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52737574 No.52737574 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you not holding Matic?
For people who aren't buying? What's keeping you away?

Want to hear concerns or new thoughts.

(To the pajeet haters yes blah blah blah)

>> No.52737607
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Quoted by: >>52743522

>Why r u not holding Matic sers?

>For goats who aren't buy? By Vishnu what's keeping u away?

>Want to hear concern or new thoughts sers.

>(To the haters yes mother ass fuck)

>> No.52739549

You cant make money with Matic, the coin is ok, but it will reach around 10$ next bullrun, thats not interesting...

>> No.52739625
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Quoted by: >>52743522

>Why are you not holding Matic?
>For people who aren't buying? What's keeping you away?
>Want to hear concerns or new thoughts.
>(To the pajeet haters yes blah blah blah)

>> No.52739900

What's a suicide stack of MATIC? I've got 12k. AIGMI?

>> No.52740581


>> No.52740595

>pajeet haters
mf you are literally and figuratively the incarnation of the brown hands in biz, fuck off

>> No.52740661

Because i don't fucking care about that shitcoin

>> No.52740821
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Hey, niggers. I have AVAX!

>> No.52740878
Quoted by: >>52743040

I haven't met anyone who genuinely made money with Matic so you tell me

>> No.52740892
File: 42 KB, 640x633, 16217778822262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You cant make money with Matic, the coin is ok, but it will reach around 10$ next bullrun, thats not interesting...
How to shill indirectly on 4chan 101. Get fucked in the ass filthy pajeet, no one is going to buy your fucking coin.

>> No.52740917
Quoted by: >>52743448

How much is Sandeep paying you for shilling it on 4chan? $40 is enough to cover expenses in India? KEK

>> No.52740973

tell me some useful shit on poly, literally zero potential for next bull run

>> No.52741003
Quoted by: >>52741786

i tell you why i won't have any matic ever. because they are fking scam, only thing they focus is marketing and the product is useless

>> No.52741028
Quoted by: >>52741173

The real question is, Anon... Who the fuck is holding Matic and why?

>> No.52741173

Previous bullrun was reliant on moneyprinting and china. China's imploding and the moneyprinting failed so obviously the next bullrun will have different players taking us further.
Who's the biggest player next to china? India.
Matic is basically india's btc, so you don't have to be a genious to see it skyrocket in the next run.

>> No.52741218
File: 220 KB, 720x646, kekkk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who's the biggest player next to china? India.

>> No.52741260

all this aggressive botted fud, super bullish

>> No.52741273

Get the fuck out of here, 4chan is full of this fucking Matic pajeets. I'm so done with it

>> No.52741715
Quoted by: >>52742213

I hold QUICK (made on polygon)

Will I make it?

>> No.52741723
File: 70 KB, 715x1000, 1655262952058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who's the biggest player next to china? India.
>Matic is basically india's btc, so you don't have to be a genious to see it skyrocket in the next run.

>> No.52741786
File: 30 KB, 828x705, 20221205_150143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me you don't know shit about matic without saying you don't know shit about matic.
biggest L2 in volume, partnered with disney, instagram etc and you think it's scam?
don't be retarded anon.

matic is one of the projects I'm holding that's got strong partners and has been building steady. closest to it for me would be holoride, cos of it's partnerships and tech.

>> No.52741870

They payed millions of Dollars for these """""""partnerships"""""" you fucking retard, non of these are organic

>> No.52742195

got any proof fag?
Why pay that much for a partnership that'll benefit both parties

>> No.52742213

get rekt quick

>> No.52742269
Quoted by: >>52742619

ride has got huge tech, hyped on the whole immersive reality thingy.. felt they should have built on a more popular chain other than Elrond.
with all the audi influence it could have nailed it hard on polygon or eth

>> No.52742489

Good evening ser, yes Disney Hotstar big hit on Mumbai channels. Thank you ser

>> No.52742503
File: 816 KB, 1850x1350, 1653923594495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proof or gtfo retard.

>> No.52742520

Was confirmed by several people who worked with the Polyjeet core team. Fuck off pajeets.

>> No.52742619
Quoted by: >>52743092

choice of chain wasn't wrong in my opinion, happened it launched at a time when the market was in turmoil and that affected it like every other crypto project.
It's got the tech, product, utility etc, the next bull run, it's certainly gonna bang hard.

he ain't got no fucking proof, don't waste your time waiting.

>> No.52743024

India's BTC? Kekekek

>> No.52743040

Bought at $0.5 sold at $2
Made money

>> No.52743092
Quoted by: >>52755055

still holding and metastaking my small bag on maiar until whenever, don't really care about it's current price.

>> No.52743134

The argument that India is the competition of China and that's why MATIC will be something relevant is a total hoax and a good argument for a standup comedy

>> No.52743309

I'm buying but no more than 5k. Its pretty clear during the next bull run it will 10x. I hate Indians from working with them, but they are some of the most nationalist people who will buy this coin just because its the only relevant Indian project. They will pump my bags and I will laugh when I sell the top.

>> No.52743448
File: 40 KB, 625x720, d75Z8DHvj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all know Polygon will be dead soon.

>> No.52743513
File: 70 KB, 900x900, 1639773727383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally give me one (1) good reason why I should hold polygon over DOT/XOR, BTC, ETH, LTC.

I'll be waiting.
Hard mode: No indian memes.

>> No.52743522
Quoted by: >>52743825

fucking grow up you literal manchildren. you people criticize reddit like it's the end of the net yet here you are farming for (you)'s. here you go btw.

>> No.52743531

There's not a single good reason in fact this is just a thematic thread like many others in this board.
Etc, etc.

>> No.52743542
File: 168 KB, 364x356, 1234329464857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52753131

Polygon's the future of NFTs and DeFi.

>> No.52743696

>partnered with disney, instagram etc and you think it's scam?
>got any proof fag?
did those partners post those official announcements? I don't think so, that's bullshit.
ngmi, get fucked in the ass brown hands nigger

>> No.52743752
File: 87 KB, 474x696, FXgd53FWQAETpDv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Convince me, as a White man, why should I invest on this pajeet stinky scam coin?

>> No.52743791

They're paying shillers, they're paying companies, where do they get all this money from?

>> No.52743794

Haven't heard about any of that outside of /biz/. What, did they suck each other off in some metaverse event that had 20 people total? Retard

>> No.52743825
File: 246 KB, 600x903, 1664932017927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking grow up you literal manchildren. you people criticize reddit like it's the end of the net yet here you are farming for (you)'s. here you go btw.

>> No.52743830

>biggest L2 in volume, partnered with disney, instagram etc and you think it's scam?
It's not even a L2 LMAOOOO, that the absolute state of Polyjeets

>> No.52743975

I don't trust a coin that doesn't know if it's L1 or L2. I'll hold Doge instead Matic

>> No.52744266

I knew it was the perfect question to spot the pajeet in the thread. GTFO

>> No.52744518

If you hold or shill Matic, you're not white and i don't trust you
Simple as

>> No.52744611
Quoted by: >>52753131

Imagine holding a scam coin like Matic over QNT

>> No.52744786

I don’t hold MATIC just because it already did a 200x (and that’s with the current price, not even ATH), so I don’t expect it to have much more gas for another pump. Having said that, I don’t believe it’s a dumb bag, just that it won’t make you rich. Perhaps what happens is that people see it’s still worth less than a dollar and automatically assume it can pump way more, but I don’t think so. Hopefully I’m wrong for those with big bags.

>> No.52744836
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>> No.52745969

>can be shut down by founders at any time

>> No.52746960
File: 847 KB, 1351x1080, 1641427454616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are you not holding Matic?
>For people who aren't buying? What's keeping you away?
Most people bought in at under 0.02¢
Where exactly do you think this coin is going anon? At 10,000,000,000 supply?

>> No.52747086

Or, to put it in another perspective. If Matic would have the same percentage increase that ETH has had it would still only be at just over $9.00, so still a 10x but that is it (at most).

>> No.52747155
File: 15 KB, 512x512, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just waiting for the AllianceDEX to release on their network, anon. Then we all set, kek

>> No.52748126


bc that shit its currycoin n I dont wanna lose my money

>> No.52748211

I don't hold Matic because I am looking for real decentralization. Not centralization disguised as decentralization.

>> No.52749076
File: 42 KB, 512x480, 71293740435732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not holding matic bc I'm not retarded

>> No.52750145
Quoted by: >>52751218

/biz/ is so traumatized by pajeets and shitcoins that anything that has Indian hands involved is stained in their minds.
Their fault for buying shit like Pregnant butt and thinking they could make money

>> No.52751218

>anything that has Indian hands involved is SHITstain(ed) in their minds.
you're correct

>> No.52751248

I really don't think I can achieve anything with MATIC in my wallet, just that. I thought it would be a good asset at one point, but I'm glad I didn't have enough money at the time to buy large amounts, because the way it's going, it lasted for it to survive the rest of the crypto winter we're living through.

>> No.52752920
Quoted by: >>52752986

Facts. But a diverse portfolio with MATIC and partners like ALBT etc will help

>> No.52752950
File: 6 KB, 250x223, 1656307054758s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With so much building on Polygon, Matic could easily do10-20x so also UTK, BLOCKFI, COTI, and XPRESS. They kept building even in the break of bear market

>> No.52752972
File: 68 KB, 643x647, 1u18zi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52752998

>With so much building on Polygon, Matic could easily do10-20x so also UTK, BLOCKFI, COTI, and XPRESS. They kept building even in the break of bear market

>> No.52752986

Diversification is wise anon. I like that the Xpress staking pool is operational and powered by ALBT, which is also a viable one.

>> No.52752998
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1654146029490s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52756751


>> No.52753038

I have a checklist for things I will dismiss a project for. People on this board would be better off if they themselves took time to figure out what they think makes a currency good. Mine is:

-Proof of stake
-Centralized proof of work
-Smart contracts or other vaporware
-Had or has an ICO (ICOs are not a fair launch)
-Project site uses buzzwords, lists vaporware "attributes" or fails to rigorously defend their choices.
-Centered around memes or is not serious in their goal of creating a decentralized currency
-Doesn't have an L1
-Stablecoin or algo stablecoin
-If project devs are doxxed, have a bad history of poor projects
-Had or has a dev tax for miners
-Obsessed with compliance instead of maximizing decentralization.

>> No.52753131

You seem to be a new fag. With matic, I gained some money. I used a portion of my profit to buy Eth, XPRESS, and COTI, which I believe will trend shortly.
NFTs might trend again. Glad Xpress inexpensive and quick NFTs marketplace is also housed on Polygon

>> No.52755055
File: 5 KB, 250x250, 1649259872955s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>metastaking my small bag on maiar
Amazingly, I have Ride in the metastaking program too, i'm just thrilled with their functioning tech!

>> No.52756751

Poor fag

>> No.52757590

I'm gonna see more x from ALBT so I'm investing more funds on that one who still holding my original MATIC bag.

>> No.52757615
File: 405 KB, 958x946, ranjeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't like 3 out of 5 multisigs and paid partnerships