You, read here, they're not real hebrew descendents, at least not most of them, this describes them a lot better >>54380292
Lol what a retard
I am not Thomas anon..... also, who gives a fuck you sperging autist.
>tripfag death coincides with XRP mooning
It'll be the opposite, in fact it'll be worse, many unknown idiots will arise and won't be just pseudonymous, no, they'll actually be posting here with their REAL NAMES lol. Might as well prepare yourself for it now hahahahaha.
There's hostility in this thread from glowing shills bots and other such lesser posters, and I am busy, so look into it yourself anon, maybe we can have this conversation later though I think these new retards are here to stay because they hate me lol.
I'm actually Indian sir thank you
Yes, the game is complicated. Get with the program.