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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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30446897 No.30446897 [Reply] [Original]

PRQ singlehandedly saved PAIDs ass

IQ tokenomics launching this month (Team mentioned, that there's a lot interest from instutitional money waiting)
BSC listing rumored for this month
Binance listing teasered for this month

L1 chain integration in roadmap for this month and to be announced

you do hold a stack of PRQ, right anon?

>> No.30447032
File: 103 KB, 644x820, 1611000312389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30447298

I do... i'm just waiting :(

>> No.30447298
Quoted by: >>30451056

2 more weeks

>> No.30448137
File: 29 KB, 600x600, 28xp-pepefrog-articleLarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30448700

>mfw parsiq is literally creating an entirely new circular economy as a side project

>> No.30448392
File: 139 KB, 800x700, despair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30448629

How much longer are we going to wait

>> No.30448629


>> No.30448700

>mfw parsiq is literally creating a large number of bag holders who will eventually rope.

You could’ve put your PRQ into almost any meme coin over the last 2-3 months and had 5x more money than you do now.

Project seems alright but I’ve never seen a team with so many false promises of partnerships, integrations, and product announcements. This garbage will be just as bad as LINK.

>> No.30448734

>so many false promises of partnerships, integrations, and product announcements.

>> No.30448828
Quoted by: >>30448934


>> No.30448934
Quoted by: >>30451310

Can’t wait to not see anymore of these pajeet parsiq threads on here come April.

>> No.30449227

Nice poorfag logic.
Why would I risk my PRQ when I can just diversify?
>This garbage will be just as bad as LINK.
so 1B+ market cap?
Sounds good.

>> No.30449423
Quoted by: >>30449763

lol sounds like an easy 100x if its "as bad as link"

>> No.30449635

also the only "false promise" I can think of is the payment processor company being revealed in Jan and that's really stretching it considering it was just a mod speculating.
Solana integration was around a week ago.

>> No.30449735

Shoo shoo pajeets. nobody is buying this shit.

>> No.30449763
Quoted by: >>30450016

>”Just as bad as link”

Did this closing comment really not make you retards realize every bit of that reply was blatant sarcasm?

>> No.30449906
File: 4 KB, 398x63, wot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are desperate huh?

>> No.30450016
Quoted by: >>30450243

not my fault you're pretending to be retarded on /biz/ of all places

>> No.30450243

At least I’m pretending fellow bag holder.

>> No.30450345

also not even mentioned by ceo of paid on the interview while the others got name dropped kek
if anything parsiq was likely pnly called because they were in a similar situation before not because of their forensic skills. Cipherblade was the 1 that did the heavy lifting.

>> No.30450960
Quoted by: >>30451016

this is a good coin with good pumpamentals, but I think Jigstack is even better. What do you think?

>> No.30451016

the bar is low with parsiq but i'll check out jigstack fren

>> No.30451056
File: 119 KB, 658x548, poop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't have 2 more weeks. the indian mafia is going to break my legs.

>> No.30451310
File: 204 KB, 734x883, prq1614021032892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pajeet parsiq threads
PRQ is Russian or Estonian or something

>> No.30452262

too low IQ to understand IQ protocol :(