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File: 59 KB, 221x238, ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFETT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4776620 No.4776620 [Reply] [Original]

>CME Group today announced that it has self-certified the initial listing of its Bitcoin futures contract to launch Monday, December 18, 2017.

>> No.4776652

you got sauce for that ?

also what do the future listing means?

I can just buy bitcoin via regular stockmarket ?
or how does this work now ?

>> No.4776659
File: 37 KB, 640x427, 1510503309462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4776673

The greatest short squeeze of all time from now until forever.

>> No.4776673
Quoted by: >>4778660 >>4779662

autism here. What are the implications?

>> No.4776674

I'll be fine got the whole day off so I can watch shit like a hawk and emergency buy into LTC or ETH for easy movement to a fiat exchange to sell (or just Tether if I really wanna risk it and make it less likely the taxman will find my gains)

>> No.4776682
Quoted by: >>4776789


>> No.4776740
File: 129 KB, 924x976, 1484178634739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4777445 >>4779454

Scenario 1: Buttcoins moons to oblivion between now and the 18th, and moons even further after and a big correction occurs after bull exhaustion, we might see 15k by Christmas

>> No.4776783

They moved the date to the 10th did they not?

>> No.4776789

thx a lot fine anon

>> No.4776801
File: 46 KB, 566x562, review-brah-water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4776987

Scenario 2: Buttcoins moon up to around the 18th. Serious FUD(EU bans bitcoin) is then brought to the table and Wallstreet shorts and kills crypto for a couple of years

>> No.4776987
Quoted by: >>4777668


pretty much but Dianne Feinstein's senate bill is just as possible a threat if it gets more coverage and gets FUDDIER

>> No.4777079
Quoted by: >>4782109

((they)) will use the futures to crush the value of btc. If anything they will do it out of spite for the newly rich and to cover the embarrassment of their statements about btc.

I hope everyone here has strong hands

>> No.4777116
Quoted by: >>4777513

> also what do the future listing means?

How the fuck are you on /biz/ and don't know what futures trading is?

Read a book dipshit.

>> No.4777187
File: 2.88 MB, 1297x7650, BTCfuture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4777871

>the opinion of clueless boomer X matters

As the price instantly recovers as cheap buy orders get quickly filled in, their embarrassment and impotence will be even more obvious.

Also lol at thinking futures matter.

>> No.4777334
Quoted by: >>4779013

They aren't trading actual BTC, but rather CTFs right?

NEVER sell the kikes your actual crypto assets.

NEVER let them get their hands on them.

>> No.4777372
Quoted by: >>4777409

Can't wait until these boomers die off

>> No.4777409

I don't get why all the idiots here think that all these people (which will be soon dead) matter in the bitcoin price. Prices are set by alive people.

>> No.4777429
File: 248 KB, 1384x962, Screenshot_20171204-192950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4778148 >>4780447

So the exact opposite will happen? This is exactly like the 2016 us election ha.

>> No.4777432
Quoted by: >>4777458

>boomers short Bitcoin futures
>Bitcoin price continues to rise because people want bitcoins
>Boomers get liquidated
Win win

>> No.4777445
Quoted by: >>4777543

name? ive seen her before

>> No.4777458


N-not if he's the one in control of 60%.

>> No.4777513
File: 628 KB, 1024x731, starterpack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How the fuck are you on /biz/ and don't know what futures trading is?
Why do you think?

>> No.4777543

Elsa Jean

>> No.4777583
File: 3.04 MB, 240x193, I_GOT_THIS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4777641
Quoted by: >>4777836

Will everyone move over to ETH as a safe haven?

>> No.4777654
Quoted by: >>4777691 >>4779653

The pushed narrative theory is that all btc futures are all going to short btc. Im not familiar with futures, is shorting all they do? Or could they benefit from a btc that keeps going up and not short it?

It just seems to me like the "all btc futures will short it" narrative is being spread around, marketed. Like the flippening, dragonslayer, tether....all fud.

Futures could benefit from an ever rising btc right? Not all futures are based on shorts after all?

>> No.4777668

>Dianne Feinstein's senate bill

That bill won't go anywhere for a year at least

>> No.4777685

It could be the 10th. CBOE is launching crypto derivative trading platform then

>> No.4777691

Watch everyone get rekt shorting and then they launch an investigation itno tether.

>> No.4777836
Quoted by: >>4778405

Nah, kitties will have killed ETH before the 18th.

You want to start buying Bitcoin Cash right now.

>> No.4777871

Don't ever @ me or my wife's son again

>> No.4778049
Quoted by: >>4778172

Two things going for us.

1. ETH has the blessings of Putin and thus, the Russian government

2. LTC has been a shitcoin for most of its history and as such most wgales are actually average joes, and distribution is in our favor in general

That being said, im seriously considering holding usd before the 18th

>> No.4778093
Quoted by: >>4778151 >>4778175


CME futures will be settled in USD.

> Kikes buy 30-day futures betting on low price
> Kikes dump BTC thinking it will never recover
> LOL cheap BTC
> People rush in to buy
> BTC price spikes
> Kikes get liquidated
> tfw

It will be a showdown of old money vs crypto. It's going to be glorious.

>> No.4778148

This. There will be a bloodbath greater than the imaginary holocaust. There will be grave stones for the bears who killed themselves after going all in to short BTC on Monday, December 18th.


>> No.4778151

This brings up an interesting situation...

Would that be legal? That is:
> Owned 100 million worth of Bitcoin
> Set up massive future shorts
> Crash bitcoin by selling everything
> Close short after crashing to get more money

>> No.4778172
Quoted by: >>4778244

>That being said, im seriously considering holding usd before the 18th

So you can buy the dip!

>> No.4778175
Quoted by: >>4778318

You really underestimate the kikes

>> No.4778184
File: 39 KB, 640x480, 4ae1cc3f-4b2c-499a-96e0-e0e69805d3922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4779097

>people have been suicided twice in the head for way less
@100million dollar man: try it

>> No.4778216
Quoted by: >>4778284

Why would they want to kill btc's , its making so much tax revenue out of internet coins.

>> No.4778244

That's the idea. Although I'm not going doomsday scenario even if it dips 60%. I'll set buy orders at 30% below the price leading up to the date

>> No.4778284
Quoted by: >>4778955


Crypto has no fractional reserve banking. In fact, it's literally impossible to do fractional reserve banking with crypto, unless you seriously compromise the design (*cough*Segwit*cough*).

>> No.4778318
Quoted by: >>4779270

You think they are competing with buch of neets.
Apart from the higher powers, which are trying to transfer financial sector to one other unnamed group.
There is also everyone out after them from chinks, nips to arabs and whites. Niggers will be playing basketball but there is not enough of them to stop this.

>> No.4778345

I just wish BTC stayed stable so that my alts keep growing

>> No.4778356

>>4778151 Could be done with serious FUD and or Exchange(s) Hack. others will sell the bitcoins and cause the crash "organically"

>> No.4778373
Quoted by: >>4778723

why would there be a squeeze if it's a cash settled contract? it sounds like it can only depress prices

>> No.4778405

>t. Bcash bagholder

>> No.4778414
Quoted by: >>4778557

It's based on the daily average from a basket of exchanges, they need to push the price down and keep it there, holding it down by $100 for days is going to work better than flash crashing it to $100 on one exchange. But on the other side of their short there needs to be a long, they literally cannot all short it so what are the longs going to do

>> No.4778435

Hi I was born during the Hoover Administration so I know a thing or 2 about cryptocurrency

>> No.4778557
Quoted by: >>4779285


They may have enough BTC to cause a flash crash, but keep the price suppressed? Everyone else will start buying in the second it dips.

From what we know, the largest BTC holders are Chinese. Chinese are, coincidentally, also the largest holders of US foreign debt.

You can see where this is going...

>> No.4778660
Quoted by: >>4778723


the implications are
buttcoin moons even higher

>> No.4778723

please respond moon junkie

>> No.4778850
Quoted by: >>4778923

Funny this is called /biz/ and they think the price of bitcoin is right when there is no one selling. Bitcoin doesnt have a healthy sellside since there is only HODLERS

>> No.4778923

Is it that bad? BTC 6 of 200 is trading, I looked at AMZN and avg 3.5 of 550 is trading

>> No.4778955
Quoted by: >>4778986

>Crypto has no fractional reserve banking
Wrong, see Mt Gox. That was literally crypto fractional reserve banking.
Now, pray the big exchanges aren't doing that now, especially the very normies friendly ones.

>> No.4778986
Quoted by: >>4779017


Technically correct, but everyone agrees that this is shady / illegal.
Fiat fractional reserve on the other hand...

>> No.4779013
Quoted by: >>4779069


>> No.4779017
Quoted by: >>4779194

So what's your play? Seem intelligent enough to listen to. Would appreciate your opinion.

>> No.4779069

This except you don't know who owns bitcoin. Maybe they already do. Probably they already do. Don't be completely naive.

>> No.4779097
File: 950 KB, 319x144, 1501306972986.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4779112

>futures for bitcoin
hey bro, we heard you like to gamble. So we're allowing you to gamble while you gamble.

>> No.4779194


Take gold standard. If you want to expand monetary base, you must mine gold. That takes energy, in the form of fuel and labor.

Take Bitcoin. If you want to expand monetary base, you must mine BTC. That takes energy (electricity).

Take fiat money. In order to make fiat money you must make some accounting entries. That takes no energy. Fiat money is made out of thin air.

Debt money is also made out of thin air. All fiat money is debt money. All debt money is fiat money by definition.

Thus -- Crypto is equivalent of returning to the gold standard.

And -- Switch to crypto means that people who make living out of making money out of thin air will be literally made redundant.

And -- no more debt slavery. No lending at interest is possible with crypto.

Important game. High stakes. Fate of the world.

>> No.4779233

Why is it impossible to lend with interest in a crypto system?

>> No.4779250

Why wouldn't lending at interest be possible? If you take muh deflationary bitcoin for example interest rates would be through the fucking roof

>> No.4779270
Quoted by: >>4779522 >>4780235

>weaponized autism made Trump the most powerful man on earth
>implies we will not be bitcoin billonaires by 2025

>> No.4779285
File: 210 KB, 915x604, SmartSelectImage_2017-12-04-20-11-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4779328 >>4779571

From March of this year

>> No.4779320

Bitcoin futures will allow two things

1. People can speculate on Bitcoin without actually needing to buy Bitcoin. This might slow Bitcoins price growth, but probably not by much.
2. Investors can hedge their Bitcoin position while they take advantage of
inefficiencies in the Bitcoin market. This is exclusively good for Bitcoin markets and will make it more mature. This is what the free market is exceptionally good at.

>> No.4779328
Quoted by: >>4779416

Lol govt doesnt care about some neets losing their internet money to gooks. Also i thought japan held the most btc?

>> No.4779333

>No lending at interest is possible with crypto.

Technically its possible (such contract can be made), but the blockchain will make it obvious to everyone why God forbade usury. The BTC lender would start to very quickly accumulate BTC at the expense of everyone else, as BTC supply is fixed. "Quickly" means at the rate of about 10% per year, exponentially.

>> No.4779367
Quoted by: >>4779422

How can lending be done through smart contracts? What prevents the lendee from never paying the money back?

>> No.4779380
Quoted by: >>4779406


Trips. Wow.

Assume all BTC has been mined.
I borrow you 1BTC at 10% for 1 year.
You must give me back 1.1BTC.
The next year I can lend out 1.1BTC at 10%, and I will get back 1.21BTC.
You can calculate how long it wil take me to grab all 21M BTC.

>> No.4779406
Quoted by: >>4779473 >>4779796

And why is this not possible, why the fuck would I take on the risk of lending anybody money for free

>> No.4779416
File: 239 KB, 1200x900, 587fcd51ee14b63e338b721d-1200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4779437

$200 billion USD market cap? That's at today's USD price. What if predictions of $100K or $1 mil were to come? And no.

>> No.4779422


Study how Segwit/LN works. Transaction layer vs settlement layer.

>> No.4779437

the composition has changed drastically since jan

>> No.4779454


>we might see 15k by Christmas

The prophecy of the 17k crash may come true after all..

>> No.4779473
Quoted by: >>4779500


Contrast Western (Jewish) and Islamic banking systems and how they approach risk and interest. Important lessons there.

>> No.4779500

I'll take a look thanks anon

>> No.4779522
File: 332 KB, 600x450, Kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan and the power of Kek has changed this timeline making the impossible possible.
/biz/ autist neets millionaires will be the last needed proof to demonstrate to everyone the existence and mercy of Kek.

>> No.4779564

The timeline changed recently. Something accelerated in pace it is especially show up in markets and information propagation. With the panic about BTC in the media I'm even more Bullish on crypto.

>> No.4779571
File: 2 KB, 125x122, 1510584754541s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4779624

>insider here
>anonymous source

>> No.4779624
Quoted by: >>4779673

Probably FUD but a good thought experiment to open up to various possibilities. I thiug it was odd at the time as that was around the same time as one of the Trump going after the FED periods early in the year. Again, probably nothing.

>> No.4779653
Quoted by: >>4779695

futures are just bets on how an underlying asset does. If everyone bets it will go to 6880, they'll have an incentive to crash it... but it doesn't mean they can.

>> No.4779662
Quoted by: >>4779730

wall street is going to crash bitcoin with no survives, then buy in at the ground floor before the 18th, then go as long as big foot's dick

>> No.4779673
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>> No.4779695

What do you think non crypto normies think about the price of bitcoin right now? Do you think they know the road that has led up to this? Or do you think they get a WSJ email while taking a shit showing they can buy futures in internet money they don't understand?

>> No.4779722
File: 82 KB, 753x463, bitcoin's future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4779765 >>4782093

Holy dubs. Keks wills it.

>> No.4779730
File: 543 KB, 1077x1053, SmartSelectImage_2017-11-16-14-39-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4779765
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>> No.4779796
Quoted by: >>4779855

There are smart contracts to lend bitcoins mong.

>> No.4779800
File: 509 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_2017-12-04-21-42-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4779821 >>4779848

Oh snap!

>> No.4779821
Quoted by: >>4779857

careful here gentlemen, we're about to see some shit

>> No.4779848
File: 25 KB, 600x450, 22528197_10155136752722183_7273095759662959785_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4779855

I don't even know what you're implying

>> No.4779857
Quoted by: >>4779888

Yeah, I agree. I have 3 friends texting me right now that have never been open to it and just messaged me today about. 2 are over 40 and have money. Feel like it's going to be bad before good soon enough.

>> No.4779876

this faggot is fudding so he can buy low

>> No.4779888
Quoted by: >>4780083

It should be happening already though, maybe it is about to

>> No.4780083
Quoted by: >>4780190

Trips of truth

>> No.4780190
Quoted by: >>4780237

Fuck I'm sorry goys, it is ogre, save yourselves

>> No.4780235
File: 6 KB, 185x200, Quothe+didnt+shoot+the+deerquot+_f24ae6f708d3ee02c0e2fbce5104a5d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the tribe impeaches trump
>then the tribe crashes shitcoin with no survivors

take a screencap so you can remember when someone smarter than you online told you what a clueless retard you are

>> No.4780237

Meh, have 2.5 more days.

>> No.4780239
File: 120 KB, 768x1024, that-smelly-smell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4780349 >>4780382

do you guys feel it too?
>that smell
>that smelly smell
there's something cooking

>> No.4780349
File: 327 KB, 1000x1000, i-can-feel-it-coming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can feel it anon

>> No.4780382
File: 1.46 MB, 2048x2048, reallymakesmethink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It fucking reeks but no seems to smell it

>> No.4780400
Quoted by: >>4780417

I apologize for not believing in cryptos earlier, but it seemed to shaky. I'm convinced this is a smart investment and I will no longer meme that it is a bubble and about to drop 1k into BTC. What is going on and am I about to make a huge mistake?

>> No.4780401

>emergency buy into LTC or ETH for easy movement to a fiat exchange to sell

of course its fucking legal, you autists set up your libertarian utopia and are getting what you asked for. regulation always comes AFTER innovation in financials, after a giant bloodbath, that is.

>> No.4780408

Not even kidding, Bitcoin has ALWAYS surprised me, at every turn. I think its going to double in price because so many people are shorting

>> No.4780417
Quoted by: >>4780471

You'll either have 3k or 100 dollars by next year

>> No.4780447


Was this Huffpo?

>> No.4780471

Looked at some archived threads. Sounds like feds are finally coming into play and will either fuck everything up or be BTFO harder than the left was when Trump won

>> No.4781277

Are you fucking stupid?
Fiat - just make some accounting entries,
not even going to mention the effort it takes to prevent fraud and counterfeit and all the labor it takes to get there.

>> No.4781335
Quoted by: >>4781461

>but the blockchain will make it obvious to everyone why God forbade usury

loooooooooooooooool, like you neets wouldn't skin one another alive for your lambos, that's rich

>> No.4781416

Are we all going to suicide together when this happens?

>> No.4781461
File: 31 KB, 491x418, 1466528340133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even want a stupid lambo
>mfw I've never driven a car again, since the last time I drove getting my drivers license

>> No.4782093


Checked. Also, that is a really neat chart.

>> No.4782109

just sell some for fiat and do a short on bitmex