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49495258 No.49495258 [Reply] [Original]

What happens next?

>> No.49495271
Quoted by: >>49496012

Kamala becomes president

>> No.49495325

six dollar average

>> No.49495327
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>> No.49495338


>> No.49495340

wfh chads can't stop winning

>> No.49495353

I don't get it. Wouldn't they be broke anyways regardless of whether or not they sold.

>> No.49495359
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Quoted by: >>49495365

This is only the beginning.

>> No.49495365

watch this go nowhere in 2 weeks

>> No.49495366

You are not allowed to go outside. You are not allowed to save money. You are not allowed to own a house or a car. Once food shortages hit you will die in your rooms slowly but surely.

>> No.49495375
Quoted by: >>49498668

>What happens next?
Not much gas prices were higher under bush
catbox.moe is only used by Russian shills

>> No.49495398

hopefully everyone kills themselves including me

>> No.49495401

>You are not allowed to go outside. You are not allowed to save money. You are not allowed to own a house or a car. Once food shortages hit you will die in your rooms slowly but surely.
For the ordinary Russian yes but I'm sure some of the oligarchy style people who managed to hide in places like China will be ok

>> No.49495429

If you honestly cant budget for a $1 gas price increase then you’re a fucking child. Cut the subscriptions, stop thinking you can eat at a restaurant every week (which in the first place should be only reserved for special occasions), and learn to manage your money.

I for one I’m glad over the increase. It’s definitely going to separate and make apparent whose good and RESPONSIBLE with their money. Don’t like it? Sorry, but as an adult you need to budget and save because you’re a fucking adult.

>> No.49495441
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kys tranny

>> No.49495445

>You are not allowed to go outside. You are not allowed to save money. You are not allowed to own a house or a car. Once food shortages hit you will die in your rooms slowly but surely.
I just realised. You are Chinese.
I thought you people ate each other when you got stuck because you have no empathy and a history of of it etc?

>> No.49495467


fuck off. people have been predicting china will collapse for literally 40 years now

>> No.49495471

Does anyone know what date they are turning off the internet in Russia?

>> No.49495475
Quoted by: >>49495513

this time is different

>> No.49495479
Quoted by: >>49495570

you know better from leningrad how things are in America, of course

>> No.49495483

ching chang spotted! Ping pong Xi do dung to poo?

>> No.49495492

Is there a limit on the amount of bullshit the chinese can take before a revolution kicks in?

>> No.49495513

like the last 600 gorillion predictions have been TOTALLY DIFFERENT GUISE

>> No.49495570
Quoted by: >>49495708

Da, here I am brad of independent oblast of Montana with wife Stacey. Today we were like most Americans playing the baseball and making the apple pie and speculating on inevitable collapse of western capitalism and society due to marxist leninist dialectical forces and the zog, transvestites, dilating, strong rouble and such things. Obviously civil war is a possibility here in montana oblast! Just my 2 cents

>> No.49495590

>Is there a limit on the amount of bullshit the chinese can take before a revolution kicks in?
80% cannibalism and silly hats

>> No.49495605

Nothing that's cheap

>> No.49495606

Just buy an EV. Wtf is the problem

>> No.49495708

Hehe, you are talented writer

>> No.49495753

same nominal price as in 2008, big deal

>> No.49495779

Less traffic on the roads, less people out congesting places in general. I'm going to enjoy it.

>> No.49495782

Shit pasta

>> No.49495797

I guess the idea is that when money becomes worthless actual real things still have value. A house has value because it is a place to live. A chair has a use etc. People gave away things that would actually help them survive for worthless paper.

>> No.49495804

Not protests since NPCs only protest when the media tells them to.

>> No.49495835
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You can't live in a pile of money.

>> No.49495844

Don't worry, $16 a gallon gas is the top. Maybe gov shouldn't have trampled on rights over a flu.

>> No.49496012
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Quoted by: >>49496095

where is based and checked KEK when we need him????

>> No.49496054
Quoted by: >>49496104

who cares, it won't stay that high forever

>> No.49496073

As long as it's Chinese people oppressing themselves nothing will happen. But if foreigners do it, it will be a grave humiliation and cause the dynasty to be toppled. It was the fact that the Qing was beaten by "little Japan" that the Han majority finally had enough and started the path to revolution. The 40 years of decline and even losing to hairy europeans didn't really do it.

>> No.49496083
Quoted by: >>49496218

easy, we alter the dna of the animals to make them our new transports, like in pokemon.

>> No.49496095
Quoted by: >>49496378

What a unit

>> No.49496103
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>> No.49496104

Because normies need it to survive. Also there won’t be much oil left once food runs out

>> No.49496108
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>> No.49496188
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And you will be happy.

>> No.49496218
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I want an eagle with muscles to mistreat Japanese dogs and make them poor by crushing them with his cock

>> No.49496378
File: 429 KB, 2000x1333, 94F9A24B-0E96-4CF8-A570-86012BC43E97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you buy ICP

>> No.49498014

youll own nothing and be happy

>> No.49498062
Quoted by: >>49498395

Price is only this high if retards pay it. You have a choice. You're just stuck in slave mentality and think you don't. Normies, all you are normies. Wahhhhh my gas prices
>Pays anyway

>> No.49498110
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Riots incoming

>> No.49498172
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communism will win, go russia!!

>> No.49498321
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Quoted by: >>49498377

Hows $10 sound, kiddo?

>> No.49498339
Quoted by: >>49498688

People keep posting this picture but it’s not even remotely true

>> No.49498364

Eventually people won't be able to afford gas. So they'll finance it with debt. But they won't be able to pay off their gas debt, and their consumer spending/mortgage/degree debt, so they'll just stop paying it. It's like that old story of a bankruptcy court judge who told a guy he could keep his house, or his car. He reasoned he could sleep in his car, but he couldn't drive his house. Similarly, you can go to work, buy groceries, and go to the court to file bankruptcy in your car, but not your house.

So the real question is, what happens to the banks/companies who hold all that debt? Probably something bad. Maybe it'll be a market contagion. Does anything look really overvalued?

>> No.49498377

That's what it costs in my country right now. Does the US stop functioning at that point since everyone needs to drive 300 km a day?

>> No.49498395

Check this guy out, his car runs on hopes and dreams

>> No.49498424

Kys Europoor, just because you've never been more than 20 miles from where you were born doesn't mean you have to be a nigger

>> No.49498438

There's a story from Weimar Germany that I'm not sure is true or not but it goes man used a wheelbarrow to cart the .only he needed to buy bread to the store, parked it outside, and went into the store to order the bread.
By the time he came outside to get the money to pay with. The wheelbarrow was gone but the money was on the ground.
Things have value when money doesn't.

>> No.49498439
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>Does the US stop functioning at that point

checked and yes. at $10 a gallon we will unironically be having CAT-5 chimpouts

>> No.49498482

Not exactly, but the knock-on effects are going to send prices sky high if they don't outright destroy trucking companies with costs. Remember that in America a good plurality if not majority of goods are shipped to/from factories/warehouses to stores/end users via trucks. Trucks which run on diesel, which is even more expensive than gas. There's also the general cost of living increase just because so many Americans drive. I work from home but even I have to drive to go get groceries, or basically go anywhere.

Normally when prices exceed a certain threshold you start to see demand destruction but that's just not going to happen in a country that is so car and truck dependent. At a bare minimum, most workers still have to drive to their jobs.

>> No.49498668

>t. cohen racemixingstein

>> No.49498688
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