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50336677 No.50336677 [Reply] [Original]

eurobros are you okay?

>> No.50336690

I enjoy laughing at G*rmans

>> No.50336719
Quoted by: >>50339667

It's back above parity again. The 1.0000 wall is unbreakable

>> No.50336729
Quoted by: >>50337084

Im hungarian. Check the usd huf chart, its literally parabolic. Nigger orban.

>> No.50336742
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Quoted by: >>50336798

Put us out of our misery already...

>> No.50336763
Quoted by: >>50342227

>look into getting a master's in yurop
>all their prices are in dollars not eurobux
What a scam.

>> No.50336784
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>> No.50336798

Don't worry the coming migrant crisis 2.0 will make sure of it.

>> No.50336801
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>> No.50336822

>he posted it again
Do you have a comeback for "check the trade balance" this time?

>> No.50336870

>yes the euro is collapsing, here's why that's a good thing

>> No.50336964
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>> No.50337033
File: 53 KB, 680x820, haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>energy prices up 300%.

>To be at the same level of parity to the usd in 2019 accounting for exports due to energy costs the euro should be 0.07 usd per eur

>this is good

They truly aren't sending their best shills, in fact i doubt this shills even finish high school

>> No.50337078


>> No.50337084
Quoted by: >>50337133

Why does Viktor make you seethe so much lmao. Nigga just trying to rule the country

>> No.50337133
Quoted by: >>50337205

Nigga just killed the country this week. Lel.

>> No.50337161

>another stablecoin that deppegs
not my problem

>> No.50337205

It do be like that. I luckily escaped to western europe a year ago
>inb4 slavic genes ruining western europe

>> No.50337256

Americans only care about money, it's pathetic. Here in Europe we focus on Quality of Life, not money

>> No.50337270

>Quality of Life

>> No.50337272
Quoted by: >>50337501

Fucking migrant nigger! :D

>> No.50337319


Welcome to the caliphate habibi

>> No.50337342
Quoted by: >>50337544

As a european, this a giant cope.
Europe is an overregulated, overtaxed shithole that tries to freeze everything in time and is therefore stagnant and dying, with not social mobility or economic opportunity or innovation.

>> No.50337354

quality of life for arabs and niggers maybe

>> No.50337366

i bought francs months ago because i'm not retarded

>> No.50337385

Tell me about the quality of life in Paris or Stockholm?

>> No.50337418

imagine believing turning into an export sweatshop is any good
you're literally supporting turning your quality of life into chinese/mexican levels
that's the absolute state of (You)

>> No.50337501

I want to kill myself everyday. I can see the look in the eyes from the old native people of the dutch-land and you can see the disgust. Integrating into the dutch kingdom is extremely hard, so I guess I'll try germany next. Any g*rm-bros have any tips.

>> No.50337511
File: 42 KB, 599x708, suggestion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You bet

>> No.50337544
Quoted by: >>50340964

True, only goal atm is to buy a wood house in a remote cold place in sweden and isolate from humanity as much as possible. Seems like a very comfy place

>> No.50337569
Quoted by: >>50338728

more like Europe is the biggest export market for china
chinese exports just got 15% more expensive
nudge nudge wink wink

>> No.50337611
Quoted by: >>50337705

>from the old native people
fuck them lol, imagine trying to appease boomers. fuck boomers

>> No.50337705
Quoted by: >>50337826

I have a weird fetish for old dutch grannies. Dutch people please confirm

>> No.50337748
Quoted by: >>50337824

go back to your shithole, subhuman

>> No.50337824
Quoted by: >>50337910

this this this so much sister, slav(e)s OUT bbc africans IN for a more tolerant and multicultural eurafricca

>> No.50337826

just rape em. it's not like you'll get in trouble, nigger.

>> No.50337910

Both are untermenschen as you are faggot

>> No.50337962
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>mfw ordering food has become so expensive im actually going to have to start cooking for myself again
not like this bros...

>> No.50338230

And that's exactly how the ECB likes you to think.

>> No.50338231

Never Officially Went Below Parity

>> No.50338254

in the midwest they used to call slavs white niggers

>> No.50338279
File: 665 KB, 907x1142, 572443285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>50339824

Norway is doing ok apparently

>> No.50338728

You. You brain. Say more.

>> No.50338853

Eurofags are the biggest cucks human civilization ever knew, holy fuck

>> No.50339536

No, I'm not, thanks for asking though.
I just wish Russians would ethnically cleanse all those disgusting ukrainians faster so I could could see gas under 2 fucking euros.

>> No.50339667
Quoted by: >>50342174

this isnt GRT chud

>> No.50339824
Quoted by: >>50340256

They're the one state in the world that handled having an oil fortune well. They got a national fund worth trillions for a rainy day for a country consisting of around 5 million people. Technically every single Norwegian is a millionaire.

>> No.50340256

Libya handled it extremely well.

>> No.50340964
File: 269 KB, 1440x1080, 1657169079515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and redpill me on your thoughts about this?

>> No.50340982

>muh exports

>> No.50341017

the quality of life in Europe is so high that Japan has a special hotline for their own citizens when they go to Paris and have a panic attack when they realize it's infested with africans

>> No.50341063

Freezing to death is a great feature!

>> No.50341723

Does this mean I don't have to pay denbts?

>> No.50342174


>> No.50342227

>Take tuition in euros
>Lose 30% of your value over the course of the degree
Nope. They're smart

>> No.50342229
File: 704 KB, 2560x1062, Dollar-Bill-scaled-2920991400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can any yuro break this for me?

>> No.50342255

Kek, nice bait bro

>> No.50342271

the only way to get a good quality of life in Europe is to be on benefits and gambling those benefits in the most degenerate way possible

>> No.50342289
File: 97 KB, 550x800, FIGMA PEKO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dollar is pretty strong right now bros, just import that anime figure you want before its too late

>> No.50342420
File: 169 KB, 587x600, FXZW7bDUsAAo4j0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're an asian not a slav, Maggy.

>> No.50342422
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Please stop it.
I was used to think in USD and I was desperate that your shitty currency was worth less than EUR, so even if I "made it" in USD would've been lower in EUR.
B-but now...

>> No.50342441

have you ever taken a boat trip on your dad's boat on lake Powell camping on a beach for three days? You haven't. Please explain how your quality of life is higher than mine.

>> No.50342477
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Soon, Americans will be coming to Germany to take their cheap, amateur women away for pennies on the dollar. It is finally time to start breeding the European stock with American cock. Leave nothing but Somalians for the weak ones that remain. Let them suffer.