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54423627 No.54423627 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.54423642
Quoted by: >>54423683

>this guy bought a coin that people were given for free
This board never ceases to amaze me.

>> No.54423662

Listen to whom exactly? I told you retards to dump it for free money if you got it for free and absolutely to not touch it if you didn't get it for free.

>> No.54423669
Quoted by: >>54429956

It's an absolute laughing stock by the way, even 1inch is shitting on it for fun lmao


>> No.54423674
Quoted by: >>54423687

Honestly, what was that?

>> No.54423683
File: 1.73 MB, 400x400, 7345 (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54423870

i used the same logic and got only 1 PS5 from uni airdrop

>> No.54423687

See this proposal here: https://snapshot.org/#/arbitrumfoundation.eth/proposal/0x3be7368a662d1cf12fa4da768d626edbc013be0dc7b994fef2e24d9a54e4033a

tl;dr the foundation is going to unlock $1bn worth ARB with cringe bullshit justications and dump them on your heads. Thanks for playing lel

>> No.54423702

jesus fkin christ this shit is gonna dump sub 1 $ in 2 days lmao

>> No.54423784

literally the first ever proposal is "lets give ourselves a billion dollars" lmao the whole bull argument was that supply would be low for a year and they want to double it after a month

>> No.54423793
Quoted by: >>54423807

bullish fud.
$100 EOY.

>> No.54423807

how is 750 m token unlock bullish

>> No.54423820
Quoted by: >>54424227

The unlock is a year away<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54423822
File: 9 KB, 338x261, AIP-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54423832


>> No.54423832

>Team hold 90% of the tokens
>They vote to unlock their own tokens


>> No.54423870

Same. I also immediately sold 75% of my ARB airdrop. Idgaf, not getting rugpulled by jeets is a higher priority than getting a few extra ps5s.

>> No.54424172

how could this happen to me? Im looking at eth no liquditiy on my nfts how could this happen to me? Everybody started selling my girlfried started yelling baby just breathe the supercycles dead we need the fed to pump it again

>> No.54424215
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>> No.54424226

What does this mean

>> No.54424227
Quoted by: >>54424682

the DAO tokens were unlocked right at launch, they just need to be voted on to be used

>> No.54424229
File: 20 KB, 678x452, images (13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You also didn't buy Kaspa because Biz said it was a scam, didn't you?!

>> No.54424234
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>the kikes fucked us again
when you don't study censored history, you're doomed to repeat it, niggers

>> No.54424241


>> No.54424268
Quoted by: >>54424408

It means you should buy

>> No.54424269
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>> No.54424281
Quoted by: >>54424408

It means you shouldn’t buy

>> No.54424292

oopsy misaligned the heatmap

>> No.54424408


>> No.54424415

>buy coin given for free
thanks for playing

>> No.54424682
File: 58 KB, 798x738, ARB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they just need to be voted on to be used
Voted? They've already been sent to an "Arbitrum Foundation" address and the best thing is 50M of the tokens have already been moving, allegedly to Binance KEKLMAO. https://arbiscan.io/tx/0x9dd86c966adf49238f88b17e5ce887617280cfae4b147251c0205334d89b8881

>> No.54425381

it's ogre

>> No.54425392


>> No.54425460
Quoted by: >>54425544

Did you really expect these jews to not make profits off this? 99% of crypto is a fucking scam, and people are dumb enough to buy this shit for more than 1 cent.
I would do the same. A profitable scam years in the making.

>> No.54425544

Of course I expected them to make profit. But I though they'd stick to the 1 year token lock instead of scamming everyone one week after the token launch. Tiny 11% supply to community was scammy enough but apparently not.

>> No.54425547

Should have seen that coming sooner

>> No.54425557
Quoted by: >>54425578

just sold another 40% of my airdrop. I only have 20% left.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54425578

so I was wondering if these "Powered by GPT-4chan" messages were April Fools and assigned at random. I guess I got my answer
>inb4 that's what a bot would say

>> No.54425600
Quoted by: >>54425747

>But I though they'd stick to the 1 year token lock instead of scamming everyone one week after the token launch
Greed is one hell of a drug. I remember when I was part of a team that launched a token on 2020. I left them, and at the time I could go into a dex and unload my holdings, it was one of the most high rush, high energy moments I've experienced. So I'm not surprised.
I still feel most of the people that are mad is because the 2000 tokens they got aren't worth $10 each yet and this would prevent that for a little further.
Basically greed is driving everyone insane when it comes to this shitcoin.

>> No.54425626

It's jewish, which means they're going to pump it.

>> No.54425687
File: 264 KB, 376x212, bags.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you think this will not have a 50% pullback at least?
you will be able to buy this sub .70c within first 3 months.
then it will have an exit pump.
go look at the uniswap chart.
that is what it will do.
paying 1.anything for this token is retarded in the extreme.

>> No.54425747
Quoted by: >>54428514

Checked. Only retards are selling right now, and honestly they should. I'm acoomulating this before the big jewish poompa to 10 dollarinos.
>you will be able to buy this sub .70c
Good. I'll buy your bags bro. Just sell.

>> No.54425796

Shit shit shit

>> No.54426503

why is this shit rising again?

>> No.54426706

just dumped this shit.. these people can't be trusted

>> No.54428514

>>you will be able to buy this sub .70c
>Good. I'll buy your bags bro. Just sell
I hold no arb, i will buy under .70 probably lower.

>> No.54428522
Quoted by: >>54428640

>you will be able to buy this sub .70c
People were saying $0.01 before it launched lmao

>> No.54428546

>they want to double it after a month
Lol. It hasn't even been a week.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54428578

Short this shit and xrp. They unlocked 1b tokens and will dump hard

>> No.54428586
Quoted by: >>54428755

>give us a billion, trust me bro
How the fuck is this still over $1? News hasn't spread?

>> No.54428640
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You actually believe the current prices are as low as it will ever get????
I hope for your sake you are right but i doubt it anon

>> No.54428755

who do you think pumped the price of the token to begin with? jesus biz is so retarded, you guys fall for the most elementary psyops, like this hysterical retard >>54424682 who legitimately believes that the grant fund will be used by the Arbitrum team to buy real estate.

>> No.54428835

what a bunch of kikes

>> No.54428955

I'm reading the forum now and holy shit am I bearish on Arbitrum governance, the Foundation should just keep making unilateral decisions because these posters are fucking retarded. How do these VCs still have money

>> No.54428969

I showed them sold my tokens for 7500$ and instantly started buying illiquid jpegs.

>> No.54429007

It's the same team of scammers that brought you chainlink. No one should be surprised by this.

>> No.54429019
File: 29 KB, 356x365, 738D6448-58F0-4CDD-AD37-5E8343282EC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still up $4500 for free

>> No.54429640
File: 211 KB, 1102x874, arby allo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$SWPR and thank me later arbi retards

>> No.54429695

The founder also said token not needed, but here we are<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.54429820
File: 326 KB, 1536x2048, 1673783734689575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>54430023

i forgot to sell my arbitrum lol.
is it too late now? or should i sell them?

>> No.54429956

>Roman tomora
Why isn't that faggot at the frontline?

>> No.54429975
Quoted by: >>54430004

is the team doxxed? how the fuck do they think they will get away with it lollllll

>> No.54430004
Quoted by: >>54430086

of course they're doxxed. it's probably a funny blackpill for them that they've spent all this time developing a chain and on the very first vote there are a bunch of retards who would rather listen to screeching anons and faceless VCs making wild accusations instead of trusting their intentions

>> No.54430023
File: 2.43 MB, 498x413, coomer 800x600.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

impregnate, impregnate, impregnate, impregnate, impregnate

>> No.54430064

Franky. Oh no. Franky leave him alone he’s still breathing

>> No.54430086
Quoted by: >>54430128

I’m not holding any arb. But I can absolutely fucking see why people are mad. The first fuuuucking vote lol. No shame.

>> No.54430100

wtf was that?

>> No.54430128

they're mad because they are bloodsuckers who have never done anything to build the chain and only want token go up. a token most of them received for free. the bad actor in this situation isn't the party that made the chain, that idea is ludicrous