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52200742 No.52200742 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think gonna happen to crypto with Elon Musk has acquired Twitter and probably will use Doge for crypto payments on Twitter

>> No.52200770

doge is going to pump to $1 and dogechain will pump to $1.50

>> No.52200818

I think OP is the blackest gorillanigger in the jungle.

>> No.52200853

when was Twitter ever a payment platform

>> No.52201002

I think the OP was implying the new model Elon was launching for the subscription for blue ticks.

>> No.52201080

Doge can't easily be used for defi and payments because it's not erc20 compatible. It would make more sense to create a new erc20 token called Dogecoin and use that for payments.

>> No.52201128

Or uust wdoge. You fucking retard.

>> No.52201195

Hopeless ranjeets. Elon and doge fathers ngmi to $1.

>> No.52201220

What do you mean by not Erc20 compatible?

>> No.52201230

he also said this for "burnt hair" cologne, in reality you were able to pay with almost any crypto, doge was just one of them. so prepare the same for twitter, he's already denominating prices in USD so 0 reason to use a doge-only payment system

>> No.52201244
Quoted by: >>52201337

Where was Doge making it to $1 implied here>>52201002?

Before shitting the thread learn to read pajeet

>> No.52201310
Quoted by: >>52209888

Niggars never knew what Musk intends to do with Twitter acquisition. Stop insinuating shit and focus on what's gonna make your ass rich like Kanye, whether trading, investing, staking or copulation

>> No.52201337

But you fucking hopeless for suggesting blue ticket

>> No.52201525

>not erc20 compatible
Stop blarbing anon. Doge got Ethereum wallet ID.

>> No.52201573

You don't need ERC20 for payments dumbass nigger

>> No.52201738
Quoted by: >>52201785

Doge is a shitty memecoin

>> No.52201785
Quoted by: >>52202126

A shitty meme coin that makes me a lot of money

>> No.52201794

Elon never made such statement, so i doubt this.

>> No.52201846

where the fuck did you read that? You know he will charge monthly for the blue mark. So I expect him to start accepting crypto for that

>> No.52202079
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>> No.52202126
Quoted by: >>52202180

Yeah no, it's temporary gains which works for some but not necessarily everyone else

>> No.52202180
Quoted by: >>52202298

No, yeah, why the fuck would I care if it works for other people? I don't know you, I don't give a shit if you wind up homeless and freeze to death. The stock market is no different than crypto, it is all a casino. People just pretend that stock is different because the companies do things.

You are too retarded to talk to.

>> No.52202241
File: 86 KB, 573x673, 1667403052822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon will have to use a proper network that can handle the traffic
DOGE[hts] is the solution

>> No.52202259

just put Doge inside of a SN lmao.

>> No.52202284

I just want to be cool with my funds on crypto. I don wanna care about Elon and what he's doing. You'll think there is a better way to my problem?

>> No.52202295

Shut the fuck up you hopeless pajeet come here shilling useless meme project. Go get yourself a strong utility project that has got good product and services.

>> No.52202298

Kek are you okay, anon? I didn't even mention the stock market

What we need is more regulation for safer funds

>> No.52202318

Reddit moment. This Terry meme and NTMA are the peak of redditors pretending to be 4channers.

>> No.52202355
Quoted by: >>52202492

You fucking don't read the news that is why you loser stay clueless. Blue tick goes for $8/month and I definitely believe Doge would be one of the means of payment.

>> No.52202390

How the heck are we going to achieve more regulation in the cryptospace? I believe it is necessary for the growth of DeFi.

>> No.52202418

>more regulation
This is hallucinations by the Fed. There is no blockchain projects that's developing a product to tackle this yet.

>> No.52202455
Quoted by: >>52202943

Best crypto for payments is XRP, elon has his eyes on the SEC case too

>> No.52202492

no longer $20/month. Yet to understand the mission of that fat breast bag holder

>> No.52202563

That is not true at all. KYC etc has already been implemented by some DeFi projects and some are bridging DeFi and TradFi too

>> No.52202584

KYC, AML, TIDV. All processes to ensure regulation

>> No.52202587

If any project should be used for crypto payments it should be UTK or XPRESS, not this joke

>> No.52202685


Holy shit, I know literally nothing about chains, Oracles, L1, POS or any of that shit. But what you just said there was downright retarded. How the fuck can it not be used for payments? It's a currency.

>> No.52202688
File: 15 KB, 512x512, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XPRESS has a good LM pool too

>> No.52202719
Quoted by: >>52202823

Makes no point
When did gamblers manufacture another term... TIDV? kek. Sounds like those backyard lottery codes.

>> No.52202773

I saw the Harmony One hackathon for this a while back

>> No.52202823

Isn't KYC "know your client" and AML "Anti-money laundering"
Why does it not make sense, newfag

I assume TIDV is Trustless Identification Verification

That's the basic usecase of Allianceblock. Bridging DeFi and TradFi

>> No.52202847

All Doge coins will take all retail money again like in 2021 and everybody in all other coins will miss out on the bullrun again

>> No.52202857

AAVE already has KYC processes implemented
How are they bridging DeFI and TradFi

>> No.52202899
File: 25 KB, 689x445, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not too sure about the entire mechanics but they're in the OpenWealth association with top Swiss Banks.

Aave is a yield generator, right, jeet

>> No.52202934
Quoted by: >>52203001

>crypto for a verification badge
>badge requires real ID, defeating a cardinal point of crypto
So why do it?
Pls do the needful and redeem English coin, Sir.

>> No.52202943

Agreed, DOGE is a retarded meme

The whole blue tick shit is nonsense too

I would not say they're the best

You're blind

>> No.52202959
Quoted by: >>52203043

Erc20 for payments ahahahahahaahahahahahahahahah my fucking sides

>> No.52202987

theres no logistical support for the switch to electric nor will they be able to replace the batteries in the transportation industry fleet in 10 years. the subsidy train is ending and hes out of ideas just like zuckerberg

>> No.52202988
Quoted by: >>52203043

I think the new shitcoin meme token EBT (ELON BUYS TWITTER) will do 100000000000000x.

>> No.52203001
Quoted by: >>52203043

Meme coins aren't built for long term. No matter what, Elon cannot bring back the same hype for DOGE that he initially did. Every meme has their own run time and that was over.

Also, i agree XRP can't be the best payment one. Someone mentioned UTK and XPRESS too. I know the former because of their partnerships and liquidity pools

>> No.52203026
Quoted by: >>52203070

there will be no negotiation with twitter blue checkmarks. the platform is already dead and the only people who pay attention to it are autistic neo nazis and their friends in the media monopoly who advocated injecting your children with poison under penalty of excommunication. spacex is done as well, the satellites are mostly launched, tourism is a meme, mining is a meme, mars is a meme. nasa will replace the russian lander with their own

>> No.52203043
Quoted by: >>52203070

Shit, anon. Relax, kek
For fuck sakes, stop focusing on Elon coins

Is the pool on LMaaS
I know Utrust is decent to use too

>> No.52203070

Twitter really is dead, only people there are retards who want to shit on others at all times. And the freedom of speech nonsense is sold bullying.

Yes it is.

>> No.52203247

That's the manifestation of DeFi terminal anon.

>> No.52203305
Quoted by: >>52210948

KYC and AML aren't making sense yet. Unless the TIDV to come has cool stuffs to offer. If not, we are still heading to doom ...

>> No.52203364

Doge coin will have smart contracts after icp integration.

>> No.52203406

Except retail already spaffed their money on Doge and then lost it all

Who is left to buy an asset that peaked at about a 50 fucking billion dollar valuation?

It's over. So many fucking clueless cringelords still thinking they can make it on crypto.

>> No.52203908

I learnt that Allianceblock is at the verge of integrating the TIDV is that correct?

This will indeed ensure regulation.

>> No.52203950
File: 3.57 MB, 498x206, albt_45.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>52205181

The AB DeFi terminal in action that powers 16 other projects liquidity mining and staking campaigns.

>> No.52204070

You're correct. Some call them the future of finance and now is a good time to tap in the future.kek

>> No.52204107

doge is secured through merge-mining with LTC. will LTC also pump?

>> No.52204167

>and probably will use Doge for crypto payments on Twitter
There'll probably be several crypto options in addition to the standard FIAT option. BTC, ETH, XRP and others will be options alongside DOGE.

>> No.52204208

He's a businessman.

>> No.52204612

Heil Hi.. Musk!
we shall serve you from dawn to dusk
should spoilt liberals go against your ways
we shall fight them 'till the end of days
waiting have we for this day of freedom for too long
but finally the world knows who's got the biggest shlong
and if some fools try to defy your holy decrees
we will expose them to a most dangerous disease -
that's right, real communism, where you are gonna wish you could have access to food supply
...wait, even though Russia is kinda Musk's ally?
Impossible! Liberal propaganda is this!
Go on, haters, enjoy your ignorant bliss!
And while you indulge in vices so disgusting
the last and the true messiah, Musk, shall Twitter algorithms be adjusting
And may by the blessing of God we reach Mars - the conservative heaven
and you, liberals, be damned here on the continents seven

>> No.52205181

Not just the staking campaigns, it's now peer to peer funding campaign. Dua us live already

>> No.52206336
Quoted by: >>52207470

WTH is dogechain y'all keep investing in this shit and cry foul on biz when there are cheapies like ZIL,CVP,TXA and ORE with solid usecases crawling the space.

>> No.52206654
Quoted by: >>52207154

I feel you bro, I only look to few places for solid project;
Memecoins arent moving shit in the next bull season.

>> No.52206989

What are talking about Desu, regulations simply means more govt involvement in crypto. Y'all can go ahead, I'll keep my transactions private and off the radar.

>> No.52206997
File: 2 KB, 99x125, 1665090983363691s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep flaunting your ass arround some dirty pussy you get rekt soon when GSD is making some juicy shit as user will not need to worry which chain, pool or stablecoin will provide the highest yield, the platform automates and manages this for the user, go and be useful dickhead.

>> No.52207117
Quoted by: >>52217678

KYC, Really? I thought we all agreed that decentralized Identity is the best option for defi growth.

>> No.52207154
File: 1 KB, 125x52, 1665096664860876s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Denm you playing with the wrong pussy go get you ass spank with BTC, ETH and GSD this project got some sweet juicy shit,don't be a retard dick anon

>> No.52207248
Quoted by: >>52207697

Until more platforms integrate with privacy protocols as an extra step for security, I am afraid we will battle these hacks for a very long time.

>> No.52207470
Quoted by: >>52209872

Go get a life and stop posting shitty quotes here faggot you sound like some dirty asian pussy as GSD teams has done a complete analysis of DeFi protocol hacks. We have classified all known hacks and worked out possible methods of protection against them. Get some real pussy experience anon

>> No.52207652

>Buy overpriced doge 10 months ago
>Doge tanks
>50% loss
>Hold bags
>Doge rallys
>Dump doge at break even point
>Doge immediately tanks again

Feels good I'm happy. Might buy in at 5 cents

>> No.52207697
Quoted by: >>52207868

Den get your ass on the GSD platform and don't be a assholes

>> No.52207813
File: 2 KB, 125x110, 1665089664342994s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea anon but I got my ass fix on GSD, it will provide audits with the implementation of each feature that affects the work of smart contracts

>> No.52207868

Wtf is this anon how can it be beneficial it got some sweet pussy experience will dymr on it

>> No.52208148
File: 2 KB, 125x108, 1664182618677775s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf are saying anon you need some sense fags stop posting shitty quotes get a life and don't get rekt on that's shitty, as the TVL in the platform grows, the earnings of GSD stakers also grows.

>>earned interest paid out to GSD stakers is in the form of tokenized gold. don't die poor fegget

>> No.52208168
Quoted by: >>52209087

Why is no one talking about the giveaway? Is it legit?

>> No.52208511
Quoted by: >>52209778

It will promote crypto payment for sure, have no idea which payment platform he would like to use

>> No.52209087

Which giveaway, dont be a dump ass, no one will give free money

>> No.52209778

CZ that sneaky bastard is making a move already, I will prefer he go for Utrust if Elon is smart enough since it charges low fees and there is cashback

>> No.52209857

I'm not surprised, Elon is a joke just like Doge.

>> No.52209872

Go kys ranjesh, you either go under the radar with anonymity or your get burnt.

>> No.52209888

Anyone could have spotted this from a mile away, especially when he offered that huge amount for Twitter.

>> No.52209933

Sometimes I like to sit back and really imagine a world where doge becomes the every day store currency since it'll never hit big boy numbers because there's so many of them.
Imagine writing textbooks for school children and explaining to them why it's that picture on the coin.
>"In 2003 a skinny faggot who wanted to be a girl created a message board for no reason other than he was bored one day so people could yell at niggers on the internet and masturbate to anime..."

>> No.52209965

e.g ORE

>> No.52210025

Apys from LM are shit compared to passice income from protocol generated income distributed by staking.

>> No.52210041

I don't invest in doge, but being erc20 wouldn't really matter. They can accept payments via LTC network or really any network if they choose.
What I am interested in is if the payment will be mandatory. If he makes it mandatory to pay in doge or crypto in general, it will be bullish af. But chances are it will be just an option like with tesla
>How many people actually bought a tesla with doge?

>> No.52210108

This is what everyone wants, being cool and safe, so as not to lose and cry at last.

>> No.52210226

several advancements are coming into the space, and For KYC, TIDV launched with DUA on Fundrs,

>> No.52210323

regulations can be good if they are in compliance with DeFi, which is why i see TIDV as one of the most innovative project in the space.

>> No.52210623

I've always seen doge as a joke and it always proves its a joke to me.

>> No.52210729
Quoted by: >>52211140

Apys from LM are shit compared to passively earning from protocol generated income distributed to stakers like the Railgun DAO reward system.

>> No.52210948

Having Defi to comply to regulation is the best way forward, and that's what TIDV provides,

>> No.52211140

Focusing on LM in this market is risky, cause of volatility. This is why I key to projects with solid products, just like what AllianceBlock has in Fundrs, and OREID in privacy.

>> No.52212312

dumb retard

>> No.52213987
File: 60 KB, 900x900, Hi, I'd like a hot DOGE, no CHILIZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not my problem. i took advantage of this retarded, recent DOGE pump, got all my money back from TWTR when it got delisted and got all my money back from DOGE when it pamped. thanks redditards and normies. now i still own DOGE but even if it goes to zero i lose nothing of my original investment lol, i hope you guys aren't still falling for the DCA and HODL meme and took some off the top this time

>> No.52214582


>Binance Bluebird Index is a cryptocurrency price index launched in November 2022 that tracks the performance of BNB, DOGE and MASK. The Index is calculated using a formula that incorporates the weighted averages of the constituent tokens’ real-time prices on the Binance Spot market, denominated in USDT.


>> No.52214673
File: 89 KB, 660x574, c27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doge will pump for sure.
But I seriously doubt if he will give opportunities for a few crypto payment gateways which are developing rapidly.
I would like him see to share his knowledge and encourage young entrepreneurs like Sanja Kon.

>> No.52214681

All depends on if the SEC and governments are okay with him using Dogecoin to do it. Would probably easier to just use Bitcoin to do payments since it is clearly a commodity.

>> No.52214718

>implying it won't be with MATIC for maximum salt here and on reddit

>> No.52214739

Twitter will become a de facto L2 payment platform using doge as its L1.

>> No.52214741

Elon should force the 8$ checkmark payment to be made in doge coin.

>> No.52215438

the guy is going to do something about the nfts, I don't know if he's going to eliminate them or support them, but he's going to do something, and I don't plan on being here when that happens, I was already doing too much making my little animals fight in fucking zoodao

>> No.52216374
Quoted by: >>52216467

Twitter won't be able to do it however they could interface with binance and do it through the smart chain wallet.

>buy doge
>buy lunc
>buy bnb

Buy those cryptos before any announcements and you'll know what it was like to own shares in apple or microsoft before they took off

>> No.52216467

meh. crypto is dead. DOGE is already dumping. that was just an artificial whale pump just like what happened with the ETH merge. you'll see a slight bump in hodlers, but that's about it since BTC is still not doing shit because there's absolutely no hype nor will there ever possibly be any again for it

>> No.52217678

Sure it is but most of these platforms are controlled by some key developers. Just do the damn kyc and move on. I recently completed my kyc on GameStar+ as they get set to launch their token presale.