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File: 48 KB, 831x745, linkystinker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53077511 No.53077511 [Reply] [Original]

Would you buy this chart? Personally I would not considering we're only just heading into a recession.

>> No.53077520

>just heading into a recession

>> No.53077547
Quoted by: >>53077613

>another Chainlink fud thread
>out of the dozen posted today
>on a dead board
If you're trying to convince me Chainlink is very important then you're doing a fine job.

>> No.53077613
File: 394 KB, 1600x1200, 222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>53077640

I bet you think I'm paid to do this. I'm not, I just hate scammers and scams.

>> No.53077640

Not until the Fed restarts QE and cuts rates.

Chainlink is a scam. Don't buy scams until the Fed gives the go-ahead.

>> No.53077808
Quoted by: >>53077847

If it wasn’t a random shitcoin, maybe.

>> No.53077847
Quoted by: >>53077867

Indeed. If the chart was a stock of a company with lots of inventory, assets, cash flow etc you could say this is a great place to dollar cost average in but what is the 'floor' of a shitcoin? There's no cash flow, no real assets, what can you 'do' with a link token? Nothing? The floor is zero, even at 5 dollars or 1 dollar it's an extremely risky proposition.

>> No.53077867
Quoted by: >>53077968

This applies to all of crypto, not just link.

>> No.53077968

it's literally dumping against the market as we speak