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51168658 No.51168658 [Reply] [Original]

if u don't know, stay poor and stay buying memecoins faggots

>> No.51168751

well done biz throw away your genuine chances at making it while you gossip over avax and icp shitcoins. this board has gone to total shit. enjoy wage hell forever

>> No.51169293
File: 35 KB, 780x438, pepefroggie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51169703

let me guess, the 1000x's are the low mc shitcoins and the 100x is the high mc shitcoin?

>> No.51169352

Lcx is a kown scam but has a fancy peice of paper from a corrupt government so leverages that to hold other projects hostage with partnerships. Alliance block is cool but token not needed. Quant is amazing but I guarantee you he has made side deals where the token is not needed as much, think fiat constant payment despite quant price.

The reason every fag speculated on avax and other shit coins is because it can be manipulated and therefore pump on project adoption. In 20 years when everything uses quant the wusnt token could still be worth 100$ or more likely the supply increases cuz the big boys want it too and there is nothing you can do

>> No.51169608

Shill me albt

>> No.51169703

aren't you clever
tiny brain moment (low IQ(small brain) moment)
no! fuck you spoonfeeder bitch!

>> No.51169917

Based albt post.
Remove lcx and replace with vxv and that's me....

>> No.51169996
File: 47 KB, 576x532, india.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AllianceBlock is a Pajeet coin. Ive seen pajeet bots shill it alot the past week. Stay away.
LCX is a scam.
QNT is good, but youre already late and buying the top. Shouldve bought under $1.

>> No.51170006
Quoted by: >>51170126

What are the plays anon

>> No.51170055
Quoted by: >>51170096

Overledger usage can be paid in fiat or quant, most enterprise use would likely be paid in fiat. but that fiat buys quant and locks up for their license, and gateway use works the same
look at link. went to top 5 without any utility or staking back in the day, it's just hype/awareness which is coming for quant no doubt

heavy vxv bags? scam, how's -98%

>> No.51170096

-98%? I literally bought 3k yesterday lol
Give me a week before it's -98% bro

>> No.51170126

He has none >>51169996 is what's wrong with biz these days. reddit nigger with no understanding of DLT and it's place in the broader world, just a retarded poorfag who vomits opinions the loudest. should rope
I have money ready to deploy on vxv when the time is right. now is not the time for vxv or albt, wait until you see life. albt is 2024 upon max circulation.

>> No.51170182
Quoted by: >>51170215

When should we stack these then anon? (Vxv and Albt) also what’s ur price prediction on vxv and albt

>> No.51170215

10b mc albt, vxv I'm less bullish on but still in the couple billions after a few cycles, but probably not next. Stack albt close to 2024 as tokens are still entering circulation until then. It may begin to rip before, keep close eye on both. once they begin to turn around they will not return to these prices. I don't think the bullrun begins until 2024 absolute earliest. Also do your own research maggot

>> No.51170244
Quoted by: >>51170674

Appreciate the spoon feeding anon, how do u conduct research/find shit early

>> No.51170285

I understand your assessment anon. My theory is basically buy vxx at current levels and below. Albt I'm buying at 0.05 and below.
My buys on qnt are below 40, haven't sold any yet. Kinda think I shoulda sold some last year.
Most of what I've spent is from link I bought in 2018 at 0.35 cents and sold at $35 for my first 100x. I'm buying link again too in the $5 to $7 range btw

>> No.51170401
Quoted by: >>51170491

What cryptos do u think will pull a link?

>> No.51170491


But if you're talking high return potential this thread is solid. I'm personally also heavily in rose and injective protocol both of which I've heavily researched and am confident will have decent return potential.
I've got a sui stack of hathor too then dabble in a couple of other high risk metaverse wild cards

>> No.51170495
Quoted by: >>51170674

fuck your cucked coomplycoins

>> No.51170624
Quoted by: >>51170789

Do u think link breaks four digits in price? But what specifically in this thread- vxv, link, albt? I’ve never heard of Hathor desu

>> No.51170674

you be a non-fucked non-retard and do research
QNT will reach $10k if that makes you feel better
Ok poorfag I follow the money you follow the retards

>> No.51170789

Id say 1k link is easy in the future as the implications of link are huge. It is literally world changing technology. Wide spread adoption is inevitable. The price potential is huge.
Vxv is interesting and can see 100x potential.
Albt is another monster waiting ill be selling around $10
Hathor is an L1 that achieves what many others wish they could. Biz doesn't know about it or like it due to it being from a Brazilian team.
Another interesting one to research is constellation DAG with their depth of defence contracts

>> No.51171031

Rose and injective++. Congratulations you are not retarded and will likely make it over the coming decades well done. Biz fucking retarded spastic cunts take note of this thread maybe you'll learn something

>> No.51171180
Quoted by: >>51171205

i've been accoomulating these alts
i like these choices anon
if you have some beer money for the week i'd also buy some coreto

>> No.51171205

coreto is way way way more of a gamble than any of these but is on my radar as a funny haha coin. decent idea. tried the website. can't see it being something many people use. we will see.

>> No.51171301
Quoted by: >>51171401

>Be baggie
>Make over 1000 shill threads for your worthless shitcoins on /biz/ and over 1000000 shill posts.
>Meanwhile memecoins made so many people over $1m or at least a 100x
kek baggie.

>> No.51171401

stay poor and write poor bait threads while I run through your wife for $300 a night (she now earns 10x more than you and is the breadwinner in your family for just drinking my cum every 18 hours)

>> No.51171506


>> No.51171537

Where can we see ALBT unlock schedules?

>> No.51171734
File: 18 KB, 548x559, 1661851372514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51171817

>gm sirs!!!!

>> No.51171779

also wondering about this

>> No.51171796


stop asked to be spoonfed you can find this information in 3 minutes of searching

>> No.51171817
Quoted by: >>51172442

gm poor brainless nigger faggot who thinks anyone who knows more than them must be an Indian scammer. You're actually just so far behind the curve it's laughable pal

>> No.51171929

Interesting going to look into albt thanks anon, already heavy in icp and quant. Going to buy some aptos when the price stabilises after launch too. Hopefully will make it by 2025.

>> No.51172032
Quoted by: >>51172100

10k US split into lcx, albt and vxv. 2 cycles/10 years from now, multi millions.

>> No.51172072
File: 4 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51177866

You haven't heard of payment solutions, have you? Those are the future fag. Get it.

>> No.51172085

Well said. Shit tokens won't see the light of day. More reason to stick to working ones like CryptoXpress building a payment gateway. It's just a matter of time.

>> No.51172090

When would plebs learn to stop chasing quick gains and focus on utility. I'd always go for platforms with relevant use cases. One of the reasons why I'm in on ORE which gives users cross-chain access with just a single ID.

>> No.51172100
Quoted by: >>51173142

>10k US
oh nonono this retard runs fantasies of being a multimillionaire on 10k worth of shitcoins hahahahaha point and laugh at him!!! HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!

>> No.51172146

Imagine transferring your hard-earned money to pajeets who hate you

>> No.51172207
File: 171 KB, 710x695, habfdvv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pajeet cannot read. DYOR research or you are ngmi.
>Use metabonding on maiar by staking EGLD and you can get some based tokens like UTK.
>EGLD will go 100x, so it is worth staking while earning other tokens too.

>> No.51172276
Quoted by: >>51172461

How do u dyor, like any specific sites or something? What do I look for?

>> No.51172442

Ignore the fags. I would rather spend my time researching on payment systems and the innovations they are bringing to the space.

>> No.51172461

Look at team and fundamentals anon. What are they bringing to the table? That was how Xpress dropped on my radar. Now staking and watching from the sidelines.

>> No.51172870
Quoted by: >>51173142

You have a point anon. I also have an eye out for platforms that serve a relevant purpose in the space. One of the things that led me to Railgun which enables privacy on defi through ZkSNARKS cryptography.

>> No.51173110

any shills I have not acknowledged ITT are scams. pajeets above fuck out of my thread niggers.

>> No.51173142
Quoted by: >>51175338

cope you forever poor faggot. these aren't random shitcoins retard dummy. leave this board and never post again until you have done a basic amount of research. Kys.
Kys pajeet
Kys pajeet

>> No.51173171

This thread has been almost completely overrun by indian niggers who need rope. If you own or shill any of the tagged above kys immediately.

>> No.51174250

You could just buy 0L Network, which runs on the same technology as Aptos (move language): just without VCs ready to dump.

It’ll be launching eoy.

>> No.51174283
Quoted by: >>51174336

Kys pajeet

>> No.51174298
Quoted by: >>51175528

>look at teams

You anons best take a look at Obscuro then. The whole team is full of R3 Corda veterans, former Barclays bankers, academics; etc. Again, launching eoy. Arguably the best team in the game based on experience and connections.

Posting the alpha here as OPs projects are actually okay so I expect some of you will DYOR on the likes of Obscuro and 0L Network - both of which are in the presale stage.

>> No.51174336
Quoted by: >>51175763

Okay. Buy Aptos that’ll launch in the multi billions of market cap then. Rather than a project that’ll launch in the dozens of millions, yet uses the exact same tech.

>> No.51175338
Quoted by: >>51175528

Ease up off the white stuff Sally. You're going insane. Your kids and I are worried about you.

>> No.51175387

based. I've spotted good innovation in platforms that bridge web2 identities to web3 seeing as the crypto space is moving in that direction.

>> No.51175528
Quoted by: >>51177527

Sneed scum
Obscuro has potential however the team seems a bit young and naive, especially in relation to crypto. Strong tradfi roots however. 0L may never takeoff or amount to anything without exposure. Not sure I like the teams reasoning for not being doxxed given they say they'll be likely found anyway. Half assed opsec from the get go. Aptos I'll keep an eye on. appreciate the alpha brown man

>> No.51175738
File: 10 KB, 194x259, images (29).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not knowing will certainly make faggots poor just like the bear is crashing lots of Investor's hope. It's better to dive in for a quantum-resistant blockchain that's being built strategically to ensuring the future security of all digital assets.

>> No.51175763

That's how millions got retk

>> No.51175889

Best place to read up on Albt? Watching on youtube at the moment.

>> No.51176040
Quoted by: >>51176352

Qan or quant? What the difference between the two anons

>> No.51176057

Rare QNT post, good man OP. I agree with your assessment and bought my bag at $6, also holding long term on this as I also agree with your assessment that it will reach 10k. I appreciate your anger towards the absolute retards that comprise the majority of this board, I was shilled QNT here and I periodically return to check it out, it seems worse every time somehow.
I hold no other coins than QNT in my portfolio as I believe fully in my target price and no longer even check the daily fluctuations, rather I keep abreast of the coin's general moves, and I couldn't be comfier. Fair play to you for attempting to enlighten some of these hopeless plebs, I'm sure it led to one or two doing their own research and perhaps making a decision that benefits their future.

>> No.51176127

Talking about innovations, Qanplatform further boosts the speed in adopting its platform for building supply chain solutions through some fucking integrations to the Ethereum virtual machine.

>> No.51176272

Targetting 10k or higher? I wish I got into quant earlier but only read about it since January so im just slowly dcaing every month.

>> No.51176352

DYOR and get your mind focused anon.
Quite interesting anon, I've been wondering what could make trannies happy until I knew that rewarding of developers after each new smart contract deployment and a royalty-based structure for each MainNet transaction where their code part is reused by other developers.

>> No.51176381

enjoy your unmatched generational wealth for being just 1iq point above the average biz fuck-freak. well done, and fuck every retard on this board and whatever they invest in. I am the only intelligent poster here by a country fucking mile.

>> No.51176449
Quoted by: >>51176702

Let me ask you an honest question Jeet. Has the whole
>Shill shit coins while talking like a frat boy as imagined by a terminally online retard
thing ever brought you any happiness? I just don't understand the point of making theses threads. Can someone post the pic of the LCX office entrance?

>> No.51176476
File: 669 KB, 1125x2255, IMG_1778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51177705

Am I going to make it OP?

>> No.51176702
Quoted by: >>51176914

it brings me an immense amount of pleasure to post unrivaled alpha just to be shit on by idiots who dont know a scrap about this industry. This is about the purest of ecstacy power-trip coke high i will embark on upon these calls playing out, knowing full well all the retards like you will still be grovelling over doggy and shitcoin scraps

>> No.51176776

One good positivity is the mainnet, lots of crypto are lacking it and that alone is attracting my attention.
Thumbs up

>> No.51176831

none of you see where this industry is headed, and where an inconceivable amount of capital will be entering these markets, except me. all of your narratives are overdone, trivial, childish, naive and half baked. it's like discussing investments with highschool children. if you cannot see where we are headed yet, you need to DO BETTER

>> No.51176914

>unrivaled alpha on shit coins shilled on /biz/ for 2 years
Oh so you are retarded.
>If you don't buy my shit coins you must be buying shib. There are no other options.
Kek c'mon bro you must have something better than that

>> No.51177047
Quoted by: >>51177087

You sound like a developer, meanwhile it's been a party for motherfucking devs globally as its QVM feature brings any language coding for smart contracts that can potentially bring millions of skilled devs over to blockchain.

>> No.51177087

stop fucking samefagging you ugly deranged Jeet dog cunt now nobody will invest in your dogshit because you look like scam artists you fucking retarded brownies.

>> No.51177527
Quoted by: >>51177559

Sneed??? Really? This sociopath needs to have his balls ripped off and fed to the dogs. Fuckin subhuman faggot.

>> No.51177559


>> No.51177606
File: 24 KB, 484x311, COxFxdHWoAA7yhe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51178381

That stuff make some sense anon,If you aren't good at it, it could be the other way round too, imo staking is good, Right now I earn around 15- 28% staking on that platform, is good enough as passive income that so juicy dude

>> No.51177705
Quoted by: >>51178381

Ygmi anon. You diversified your assets properly and I can see you have an eye for privacy solutions too. Railgun would likely gain more adoption when its mobile app is released in a couple of weeks.

>> No.51177866
File: 45 KB, 263x280, 281-2817769_dank-meme-faces-pepe-the-frog-troll-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51178381

Paying for goods or services as a customer, and getting paid as a merchant is as easy as it should be on web3payments service, it just a sexy party experience

>> No.51177945
Quoted by: >>51178381

Buy those shot has made me get broke I feel retard,which I can get some juicy project that I can get cashback staking and all those shit ,am so rekt anon

>> No.51178107
File: 27 KB, 736x414, 3ccb8f9902106f38c4a5768f6bc6db74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51178381

The web3 is making some juicy moves
anon, nowadays consumers can send crypto payments to a merchant, & this is because, the on-chain payments process is making it a friendly wallet-agnostic platform for all types of consumers making it so freaky like a horny dick

>> No.51178381

Samefagging indians fuck off and rope