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File: 40 KB, 563x515, leper king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
51067953 No.51067953 [Reply] [Original]

I will never own a home.
I will never have good credit.
I will never not struggle.
I will never have a good job.
I will never have a beautiful girlfriend again.
I will never be able to travel.
I will be in and out of homelessness.
I will never make my family proud again.
I will never make myself proud again.
I will always be depressed.
I will always be nobody.

>> No.51067999

Buy some GME nigger damn

>> No.51068035

At least you'll (((probably))) never be a leper like Pic related

>> No.51068060

No nigger

>> No.51068088

I'd rather be him since he was a king

>> No.51068100
Quoted by: >>51068209

that leper was a far better man than OP. didn't let an extreme debilitating illness stop him from ruling and bringing peace to a kingdom

>> No.51068114

OP, I bet you have a feeling, maybe manifest destiny, maybe just intuition, but you sense that in your lifetime you're going to have to find some strength and join a cohort of your countrymen and women to regain purpose and take responsibility.
The kingdom of heaven is here, on earth.
You need to fucking build it OP.

>> No.51068209

Based and checked

>> No.51068503

Ok guys I'll try to improve my life I guess step 1 is continuing this sober thing

>> No.51069699
File: 144 KB, 1125x1191, 8FFD68DC-68CD-4BC9-85E2-CBB042A7217C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51072617

>i will not eat the bugs
>i will not live in a pod
>i will not die alone
>i will make it

>> No.51070238
Quoted by: >>51070360

join military

>> No.51070360

Got kicked out

>> No.51070378
File: 616 KB, 968x909, areies_coming_for_you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51072809

based trips of truth

>> No.51072617

Is that a good crypto

>> No.51072809
File: 77 KB, 640x640, pepe american psycho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>51076359

Redpill me on GME.

>> No.51072968

Same but I’ve known that since I were 13. It’s just a shame that our lives (I.e. our entire perception of existence and reality) our only lives get to be that shitty.
Honestly had I been born with an average appearance and average IQ I’d have been the happiest motherfucker ever.

>> No.51073035
File: 275 KB, 530x678, 1647947932253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arbeit macht frei

>> No.51073370
File: 11 KB, 351x185, a-101-351x185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, remember that the things of this world are relative goods and even if they are good they are useless if it doesn't make us seek God

>> No.51073512
Quoted by: >>51073525


>> No.51073525

He was a Christian king that slayed muslims, nothing jewish about that, nignog

>> No.51076359
File: 698 KB, 835x858, Leo_in_trees.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>200% float shorted, just under 50% of shares owned by shareholders have been moved from brokerage and transferred to Gamestop's transfer agent "Computershare". Shareholders believe that with the continuing development of nft.gamestop.com since launch, Gamestop will eventually distribute an nft divvy, which if you're holding shares sold short in a brokerage account, the shorts are on the hook to supply that divvy, possibly forcing shorts to close (see Overstock (OSTK), specifically the five year).

Gamestop, in July 2022 issued a stock-spilt via dividend at a ration of 4:1, for every share a shareholder possess they recieve 3 additional shares. Now must people got their shares except a lot of shareholders with shares held in German based brokerages


GameStop have no debt outside of €50,000,000 loan from the French government that Gamestop availed of during the Covid pandemic, GameStop have just under a billy cash on hand.

When was the last time you visited Gamestop.com ? Need a a new smartphone or any PC components? CPUs, Graphic Cards, Memory, Storage Disks? Maybe a monitor or television, a bluetooth speaker?

>> No.51076534
File: 97 KB, 1284x1111, 1660002938912547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.51076538

>I will never not struggle.