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52308521 No.52308521 [Reply] [Original]

We are below 20k again and it seems like we could be heading to 10k -14k judging by the rate FTT dumped. Do you guys think this could be like the LUNA crash or are we done with it?

I'm truly scared, losing hope for the first time since the beginning of this year. What's the way forward?

>> No.52308540

Bitcoin will never go under 30k.
t. /biz/

>> No.52308551
File: 943 KB, 492x875, 1667934833011575.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i'm going all in if we hit 10k

>> No.52308623

If you didn't learn not to listen to /biz, you don't belong to /biz kek

>> No.52308786
File: 2 KB, 122x125, 1667825875126196s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's never gonna be like Do Kwon heist. CZ is in charge now.

>> No.52308824
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Same thing you said before we hit 20k, be patient you will be buying the top just like you did the last time.

>> No.52308881

mmm no, 10-13k was my target since i sold around 60k last year

>> No.52308940
Quoted by: >>52310340

>We are below 20k again and it seems like we could be heading to 10k -14k judging by the rate FTT dumped. Do you guys think this could be like the LUNA crash or are we done with it?

There's the Solana crash coming soon, isn't there?

That should push everything lower.

>> No.52309145
Quoted by: >>52309930

Jokes on you anon, wait till CZ says he is no more acquiring FTX and watch the whole crypto market sink right before your eyes.

>i sold around 60k last year

Stop shitting around pajeet, you didn't sell at 60k

>> No.52309672

Is this an info from the inside.? Shitty larper gtf outta here. Where is BTC now?

>> No.52309930
Quoted by: >>52310130

The jew got bigger plans than your wisdom and got enough funds to throw into Twitter and FTx.

>> No.52310130

Rumor has it FTX has a loophole of about $3-6bn which makes me wonder why CZ would want to take such risk, asides from the fact that regulations would hit him hard after.

>> No.52310340
Quoted by: >>52312074

Google news helped Solana, I believe they won't suffer for now. But being as bad as they are, it's inevitable.

>> No.52310938

Rumor has it being keyword. Cz isn't a retard, he wont put himself in a mess without purpose

>> No.52310954

that's a man

>> No.52311007
Quoted by: >>52311041

But the agreement came after a huge liquidity crunch. FTX asked for help from Binance.

>> No.52311041

And what, anon. You think two exchange giants who were basically competitors would join forces without thinking of the consequences
There's definitely some hidden agenda there or CZ is trying to monopolize his position as an exchange giant. Either way, he wont jump onto a sinking boat blindly

>> No.52311067

What benefits, jeet. Tokens are all crashing because of the uncertainty of the deal

>> No.52311078

>losing hope for the first time since the beginning of this year.
The signs have always been there. You've probably just been living on hopium. Smart peeps have been fully into risk management strategies since the signs popped up.

>> No.52311107
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You newfags act like this is unexpected. The crypto market is and always has been fucking volatile. As long as your assets are safe and your risk strategies are on point, why the fuck do you care
Buy the dip and STFU

>> No.52311124
Quoted by: >>52311262

Most definitely! it's definitely not gonna stay there for long if it gets there. Your stables better be ready to be deployed at the go signal. If you're staking currently, you're better off staking on platforms with no lock time.

>> No.52311220
Quoted by: >>52311262

Rumor also has it that FTX token will go to 0, lmao

>> No.52311259
Quoted by: >>52311363

>Do you guys think this could be like the LUNA crash or are we done with it
We're way over the LUNA crash effect. This is just market volatility playing out at its best.

>> No.52311262

This anon gets it. Safe assets with less risk. Stables are a safe bet

If it does, it does. No one should have had more FTT than they could afford to lose or so much that it risks their portfolio

>> No.52311311
Quoted by: >>52311363

be careful with what stables you suggest to newfags

>> No.52311363
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Quoted by: >>52311393

Precisely. Good to see smart jeets out here. Biz is full of fags who have no idea what they're talking about. Volatility because of the uncertainty. Especially because there's still rumours about the purchase not actually happening, since the entire Terms of deal is a secret

I'm not a fucking financial advisor. They can do their own research. I only personally stake 1:1 backed stables.

>> No.52311393
Quoted by: >>52311560

kek 1 to 1 backed reminds me of the absolute shitshow that was Binance no longer supporting USDC

>> No.52311456
Quoted by: >>52311560

So we'll be having a CZ heist next?

>i sold around 60k last year
Even though I know you probably didn't sell at 60k, hope you've been wise enough to put the stables to good use. Probably staking?

>> No.52311560

Look, i see the pov in terms of BUSD, but i never staked USDC on Binance. APYs were shit anyways.

We're not going to see a heist, we're going to see a take over.

>> No.52311762

>CZ is trying to monopolize his position as an exchange giant.
CZ acts like the savior of the market now to put Binance as the top CEFI platform out there. That's gonna be too much power for 1 person and the more reason why I'll be avoiding it like wild fire. Sticking with Defi all day everyday to keep full control of my assets.

>> No.52311991
Quoted by: >>52313970

>be patient you will be buying the top
So what can someone do in the meantime? You know how it i when you have funds to deploy but can't do that for some obvious reasons.

>> No.52312074

Solana is so shitty. I wouldn't ever buy any projects launched on its chain. It's either Ethereum or Binance or Polygon or nothing. For those complaining about ETH gas fees, there are ways around it and smart devs have devised some means to reduce the gas fee burden on their users.

>> No.52312153

Rumor never fact. The short cut to being a whale is killing your competitor. Crypto whales are smarter than even physics elites.

This is a golden time for Binance US to prove their smartness

>> No.52312241
Quoted by: >>52313970

This is why you will forever remain poor. Very risky period differentiates you and Elon musk. Your blindness is the vision of the genius.

>> No.52312357

Too much power for one person sounds like something out of a dystopian movie, anon. Be realistic

>> No.52312408
Quoted by: >>52312444

Stables are owned by thesame people. The solution is to hide under your mom's basement.
Crash knows no bounds between stables and unstables .

>> No.52312444
Quoted by: >>52313810

Anon stables are less volatile than the rest of crypto because of their backings

And if you use middlewares like SpoolFi or bEarn Fi as compared to yield generators like Aave or Harvest, it's even less risky

>> No.52312596
Quoted by: >>52313810

You sound like a retard now, didn't CZ himself include in his announcement tweet that he can pull out anytime.

>> No.52312952

There's never a smoke without fire, for FTX to agree to the terms of acquisition from Binance, that should tell you all you need to know.

>> No.52313420
Quoted by: >>52313970

What are the terms though,
Aren't those still pretty fucking lowkey

>> No.52313482
Quoted by: >>52313761

Binance already backed out of FTX.
thanks for playing guys

>> No.52313616

He established that way back. Who's the giant in this industry? Binance today is valued >$117

But that doesn't change the fact that DAOs are the best.

>> No.52313761

they did not. there are rumors but thats it.

>> No.52313810
Quoted by: >>52313916

>it's even less risky
What about the APYs . We count zeros not risk retard especially if it's possible to access the generators from a single entry point....

You must be living in caves of the mesopotamian empire where news is in the hands of fakers ...

>> No.52313916

You do know that APYs that are too high on stables aren't sustainable right, desu

Around 10% on a lower risk spool for USDC , varies. But you should dyor honestly. Comparatively higher than Binance's shitty 4%

>> No.52313920

Reminder to SOL shorters that $1B worth of SOL is currently being unstaked and will hit users wallets in about 17-18 hours. This is just the beginning

>> No.52313970
Quoted by: >>52314078


Stop plundering on another man's life. Can't you be useful to the uterus that begets you whether on stables or alts.

When will Biz frens mind their own Biz.

>> No.52314078

STFU ignorant retard. We ask questions so we can get answers, not for assholes like you to tell us to mind our business. This is our business. It affects us