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52610574 No.52610574 [Reply] [Original]

did releasing public worker pools not bring about a big pump?
I bet they aren't even released. Post a source and try not to move the goalposts, jeetheads.
t. Truebit holder

>> No.52610645

you saw announcement, gilles said wait for december.

Truebitt? More like buttbit.

Iexec true hidden gem of crypto winter, 4channel buy rlc

>> No.52610725
Quoted by: >>52611491

You have 2 more weeks

>> No.52610768
Quoted by: >>52611491

RLC good coin, great tech, diverse team head by french and french algerians- lead by gilles who is jewish with israel ties

easy 100x moon shot in next bullrun

>> No.52610802
Quoted by: >>52611491

Nobody said worker pools would make it pump

>> No.52611139
File: 337 KB, 1442x1845, FA044A20-4863-4175-A90E-206B6F79B254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52611491

Wagmi going to make it

>> No.52611491
Quoted by: >>52612432

yesterday it was
>yuo have 12 hours
every single RLC thread the last 7 days said or implied exactly that
>Buy before thursday
>worker pools dropping, 50x EOY
Truebit's tech is inevitable.

>> No.52611507
Quoted by: >>52611574

Why do people expect stable coins to pump?
Gilles said it himself :
>La stabilité

>> No.52611519
Quoted by: >>52611574

You are a nigger.

>> No.52611574

>Buy before thursday
>worker pools dropping, 50x EOY
not an argument.

>> No.52612132
Quoted by: >>52612159

orgnaic team
yes very ser
road map
5 yirs
gift card

>> No.52612159

you are very funny, I bet a joker comedian like you have many friends and a fulfilling life

>> No.52612432

Everyone knows for last year during this bear market that anytime core features are released, the people who bought in earlier are looking to sell the news from people buying in. Feature release has almost always been an immediate dump either day of or day after. People absolutely did say it would pump, but it’s always because the features will result in news, news resulting in normie Twitter wanting to get in now that features are released, then people with a lower cost basis look to take profit because bear market. Since 4chan anons are adverse to Twitter and normie news, they have to spam it all week ahead of time pretending it’s still early. Always check what the buyin price was a few months ago, and how far the asset is from its ATL for the year.

>> No.52612488

Lol i yes agree very organic sirs buyed 5 rlc now based

>> No.52612546

a reasonable answer, thanks.

>> No.52612714

wow veddy gud coin sers must buy RLC for end of year party nft worker pass will change the crypto world sers buy them now

>> No.52612727

rlc set to moon gilles paid team to promote on 4channel because token good jem for crypto winter

>> No.52612863
Quoted by: >>52614867

Yes, yes, digital oil! Digital oil! Pump, pump, pump.Thursday! Glad people here gave warning and the pump was mild so that the dump will be mild.

>> No.52613075
Quoted by: >>52614867

sorry sir payments already done. if you want new shill campain pls message and send money. thank u sir

>> No.52613407

RLC dumped on me. Bunch of limpdick exiting scumbags. I won't forget this. fuck your oilcans

>> No.52613489

buy more and increaes your oiler rank soldier
>t. top 200 holder

>> No.52613660

they be believing in it still, whilst I'm here wanking my balls and shorting it together with REN at every instant. I gotta mint some NFTs next month you see Cloudbreakers and Spooky so ama just play around with these tokens with sweet leverages and margins to aid my raise capital for my minting. Hodl the NFTs, explore its utilities, rinse and repeat.

>> No.52614381

You were exit liquidity for the shillers. Get out now if you're still bagholding.
Don't watch your money bleed away for years and years.
RLC had one big thing everyone was waiting for. Now that worker pools are released and no one gives a fuck, there is zero reason to keep holding.

>> No.52614396

ser wait for the users to come in the next few months and the tvl of my RLC will be very big sers it is worth to buy some and hold at least it else it moons without you

>> No.52614411

get out you fat chainshit labs employe. once worker pools get tasks from microsoft and walmart to do cloud based oracle computational, you watch rlc moon.


>> No.52614733
File: 136 KB, 500x506, 1669332071101019.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52614895

uh, based?
Also, checked

>> No.52614867

quit the sarcasm guys it's annoying.
when is that integration happening?

>> No.52614895

i am checking these digits sers, continue buy rlc at 1$