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4062333 No.4062333 [Reply] [Original]

So I just locked down a six-figure job as a tech consultant at a very prestigious company. I accepted the formal job offer yesterday, and I start training next month.

I've been broke my whole life. Before now I only worked shitty minimum wage jobs and I have a shit-tier liberal arts degree. It's honestly even a miracle that a recruiter called me in the first place, but I did really well in the interviews. I don't really know how life will change once I start making thousands every week, so I was hoping to ask you guys for advice. Do I just ramp up my investments proportional to my income? Save fiat? Make new friends with my wealthy overachieving scumbag peers?

Any advice is welcome on the transition from being a poorfag to a high-powered white collar job.

>> No.4062344
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Quoted by: >>4062419 >>4062588

If they drug test keep your nose clean. Socialize and grab ideas. Get fit.

>> No.4062361
Quoted by: >>4062419

don't burn yourself out too quick
consultant is a very hard job, you'll get slinged into companies who chew up 10s of you every year and don't give a shit about yuh feelings.

don't yell but be firm, if they give you shit report to *your* higherups so that they know stuff is going down before you end up looking at fault,
be careful where you end up.

some 45s+ are very bitter about up & coming youngins especially in the tech industry where everything changes every 3 months.

t. ex tech consultant for very prestigious companies.

>> No.4062397

who is this cutie

>> No.4062399
Quoted by: >>4062427 >>4062452

how were you in the interviews anon?

WERE you pleasent?

were you lauighing and smiling the whole time

were you quiet and serious?

were you trying to dominate the interviewer?

>> No.4062419
Quoted by: >>4062462 >>4062496


I've been trying to get fit before my training starts since I'm worried my whole life will be work after this point and I wont have time to gym. Technically I start training in 3 weeks, so I'm hoping I can be in respectable shape by then (Got about 10 pounds to lose to be lean)


Thanks man. I honestly have no idea what my day-to-day job will feel like. I'm doing my best to prepare myself mentally for what's about to come. As a consultant, do you find you still have to be an avid developer? I've been coding for years, but they basically told me at the interview that my day-to-day job would not involve programming at all (it would be entirely client interaction/team leading or whatever). I'm thinking of hanging up my IDE and instead focusing on Agile bullshit so I'm prepared for my job duties..

>> No.4062427

if you showed up limpdicked at the interview prepare to be everyone's bitch.

>> No.4062431
Quoted by: >>4062496

Pretend to be a shitlib, don't talk to the women regarding anything but work. Don't "make friends" and hang outside of work especially with the women.

>> No.4062452
Quoted by: >>4062514


I am by default a really friendly guy, I don't have a mean/serious streak to me at all. I went into the interviews being as communicative and happy as I could be, thrilled to have the opportunity and talking about my favorite projects/frameworks with all the passion I could muster. The interviews felt way more like conversations - we were going back and forth talking about our histories getting into programming (I started off building shitty mods for morrowind and quake and things like that). I had 3 interviews in a 2 hour block, one after the other, each with different people at the company

The last guy who interviewed me was also an english major in college, so we hit it off talking about British poetry and college experiences. I would say I got very lucky with the interviewers having immense common ground with me, and finding me likable.

tech interview was very easy, some super simple algorithm questions on a whiteboard, database tables, etc.

>> No.4062462
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Quoted by: >>4062491

Stay up to date with tech then and make sure to be talking to everyone (seriously everyone) on progress so you don't get fucked over with a client asking lower level questions. Get to know everyone if you are the mouth piece.

>> No.4062491


thanks. they told me I'd pretty much be my own boss for this position, so for better or worse I'll have to figure it out on my own I guess

>> No.4062496
Quoted by: >>4062550

i did development so i guess i can't really help
if you're going to be supervising people, but as a consultant (aka outsider), people who are already in place are going to be testing waters with you,
you being here means there's money for them if they can manage to squeeze you out / take your job,

don't talk too much about what you do to others except your team, reading up on agile methodology sure is going to be a plus but if you're already a dev i assume you already carry a nice backpack of overly generous estimates given, so think a lot before you give estimates.

this anon knows what he says.

don't talk about fucking ISIS at lunchtime, be a nice little helper and yet navigate your ship like the captain. you might find out soon enough that this work is kinda shit but the experience is what everybody goes for in these jobs imo.

>> No.4062514

oh both parties were white i get it,

t. black guy whith a white mans name who never gets a call back from interviews.

>> No.4062525

keep interviewing you don't wanna work in these shitty companies anyway do you?

>> No.4062550
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Yeah I've got an absolute 100% pokerface on politics and religion and all other contentious bullshit topics. I can put on whatever face I need to please whatever crowd I'm with - I really don't give a fuck about asserting my opinions on these things, unless I have something to gain by acting one way or the other

and yeah fully expecting the work to be shit tier and miserable, but it's an opportunity I felt I'd be absolutely retarded to pass up. ready to sell my soul for a few years to open new doors and see what life is like on the other side

>> No.4062560
Quoted by: >>4062581 >>4062583

I hate people like you, ever think that maybe your attitude or skill level are the reasons you don't get a call back from interviews? Maybe you don't know how to present yourself or you go into every interview with this same self defeatist attitude

>Wahh I'm black, they will never hire me

Do you realize how many companies now, especially tech and are pushed to hire "diversity" candidates even if they don't meet the average skill level required for the position. Fuck off, get better at life.

>> No.4062564 [DELETED] 


I'm not white-skinned - I'm a 6'2 mixed race dude from the ghetto. not saying your race doesn't play a factor, but I think what you say and how you say it is gonna be a much bigger deal

>> No.4062567

just change your name to marshalwnn jonton le washington

>> No.4062581
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>> No.4062583

i know dude im working on it,but i hate when i feel the interveiw goes so great, i feel like i got the job

then no call back

im always happy upbeat talkative and confident.

i dont get it.

im starting think they see me as a threat. they feel uncomfrotable that i am naturally more dominat then them.

i think im going to start being a quiet little submissive bitch then once im in be dominant again

>> No.4062587

was in a similar situation, started getting high paying consulting gigs, then started working full time. After about 3 years I quit and became a neet.
good luck op

>> No.4062588


I think this is the most important thing.

Did you know that Chads and Stacies dominate even the fields that are for boffins? Socially awkwards nerds do the heavy lifting and scientist chad gets the credit.

>> No.4062616
Quoted by: >>4062649 >>4062674


I'm not white, and I was significantly taller than everyone I interviewed with. i think your fixation on seeing interviews as a game of dominance is very strange/might hint to some other personality problems that will show through in your interviews.

your interviewers just want to see if you're gonna be an asset to the company and make them money. focus on portraying yourself as the ideal candidate to your interviewer, and demonstrating value man.

good luck and I hope you figure out an approach that works for you dude

>> No.4062622

Stupid crackers always need an extra reason to give a job to a black person. You can't just merely have the skills they need.

>> No.4062644

Depends what type of job it is, but being dominant in an interview could be portrayed as a negative no matter what your race.... Let me tell you a recent story:

>Have interview with fairly prestigious tech company because of reference from high-level employee
>Interview with 4 separate people in one day and everything goes smooth
>They all ask similarly retard libtard questions and one guy casually asks my hobbies
>I say "I enjoy working out and playing basketball"

Fast forward to them discussing hiring me, I find out from my reference that they thought I was great, BUT could not come to a consensus about hiring me because....

>They were afraid I would not fit in with the culture because I said my hobbies were working out and playing sports....

Are you fucking kidding me?

After I found this out I was offered the position anyway and declined it, because the people in these corporate shit holes are goddamn retards...even for 30k more than I am currently making I would not want to deal with them

And yes I am white in case you are wondering...

>> No.4062649
Quoted by: >>4062945

noted, you are right, and best of luck in your job. you gave me inspiration today and i needed it thanks again.

>> No.4062674
Quoted by: >>4062682 >>4062945

>I'm not white
there it is.

>> No.4062682

lol i hate how we are all so fucking race obsessed. even off /pol/

>> No.4062687

Learn which forks to start with and why a chateaubriand is best rare

>> No.4062727

is the thick chick your boss?

>> No.4062758
Quoted by: >>4062945

>Do I just ramp up my investments proportional to my income?

No, ramp up your investing disproportionately. Just because you're making 3 times as much doesn't mean you should spend 3 times as much. Spend maybe 50% more than you do now after a few months, allocating it mostly to being fit and healthy as well as more interesting or things that give you more time. The hope is that you'll have a big enough stash that you can further cut costs- you can waive collision insurance on your car knowing you can comfortably afford to get another one. You can waive renter's insurance knowing you can easily find the cash to replace your clothes, laptop, bed and whatever other shit you might have. By keeping your savings high proportional to spending you'll dramatically accelerate your path to financial freedom.

>> No.4062778

Just happened to me with a top tech company, mixed guy here. Have 5 years exp and they wanted 3, hurr durr

>> No.4062810
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, C3E24FE6-575B-47DF-8BA6-7645972DD78D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4062961 >>4062969

>Thinks he made it

>> No.4062913

are you baiting or do you have a low iq like most niggers?
you brought the race thing up you fucker

>> No.4062945


I'm mixed, tons of people are. constantly fixating on race must be a miserable way to live your life.


thanks for that man. all it takes is one good interview for you to make it. dont let the rejections affect you personally, your golden ticket is out there too.


exactly what i wanted to hear. im driving a beat up 2002 toyota, and ive always been a miser. both my parents had/have cancer (my dad just passed away two months ago) so we had a lot of medical bills and no choice but to live really frugally. I'm gonna keep it that way. the only big expense i wanna make is giving my mom the best care available

>> No.4062954
Quoted by: >>4062967

oh btw, whos the slut?
I want to jerk it to her later

>> No.4062961

ha lee

>> No.4062967
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some spanish talk show host or something. dunno her name sadly shes just an image in my folder of jerkable sluts

>> No.4062969

if he likes his job, then it might as well be a hobby

>> No.4062989

lmao no it's because they can tell you're an egoistical asshole who's more trouble to hire than they're worth, and is going to turn every little thing into a game of "who's more dominant" i.e. not follow instructions properly and be a pain in the ass to manage. Bullet dodged for those companies.

>> No.4063080

it's been pushed into the national consciousness since '08 when that mostly white black guy became president. i feel bad for old bill clinton, our first real black president.

>> No.4063110
File: 267 KB, 420x420, 1506910304187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh both parties were white i get it,
>lol i hate how we are all so fucking race obsessed.
Kek. Two self-identified niggers ITT; one is likeable with a bright future and the other is you.
>but muh melanin
Tip: Stop acting like a nigger

>> No.4063356

moar pics plz, need to fap

>> No.4063397

blah blah I didnt read a single word. How much for this auction cattle?