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File: 319 KB, 1161x817, fun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53920757 No.53920757 [Reply] [Original]


This is the golden rule. It's literally this simple.

You think we'll have higher lows now, with a boring crab like the old days? Too boring pal, the stakes are way higher now. The puppet masters want to watch the fireworks.

You think TA should be highly technical and advanced, or you think it doesn't work at all? Doesn't matter either way: the more fun and interesting the magic line is for market makers, the more likely it is that it will happen.

You think CME gaps don't have to be filled? Ask yourself why they've always been filled.

Because it's maximum fun, that's why.

>> No.53920766

also known as maximizing surprise for overleveraged degenerates, which is the other side of the same trade

>> No.53920770
Quoted by: >>53922890

I can't find any fault in your logic or your TA here.

>> No.53920773
Quoted by: >>53920810

>Im a poorfag i want 10k, will go x4 long and then it magically will go to 100k
Retard if it goes that low it wont reach ath again for many many years at least

>> No.53920779


>> No.53920798
File: 36 KB, 364x435, 1673290969375027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It will dump to the level I want to buy and will instantly recover so that I can make maxium profit because........ummmmmmmm.....it just will ok!

>> No.53920804
Quoted by: >>53921102

you are the only thing that exists in your simulation; the line will conform to your will with training

>> No.53920810
Quoted by: >>53921069

>if it goes to 3k it can’t reach 65k just a year later
it’s the same pattern from the 2020 halving but on a higher level for the 2024 halving. It will be somewhat similar.
that level is the CME gap, it will get filled but the actual bottom will be close, it's an approximation

>> No.53920821

meh, almost everyone expects more dumpage

>> No.53920874 [DELETED] 

>reddit spacing
opinion discarded and saged

>> No.53920900
Quoted by: >>53921160

>You think CME gaps don't have to be filled? Ask yourself why they've always been filled.
except for those that didn't i guess? if you take the whole future as possible realization of an event then everything can be "predicted" with 100% certainty.

>> No.53920930
Quoted by: >>53921176

We're literally going to print an inverse h&s at 18k and reverse

>> No.53921054

Sexy blog, so pity it wont happen.

>> No.53921069
File: 413 KB, 1255x2960, sketch-1677267979604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53922158

Ok schizo. Pic unrelated

>> No.53921102
Quoted by: >>53922636

teach me your ways

>> No.53921136

howd you get a pic of me

>> No.53921160
Quoted by: >>53921234

Which CME gaps on the daily chart never got filled that you know of? They exist both above and below the current price and will get filled. Just nobody knows in which order.

>> No.53921176
File: 126 KB, 1334x750, twitter_fe8c3334946a3b320cf8c468962a60ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53926271

that's unlikely because of tradfi which is about to dip again imo. BTC is just a leveraged nasdaq ETF at this point, and it will hit sub 10k if indexes fall as many are predicting like picrel. but then it has to rise because of the 2024 halving. and it will be massive just like 2020Q3.

>> No.53921234
Quoted by: >>53921309

isn't there one around 3.5k since 2016 or something? at some point you just have to give up on it and acknowledge that it won't happen. it's like with jesus, after 2000 years you kind of have to accept that he's not coming back and that the CME gap at 3k won't get closed and go on with your life.

>> No.53921281

Pure unadulterated cope.

>> No.53921309

The 3k CME gap is on the 4h chart, not the daily. Nobody actually cares about it and if it gets filled, BTC is probably dying at that point anyway.
Anyone who warns you about that one either doesn't understand it or is just demoralization posting.
9.6k is the lowest gap on the daily chart, from 2020.
It isn't the least bit unreasonable to believe BTC price can go that low. It would be around 85% down from ATH, which is consistent with previous bear markets.

>> No.53922030
File: 83 KB, 1009x629, Maxine-Waters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>85% down from ATH, which is consistent with previous bear markets
Yup. This this simple "historical" fact is why niggas are stupid for the knee-jerk dismissal of Capo and the Death Cross.

>> No.53922158
Quoted by: >>53922586

So we have another dip into depression?

>> No.53922586

No. Line only goes up forever.

>> No.53922619

Only in your dreams, schizo.

>> No.53922636

There is no spoon.

>> No.53922821

No way they're going to allow people to buy at $10k again before pumping it to $100k+ Pure 100% copium.

>> No.53922890

the fault in the logic is that at $9k BTC there will no doubt be more buyers than sellers making it unlikely that we will see it
im agnostic on the short / medium term for BTC price direction. May go up, may go down, but i can say with confidence that BTC won't hit $12k or $50k within a month without a world changing event

>> No.53923035

>they've always been filled
this is such a retarded statement and so easily to check as being wrong that I won't even bother with this cope thread at all

>> No.53923056

No, price wouldn't stay under 10k for very long. But it doesn't matter what the news catalyst is for sending it down. The fact is that there's no more money coming into crypto anytime soon.
Normalfags aren't buying and institutions aren't going to gamble with their money either. Not in this monetary and regulatory environment.
News events can influence when price moves, but not where price ultimately lands. BTC simply is not worth more than 10k right now but the market needs a reason to see it.

>> No.53923317
File: 7 KB, 179x282, AFFC105D-B931-4A51-ACD8-07758D293052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It would be around 85% down from ATH, which is consistent with previous bear markets.
what is inflation? Retard

>> No.53923394

It's meaningless because BTC has no intrinsic value. Just the psychological values and expectations that traders place on it.
And that is why CME gaps get filled.

>> No.53923421
Quoted by: >>53923590

Interesting post, but several events could trigger a new bullrun. War in Ukraine ending, a new wave of QE, China allowing crypto again, Boomers dying end masse and zoomers or millenials inheriting all that money. You can't predict the future.

>> No.53923587
Quoted by: >>53923725

The gaps haven't always been filled so everything else you said instantly gets discarded

>> No.53923590

The war in Ukraine ending is irrelevant. It didn't have anything to do with the end of the last bull run and the damage to the global economy because of it has already been done. We have yet to see the full impact of it.
The lifting of sanctions on Russia would help, but there's no guarantee that would happen just because the war does.
And of course the US would invest hundreds of billions of dollars into rebuilding Ukraine, which is inflationary.
The Boomers dying off is inflationary since wages will continue to rise as the labor shortage intensifies.
China allowing crypto would be bullish, but the CCP has no reason to do this so I see no reason to count on it.
China reopening its economy has happened and it is inflationary.
All of those point to QT, not QE. And you do not get a bull run without QE.

>> No.53923725

what other fucking gap is still open in the daily? enlighten me nigger

>> No.53923758
Quoted by: >>53923839

You’re a stupid fucking nigger using the Covid crash as an analog for what will happen in the future.

Just a stupid black gorilla nigger all around

>> No.53923788


>> No.53923818
Quoted by: >>53923839

You know 9.5k is like 6k in 2017 retarded bobo

>> No.53923839
Quoted by: >>53923978

kek it seems retarded but the point is that it will be a scam wick to sub 10k. re >>53922890 >>53923056. and it can happen with any fucking leg down from indexes which are 100% guaranteed this year. imagine thinking they aren't. now that's cope.
>hurr durr it can only go up forever and if you think otherwise you bobo retarded haha!!

>> No.53923917

More buyers in the long run. But as the knife is falling, who would be crazy enough to try to catch it? They'll be able to shove it under 10k for a while because buyers will be scared shitless for a while. Bitcoin is a weird asset, we all know that it's not tangible. This makes fear extremely powerful.

>> No.53923930
Quoted by: >>53926006

Yeah but never forget that permabears are always wrong. Look how the covid crisis ended up being a great opportunity for crypto thanks to QE, who could predict that before it happened ? Line goes down, line goes up, but in the long term markets always grow.

>> No.53923978

>another leg down is 100% guaranteed

Lol bears are so pathetic

>> No.53924131

Also there's a CME gap at 29k. Pretty sure we fill that first.

>> No.53924180

>China allowing crypto would be bullish, but the CCP has no reason to do this so I see no reason to count on it.
It'll happen when the chinks realize they can weaponize it against the USD.

>> No.53924245
File: 893 KB, 663x906, 664E50C1-F93B-4E6F-9210-47F2F00D1A54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$10k is programmed. Been saying it for months.
You know it's coming.
Why do delusional mumus fight it?

>> No.53924260
File: 109 KB, 938x528, spongebobmeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53924271


>> No.53924271

Nah but it's a variable that changes constantly. It's currently much higher than it was in 2020, so it does need to be thought about more specifically.

>> No.53926006
File: 82 KB, 1253x566, unpredictable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not every asset appreciates in value. How many people do you think were diamond-handing Enron stock through 2001? People were still buying the dip after the scandal broke.
Be bearish when there's reason to be bearish, and vice versa.
Nobody should be perma anything about absolutely everything.
I can't tell you who could have predicted Covid, but the CME traders seem to have recognized that where it bottomed was exactly where it was supposed to according to price trends that were established months and months prior. There's nothing magical about it. The news followed the trend, not the other way around. And traders reacted accordingly. There's nothing magical about it.
Traders expect the 9.6k CME gap to get filled and it will. Probably around mid-June.

>> No.53926053

I wouldn’t be surprised if we follow this line.

>> No.53926086

Bah, nobody has savings anymore. It’ll take a couple years of wage slaving before people have money to spend again

>> No.53926099

please be true I will even take out a loan and go all at 10k

>> No.53926118
File: 66 KB, 640x640, 1612030962283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like the bitcoin cryptocurrency. thats all.

>> No.53926161

only way this happens is if Binance collapses since it took FTX collapse to send it from $20k to $15k

>> No.53926237
File: 53 KB, 222x533, 18e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Someone should convert the chart priced in eggs. That will give you clarity. ATL has come and gone faggots. The historic 14 month ATL window is closed. 15 - 16k was it. It will pump now. Maybe to back to as high as $48k then dip right back to as low as around where we are trading now before the halvening and new bear run up begins.
cap it faggots

>> No.53926271
File: 18 KB, 586x578, 9DE86703-0FFD-4B72-BA35-60799CA5E55C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>2700 btc in 2024

lol, lmao even