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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.04 MB, 256x240, The Fountain of Dreams [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fa3ja5g.aac].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52425157 No.52425157 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk
>Failure to deliver

>SEC 10-K Annual report
>GameStop Investor, NFT, & Wallet Sites

>What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?
DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc
>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

Last time on /GME/: >>52413870

As always:
>sneed hedgies

>> No.52425162
File: 88 KB, 333x250, 0711042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still comfy waitin' and holdin'.


GameStop Info
>Complete corporate revamp by Ryan Cohen
>Ongoing hiring spree of specialists of e-commerce, UI, UX, blockchain and supply chain operations
>Debt free with positive increases and reductions (see ER); $0.9089 billion cash and cash equivalents on hand + high inventory
>NFT marketplace beta launched

DRS & Computershare
>71.3 (17.825) million shares DRS'd by Jul. 30th 2022
>Previously 50.8 (12.7) mill shares by Apr. 30th, 35.6 (8.9) by Jan. 29th 2022
>and 20.8 (5.2) by Oct. 30th 2021

>Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares
>'MOASS' is a matter of time

Further information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!
Reply to this pasta for any confusion.


Other news/reminders:
Wednesday RRP: 2,237.812B, 101P = 22.157B per (roughly)
Thursday RRP: 2,200.586B, 95P = 23.164B per (roughly)
Friday RRP: No

>GME shorted percentage of float as of Jan. 15th, 2021: 226.42%
>HF and broker class action lawsuit evidence
>SEC GME/meme stocks report
>GameStop Crypto Wallet up for download on Chrome
>Four-for-One Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend
>(Record: Jul 18, 2022; Dist. on 21st AH)
>22 Proxy Statement: Stock given in comp will be issued as RSUs that vest in quarterly increments over 4 years.
>FY22 Q2 Earnings 8-K/10-Q
>Web3 Games open on Marketplace

>100 page comparison DD

Please don't feed spammers and sliders.

>> No.52425173
File: 1.42 MB, 480x270, 29E829FB-8D06-4453-BF0B-0308A0EBBAA0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52427121

Day 589

>> No.52425183
Quoted by: >>52425320

give us our daily ooo

>> No.52425320

And deliver us from our aaas

>> No.52425335
File: 41 KB, 640x604, 9244965B-2166-4FA6-A667-3A8935B4146E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek dumb fuck hedgies

>> No.52425342
File: 282 KB, 593x563, 1647289844425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that
>Hedgies r fukt
>DRS for infinity pool
>not selling for less than generational wealth per 1 share
>Holding till x holder bros make it too
>sneed shills
>WAGMI so hard

Stay strong bros the fear among shills and normies is palpable. moona soona

>> No.52425344 [DELETED] 
File: 479 KB, 905x1280, 47607e33123f8100cb3d173d47572afc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52425637

Kek shills

>> No.52425359

kek baggies

>> No.52425382

never forget

>> No.52425425
File: 78 KB, 860x402, 363cc68dedebaa29a06167581786c5b7,860,0,0,0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moon already you fucking shit stock.

>> No.52425460
Quoted by: >>52425500

Are we close?

>> No.52425500
File: 66 KB, 151x168, 1662417277140702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire market is tanking and a gigantic institution peddling tokenized gme stock not backed by actual shares just went bankrupt overnight.

Yeah, it's close. Prob two weeks out.

>> No.52425522
Quoted by: >>52425560

Hmm I was thinking about 10 trading days

>> No.52425560
File: 224 KB, 747x686, 2E8819FD-83F9-4AB5-835C-F2166FDF2FC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52425819

I have watched GMEs Premarket hundreds of days. todays PM seems weirdly organic. WAGMI today
Checked but it’s today

>> No.52425624

Btc 17k???????? Get fucked gamestop baggies


>> No.52425637

Checked quality deer anon

>> No.52425648
File: 307 KB, 1080x1345, Screenshot_20221113_204349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52425662

>entire marker is tanking

And the lie detector test says...... You're a dumb fuck.

>> No.52425662
File: 102 KB, 1024x702, 1665387695102446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52425687

blatant denial is the best they have

>> No.52425687

Doubled gmes gains on the month. Down less than 1 percent on the 6 month. Which is absolutely, positively shitting on gamecuck. If less than a percent is the market dumping than gamestop is a dead company.

>> No.52425819
File: 345 KB, 842x781, 667554EF-E0A0-498B-8052-6A83649B6E1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% pure grass-fed free range undiluted not from concentrate grade A farm raised domestic whole grain hormone-free GME made from natural ingredients with no artificial flavors, additives or substitutes. Yes sir, this here is the finest GME from Portland, Maine to Portland, Oregon I tell you hwat. More absorbent that the leading alternative brand, it kills 99.9% of bacteria on touch, and it’s yours today for the low low price of only $26.24
>is that all!?
That’s right Tom, and if our viewers call within the next 24 hours, we’ll even throw in this bonus NFT
>wow, that would make a great stocking stuffer!
>it sure would, Jeff. For our viewers out there, let me just show you some of the amazing things this baby can do. You just toss your money in there, set it and forget it. It cooks perfectly every time. Nonstick, no hassle. Just look at that perfect marbling on the edges. Now, if you’ve stuck with us this far, we don’t want you to miss out on this amazing deal, so for a limited time, if you call within the next hour we’ll even throw in this short ladder for all of you with rugrats at home who like to help out in the kitchen. Kids love these things and you’re gonna love it too because this is as easy as one, two, three. Great at weddings, parties, bar mitzvahs. Your portfolio is gonna be the talk of the town because YOU chose GME, but this offer won’t last, so call now!

>> No.52425953

and no moass again fuck this shit

>> No.52425986


>> No.52425995

So they are just going to delete all of the tokenized shares used to short arent they?
>bbbbbut he lied to us!!!!
They didn't x4 them.

>> No.52426033

Why AMC moona sers?

>> No.52426052

>So they are just going to delete all of the tokenized shares used to short arent they?
If they indeed are using those tokenized shares as locates, and they delete them, that means their ability to naked short just took a major hit. No matter what they do it doesn't matter because eventually they will need to buy actual shares.

>> No.52426076

I pity the fool who has more than four (4) GME shares and not 100% drs'ed. For he doesn't believe in the squeeze and will get FTX'd.

>> No.52426150

Wow thanks for the financial advice. I’m gonna go and sell all but 4 of my shares. Also thanks for confirming you want us to be 100% drs.

>> No.52426219

If we close above $28 I will suck every dick in this thread

>> No.52426227
File: 12 KB, 256x256, 1655639367568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52426286

b-but it's NNN...

>> No.52426262
Quoted by: >>52426300

That's not how I think it worked, if that is what they were using them for. When a regular hedge fund wants to short, there has to be a locate, basically that a share can reasonably be found for that trade. The theory is that they were using tokenized shares as those locates and there doesn't seem to be any real share actually backing that token. This seems too brazen even for hedgies to me.

>> No.52426265

DRS is just not going to have an effect until it gets to 100%, and I don't see that happening. With the upcoming recession, apes are going to have to sell to keep treading water in this economy. Sure there will be some die hard holders (those who can afford to pay the bills despite economic turmoil) but the majority of apes will end up selling a portion of their shares month by month. DRS is just not going to keep up. Expect to see declining numbers in the coming months/years and maybe then if there are any apes left who still believe in this play, they can go ahead and attempt to DRS 100%

>> No.52426284

>this pasta again

>> No.52426286
File: 59 KB, 735x729, 1665676272935414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52426304

b-but thats GAY, no gay niggas allowed in GMErica

>> No.52426300
File: 368 KB, 741x434, one more day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This seems too brazen even for hedgies to me.
I'm going to assume nothing is beneath Ken Griffin at this point because right now it's either one more day or die.

>> No.52426304
Quoted by: >>52426323

GMErica is a merch store

>> No.52426323
File: 59 KB, 1024x913, 1664560667347032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh. i dont leave this site idk whats going on ever really. except moona soona (today)

>> No.52426353
Quoted by: >>52428281

Futures going green
Crypto up

Kek market crash baggots

Gme: 25eod

>> No.52426419
File: 178 KB, 1179x1669, 16C43FBE-41B7-421B-8D63-311D663A7413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52426546

AMChads, get in.

With the combined 1 billion (((tokenized))) shares removed from FTX and Bitrex, now the CTB is skyrocketing for hedgies have no more infinite junk phantom shit to borrow from.


>> No.52426423


>> No.52426448
File: 177 KB, 711x633, 1628781748214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oopsie I didn't mean to do all this chicanery, honest. how clumsy of me teehee

>> No.52426472
File: 1.28 MB, 1029x756, original_494318883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aeva news out


>> No.52426546

You should go talk about it in your own general (KEK). It's interesting this was discovered but they'll come up with some other scheme soon I'm sure, if they don't have one already.

>> No.52426548

they either don't know or more likely don't care that all of this can be seen in public view. holy fucking shit we're seeing blatant corruption first hand. remember boys, keep your crypto in a cold wallet.

>> No.52426680
File: 210 KB, 960x540, 1618259662473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your own general
>still not realizing this general is sponsored by (((them))) to keep the narrative (this was retails fault) going

>> No.52426729
File: 97 KB, 699x1000, 1636673234499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need non cult eyes on this cause it just lines up too fucking perfectly. I might make a twitter and spreading this shit. At this point I don't give a fuck if the normies make it with us.
>On January 26th, FTX, the now-bankrupt crypto company, starts releasing GME FTX tokens for the very first time out of nowhere. While this begins, someone randomly comments on the very 1st GME FTX token transaction that this is part of a way to drop the price of GME to zero ("rug pull"). (Could be something, could be nothing, could be a rando)
>A few hours after Elon Musk tweets Gamestonk at 4 PM EST on January 26th, at 6:45 PM the process of the GME FTX tokens begins and stops at 9:45 AM EST the next morning, Jan. 27th, right after market open. At 7-8 PM later that day, while Robinhood and Citadel are on a call discussing PCO of GME and other meme stocks, the GME FTX tokens officially launch and volume goes crazy. This might prove the FTX GME token was a strategy RUNNING PARALLEL to the Robinhood PCO.
>A few days later, GME spikes to nearly $500, and the buy button is shut off. We think that FTX and these GME tokens were part of the strategy that Citadel/others may have used to stop GME during the "sneeze". I was also able to find that popcorn had a token start to trade the same time (around 7 PM, January 27th?) and bath towel already had a token out but it also spiked during the sneeze.
>From earlier research today, also included that when Ortex had its crazy spike in CTB on Oct 27th and volume spiked on Oct. 31st , volume remained stupid high on the GME tokens. However, the 2 historical highest volumes for the GME FTX tokens were during the sneeze when they launched, and March 2022.

>> No.52426783
File: 34 KB, 376x500, 58a62c727be1d.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GoodMorningEveryone and fellow A-frame enjoyers. Hedgies on suicide watch

>> No.52426792

i still haven't seen a document that shows tokenized shares. until i see this it goes in the "someone made this up" file

>> No.52426795

these motherfuckers refuse to take an L at any cost. no wonder they think we're just tin foil hatters; you could never imagine such sore losers.

>> No.52426838

>wall of text
break it down, noone will read this (me included)

>> No.52426845
File: 23 KB, 108x116, 1642098201863.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that it literally doesn't matter if you have 1 share or 99,999 shares, if you sell at 210 or if you sell at 210,000,000,000. The squeeze is going to hit and reddit has decided to hold for an infinity pool and see just how high the numbers can go. Whether you participate with any of your shares or not, this is happening when we squeeze, and no amount of bitching and moaning in these threads will do literally a single thing about it, except to make sure that the bitchers and the moaners are the only people GUARANTEED to miss out on the top.

From another anon RE: government intervention
>If the government intervening is a legitimate possibility then it is in everyone best interest to hold to see what price that is because selling before that will limit your gains. In that sense the infinity pool isn’t literally the infinity pool it is the “let’s see how high the government will let it go pool”. Again that’s only if you truly believe the government will interfere. Which I don’t think they would dare.

This One's for the Holders -

To the Hedgies: Here's Looking at you from 1,000 Feet Below -

Designated Shitting Playlist -

This One's for the Holders on Spotify -

>> No.52426888

BBBaggies :(

>> No.52426889
Quoted by: >>52426913

Remember how the splividend was supposed to fuck them in the ass but then the DTCC just proceeded to a normal stock split and now it's even more fucked up?

>> No.52426894

>ftx makes gme shares jan 26
>elon tweets gamestonk
>stonk up
>buy button off
>stonk down
Tldr; ftx, elon, button, stonk

>> No.52426913
Quoted by: >>52427198

Yeah it fucked us up because we need to drs 4x more shares after that shit

>> No.52426920

Kek crypto baggies

Various exchanges are pooling their reserves together to show proof of reserves

>Crypto exchange A,B,C give their totality of crypto to exchange D
>Exchange D posts their proof of reserves
>moves crypto to Exchange C
>Exchange C posts their proof of reserves
>moves Crypto to exchange B
>Exchange B posts their proof of reserves
And so on

They are doing this because if one falls now they all do and are all caught running fractional reserve

>> No.52426924
Quoted by: >>52427114

good. now turn it into a meme

>> No.52426980

GME not budging, moass due in 1 hour

>> No.52426992
Quoted by: >>52427235

I love being right. I’ve been saying that Elon was on the other side of the trade for almost a year now. All of Elon’s movements have been to buy Ken more time.

>> No.52427063

Kek baggies
2 weeks ago FTX was your partner and going to launch a new stock exchange.
Now you’ve invented an entire fantasy about shorting tokenised stocks, based on nothing.

>> No.52427065
Quoted by: >>52427252

>might have
>could be nothing
>now maybe
>could have been a way to
God you fucks are now literally Qanon followers I’m not fucking kidding. Please get help and get out. The difference now is that Qlarp didn’t require you to buy in with really money.

>> No.52427101
File: 282 KB, 773x606, sure is bright in here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52427932

God you shills seethe so much I'm not fucking kidding. Please get help and get out. The difference now is that now amount of whining will get people to sell.

>> No.52427102
Quoted by: >>52429361

not one shred of evidence of tokenized shares. not one. not a screen shot of a computer showing it. no paper documents. nothing. yet people believe it

>> No.52427114
File: 71 KB, 994x662, 1624933621778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you
thank you for the summary
fuck you again.

>> No.52427121
Quoted by: >>52427799

Based, I'm stronger than I knew.

>> No.52427179

High volume on BBBY, fuckery is about

>> No.52427185

The shills are really going to be here to the very end.

>> No.52427198

Wrong. The dividend made it EASIER for us to DRS the shares because the price is lower. It also locked the hedgies in as it forcefully injected LEVERAGE into an already-fatally-leveraged short position. Gamestop said "Oh, ok. you want to maintain your short position on our company? Here you go, have 4x the leverage you had before. Don't forget to close them all!"

>> No.52427206
Quoted by: >>52427241

a lot of fudding about tokenized stocks today
maybe we're onto something here

>> No.52427235

Elon you bloody baster benchode.

>> No.52427241
File: 167 KB, 400x354, noir apu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typically when topics get immediate backlash, it's most likely something someone doesn't want talked about. Shills really have no tact at all. When they get panicked it shows.

>> No.52427252
File: 148 KB, 1188x976, 2456245656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52428075

In addition to being a cult, SS is also an open source financial investigative forum. When dd is made on recent events, it takes time to peer review and fine tune it. but you know this. either because you are a shill, a bored holder, or just a sodomite from sexy men general that wandered over here. In short, fuck you.

>> No.52427259

morning homos, schizos, and shills. Is today moass?

>> No.52427290
File: 137 KB, 1080x1089, 1661810575541999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes its today and tomorrow

>> No.52427293
File: 1.98 MB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20221114-090359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello time god here I don't even need to type the infinite part now and I'm just going to be reading the qoutes and fucking off once again


Type in GameStop infinite money glitch and manifest with me home slices

We are all going to manifest this with AI
And we are all going to die and rebirth
Simpl AS
I do not read the thread, I don't even look at the price anymore yawns, I don't look up any articles
I just know and now you remember too
Now WE know kek
But here's the thing you've known all along you just have forgotten and are only starting to wake up and remember
No worries
I suspect other time gods are waking up and remembering too
That's why the thread is dead
There is no point this is a known predetermined path we threaded this path over an infinite amount of times already since the beginning and end of time immemorial

>> No.52427304
Quoted by: >>52427394

I didn't shit myself at 4am... so unlikely.

>> No.52427352
Quoted by: >>52427834

kek crypto baggies

>> No.52427373
File: 93 KB, 680x679, Fhh9qEPXgAI5NtG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52427394


>> No.52427472
Quoted by: >>52427491

put on your seatbelts bros

>> No.52427491
File: 121 KB, 432x370, buckled up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way ahead of you

>> No.52427511



>> No.52427524

You bussin?

>> No.52427531


>> No.52427547

ong you're straight retarded cuh, stfu jit

>> No.52427550

We are Fucking mooning, bros

>> No.52427586
File: 336 KB, 720x761, 1658862206934998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52427593
File: 6 KB, 224x224, pumpit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52427628
Quoted by: >>52427667

I reeeeeeeeeeeeeally hope this isnt the same exact opening pattern as always

>> No.52427640

Flat line chads, fractal chads, squiggly struggle chads and critical margin chads were always right. Shills, deniers and hedgies can tongue my anus.

>> No.52427649

Yes I am a Schizo


>> No.52427664
File: 1.41 MB, 1439x2061, qpqzlgkojyz91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GME Bros just HOW do we tell Gary about this?


>> No.52427667
File: 566 KB, 870x576, crypto jew rug merchant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52427697

>opening pattern as always
every. single. time.

>> No.52427697

Im hoping the removal of this jew is the reason it will be moving different from now on

>> No.52427696

Let me add some Cult to that bowl full of crazy you're cooking, buddy.
>Ryan Cohen is intimately aware of what's going on behind the scenes
>He knows that FTX is being used to fuck GME
>Gamestop partners with FTX anyway
>everything collapses right after the election
>now we have full evidence that external exchanges cannot be trusted
>Clean and clear motive to remove GME from all markets and only trade it on Gamestop's own marketplace
And that's liftoff, folks.

>> No.52427721

I think we need our champion for market reformation, Dave "Big Dick" Lauer!
>That's just a glitch, goy, move along.
Wow, so much this! Please, have a gold!

>> No.52427736
File: 167 KB, 850x841, 1659374269964367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52427744
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>> No.52427759
File: 153 KB, 1037x720, jtfi2kj7m7y91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52428111

Something tells me Sears didn't open a booming NFT Marketplace

>> No.52427760

>AMC got halted with 300k ask price
wtf, halting was supposed to be a GME thing. Since when did they get to halt too? If they are, then we should be as well.

>> No.52427767

Double checked

>> No.52427792
File: 1.94 MB, 1080x1920, kenni_rekt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52427837

I liek the gaem stokce

>> No.52427799
File: 83 KB, 597x604, 3A1FDE45-D2BA-4F83-A440-B3AA7FDB0DB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m a suffering wagie

>> No.52427806

I'm really starting to think this Gary guy isn't a good person.

>> No.52427807


why does his shirt say "FAG" ?

>> No.52427813

Why does his shirt spell FAG?

>> No.52427826

Now kiss each other

>> No.52427830

psionic twins

>> No.52427834

BTC never going below 17k we're ba-ACK

>> No.52427837
File: 2.11 MB, 200x150, 1644956481630.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52427880

Such a great meme

>> No.52427839

twin flame faggots

>> No.52427846
File: 63 KB, 657x417, fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52427858
File: 154 KB, 302x302, travis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52427929

*smooching sound*

>> No.52427874
File: 70 KB, 870x616, 1664141503511860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gamestop partners with FTX anyway
this is either the most retarted move ever made or intergalactic 5d chess move

>> No.52427880

As is turns out, we two might have been the FAG all along
Thank u, it's was made by my own drawfag hands

>> No.52427884
Quoted by: >>52427917

>BBBY getting hammered again

>> No.52427910
File: 73 KB, 576x864, 06BA4607-9A38-40DA-AE94-198F607BBF55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Big Bags and BankruptcY

>> No.52427917

dare I say, TWO (2) dollars?

>> No.52427929


ok, but why does it say "FAG" ??????

>> No.52427931
File: 8 KB, 279x181, Sonicu, I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoologist, huh? That's the best you could do, anon?

>> No.52427932

>plz get help
Anon since when is concern labeled as seething. It doesn’t matter. You are a lost cause. Please take out a loan, use your mortgage as collateral or whatever else, buy GME and drs the whole thing.

>> No.52427946
File: 1.31 MB, 1102x822, Screen Shot 2022-11-14 at 9.55.11 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52427988

I think heBy Boggs and Beyond (AMC2) is getting redeemed to prop up AMC.

>> No.52427989

Kek Bankmannies

>> No.52427997
File: 97 KB, 389x254, 1664558382802940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52428062

I dunno, thought the same haha. The biggest question is: Why does your ID say SuX?

>> No.52428023
File: 462 KB, 600x760, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52428062

>SuX Rim ID

>> No.52428034
File: 401 KB, 1911x793, yo dawg we heard you like rookie numbers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so that you can take calls when nature calls

>> No.52428038

you gayer than shit arent u boy

>> No.52428062 [DELETED] 


I sucked pussy for my birthday last month, I don't know

>> No.52428075

>peer review
Explain how you can be wrong 2 years straight? Do you even realize how much DD has been written at this point? SS has so much confirmation bias that anyone who says otherwise will get banned. Do you how many DD writers over the last year have deleted their accounts or abandoned SS all together?? Have you noticed how little DD is being written these days because datefagging and speculation has become taboo at this point? It’s literally just hugboxing, hold on plz MOASS soon bros, or purple circlejerk posting. DRS your shit anon. Go max out a credit card. MOASS isn’t happening.

>> No.52428082
File: 141 KB, 513x453, 85246642_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52428137

Stay comfy, comfy /GME/.

>> No.52428087
File: 410 KB, 890x279, 1668040757314082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sure did champ

>> No.52428092

eating pussy is one of the most homosexual things you can possibly do

>> No.52428093
Quoted by: >>52428120

the chart is highly schizophrenic today

>> No.52428111

I can’t tell what is a shitpost anymore

>> No.52428120

Me too, just saw a dude looking like the champ with the laptop. And he had an WuTang vinyl in his hand AAAAARGH

>> No.52428124
File: 290 KB, 600x600, 1668438323888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ftx is owned by a jane street ETF trading nerd. President = ex-Citadel + Harvard grad exec of semi-systematic technologies. CEO = ex-Robinhood head of crypto/creditsuisse/Morgan Stanley and she directored at a private crypto trading firm.

On their trading platform they have an actual meme stock index of "tokenized stonks". It contains a few certain tokenized stonks most of us talk about, and a few cryptos we all talk about.

The companies that made the tokens got approval for this the day before the sneeze in a few hours through their custodial partner cm-equity.

That's where there should be an sec filing for securities 1 for 1 backed for these token versions of the shares.

>> No.52428137

You too comfy poster

>> No.52428144
Quoted by: >>52428281

That's super interesting baggie. Let us know when it impacts your price

>> No.52428174
Quoted by: >>52428270

the pic is missing the tax payer

>> No.52428224
Quoted by: >>52428473


hope u having a good day

>> No.52428257
File: 229 KB, 783x563, a fisherman sees another.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek HPVies

>> No.52428270

Precisely the problem

>> No.52428281
File: 1.83 MB, 500x639, 1525564140793.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like Dikshit's getting a bit upset.

>> No.52428297
File: 47 KB, 612x612, hedgeniggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52428334

I smell hedgeniggers.

>> No.52428312
File: 22 KB, 480x281, 1657214567679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the 1d view

i see this chart over, and over, and over

it will never leave me

>> No.52428334

actually that's me. I haven't showered yet. Sorry.

>> No.52428473
File: 225 KB, 350x588, wagmi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52428506
File: 62 KB, 519x533, ISHYGDDT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess piQZvgoP has left the chat!

>> No.52428590

DRS is just not going to have an effect until it gets to 100%, and I don't see that happening. With the upcoming recession, apes are going to have to sell to keep treading water in this economy. Sure there will be some die hard holders (those who can afford to pay the bills despite economic turmoil) but the majority of apes will end up selling a portion of their shares month by month. DRS is just not going to keep up. Expect to see declining numbers in the coming months/years and maybe then if there are any apes left who still believe in this play, they can go ahead and attempt to DRS 100%

>> No.52428632
File: 7 KB, 251x201, 1666315228274339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52428649

>With the upcoming recession, apes are going to have to sell
do hedgegroids really

>> No.52428649
File: 679 KB, 1636x682, PLEASE SELL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have to sell!
>y-you just have to, okay!?

>> No.52428653
File: 74 KB, 780x727, 2E68216F-9FB7-4577-8D6C-4F9ADCD3C8D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52428687

DRS was said to be slowing down last earnings and it actually was a record amount.

>> No.52428684
File: 101 KB, 748x1024, 1668422011340130m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52428686

What the fuck is wrong with this gay system. Some shit exchange creates (((tokenized stock))) out of fucking nothing, without the company knowing and uses it as normal shares? Wtf?

>> No.52428687

it's a shill copy pasta. ignore it

>> No.52428700
File: 1.34 MB, 3520x2092, 1668440240454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52428724

delete this

>> No.52428741
File: 68 KB, 1024x660, 1653226408355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52428770

>Kenneth Griffin the second largest Republican donor
Help me cope with this, bros. Are we really on the right side?

>> No.52428794
Quoted by: >>52428818


red eod fuckijg idiots

>> No.52428795
File: 2.53 MB, 2100x2306, 1668440568734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews play both sides. There is no right side but goy vs jews

>> No.52428818
Quoted by: >>52429404


>> No.52428842
File: 44 KB, 541x680, 1668339772402221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh goyimbros? do we know too much??

>> No.52428897
File: 159 KB, 960x802, bizna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52428999

Yes. RC has known all along about FTX. Which is WHY they partnered with them. It was his way of bringing millions of eyes to FTX.

>> No.52428917

The funny thing is you’ve brought up tokenized stocks more than any of the holders in this thread. You faggots really think we’re all just redditors. You need to go back.

>> No.52428950

Kenny G is funding shitbag RINOs who want to take us back to the McCain-Romney era of fail. He's not on "our" side.

>> No.52428955

baggies, kek

>> No.52428980

The parties are “evil” and “evil but slower so we can pretend we’re not.” They both suck, and partyfagging as we have for so long is why we’re in this position to begin with

>> No.52428983
File: 550 KB, 2134x1192, Screen Shot 2022-11-13 at 11.59.01 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or alternatively pic related. Citadel bought shares from FBX knowing they weren't covered (from the guy who works there) and Biden was funded through FBX so he wouldn't let it fail before the election so Citadel hitched their carriage to FBX

>> No.52428999

>Which is WHY they partnered with them. It was his way of bringing millions of eyes to FTX.
a bit of a stretch but i believe it.

>> No.52429020
File: 869 KB, 1214x933, Remember, Hedgies on ledgies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The GMEhad has only just begun. Soon the homosexual Hedgie kafirs will be thrown from Ledgies.

>> No.52429043

i just learned bath and body works and bed bath and beyond are not owned by the same paraent company.

>> No.52429052

The only reason to vote R is to buy more time while we try to figure out WTF to do and/or accumulate resources to hunker down, but voting for them has to be done in that context and not in a "Hur durr everything is going to be great when Blue team lose." Otherwise we cattle are just wasting energy on picking who is in charge of the slaughter house.

>> No.52429076
Quoted by: >>52429109


>> No.52429080


>> No.52429096
Quoted by: >>52429137

>the internets
You need Grammarly, Todd.

>> No.52429098

the conspiracy gets conspirar

>> No.52429104

Was FBX essentially a dark pool? Or was it a share printing machine? Because it sounds like a mix of both to me. Either way, I'm super stoked to see how the price reacts to it getting shut down.

>> No.52429108
File: 504 KB, 324x400, WHY DID I SHORT GAMESTOP AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up, Ken

>> No.52429109


>> No.52429118
File: 63 KB, 860x582, E365B0AD-FF32-48C3-9060-D4B06B2DF10C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52429162

Oh geee thanks

>> No.52429124
File: 44 KB, 853x661, 1112234434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if the shcizos over at SS found this, you know damn right GME lawyers did as well. whatever they have planned both legally and financially is going to be huge

>> No.52429137


>> No.52429162


>> No.52429222

I’m so glad they come here everyday remind me I’m winning.

>> No.52429236
File: 75 KB, 1024x768, 1668377289953332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52429242

being rian cones lawyers would be the easiest job because you can just steal superstonk info and get paid for it

>> No.52429254


>> No.52429275

and again nothing happened

>> No.52429299
File: 186 KB, 976x850, the pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks spamming in all caps is going to accomplish something
So anyway, I have another CS order going through tomorrow.

>> No.52429312
File: 57 KB, 640x628, 1666808093991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52429523

why crypto up

>> No.52429319

Getting real sick of Ryan's coherent antics and his tight ship

>> No.52429344

Based and DRS-pilled.

>> No.52429348


>> No.52429361
File: 596 KB, 3558x2001, 4111611734747_.pic_hd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ignoring the literal ads FTX made for tokenized shares of stocks
>inb4 "ablublublu those are futures" when it clearly states tokenized stocks in aforementioned ad material
>inb5 futures don't have an affect on price (if you're this retarded you're a useless eater)
>inb6 shorts et al aren't so fucked they wouldn't resort to using fucking futures contracts as locates to borrow because they use CFD's as locates all the motherfucking time (the hbomax documentary mentions this specifically, you can't F3 out of this one)
In short, you're a lying jogger and should go back to hanging out with the other meltdownies.

>> No.52429402

DRS is just not going to have an effect until it gets to 100%, and I don't see that happening. With the upcoming recession, apes are going to have to sell to keep treading water in this economy. Sure there will be some die hard holders (those who can afford to pay the bills despite economic turmoil) but the majority of apes will end up selling a portion of their shares month by month. DRS is just not going to keep up. Expect to see declining numbers in the coming months/years and maybe then if there are any apes left who still believe in this play, they can go ahead and attempt to DRS 100%

>> No.52429404
Quoted by: >>52429418

Source : check the chart

Kek baggies

Damn I'm so surprised the crypto market and ftx and tokenized shares had zero fucking impact on your price baggies


>> No.52429418
Quoted by: >>52429437

I checked but its not EOD yet so source would be check the chart EOD correct? Just making sure

>> No.52429432
File: 38 KB, 620x413, bestburry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking we may get an announcement in AH. This FTX fuckery is too big to conceal any longer and Gamestop has to protect its investors.

>> No.52429435
File: 45 KB, 310x311, 36f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Litteral 404 digit

>> No.52429437
Quoted by: >>52429452

Red every single day for 14 months. Today will be no different. See you EOD baggie

>> No.52429452
Quoted by: >>52429473

Read you EOD baggie**

>> No.52429453
Quoted by: >>52429473

Do you often watch the ticker for stock you don’t hold or just gme?

>> No.52429454

>/GME/ - The Fountain of Piss Edition

>> No.52429465
Quoted by: >>52429497

He's not a big fan of the maga crowd, make of that what you will. In fact it almost seems like given how much of a shitshow the red team has been the past two years that it was intentional, and they're being paid off to "throw the game" as it were.

>> No.52429473


Red now
Red in an hour
Red eod
Red eow
Red eom
Very Red eoy

Your portfolio? Extremely red

>> No.52429476

>implying theyre gonna imply the implications

>> No.52429490
Quoted by: >>52430140

>gets to 100%
100% of what? The free float is a changing number and holding a share of the company is a good investment on its own anyway.

The borrowed shares require collateral and the market tanking destroys the value of that collateral eventually leading to margin calls. You think that bunch of criminals aren't going to turn on each other at some point? They all know their collateral is bullshit, and so do we. Every one of these major events like Evergrand, the LME, FTX and whomever the next one destroys brings them closer to a fucking bloodbath and logic dictates that the first one to betray the others has the best chance of survival.

I would pay double to watch this shit unfold, it's going to be glorious!

>> No.52429497
Quoted by: >>52429543

Trump was not planned and the red team needed any win they could get. Now that he’s worn out his use the red team is tossing him to the side to make room for the new guy.

>> No.52429512
Quoted by: >>52429549

>It will happen when the weather begins to cool...
Soon, brother.

>> No.52429523


/biz/ bought the dip over the weekend. Nobody believes it's going to zero so it won't.

>> No.52429543
Quoted by: >>52429641

At the end of the day I hate most of what both sides of the power duopoly in this country stands for and realize they're both playing together and against each other at all times. Here's hoping a good old fashioned "piss the proles right the fuck off" market crash is enough to start some serious finance reforms in this country, starting with foreign funding to political parties being assigned the penalties accordant with the classical ones for high treason. Been too fucking long since some prick in a suit swung for being a prick in a suit, Vietnam has the right idea about that shit.

>> No.52429546

I predicted sometime this week yesterday. There’s too much fud directed specifically at NFTs and the NFT divvy for it to be a coincidence. It’s been filed already and the rats at the SEC told the hedgeniggers who told the shill teams to fud it aggressively before the announcement comes out

>> No.52429549
File: 177 KB, 1024x640, Comfyroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the rod and the ring will strike

>> No.52429554
File: 585 KB, 910x1260, Earth's Mightiest Fren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52429601

>this is a rug pull machine.. please be aware!
how'd this turkish guy even know

>> No.52429641

Based and agreed fren. Too many anon even in these threads are so tribal that they think picking either team is a viable strategy rather then changing the game entirely.

>> No.52429642
File: 60 KB, 294x361, BAHAHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold! The new shillie copy pasta

>> No.52429659

This isn't just crabbing, this is advanced crabbing.

>> No.52429684
File: 277 KB, 1125x1100, 8E44DC67-7314-4DC6-980C-ABCBFAA124E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.52429694

I need moass this week, thanks. Ryan Coinmarketcap I'm looking at you!

>> No.52429705
Quoted by: >>52429751

I still don’t get what they hope fudding will accomplish. Kek. Do they think a bunch of schizos, retards and autists are going to be told “the nft can be distributed” and just decide to sell on the spot?

>> No.52429747
File: 232 KB, 657x527, gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have had it with all of this chicanery

>> No.52429751

Doesn't make any sense. There's FUD about the divvy because it's either that or a market crash, we have no more catalysts it's either one or the other

>> No.52429759

Yes I can see this. I'm sure the DTCC lets Kenny know whenever anything is filed. Fucking rats.

>> No.52429776

You’re an absolute retard. If you’re not a shill you’ve allowed yourself to be psyopped. You need to take the flat pill.

>> No.52429778

They're doing some AMC-APE nigger magic to keep GME runup suppressed.
MOASS is imminent.

>> No.52429887
File: 98 KB, 1024x752, E72FCF18-47AC-47FC-A10A-2C339893877F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see The Banshees of Inisherin at the theater up the street from me but it’s an AMC. I just can’t do it bros

>> No.52429946
File: 43 KB, 532x345, 1666674526469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$25 is about to be locked in.

>> No.52429984
File: 64 KB, 1100x619, AbsolutelyPathetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52430055

It looks like FTX helped the covid regime. All that free money printing. Did someone say RICO?

>> No.52430047

Got tired of waiting for the dip that never comes. I slurped. Will DRS all of it in a few days.

>> No.52430055

of course.

>> No.52430109
File: 66 KB, 930x538, 98FE29E1-9E4F-4187-89AC-C437D20531E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic rel.

>> No.52430113
Quoted by: >>52430455

crypto.com just 86'd itself.

>> No.52430140
Quoted by: >>52430171

Yup, it's 2008 all over again, a fake market propped up by shit collateral. It's all over the moment someone big tries to offload the shit collateral, exposing it worth and causing a cascade of panic margin calls.

Does this have anything to do with GME? I have no idea, play it how you would.

>> No.52430171

>Does this have anything to do with GME?
It has everything to do with GME. These fools orchestrate market crashes every so often and our little stimmy checks are holding the crash hostage. It's still gonna crash though.

>> No.52430303
File: 81 KB, 526x700, 278119290_10161688239543496_4686189014988921665_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52430381

whens the first rise to 800?

>> No.52430381


>> No.52430455
File: 117 KB, 1260x1080, __sorceress_dragon_s_crown_drawn_by_kazo__c716c80d33091ef1507a1db74c5d9141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mo'ass soon.

oh shit even the API is down

>> No.52430521
Quoted by: >>52430940

It's NNN wth are you doing?

>> No.52430548

Its still up

>> No.52430578

Are you lads all in on GME or do you have any side investments earning you money to roll back in? Any link marines here? I've just been visiting their thread and they have some interesting ideas

>> No.52430596
File: 157 KB, 1080x1350, 1555418876813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52430636

I'd heavily suggest buying more. Some huge shit is about to go down.

>> No.52430636

Literally built for AMC hodlers

>> No.52430658

Could SBF’s tweet about “glass houses and well played, you won” isn’t to CZ but RC, you know because the GameStopped

>> No.52430660

kek link baggie

>> No.52430686
File: 28 KB, 400x400, MarkCu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would line up with Elon's GAME OVER tweet on the hedge background.

>> No.52430736
File: 88 KB, 674x647, 1654520273134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hedgies should consider closing their shorts.

>> No.52430745
Quoted by: >>52431009

Plot twist: RC has been wearing CZ's skin like a halloween costume for the last year.

>> No.52430769

My largest holding is technically home equity, but GME is my largest liquid position.

>> No.52430794

Other than a pittance of loop luna and bathstock nah. Right around five figures in on GME depending on the price, maybe a little less than a grand on the rest.

>> No.52430940

She doesn't have any nuts??

>> No.52431006

The desperation from shills and crypto baggies is palpable

They will kill themselves soon as they rightfully should

>> No.52431009
File: 31 KB, 780x439, E687CE41-0644-439F-B2C4-A8BF577E5F95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52432554

My entire net worth is in the hands of this man.

>> No.52431045


>> No.52431142
File: 377 KB, 500x375, BlissfulChi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumpity bumerino.

>> No.52431164

All crypto is going to 0.


>> No.52431181

you dropped these, King


>> No.52431189

Take these king

>> No.52431195
File: 142 KB, 300x300, 1608482133916.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean AA ... dude hasn't even started to seriously dilute yet LMAO

>> No.52431221
File: 6 KB, 225x225, tubby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52431234


>> No.52431234
File: 227 KB, 479x539, your first cheque.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>52431221 1221 palindrome checkies
and it is you in the end who gets the cheque


>> No.52431289
File: 380 KB, 498x319, 1598896352435.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I would like GME to MOASS. I assume you have very powerful connections and can make this happen. I have been a very good boy this year, so I believe that I deserve this very much. Also I would not be the only one to benefit from this as many other people would like to see GME MOASS too. Please make our Christmas wishes come true, Santa.



P.S. Ken Griffin is most likely on the naughty list, so instead of coal, GME MOASS would be the perfect gift for him too.

>> No.52431296

DRS is just not going to have an effect until it gets to 100%, and I don't see that happening. With the upcoming recession, apes are going to have to sell to keep treading water in this economy. Sure there will be some die hard holders (those who can afford to pay the bills despite economic turmoil) but the majority of apes will end up selling a portion of their shares month by month. DRS is just not going to keep up. Expect to see declining numbers in the coming months/years and maybe then if there are any apes left who still believe in this play, they can go ahead and attempt to DRS 100%

>> No.52431308

Hot damn, nice finds anons. This is really spicy.

>> No.52431314
File: 131 KB, 985x898, 530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And have you been a good little boy?

>> No.52431324
Quoted by: >>52431427

I second this.

thx daddy santa <3

>> No.52431332

I just bought 5 more shares on computershare

>> No.52431337

yeah DRS didn't changed anything yet

>> No.52431369
File: 184 KB, 731x527, 1638279230138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52431424

Yes Santa, I've been very good this year. I buy shares directly from CS, so you can't get much gooder than that.

>> No.52431395
File: 892 KB, 1440x1080, apuliekswan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have not lost NNN, so even if they've been a shitter I haven't. Plz to be more assing soon.

>> No.52431403

Kys. Flat chads were always right.

>> No.52431412
Quoted by: >>52431477

>basic grammatical failure
good morning sir

>> No.52431424
File: 1.33 MB, 498x498, 35111545353.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52431448

That's a good lad. I'm very proud of you. You will get your present this year

>> No.52431427
File: 246 KB, 705x527, 1667399705404410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.52431448
File: 294 KB, 720x683, 1663201229998474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, thanks Santa! I love you!

>> No.52431453

Explain these flat chads

>> No.52431477

learn to quote first

>> No.52431483

Note that the system isn't bad. Voting for people we trust to take care of legislative shit is fine. But, parties suck. Entrenched alliances that can't change with the times suck.

>> No.52431521
Quoted by: >>52431651

RRP is going to be under 1 trillion today because they needed money FAST for this FTX debacle

>> No.52431527

They sold gift cards hahahaha

>> No.52431542

i love these little frogs like you wouldn't believe

>> No.52431570
Quoted by: >>52431651

RRP 2,165.018



>> No.52431589

so the ftx collpase was another nothing burger


>> No.52431600

Always wisn't

>> No.52431614

Baggies have such good imaginations
They've actually convinced themselves that they're owed billions of dollars.
Cute, but sad!

>> No.52431621

the gears are in motion you stupid bitch

>> No.52431626
Quoted by: >>52431995

It is fascinating to see how quickly narratives get woven and discarded as required. The night that RC filed his intent to sell BBBY for instance. People hailed it as bullish, RC only bought so he could sell during MOASS, MOASS was in the next 60 days because he had that long to sell, he was going to sell and acquire Buy buy baby, then the next day it turns out he sold everything and not a thing from the night before survived

>> No.52431651


>> No.52431676

>begging for (you)s

>> No.52431700

My imagination is so good I know I’m owed infinity dollars.

>> No.52431729 [DELETED] 

The only project I'm using now is Bspin. because:

>Strong casino with a Bitcoin as the playing currency
>Coming giveaway with $15K Prize Pool.
>Huge amount of games, slots, LIVE, spins etc.

>> No.52431777
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Poompa time

>> No.52431791
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Lucky 7's!

>> No.52431793

Why the hell did gamestop team up with FTX?

Any realistic theories? Other than "muh 4d chess".

>> No.52431799
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digits confirm

>> No.52431803

I'm already poor and am living within my means. IM NEVER GOONG TO SELL YOU CUM GARGLING FAGGOT

>> No.52431817

Literally an easy game of checkers

>> No.52431831
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>> No.52431854
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lets fuckin goooo

>> No.52431863
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>> No.52431872
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cheers and WAGMI on tuesday

>> No.52431905

Ok thanks I will continue to DRS everything I buy.

>> No.52431921


>> No.52431967
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>> No.52431972

how did he know bros?

>> No.52431978
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>> No.52431995

It's all about... perception. The stories we tell. Humans are incapable of perceiving reality, only the narratives our minds weave. And as a social species, that doesn't necessarily mean your mind.

>> No.52432024
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>> No.52432026
File: 109 KB, 500x750, sydney perplexed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52432147

>mfw I realise there hasn't been any amc shilling in the last couple of weeks

>> No.52432050 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>52432164

AMC +1.74%
GME +1.74%

What's going on? I thought AMC was supposed to be the distraction stock?

>> No.52432060
File: 10 KB, 204x247, HandRubbingJanny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52432132

Uh... Is this some sort of merchant or have I spent too much time on 4chan

>> No.52432132

It's loss

>> No.52432147

There way past shilling distractions. If you noticed that you’re gonna make it. Now all the shilling is related to whether or not GameStop can deliver a nft that actuallt isn’t necessary to cause moass and the ftx gift card partnership that the shills love to over exaggerate the importance of.

>> No.52432148
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>> No.52432164

Look at APE, they're swapping APE for AMC and AMC for GME.

Verification not required.

>> No.52432183

To sell crypto giftcards
Idk, they were one of the biggest exchanges, and people didnt know about their bullshittery until shit hit the fan

>> No.52432373
File: 98 KB, 629x487, gme is the winning move.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only winning move is GME

>> No.52432407

It was extremely funny to sell their giftcards for two weeks (I think that's not coincidental at fucking all as a length of time) and also a great way to get more information on FTX and how they operate/fakeout shorts by making them think RC had capitulated partnering in any manner with FTX as it has Citadel and other nefarious claws way, way, way up its ass actually telling them what to do. Like just..... not actually selling or buying crypto for their clients when informed to do so and literally only doing it to cover withdrawals to influence price action in whatever direction was needed. Like how as of right this moment there's two billion dollars worth of BTC and ETH that were never bought or sold as applicable, meaning on top of the mountains of dogshit junk bonds that propped up the valuation of both those currencies their prices are literally and completely fake and do not actually reflect what the price of either currency should be. I'm talking fucking with buys and sells during periods of volatility that could've meant the difference between the price ripping or shitting blood.

Lastly it was also extremely funny to more or less have GME put their finger right up the ass of the entity behind a lot of the fuckery people hadn't figured out yet. Personally I think SBF is spelling out "What happened" with his cryptic tweets and the last letter would be getting posted on........... next Tuesday. We're at the weird esoteric signaling part of the journey where entities talk mad shit to each other in code.

>> No.52432554
File: 209 KB, 570x380, tagreuters.com2021binary_LYNXMPEH0T0KL-BASEIMAGE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats steve chobani

>> No.52432732

that's good mayne
thas reaallll goood maynneee

WAGMI gang