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File: 166 KB, 1108x1091, Fjab_sYXEAAA6HX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52799951 No.52799951 [Reply] [Original]

WAGIE HATE THREAD TIME! Are you wagies looking forward to working this weekend? Remember to de-Nazify the Santas in your store!

>> No.52799980

I guess putting your arm up means your a nazi, never change wagie scum. You keep "de nazi-ing" those skeletons, and you will do it for minimum wage.

>> No.52799993

LOL what a joke imagine getting cucked that hard

>> No.52800021
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>> No.52800023
Quoted by: >>52809541

>go to party
>some bitch girls flex about beeing a student
>i just look at them and laugh because im already a self made millionaire and they have to wage till the end of days
I dont talk about this in reallife everyone thinks im a looser with no money and im happy that its like that

>> No.52800029
File: 1.87 MB, 640x480, wagiedeath.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100 years ago they would be working in a nice little store and be able to own a house and support their family from it. Now they're working in a shit store de-Nazifying skeletons all day and going home and having to choose between heating their rented apartment or buying take out food. Sad state of affairs

>> No.52800034


>> No.52800073
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>> No.52800084

>tfw no qt tomgirl gf to throatfuck

>> No.52800086

Hope the man was given a medal for putting the wagie in his place

By the way if the biker was black I wouldn’t be saying this

>> No.52800091

based, fucking wagies need to learn their place.

>> No.52800100
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>> No.52800107
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>> No.52800112
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Quoted by: >>52800547

>here's your tip

>> No.52800125
Quoted by: >>52800160

what makes them like this?

>> No.52800160
Quoted by: >>52800177

i think that vid was in europe but if that happens in america it's usually homeless vagrant niggers dragging their stolen huffy into the store and shitting the place up.

>> No.52800177

Yup all men riding bikes in America are meth heads, in this instance the wagie should be kicking the tweekers face in.
Nothing to celebrate here.

>> No.52800199
Quoted by: >>52800342

i once made the mistake of using a public restroom in the septa suburban station train station in philadelphia. after walking into the restroom i was greeted with a homeless nigger playing rap music on a boombox mounted to his likely stolen bicycle (in the bathroom), another half-naked homeless nigger giving himself a paper towel bath in the sink, and what sounded and looked like another homeless nigger overdosing on drugs in a bathroom stall.

>> No.52800235

This was written by a 16 year old girl trying her best at her first job

>> No.52800313

I would just ask my nearest coworker why all the skeletons are german

>> No.52800322
Quoted by: >>52809429

That's fucking mental. Hopefully the dude was arrested and locked up

>> No.52800342

Sounds like every corner near my house 24/7 except we got cracked out niggers and cracked out white meth heads.
White tweekers are actually below niggers in my book not far they are pretty even.

>> No.52800385
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>> No.52800408

Yeah it's kinda cute and innocent.

>> No.52800437
File: 309 KB, 550x415, misc (18).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best job I ever had was where I was given the most difficult problems to solve. NEET's will never understand this, as they will never understand the depths of their pathetic, man-child existence.

Acknowledge your worthless, NEET.

>> No.52800452
Quoted by: >>52809433

Wholesome, 9/10 would molest coworker behind the deepfrier

>> No.52800547
File: 120 KB, 955x945, 1666769448902977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wipe up ketchup
>slide glass off table over pitcher, catching water/bills
>pull tip money out
>wipe water away
Wow, a mild inconvenience.

>> No.52801267

I want to hold her hands.

>> No.52801286

I lowkey want to work in burger king now.

>> No.52801302
Quoted by: >>52801866

Kek it’s so funny how sheltered most people in the west are it’s planet of the apes out here for most

>> No.52801312

Best part is that guy was probably fired for "starting an altercation with a customer"

>> No.52801367
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To be fair the wagie in a cagie probably just has to stand there all day

>> No.52801733

>16 year old girl
Too old.

>> No.52801770

he should be

>> No.52801832
File: 109 KB, 938x528, spongebobmeme[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based 10/10
Lost when he parked the bike again inside the store and dragged the wagie outside.

>> No.52801858
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>> No.52801866
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It is truly sad. I have several friends who are genuinely good people but I can smell the bitch on them from a mile away. Some people really have no idea.

>> No.52801892
Quoted by: >>52802130

100% (s)he did this for tiktok views. I hate this clown world

>> No.52802114
Quoted by: >>52802205

seems this was in russia

>> No.52802130

yep, the "third time" is a dead give away, bitch got greedy

>> No.52802173
Quoted by: >>52802596

>cyclist acts like a nigger
Just fucking tie it up outside how fucking gay are you

>t. cyclist

>> No.52802205

I still can't find the aftermath of it except the guy was arrested. Did the wagie DIE?

>> No.52802357
File: 8 KB, 168x300, 1669647491248318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52802536


>> No.52802401
Quoted by: >>52809458

>third time today
She too dumb to realize its a coworker?

>> No.52802536

I want him to fuck me so bad and force me to suck on his massive wagie cock for hours knowing I make more money than him but I go full sub anyway. He cannot touch my money (I'm not a retarded simp) but he can use my body in any way he likes. In fact, I hope the money differences make him even angrier and he comes up with imaginative ways to assert his dominance on me. God fucking damn.

Anyone else?

>> No.52802578

the low quality photo of this screen makes it even more based

>> No.52802596

he was probably afraid the niggers would steal it

>> No.52802657
Quoted by: >>52805061

>make the skeletons do a Nazi salute as a joke
>make joke about de-Nazifying the skeletons
That's the whole story. What kind of mental illness do you have? It's impossible to relate to somebody this incapable of experiencing humor. It's like trying to understand an alien. There's definitely a strong similarity to Muslims.

>> No.52802710

Holy based

>> No.52802912

Is this intern complaining because they won't let her corner the CEO in some kind of woke shame meeting?

>> No.52802917

Gay ass nigga

>> No.52803474
File: 1.46 MB, 1080x1876, Screenshot_20221204-221810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys really think you can escape lmao?

>> No.52803582

p-post your bod

>> No.52803712

>he just keeps dragging him

>> No.52803721

I want to pat whoever 16 yo girl drew this on the head and congratulate her in her effort, then give her a raise

>> No.52803772

jokes on them they're using the wrong arm.

>> No.52803906


>> No.52804097

notice how the jail has been sized for Mexicans lol.

>> No.52805009

What crime did he commit?

>> No.52805061

t. Kyla

>> No.52805109

The wagie should have waited until the guy was out of view. He directly challenged him by picking up his bike and moving it, and he has such a soft cushy life that he didn't even imagine that the guy would react.

>> No.52805196


>> No.52805297


people like this deserve a bullet

>> No.52805399


>> No.52805706

Business proposal:
1.You make as much money as anonymous
2.But you become a degenerate cock sucking faggot

>> No.52805722

This is actually pretty cute. Wholesome 100

>> No.52805757

Damn that’s sad

>> No.52805779
Quoted by: >>52807262

I think we should have jobs for women in the office where they just walk around jack off the higher position men. Would cut out a lot of bush beating and increase productivity.

>> No.52805886

I bet the dyke would actually be cute if she didn't cut her fucking hair like a boy

>> No.52805902

Imagine getting paid minimum wage to deal with these savages

>> No.52805959

>should've called the police goy

>> No.52805968

>she cries in the bathroom lmao
I'm going to hunt down that poster and make them cry

>> No.52806002

Thank Science Germany lost World War 2

>> No.52806150

lol this is based. i dont mind when people just own it that they are diversity hires

>> No.52806193

>I'm rich
that's rich

>> No.52806304
Quoted by: >>52807087

fucking subhuman cyclist.

>> No.52807087

if cyclists were like this guy i think everyone would like them more

>> No.52807159

i dont like subordinate wagies but he's not the one who needs to be taken out of society in that vid

>> No.52807205

The wagie should've rode off on the bike.

>> No.52807210

he even fires him in the end haha

>> No.52807262
File: 1.52 MB, 450x800, 1664115633608450.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, there'd be a line of roasties fighting to get the job and bragging on facebook and tiktok about landing the handjob secretary position, not to mention all the 50 shades of gray spinoffs that would hit the market. I'm so sick of the pretense, just strip off the veneer and embrace the truth.

>> No.52807295
Quoted by: >>52807847

If i end up in walmart can I 100% get away with stealing stuff?

>> No.52807847

You don't even have to work there to get away with it

>> No.52807926
File: 62 KB, 640x641, Not in this neigboorhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52809464

I'm a Salesman at a big Pool Company.

But I spend most of my time crafting ways to make more money, writing bids, pool renders, checking prices, visiting job sites, ordering material, scheduling.

Make average $100,000+ sales, keep 8%

Am I a wagie? what category am I in?

>> No.52807990

Big strong wife energy.

>> No.52808008
File: 36 KB, 600x800, 1654036052690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52808347

Hey wagie go clean the men's toilet

>> No.52808042
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>> No.52808061
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>> No.52808309
File: 85 KB, 722x349, 1491739267474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>26 yo NEET
>know that waging is in my future
It honestly really scares me. Because I want to improve my quality of life. I want to travel and have the money to do so without needing to take out a loan just to do it.

>> No.52808341

Very based

>> No.52808347

Lol respect the ingenuity

>> No.52808501
File: 2.64 MB, 780x438, Art or smth.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52808687

His smile didn't look genuine enough when he cleaned up a customer's bodily fluids.

>> No.52808545

>its always the minimum wage retail worker or the faggots in a barely higher up position making $16 an hour that think they have a personality or importance so they make videos thinking they are gods gift

Nah faggot reject ill keep fucking with your shitty Target store. I did customer service for years and never talked about it with people. Its like they brag about getting paid shit while also getting treated like shit. I was gassed out after 6 months and kept going deeper into hell

>> No.52808626


Motherfucker, I've been trying to get an internship. I'm in college, have a series 7, 3.7 GPA and run two finance related clubs and this WHORE gets what I've earned instead of me.

Fuck that.

>> No.52808649

I wish this was made by a middle aged manager like that scene in the tonegawa anime

>> No.52808687

Wtf am I watching ? Some ‘art piece’ and the poor wetback nanny has to clean up afterwards ? Goddamn.

>> No.52808701
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>> No.52808807

This is why I do not oppose police brutality. If they can beat the living daylights out of a guy like the biker, literally leave him in a wheelchair because his hair got smoothed out with wood shampoo, they're doing the world a service. Some people are animals and just need to be trained.

>> No.52808832
Quoted by: >>52808928

Don't waste your time unless you got the khazar milkers

>> No.52808847

that's symbolic of nazis being dead
this bitch is a nazi lover

>> No.52808889

lol bro it's probably her fucking manager

>> No.52808928


They will have to accept me after I get the CFA level 1 senior year. Never give up.

>> No.52808937
File: 170 KB, 1508x892, 1610880578198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52809019

Where I live, there is a 90% chance his bike would be stolen if left outside unlocked. Moving his bike outside is being an enabler let in the theft of his property. It was an absolute assohole move to put his bike outside.

>> No.52809209

God I hope he locked the wagie to a bike stand outside and parked his bike in the break room LMOA

>> No.52809247

That guy went down so easily, sad but he did violate the NAP by putting his hands on that man’s property so I can’t really blame him for the shove. What happened after might have been toeing the line but since the guy looks bald I’ll give it a pass.

>> No.52809293

This is literally why I became lazy and focused on the markets. The working world os a scam

>> No.52809352
Quoted by: >>52809408

>you missed out on high school shitty summer job love
i did not know i even regretted this

>> No.52809405

Yes. I want the police to smash the heads in of criminal vagrants and solve murders and whatnot. The police who do the will of the judges and state who say “I’m just doin my job” can get their heads smashed in by actual police.

>> No.52809408

Trust me it goes horribly most of the time

>> No.52809415
Quoted by: >>52809492

High IQ way:
>wipe up ketchup
>slide thin piece of cardboard under glass
>slide glass to the edge of table to flip it right side up
>pull tip money out with a fork
>pour water into sink

>> No.52809429

i agree you should never touch a mans bike especially a wagie

>> No.52809433


>> No.52809438

Based as fuck

>> No.52809458


>> No.52809464


>> No.52809492

>Grab cup, press it into table
>Drag it to table edge so ketchup is non-issue
>Let contents fall to floor
>Pick up cash
>Leave because I don't work there and I saw this on another table as I was finishing my meal
>Don't tip

>> No.52809541

hehehe this. I love demeaning their worthless degrees with money.