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File: 126 KB, 1316x769, CHAT decentralization sale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53913923 No.53913923 [Reply] [Original]

ICP gatekeepers love to 'spoonfeed' and shill anons some dumbass skateboard/flower jpegs, but they'll never tell you that the SNS-2 decentralization sale is only 8 hours away. They'll be sure to brag about buying it after the sale is over.

>> No.53913953

the only people who shill jpegs are the third world niggers who subsist off of airdrops

>> No.53913996

>30 million dollars for a chat app with a few hundred users
dfinity thanks you retards for another 50x

>> No.53914019

thank you based gatekeeper

>> No.53914115

No no no you don’t understand
People will get airdropped tokens for contributing to the platform!

And if you refer someone, you can get more tokens.
Web 1 = read, web 2 = write, web 3 = own

Don’t you understand anon? This is much more superior to traditional chat apps. People want to be in charge of their own chat application. Because they just do, okay? Big tech is bad!

>> No.53914384
Quoted by: >>53914666

You get paid to post nigger on openchat, god biz is dead. you faggots are hopeless.

>> No.53914413
Quoted by: >>53914846

Can’t make me buy your scam Larry.

>> No.53914650
Quoted by: >>53918337

When does icypees pump?

>> No.53914666
Quoted by: >>53914701

until they ban your chat for racism

>> No.53914701

I've thoroughly tested it kek, we shit post with the mods in the chat, they don't approve obviously but they don't care either.

>> No.53914727

sorry meant developers not mods, only mods are members and obviously og's

>> No.53914763
Quoted by: >>53914904

you're short sighted and naive. the only reason they don't do anything about it is because /biz/ is literally 90% of their actual user base and they don't want to ban you before they take your money

>> No.53914806

I want to go to sleep but this is guaranteed money. Going to try and get at least 10 of these.

>> No.53914846
Quoted by: >>53914852

larry is a faggot and nigger

>> No.53914852


>> No.53914904
Quoted by: >>53914928

Some fag on tweeter gave Dominic shit for having a uncensorable web3 claiming a 4channer would post CP and was asked if he would allow 4chan on the IC. His response was web3 is for everyone. he said this publicly, free speech will not be fucked with.

>> No.53914928
Quoted by: >>53914961

have you not been paying attention, retard? icp is censoring it's own platform already. dumb faggot

>> No.53914961
Quoted by: >>53915021

nice example nigger

>> No.53915021
Quoted by: >>53915096

it's censorable by isps, by third party apps, and at the boundary node level (100% controlled by dfinity). you're a literal retard who doesn't even know what you bought.

>> No.53915067
Quoted by: >>53915110

i do want to have a vote in open chat and on the IC in general in how it runs
i will propose the no faggots or indians rule and you'll be kicked out

>> No.53915096
Quoted by: >>53915196

you sound like a janny tranny crying that your about lose your power trip. you can stay here with the jeets and fags, anyone with a brain left a long time ago anyway.

>> No.53915110

create your own chat group open or closed, simple as.

>> No.53915196

what the fuck are you talking about

how many blockchains have an enforceable code of conduct? how many can be taken down by a spam filter?

>> No.53915210

Is SNS-2 open chat even worth getting? The starting mcap is like 27 million

>> No.53915251
Quoted by: >>53915268

Dominic defended 4 chan on twitter nigger, what is your major malfunction shit brain.

>> No.53915268

lmao imagine being tricked this easily. dumb gorilla nigger. kys

>> No.53915389
Quoted by: >>53915518

>how many blockchains have an enforceable code of conduct
none yet cause they are nowhere near as powerful as the IC and they only move coins around like the shitchains that they are
faggot kys

>> No.53915518

>doesn't even get the point of crypto or blockchain
do you work for the foundation?

>> No.53915633

>moves coins from a to b in 99% scam projects not advancing blockchain tech in any way
wow sounds like the future

>> No.53915891

anyone with any respect of the blockchain has respect for ICP its the ultimate filter, simple as.

>> No.53915963

ICP is web 2. You can't even run your own fucking node lmao. It's a private network just like AWS.

>> No.53916004
Quoted by: >>53918848

Fucking lmao. I don't know if I should laugh or be infuriated that retards like that exist. That kind of retardation is holding us back.

>> No.53916023
Quoted by: >>53916195

Yeah you can, but it seems you don't have money so it's not relevant for you and for good reason. Especially when you start shit talking about emerging tech that stands out for once like a baboon.

It has to be pretty frightening your only plan to retire is a bunch of AWS shitcoins that do the same thing and offer absolutely nothing for anyone in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.53916074
Quoted by: >>53916195

i dont want your broke ass running a node i want fast and clean.

>> No.53916195

It's not permissionless. Everything about ICP is antithetical to the blockchain/web3 ethos.
>AWS shitcoins
Did you have an aneurysm?

So, you want web 2.

>> No.53916388

the world is not you
what norman wants to run their own fucking node lmao

be better, you're retarded

>> No.53916419

the absolute state of icp baggies. you don't even like crypto lmao. what a bizarre marketing strategy

>> No.53916449
Quoted by: >>53917637

So it turns out you lied but now want to switch the topic. Gay faggot.

By the way:

Where can you host a site directly on the Ethereum blockchain?

If your AWS shitcoin was so ebin how come they have no patents and there's no actual cryptographers working on it?

How come you have to always pay the gas scam?

How come you still have to trust some fag with your btc stuck in a bridge?

How come your crypto isn't hackproof and your money is gone?

How come vitalik said he felt ICP was the biggest competitor to ETH?

Welcome to ICP.

Keep fudding and wasting your time thinking your "edge" is erc20 shitcoins and that you'll retire of copy pastas that fulfill absolutely no purpose. The prospects of that is laughable. Keep repeating the same marketing mantra buzzwords "muh web3!!!!" if it makes you feel better about not being scared to death how worthless your bezos bags are.

>> No.53916455


>> No.53916508
Quoted by: >>53917637

the only web3 project that exists is icp
there's nothing else that's web3
it's all aws, google cloud, ms, etc. bullshit with some coins in the background scamming people

>> No.53916530
Quoted by: >>53917637

using blockchain tech that allows shitposting, but doesn't care about crypto? what a massive faggot kek. it would cost 30 dollars a pop to spew the useless shit out of your mouth on eth or any of the other garbage chains and most couldnt even achieve it, get fucked bud.

>> No.53917311
File: 66 KB, 800x601, dom-and-jan-with-openchat-devs-icp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 hours to go.

>> No.53917366
Quoted by: >>53917637

Fucking crypto purists man

>> No.53917410

Unpure chads rise up just get it fucking done pilled.

>> No.53917637
File: 154 KB, 1250x594, board.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a "norman" in this case? I certainly don't think a non-technical person like yourself wants to or should run their own node, but I think it's very important that a person like myself is able to whether I want to or not.

I have no fucking clue what you're rambling on about. You need to go back on your medication.

Yeah okay man. Have fun with your code of conduct.

It would be extremely cheap on an application specific blockchain. Blockchain technology that allows shitposting is exactly what I'm working on at the moment. Whitepaper coming shortly.

If it adheres to exactly 0 of the principles of web 3 and all of the principles of web 2 then it's clearly web 2.

>> No.53917663

>If it adheres to exactly 0 of the principles of web 3 and all of the principles of web 2 then it's clearly web 2.
It adheres to many principles of Web 3, you're just a myopic idiot who's laser focused on one specific thing and excluding the bigger picture entirely. Open your fucking eyes idiot.

>> No.53917726
File: 65 KB, 1628x202, faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53917853

>Have fun with your code of conduct.
Have fun with your code of conduct.

>> No.53917853

That is for a user created board, not the protocol itself. Boards can have any rules, or even no rules at all. There is no DAO or centralized entity that has any say in you being a validator or a mere network participant for instance.

>> No.53917959
Quoted by: >>53918172

So validators will censor content?

>> No.53918172
Quoted by: >>53918848

No, the validators actually never even touch the files. Only the CID's are dealt with in the consensus process due to the quadratic bandwidth complexity of tendermint consensus. Once content has been marked as removed, nodes will no longer be obligated to transmit those files to neighbors or end-users.

>> No.53918337

when pee charts comes out

>> No.53918848
File: 132 KB, 1024x1024, molech sneed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53919213


Sorry to break it again to you bezos baggies before you open your lying curry mouth again I will remind you yet again your bezos(old, low effort) bags are the following:
1) Not a medium of payment
2) Not a medium of technology
3) Not a medium of usage and hence worthless to every single normal person on this planet.

The only person using your bezos baggie coins are ruthless gambling speculators which includes your un-accredited sweatshop devs from mumbai which will never be running something like a non profit foundation.

Any of your unspecified "great web investment 3 ser" shitcoin bags you are always hiding in shame will never deliver normie adoption or usefulness to anyone because the metric is 99% about scamming you for a tulip and had nothing to do with innovation. Dfinity will take care of this while you keep fudding so I can buy lower, but you're still a pseudointellectual midwit cockroach.

>> No.53919150
Quoted by: >>53919299

Why does OC already have 333k committed ?

>> No.53919213


>> No.53919247

Internet computer.

I've seen the future.

And it is internet computer.

>> No.53919299

>Why does OC already have 333k committed ?
The community fund.

The sale is live. 654k ICP committed. The decentralization sale is successful

>> No.53919327
File: 21 KB, 572x536, 48949486586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I contributed 9 ICP

>> No.53919424
Quoted by: >>53930007

>I’m building true web3 on cosmos
no one cares about your scam

>> No.53919488
File: 145 KB, 1002x746, SCR-20230303-lrs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53919589

what am I in for?

>> No.53919589

4 years to break even...

>> No.53919601


>> No.53919604

okay, that works.

>> No.53920589
File: 74 KB, 1079x1084, 1666986496942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the actual fuck do I create an internet identity? I've tried 3 different browsers, two different OS's and it keeps asking me for a security key which I don't have. It gives me no other options to create one. Read the instructions over and over and there's nothing about the problem I'm having.

>> No.53920789

security key is your hardware wallet, like example i have ledger so i install that fido 2f2 app from ledger manager and sign in to create internet identity. and yeah the process could be more easily explained by the devs.. almost no boomer could do that process lol

>> No.53920987
Quoted by: >>53921094

Ok so I have my ledger but it still won't let me create an internet identity. It asks for security key but nothing pops up on the ledger. Why is this so complicated?

>> No.53921094


You have to install the Fido u2f app on your ledger… then on the ledger you click fido u2f when prompted for a security key and then you authorize from the ledger.

>> No.53921116
File: 437 KB, 707x539, 1672792524677202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got it working but the entire process is hard retarded, how do they expect normies to be able to figure this out?

>> No.53921151

It sold out, we did it reddit!

>> No.53921215
Quoted by: >>53921285


Well, if dfinity is capable of mass adoption with killer dapps in the future, normies wont need to know or care about using a ledger with Fido u2f. Icp will become deflationary and we will prosper.

>> No.53921276
File: 1.52 MB, 524x276, DeleteICP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53921285
File: 65 KB, 600x600, 1652360589399322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed the openchat sale because of all the errors I had to fix in creating and internet identity

>> No.53921341


That’s unfortunate. But this sale was announced at least 1 week ago. There was ample time to get yourself ready. No worries, there will be more opportunities for decentralized sales.

>> No.53921487

i had completely forgot, but /biz/ reminded me of the sale so i catched it.

is 200 ICP an overinvestment?

>> No.53921509


The amount you invest is relative to your circumstances. If you don’t have money for groceries, then yes, you’ve invested too much.

>> No.53921714
File: 58 KB, 551x566, icpspicepepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

underinvestment no cap

>> No.53921828

II is difficult because it requires a key, other wallets like PLUG do not. A lot of dapps are built using II right now, but PLUG and other third party wallets are a lot like MetaMask with no key required.

>> No.53922324

It's actually not that hard at all, just google it, you will get it. You can use windows verifcation too. You can also store on a ledger in the NNS

>> No.53922343
Quoted by: >>53922519

>how do they expect normies to be able to figure this out?
When they start teaching it in school

>> No.53922519
Quoted by: >>53922566

>dfinity, julian, and hamish dump all their tokens
>oc now has no devs
>julian and hamish propose they'll come back for the entire treasury
this is how you scam a dao for 8 figures
especially one full of newfags, thirdworlders, and retards

>> No.53922566
Quoted by: >>53922730

OpenChat devs are vested for 4 years, but sure. ok pal. The sale just ended and you're already FUDing for a lower price. I tried to warn you. This thread gave ample time.

>> No.53922730
Quoted by: >>53922750

shut the fuck up larry. just because you aren't socially aware enough to see what's being done all over the ecosystem doesn't mean it's not happening. why don't you just lose your money on your own and stop roping people into these half baked money grabs

>> No.53922750

Sorry, I'll buy Ludo's next cum painting like a smart boy.

>> No.53924064

No. I put in 100 ICP and feel like it wasn't enough.

>> No.53924136
File: 6 KB, 250x225, 1623560975779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I contributed 10 ICP.
Am I goning to make it?

>> No.53925871
File: 65 KB, 887x407, 16327882371123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53926566
Quoted by: >>53926594

People buying this dogshit are just doing it due to social conditioning within ICP community cliques and the feeling of "being in on the ground floor". Enjoy holding a worthless token you fucking plebs!

>> No.53926594

checked and correct. even the smart baggies are fucking retarded

>> No.53926765
File: 611 KB, 976x1000, 1630575023455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, you guys are really spending hundreds of dollars into a simple chat?

>> No.53926937

Just look up Telegram's revenue and then look me in the face and tell me how profitable this piece of shit will be

>> No.53927519
Quoted by: >>53927530

>Telegram's revenue
>1,6 million in January 2023
Its yearly income is about 4x the mc alone

>> No.53927530

>valued at $30 billion

>> No.53927543
Quoted by: >>53929695

The sale was over valued anyways. Just buy when it dumps on secondary markets

>> No.53928477

neurons are disbursed. CHAT token is trading on icdex.io and people can send CHAT tokens to eachother in openchat.

>> No.53928488
Quoted by: >>53928493

Will diamond members get a drop of this shit or no? I missed it

>> No.53928493

Yeah as long as you were a diamond member before around February 15th

>> No.53929695

It's up 50 % so far on secondary.
I got a tiny bag of 12.5 CHAT + diamond.
I agree though, I thought it was way overvalued.

>> No.53930007

ICP shill reading comprehension everyone.

>> No.53930035


Exactly. This shit is way overpriced on launch. I'm good.

>> No.53930568

Just use a fucking iPhone. You don’t have to be an autistic faggot constantly. Takes 20seconds