would only sell about 10% at 2 dollars)

>> No.54572806
File: 949 KB, 1920x1080, babamellon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Babacuck always wins!
Mellon is right!

>> No.54572841

i think an xrp pump would actually pull capital out of the casino and we see shitcoins nosedive

>> No.54573452

jesus christ who is this clown

>> No.54573527
Quoted by: >>54575732

Fuck namefags.

>> No.54573551
Quoted by: >>54573698

That's fud though.
To a normie they see literal schizophrenics ranting about prices that make no sense whatsoever.
They then run to NPR or some other sort of source and get confirmation that those people are schizos and stay far away.

I've told several friends about XRP and my price targets are very low compared to youtube schizos. But they've all skeptically asked if I think those prices are possible.
I tell them no, of course not, that's schizo.

>> No.54573698

even Sam Hyde made fun of xrp in his idubbbz video lol

>> No.54573743
Quoted by: >>54573784

he changed his tune in another

>> No.54573784

I don't know his real stance on it, is he ourguy for real?

>> No.54573894


>> No.54574767
Quoted by: >>54575137

Xsg is dead longlive xsg.

>> No.54574845

two more weeks haha

>> No.54574944

sam only holds btc and a small amount of eth

>> No.54575137

That is until xSg returns

>> No.54575219

xsg shuns intellectuals
it's a low IQ circlejerk
/x is the true community

>> No.54575565
File: 1.62 MB, 1080x720, 1680797363802234.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/xsg/ was mean to me
>me! an intellectual!

>> No.54575628


>> No.54575643

In almost every way except for being smart enough to hold XRP (or secure enough in personal self to admit holding)

>> No.54575684

xsg is willing to go far but retard schizos who think they are smart are too much

>> No.54575732

Baba/Mellon is also the samefagger from the beginning of these threads, or part of the same group.
How original

>> No.54576035

You have to walk barefoot for 10 minutes on grass minimum or it doesn't work

>> No.54576750
File: 3.37 MB, 369x369, 1_4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54581472

>everything pumping 5-10%
>xrp up: 1%
absolute state of this globohomo shitcoin

>> No.54577040

maybe its time to close the xsg threads.

>> No.54577281

We'll rise from the asses when the lawsuit is over

>> No.54577689
Quoted by: >>54586041

We're already buried way too deep into asses... we may never find our way out

>> No.54577742

The lawsuit will end in a few months give or take. Might as well slog trough the rest of this swamp at this point

>> No.54578258

/x/ is fallen

>> No.54578317
Quoted by: >>54586041

it smells in here!

>> No.54578339
File: 165 KB, 900x900, xrp37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I think it's time to seriously discuss XRP once and for all.

When will we go to $37500? I think it shouldn't take much longer than lets say a week or maybe two at the most before the Ripple XRP vs SEC lawsuit is settled.

What do you guys think?

Serious replies only

>> No.54578433

Shut up, spammy

>> No.54578445
File: 133 KB, 1570x1556, xrpextravod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54578522

Just make to 1,000 is all I ask. That's what I need to make it

>> No.54578606
Quoted by: >>54579598

where did this theory even come from?

>> No.54578729
File: 64 KB, 492x356, 3063948B-8E70-4301-BB42-F3F214767490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waging feels like a waste of my time and I am wasting away.
No wife and kids; want them but shit didn’t work out with ex and little time to find someone else worth the time and effort.
Even when this moons I aim to live frugally. Just finally for myself, and maybe try again with a like-minded woman who likes chickens and a plot of land far from the faggotry and niggerness of the cities.

>> No.54578765
File: 1.52 MB, 1170x1961, 9A169E73-785D-4F35-8C27-A922029A49CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was replying to this anon two days ago and a fucking loose cannon janny deleted the entire bread… All I have to say is, ahem*
Christ is a King
XRP is the Standard
Jannies are Trannies

>> No.54578845

Indeed the evil one is desperate, but I believe that the Lord God increases in outpouring of grace in such times of need. Christ is indeed risen.

>> No.54578847
File: 69 KB, 512x512, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.54579598

That one finance company said it back in the beginning of the lawsuit, it's been ran with and increased by tards since though, I think

>> No.54579767

Its not been doing much, kinda dead but I'll keep the coins just in case

>> No.54580160

please pray for my wife, bros, she has been agnostic for a long time and is currently reading the bible

>> No.54580171

Jesus Christ, son of GOD, have mercy on us, sinners

>> No.54580172
Quoted by: >>54580227

I will pray for your wife.

>> No.54580227

Thank you, brother

>> No.54580345

She doesn't need to be prayed for, she's already made it.

>> No.54580427

Fuck the Bible
Fuck the Quran
Fuck the Talmud/Torah
Jews are not hebrew they're caananites
They made Islam to be able to control people
Same with Christianity, it's all for control

Get over it.

>> No.54580464 [DELETED] 

New arbi coin with nodes staking and casino dapp in development, looks based t. me/ redpillfinance

>> No.54580540
Quoted by: >>54580923


>> No.54580882
Quoted by: >>54581451

>same id

>> No.54580923
Quoted by: >>54584985

The amount of Saturn, hexagonal and cube symbology I’ve been seeing for the last two years is driving me insane.

>> No.54581244

Christ is King, get behind me interdimentional demonic gray fags... and XRP fuddfaggots.

>Your judgment commeth, and right soon.

>> No.54581451

You're right, my bad, here have a new ID

>> No.54581472

Xrp has pumped 1.58% actually. Steady win the race, at that pace we will see $2.50 in 100 days

>> No.54581486

Since I am your brother if you due she is biblically obligated to marry me

>> No.54581616

super based and trad pilled.

>> No.54581722
File: 103 KB, 1094x1430, 501943DF-E7BC-43DE-AAE7-193B9C98C912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54581783

Of course this namefagging, IP hopping nigger faggot is the newfag who showed up hundreds of /xsg/s later to squeal about Mellon. Fucking nigger newfag you out yourself so obviously, pretending to always have been here can’t even differentiate the real Mathew Mellon from a 4chan poster (not a namefagging nigger btw) larping as UNWHI.
I will forever be filtering and ignoring you no matter how many times you change your namefag or how many times you IP hope. Kill yourself.

>> No.54581783

All you said is lies
Stay mad retard kys

>> No.54582043
Quoted by: >>54582170

cringe pol newfag posting

>> No.54582170
Quoted by: >>54582235

The characteristics of Jesus have happened in history before and dude went to Egypt to learn from them before becoming the famous person you know of, same with Buddha, Islam was designed as a supporting facet of Judaism which itself is just now a way to obfuscate khazarians and their true agenda (worshipping evil and controlling the world from the shadows via covert debt and deceit slavery).
God is real of course, and that has nothing to do with your favorite books or all these other favorite books.

>> No.54582235
File: 645 KB, 720x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah yes, god

>> No.54582275
File: 56 KB, 745x530, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54582364

what do the 12 stars mean again?

>> No.54582364
Quoted by: >>54583456

12 Tribes of Israel duh.

>> No.54582692
Quoted by: >>54582709

But, Orthodox Christianity is my favorite as of now, it's what has emboldened our Rus brothers to finally do what was necessary alongside the Chinese and others.

>> No.54582709

As far as the desert religions goes*

>> No.54583223
Quoted by: >>54583473

Everything pumping, meanwhile xrp sits on the side of the road like a zoinked out nigger in pool of it's own piss... damnit bro's...

>> No.54583456
Quoted by: >>54585210

arent those aryan? why would zog use them for their symbology? is it because modern "jews" larp as the tribe of israel?

>> No.54583473
File: 18 KB, 816x265, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty similar pump %

>> No.54583627

i really dislike third worlders lads

>> No.54583656
Quoted by: >>54584680

I got multiple punk airdrops with 4 wallets.
1punk went for 8kxrp I swaped punks into XRP and bought a stack of CSC all done using XUMM. This was pre jannies banning anons over the shitcoin airdrop schedule being in the OP or sharing the link.

>> No.54584174

Will my SOLO bags ever recover?

>> No.54584680

Is that why? That's fucking bullshit. Those ad's helped me build my stack for nothing. /biz/ hates success.

>> No.54584985

I was just Weskerposting is all

>> No.54585210

because the white europeans are the tribes of isreal. the royals are the ancient pharohs etc

>> No.54585226
File: 72 KB, 780x438, 20521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54585265

Interesting times ahead boys. Sologenic is awaiting a big event. According to @BlackRockWhale2. Get yerself a small bag now whilst you can.

>> No.54585265
File: 32 KB, 500x375, 1681100950444234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54585284


>> No.54585284
File: 9 KB, 207x269, syk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54585308

Don't give a shit.
You know what to do.

>> No.54585308
File: 676 KB, 500x282, 1681197919925792.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You know what to do.
Continue watching the SOLO bleedout?

>> No.54585445

polgbtard arriveth wherever here might be

>> No.54585525

Ahh yes, hello, don't mind the people here, they're scared of me basically for btfoing them with only simple logic constantly.
So, tell me about your issues? What are the choices you are thinking of and what are your desired outcomes?

>> No.54585670




>> No.54585763
Quoted by: >>54585830

You got 30 minutes anon

>> No.54585823
File: 595 KB, 1570x1556, xrpextrt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





Mr. Pool just tweeted guys you can't make any of this stuff up!

Obviouslythisisnotfinancialadvicejustmypersonalopinion but basicly we've just been confirmed guys

If you see Mr Pool says 4, what is half of 4? 2 hmmmmm and 2 is twice of 1. Winter. Summer. Anything really. What is the meaning? Reset. Anything is possible at this moment. It's so fascinating. On the horizon. 5 8 9

Autumn? Fall?

When everything falls? The dominos?

And winter, it's cold. Hmmmmmmm. Very interesting guys.The symbols. The playing cards. The riddlers. Huh? You cant make any of this stuff up.

Soooo many connections we basicly just got confirmed guys.



See ya!

>> No.54585830
Quoted by: >>54585875

i'm trying to type it all out and time's running, i'm afraid i won't make it on time. perhaps i could send it on a pastebin or hit you up on Discord? i can make any of them right now and you can answer whenever you have time

>> No.54585875
Quoted by: >>54585912

No problem, I will answer in the next thread here, just post it and give yourself a throwaway trip so we can remember each other. I don't use discord, it's also good for this conversation to be had publicly basically.
I will be able to answer in about 12-14 hours.
Also, quick question before I go.... there is no wrong answer.
What boards do you visit and where are you at in terms of understanding the grander hame that is being played in the world? Well, how about this..... your president, do you like him?

>> No.54585912
Quoted by: >>54585960

i visit /lgbt/ around 3 hours before the current time, i lurk for about thirty minutes.
the grander hame of the world... well, i wouldn't know that much, my world is the monthly expenses, the hours spent in college, and my mom's health.
my president says dumb stuff all the time, but i don't think he's doing that much for the country. not good, not bad, just there, or maybe it's because i don't know about him that i think he's done nothing.

>> No.54585960

OK, so you're young, I see. Just that board? OK, interesting, what made you come to 4chan of all places?
>moms health
What is wrong with her? I have to go, but include that in your effort post alongside the other topic, I will respond with some good investment options as well since we are on biz.
To make a trip, go to the namefield, do a #insertpassword#insertpassword2, get it?

>> No.54585968



>> No.54585986

Holy shit nice
Bring out the poompa drums

>> No.54586017
File: 72 KB, 254x300, soyboyyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54586032

>Holy shit nice
>Bring out the poompa drums

>> No.54586027

Holy frickin' sh*t guys $0.54 accepted

>> No.54586032

Sell, it's over bro
Look at the 1 minute chart lol

>> No.54586041
File: 105 KB, 1280x1220, IMG_6535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54586051
File: 220 KB, 568x479, greenwojk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54586052
File: 9 KB, 578x108, 5261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.54586070


>> No.54586088

What in the niggershit was that?!

>> No.54586096

They switched the flip

probably doesnt have anything to do with btc and eth

>> No.54586113
Quoted by: >>54586458



>> No.54586134
File: 807 KB, 320x243, WelldocumentedRectangularAegeancat-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54586458

We are pamping because BTC is about to be nuked to ashes and they dont want XRP to be picked up at 0.05 when that happens...

You xsg veterans should know this procedure by now.

>> No.54586148
Quoted by: >>54586458


>> No.54586173
File: 6 KB, 220x200, 1681209661023005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54586458


>> No.54586458

Dang I missed it

>> No.54586482
File: 23 KB, 1601x801, kindpng_1158514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Member exactly one year ago when we were at 72 cents and climbing to 78?
Oh boy do I member

>> No.54586696
Quoted by: >>54586705

OK, that's all folks, back to two more weeks

>> No.54586705
Quoted by: >>54586722

One of these days, we'll be at the point where it really is only 2 more weeks

>> No.54586722

nah, it'll always be two more weeks

>> No.54586793
Quoted by: >>54587045

I am fudded out boys
I just want some fucking good news
Torres please hurry up

>> No.54586921
File: 55 KB, 691x345, 1681402607085734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bankers scam
and the banks are failing lmao
long live btc!

>> No.54587009

XRPbros not like this.....

>> No.54587045

Just hold on. April 28th is around the corner

>> No.54587483

come to the new thread:
