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53805150 No.53805150 [Reply] [Original]

Knocked in the pouring rain and hail for 6 hours to get no sales and the cops called on me twice. Any saleschads on this crypto board have any tips for an aspiring salesman

>> No.53805224
Quoted by: >>53805242

I drove trucks and delivered shit and then they drummed me out because I was too slow in the sorting part of the job and spergged out one day on the floor when my nutting truck dumped all my fucking mail everywhere. so no, I don't have any advice. nigger.

>> No.53805238

door to door sales fucking sucks. i cant even imagine doing it these days what are you even selling

>> No.53805242
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Quoted by: >>53805264

>tfw nutting truck dumps

>> No.53805260
Quoted by: >>53805483

>Hi, want to buy some water

>> No.53805262
Quoted by: >>53805271

Get it? I'm pretending "nutting truck" is some jeet PND trash, but its not haha. Get it. Do you understand my reference??

>> No.53805264
Quoted by: >>53805293

this is unironically my gay ass faggot existence now. nothing is working out for me but I'm kinda of happy I guess lol. at least I get to call people nigger on the internet for now.

>> No.53805271
Quoted by: >>53805305

Yes I get it faggot :) Tell me more. I'm still not selling my fantom, polygon, cap or eth.

>> No.53805282
Quoted by: >>53805483

Hahaha no shit, this low-end ass job

>> No.53805293
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My last day at a gas station was yesterday. Now I will spend remaining life trying to make my way northwest. Nothing will stop me except a rl Bobo, a tree falling on me, or 5 FTX events happens and my buttcoin goes to 0

Find what makes you happy. If it's expensive get a hobby that can be used once you have financial freedom

And set the bar low. Don't be one of those faggots that thinks making it is buying a half million mcmansion to watch pirated movies in

>> No.53805305
File: 255 KB, 1077x1436, He Made It.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no cosmos
>no the graph
>no the internet computer
>he hasn't even held a CUNT coin
I mean it'll probably work but I'd be embarrassed talking about fantom irl

>> No.53805311

Bump. I need to acquire sales skills quickly for an opportunity that’s landed in my lap. Tips please sales chads??

>> No.53805323

Just tell them the devs are doxxed and white as fuck

>> No.53805327


>> No.53805483


It’s not some cutco shit, it’s the number 1 privately owned company in the USA in the field. Netted 300+M last year profits. Our top reps make like 200k and that’s just the lead generators. I’m not actually selling anything. That being said yes it sucks but it’s the last glimmer of the American dream and certainly not dead end.

>> No.53806015

I actually know someone who does door to door window sales. Just sets appointments for the estimator. He makes around $160-$180k a year.
Which is one very good reason to never buy from these people,

>> No.53806140


>> No.53806307

Be genuinely happy to be talking with everyone you meet

>> No.53806342 [DELETED] 

Fuck you sociopathic prick. Are you the faggot that knocks past my 2 no soliciting signs? And I now have a no trespassing sign. Are you absolutely that dumb to knock on my door? You enjoy getting yelled at? Wtf is wrong with you? I won’t even answer the door now for anyone unless I know them. I despise your filth and I’d love to say what I’d like to do but I can’t.

>> No.53806351

Dude relax the sale we got on will instantly change your mind

>> No.53806354 [DELETED] 

I’d like to dump a bucket of water in their face the next time it happens but I’m concerned if that’s some sort of assault.

>> No.53806375 [DELETED] 

What bothers me is knocking on the no solicitation houses. You don’t do that do you OP?

>> No.53806413

Sorry OP for the rant please don’t knock on doors that have the sign.

>> No.53806503

The company I was working for just went under the other day. $45 million in debt owed. They went to bancrupty court and everything, fired the entire back office while I was still out running leads. By the end of the day national HQ was locked and the banks were sending trucks to repo cars and whatever wasn't nailed down.
>tfw I guess I get to keep all the tekk

>> No.53806520
Quoted by: >>53808557

one of those jobs where i think i'd genuinely rather be homeless

>> No.53807542

Appear confident, know your product, know what kind of customer would buy,
know the pitch, know the answers to the ten most asked quetions/objections people will give you

>> No.53807750

Hey retard get a job in tech sales which any regard can do and you’ll make over 300k if you aren’t shit

>> No.53808310

>door to door sales
i shut down some door to door 20 something dominican kid trying to sell me verizon 5g home internet. kek.

get a real sales job. go sell cars, lie to get the job if you have to. from there get a real sales job doing business to business shit.

>> No.53808557

It's pretty lucrative if you're good at it. My dad was pulling 120k+ a year in the south selling cable before he retired and a lot of his sales came from referrals so he didn't actually spend much time knocking down doors.

>> No.53809284
Quoted by: >>53810758

get a life

>> No.53809357

Who in the fuck would want to buy anything from someone who comes to his door unbidden? If someone knocked on my door
>I wouldn't let him in
>If I did, I would assume it's a scam
>If not, I would assume it was a robbery
>If not, I would assume he was staking out the place for a future robbery
>If not, I would assume that he was trying to get me into a cult
>If not, I would assume that the product was garbage
This is an absolutely, utterly unworkable business model, I simply cannot imagine anyone making door-to-door sales in the current year.

>> No.53809438

what are you selling

>> No.53809587

I like to let salesmen into my home and lead them on for an hour or two making them think I’m going to buy shit. Then I always say “ I need some time to think about it” so they waste their time trying to call me back or come to my place again. I do this so that these sales niggers have less time to scan old people into paying $3,000 for a vacuum cleaner they don’t need. I see it like a civic duty, every hour I waste of a salesnigger’s time is an hour he isn’t scamming an old person.

>> No.53809697
Quoted by: >>53810721

whole life insurance?

>> No.53809739

Walk in and immediately fuck the wife in front of the husband. Hell think you’re so alpha he’ll buy whatever you’re selling

>> No.53809748

this guy right here actually cares about old white people. Good.

>> No.53810191
Quoted by: >>53810758

Boomer retards (who own/manage these companies) still think door to door and cold calling still works in 20xx.

>> No.53810721

No lol

>> No.53810758
Quoted by: >>53810934


This board really is poor as fuck, your outlook of the world betrays you

>> No.53810934

Empty emotional manipulation.

>> No.53810987
Quoted by: >>53811108

kek this faggot fell for their "job training" aka indoctrination required to convince you to cast aside any vestige of dignity or self respect.
Come to my house and I will laugh in your face and kick you off my porch

>> No.53811056
Quoted by: >>53811108

Tech sales here.
>leads down
>sales down
I'm just making it out as the state of the market, which is true. Just need to get through this downturn without being fired and it's back to gravy.

Granted our sales cycle can be several months for larger deals.

>> No.53811103
Quoted by: >>53811130

You're working your ass off for someone else's dream.

>> No.53811108
Quoted by: >>53811262

This board is angrier than /pol/, and poorer. Lmao

Macroeconomic conditions do not look well. Hang in there

>> No.53811122
Quoted by: >>53811146

you joined a cult bro. a guy I used to work with got fully indoctrinated like you

>> No.53811130

Man this board is poor minded as fuck lmao. What do you suppose I do? Go to daddy for a loan? We all start out working for someone else. I don’t care if I’m temporarily capped at 150k while execs make millions. They made better decisions in their career. Anyways I have no idea what I was thinking asking this board of shut ins and chain link holders so I’ll leave you to your own misery lmao good luck poorfags

>> No.53811132

Sell hondas or someshit.

>> No.53811146

>state objective facts

Keep hodling

>> No.53811163
File: 1.01 MB, 1000x562, delish-homemade-pizza-horizontal-1542312378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn to Code

Also Learn Instructional Design

Buy DOT as well

God Speed Son...

>> No.53811200
File: 525 KB, 736x813, 1674527473802146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommend a job where they have to pay you, no matter what. As a /biz/ness man, I just feel like that works out best.

>> No.53811217

My wife had been sending me texts all day about fucking when she got off of work. A little bit after 5ish I heard the door bell. Me thinking it was her playing games answer it in my underwear holding a beer. It was some white dude. He looked at me and and before he could say anything I said "where the fuck have you been? I've been waiting her all day for you"

He left and never came back. If there is a piece of shit door to door salesmen at my door there is a 100% chance I strip down and answer the door now.

>> No.53811262
Quoted by: >>53811317

you call me poor yet you are the one who comes to houses owned by people like me and beg us to buy whatever shitscam you're selling

>> No.53811317
Quoted by: >>53811701

I get the sleazy salesman sentiment but there are companies who still do d2d that aren’t scams. I have a full salary and benefits. The company is massive. This board as a whole is just extremely poor-minded. I would recommend some solid books but you’ll just say I’m indoctrinated. Yes I’ve been indoctrinated into believing myself and that my ceiling is limitless, which in sales, it truly is. :)

>> No.53811701
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I tried selling Farmer's Insurance once. I thought they were as legit as any Insurance company could be. Those were the worst 6 months of my life. Happily, I have a real job now, WFH. Many weeks I don't do shit and somehow I still get paid on payday... I find it works better than working on commission like some kind of nigger slave. I think people choose what they believe they deserve.

>> No.53812524
File: 220 KB, 1842x864, 1643442116665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave the job already, there are thousands of ways to make more money with less effort. I literally woke up to all my coins pumping on dextools and i've yet to check coinbase and kucoin. Point is, you're losing time and money