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>> No.30095044

Absolutely bullish, anon. Thanks.

>> No.30095586
Quoted by: >>30097581

But I wanted to buy more before it rockets :(

>> No.30095799
File: 9 KB, 200x200, 1614575689094.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30097581


>> No.30096015

paypal is done. no one uses that bullshit anymore. layering a cypto into their nonsense does not fix anything.

>> No.30096133
File: 158 KB, 1354x1108, Screen Shot 2021-03-02 at 8.05.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30097581

wrong anon


>> No.30096300

We are going to get so rich

>> No.30096337
Quoted by: >>30096484

uh, how is this bullish? Seems like an irrelevant coincidence

>> No.30096400


How much longer ffs

>> No.30096425
File: 95 KB, 917x1280, 67874E3C-F8D3-4E19-92A1-34D9E989EEE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much hbar do you own?

>> No.30096484
Quoted by: >>30096896

hopium dealers

>> No.30096512


Selling 50% at $50 EOY and the remaining at $1000 in 5-10 years

>> No.30096896

Cope it’s literally the safest, fastest and cheapest fee cryptocurrency.

>> No.30096936 [DELETED] 

Did you look at their 2021 forward guidance...?

>> No.30097143

This is not comfy - my bags aren't fully loaded. STOP THIS MOON RIGHT NOW!!!!

>> No.30097196

What's the sui stack?

>> No.30097228

Umm sorry this is way more bullish for ALGO than Hash.
And I own both btw before you fags start flaming me.


>> No.30097336
Quoted by: >>30097581

Same! I feel like my family is leaving for vacation and I woke up late with a little boner and only a pair of goggles to bring. CHANGE THE FLIGHT. LET ME PACK MY BAGS!

>> No.30097377

$50 EOY? Please don’t be delusional.. you’re making me want to dump

>> No.30097379
Quoted by: >>30097581

Owned ALGO, swapped it for hash today.

>> No.30097471
Quoted by: >>30097581

Believe what you want. I have actual insider knowledge.

>> No.30097520

Don’t dump it. 15$ in 5 years is what I think is realistic. No need let the feet bro’s and overly excited change anything. It’s exactly why our main guy isn’t spending any time marketing. The tech speaks for itself.

>> No.30097564
Quoted by: >>30098653

I just bought 9k. Will I make it bros?

>> No.30097581
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, 1600670163920_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im gonna poooooooooooooo

>> No.30097585
Quoted by: >>30098643

5-10K suicide stack
50-100K make it stack

>> No.30097657


It's really bullish for the entire industry. The acquisition has not been officially announce too but it certainly seems like Paypal will have it's pick of tech to work with.

On a related note, PayPal's Blockchain Strategy recently participated as a judge for a Hedera Hackathon contest


We will see how things turn out

>> No.30097865

Do I buy at .1250 or wait to drop to high .11

>> No.30097881 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 682x831, 2534354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30098099

It would surpass ADA at $5.30..

>> No.30097913
Quoted by: >>30097963

Kek, stay away from this and go fuck yourself . stop crawling to invest in your shitty coins. i manage to get revenue from sharding. already bought some phore coins and wanna get some graphene at the airdrop

>> No.30097963
File: 443 KB, 515x532, 90e8a0fe6abe5cd1f3d71c64f93b8a6d-imagepng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i manage to get revenue from sharding
>phore coins
>graphene airdrop

>> No.30098099

Yes. Undoubtedly, Hedera Hashgraph is a game changer. I would say that it will will be the true Eth killer. Won’t change btc at all but Hedera will reign superior to anything else. Any argument against HBAR I bet I can counter. Not a shill just a fanboy. Let em rip, I truly hope by the end of us talking you will put some capital into HBAR

>> No.30098102

Same boat as you. Just waiting to top off my 10k stack and idk if it’s going to climb or dump

>> No.30098164

Can you answer my question in >>30097268?
Thanks in advance.

>> No.30098167

Up to you anything sub .25 is golden For the next few months IMO.

>> No.30098196
Quoted by: >>30098421

*blockchain killer

>> No.30098332

it is secure somebody else can provide deets

>> No.30098337
Quoted by: >>30098598

Yes of course, great question. The patents I believe are a way to secure institutional investors and allow them security when entering into the council. I believe that the intention is to reevaluate before the patents expire however with an organically grown foundation by the time the patents expire a Sybil attack would be impossible based on the circulating wealth. This is a very strategic unveiling and growth plan. It is the truest slow growth anti-FUD coin. I believe this is also why there will not be any massive projects that could be polarizing. It is literally the Rocky balboa minding its own business training montage, accumulate before the big fight.
I hope this answered your question if not maybe you could rephrase it and I will try again.

>> No.30098413

Also FYI to everyone I bought at 2 cents and already 6x my money. $50 EOY isn’t a meme. This is the only coin that kills all of blockchain and nobody can steal the tech due to patent.

>> No.30098421
Quoted by: >>30098586

My guy

>> No.30098485

Fuck delete this. Only at 22k. Need 2 more weeks to get to 50k.

>> No.30098586

Just the truth desu

I’ve probably done more research on this project than anyone else here though. Read every document, listened to every podcast, here since late 2019. Pulled the trigger in q1 2020 and bought 500k.

>> No.30098598
Quoted by: >>30098775

Okay, I think I get what you mean. I saw this when doing research:
>Should an attacker attempt to buy up enough tokens to expand their stake, and so influence towards consensus, the expectation is that the price of the tokens will increase, making the attack more and more expensive.
>Hashgraph is asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerant, so attacker would need >1/3 of total stake to tamper with the consensus network.
Is this what you're referring to when you speak about Sybil attacks? It's effectively too costly to be feasible?

>> No.30098643
File: 97 KB, 250x182, reeeeeeeeeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30098669

bruh i just need two weeks and i can pick up at least 10k :(

currently sitting at 1900

>> No.30098653

Decent sui anon. Keep DCA in. Some think it will violently moon, some think slow and steady like $5-10 in 3 years. Either way wgmi

>> No.30098669

How does 190k sound in 2030?

>> No.30098775
Quoted by: >>30098861

Yes, that is what I was talking about and exactly what they mentioned there. The following are hypothetical numbers for the sake of example but say I need to buy 1000$ worth of something to cause damage. As I begin purchasing the price will rose along with my purchase. So by the time I get to 500$ purchased now I need 3000$ based on the artificial price increases that I caused! It’s a weird concept but the more I read FUD the more confident I am in this investment.
Never avoid posts that go against your investment, search them out and learn from them. With HBAR, every piece of FUD can be dismantled. Is there any other issues that worry you?

>> No.30098812
Quoted by: >>30098862

It's stalling thankfully. I have 10k stack and I'm hoping it'll crash. WTF

>> No.30098823

Ooof I am so jelly of that stack!

>> No.30098831

I read the token economics white paper but still have some questions. I’m concerned most cryptos value is based on speculation and not actual use. Do you think in this case, the sheer tps volume will increase the price floor? Curious others take on what will drive up the price

>> No.30098861

I'll continue doing research but this clears up the thing I was most confused about. Thanks fren.

>> No.30098862

The signs of true trust in an investment. This is the first time I’m praying something doesn’t go up for months. Lol.

>> No.30098908

Check my question above desu. What will drive up the price? TPS increase?

>> No.30098926
Quoted by: >>30099001

I believe that the price of the coin will be mainly driven up and supported by the alternate uses of the tech (as protected by the patent) see “my earth id”. I truly believe in 10 years the backbone of the connected world will be with Hashgraph and this is what will drive price. Not telegram pooompers.

>> No.30098935
File: 51 KB, 640x871, 3.bp_.blogspot.comdebbie-harry-on-stage-197-7cf9ecedbeab1a3e6aebffca07a741acdde3e6c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30098971
Quoted by: >>30099164

TPS increase

>> No.30098997
Quoted by: >>30099164

Also the TPS most believe is being heavily throttled right now. I believe it’s truly about 250kps. However you have to be aware that this is new tech that was discounted in the 80’s as being impossible due to current, at the time, bandwidth limits. It will grow as the field grows around it.

>> No.30099001

Curious what your thoughts are on Fantom? I see a lot of similarities (DAG-based, full-suite platform, etc)

>> No.30099025

>the sheer tps volume will increase the price floor?
Yes as tps increases, so does the demand for Hbar.

>> No.30099049
File: 607 KB, 240x180, CrispWanAsianconstablebutterfly-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30099069


>> No.30099057

Thanks just bought 100k crv. PayPal buying curve is going to make me rich a f!!

>> No.30099069
Quoted by: >>30099139

on-chain metrics are pretty solid desu

>> No.30099098



>> No.30099139
File: 661 KB, 1050x589, 1_HM8Gj32xbu9k9tXar2jv-w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30099141

I don’t think about fantom.

>> No.30099164
Quoted by: >>30099247


Thanks fellow hashchads. I’m expecting a pretty decent increase in price when eftpos takes off in around 6 months I believe. Trying to get my 22k to 100k by then

>> No.30099206
File: 372 KB, 220x165, tenor (3).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30099247

>Thanks fellow hashchads. I’m expecting a pretty decent increase in price when eftpos takes off in around 6 months I believe. Trying to get my 22k to 100k by then

>> No.30099296
Quoted by: >>30099526

Just kidding. Personally I think it’s on the path however it’s still blockchain based. At the end of the day it will be pegged to the current big boys eth and btc. However HH will not be shackled by those restraints. I do think that anything following that style protocol will make money. If you want quick money there is likely a chance of a poomp. If you want to move your fiat into a secure, gaining crypto. I would go HBAR.

>> No.30099315
Quoted by: >>30099387

What the hell is the coin called “curv” doesn’t show up on Blockfolio

>> No.30099363

“We’re thrilled to add a world-renowned leader like Hedera and HBAR to our fast-growing portfolio of institutional customers and supported assets,” said Itay Malinger, Co-founder and CEO of Curv. “Our customers need the freedom to securely hold, trade, and interact with any digital asset on any ledger. Curv and Hedera’s integration makes it easy for exchanges, custodians, OTC desks, and any financial institution to adopt HBAR.”

>> No.30099387
Quoted by: >>30099440

Curv is a Digital Asset Custody Company.

>> No.30099407


>> No.30099440

A huwat

>> No.30099498

>and any financial institution to adopt HBAR. Paypal.

>> No.30099526

Come on. Fantom is the usual garbage froth whenever crypto increases marketcap. Its of no consequence, its the dragonchain/stellar lumens/funcoin of the moement of no significance except to the morons who buy it and the sad circle of fucks shilling it for their PnD breadcrumbs. Like rubic its for morons buy morons and with morons. Please don't mention crap like fantom or rubic in link or hbar threads. Tards have other places to be if they need hugs for being tards.

>> No.30099722

>buy morons

>> No.30099873

Someone asked my opinion on Fantom. I attempted to steer them away without getting heaty. I felt like it would be better for HBAR prospects if we always just hit arguments with facts and don’t shout about shitcoins in the sphere. It would probably be best for HBAR hoarders to not ever mention it on Biz but I think that we should grow a knowledgeable base of support. Don’t screech about Fantom, present the pros and cons and let others decide.

>> No.30099924

Suicide stack / Make it stack?

>> No.30100094


>> No.30100124


>> No.30100587
Quoted by: >>30100777

Dude the suicide stack increases every day. Couple weeks ago it was 10k. Last week it was 30k. This week it’s 50k. Same goes for the make it stack. Just buy what you can afford to put in.

>> No.30100741
File: 25 KB, 472x461, A2907254-C17F-40CF-820E-DCE2089B0FED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this is so good why is it so cheap ?

>> No.30100777

Unironically this. I don’t want to tell people to do anything I wouldn’t do, but I have moved all my other poor folio crypto’s into HBAR, and I am going to put any savings into it as well. I personally believe it is a better option than holding Canadian fiat in a savings account.

>> No.30100827

Because right now there is way more of it than there is people realizing how good it is. Much like The Miami Coke of 1981 that your Pepe seems to enjoy.

>> No.30100942

Keeping an eye on this for the last week, HBAR seems to dip between .11 - .12 around 8 AM - 11 AM EST. Watch for it around then.

>> No.30100949
Quoted by: >>30101110

Why don’t the council members (google , ibm ... etc) just buy all of it ? If it’s a guaranteed x100 or something?

>> No.30101110
Quoted by: >>30101534

Slow release of tokens. Also very few company boards would allow that sort of asset allocation. Also with those practical reasons ignored if one or two companies owns all the liquidity it would skyrocket the price temporarily, make it more expensive for them to hoard. Then the true value would plummet as no one would be interested in this crypto. That is a pretty crude explaination but I hope it helps.

>> No.30101229

I'm up to a 12k stack and it's half my poorfag portfolio - Seriously considering ditching everything else and going all in but know I'll have fomo if something i have moons while I wait for this mars rocket.... what do?

>> No.30101350


>> No.30101371
Quoted by: >>30101510

Do what you feel is sustainable. Cryptos are like a diet. What works for me may not work for you. At the end of the day the diet, or poorfolio, that is best, is the pragmatic one that you feel as though you can stick to. If you know you like to gamble, keep some gamble cash, it’ll prevent you from getting itchy and plucking HBARS before they’re ripe.

>> No.30101443

What's the cheapest way for me to get a baby-stack of HBAR? I only have a couple of hundred dollars to throw at this right now.

>> No.30101510

Dats some wise shit, anon. Thanks. WAGMI

>> No.30101518

binance or make a crypto.com account and avoid fees for 30 days. Use my Binance referral if u sign up fren! (53232687)

>> No.30101534
File: 60 KB, 1280x720, 1613091915645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do it. Not. Yet.

What's the supply roadmap? Is there even one? Or are we just thrusting in the goodwill of muh companies? I get the team is pretty doxxed but still I'm a bit skeptical... In a "too good to be true" kind of way.

>> No.30101542
File: 988 KB, 1435x1080, 1561849556208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive noticed pajeet shill farms have started to shift strategy into agreement with a good project + shitcoin promotion rather than the standard shouting down good projects + shitcoin promotion. Dont be afraid to call them out on it (jigstack)

>> No.30101555

Depends on what broker you use. Binance has it hosted and is simple to create an account. You can send any stable coin or major coin to the Binance wallet then spot trade it.

>> No.30101615
Quoted by: >>30101789

I want a million Hbar so badly. If I sell all my stocks I could probably accumulate up to that. Is it worth it?

>> No.30101743
Quoted by: >>30101791

All of this excitement makes me feel like it’s gonna go nowhere

>> No.30101757

Gotta say my guy. It’ll be easier for you to google it than for me to compress it for ya. It’s on the site. If you have questions after you can bring them here but I am watching Hannibal and don’t need to do this sort of thing for you.

>> No.30101783

where does it say paypal has hedera/

>> No.30101791
Quoted by: >>30102054

>1 HBAR thread
yea... all this excitement

>> No.30101789
Quoted by: >>30101861

Well for me personally seeing anyone with a 1 mil hbar wallet would make me a little hard. So I wanna see it. But do what’s best for you!

>> No.30101840

>centralised scam where the team own well over half the supply (to dump on the market) topkek

>> No.30101858
File: 26 KB, 296x295, photo_2020-08-31_19-36-45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is going to eat bugs, he does not know. HE DOESNT KNOW. $SENT.

>> No.30101861
Quoted by: >>30102299


what about LTO

>> No.30101889
File: 953 KB, 2000x841, 22A964A4-9127-4BB3-B825-6A157B3B06B9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At $15 it would have a 750b market cap street shitter, lmfao imagine buying this

>> No.30102052

They have something like a 15 year release schedule for those tokens

>> No.30102054

1 thread is bullish, when you have 6+ threads of the same shit on the catalog you know its a pajeet scam

>> No.30102299

I do not know enough about LTO to speak to it anon, I’m sorry. I personally am focussed on HBAR, it may be narrow minded, but that’s where I’m at. >>30101889
Yes. If the internet were commodified it would be multi trillion. How would you feel about new internet-with patents.

>> No.30102325

>Gas is growing
>Try to stay alive
>fail everything

Go BSC, don’t spend your life
Lmao, I hold SWG and use their marketplace, like zero tax

>> No.30102712

15 year release lol

By that time HBAR would have been the currency of the internet for ages.

Plus 600k to run a node.

Leemon said that the price has to be prohibitively high so that nobody can own a third of the network. That includes corps etc too.

They can’t discuss actual prices without getting in trouble with the SEC though.

This is seriously probably the only legitimate crypto in the whole crypto sphere. It’s definitely the only future proof one.

>> No.30102784

Why do I need to use an exchange to buy this? Is there no cross chain bridge I can use? Fuck glowies give me a decentralized way to buy this bubble hashish graph REEEEE REEEEE REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.30102871

This: >>30100827 but also it hasn't gone entirely mainstream yet (IE it hasn't appeared on Coinbase which is what the majority of casual buyers and sellers will use.)

>> No.30103133


>> No.30103417
Quoted by: >>30104098


>> No.30103688
Quoted by: >>30103975

The one project on here thats actually not a pyramid scheme rug pull
>street shitting scam coin!

Ngmi anon. I suggest you do your homework. We're only trying to help you. Not our problem that youre on fud sensory overload and cant see this for what it is. Just sad to see desu

>> No.30103975

O come on there is Link as well as HBAR and ETH back when it was under 10$. Technology actual innovation. But for everything else...well...fair enough

>> No.30104098

How does 70 Bagazillion dollars found?

>> No.30104156

No, that would be fantom.

>> No.30104523
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>> No.30104620
File: 69 KB, 878x444, Screenshot_2021-03-03 Bitcoin Exchange Cryptocurrency Exchange Binance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30104667

what's this pattern called ?

>> No.30104667

It's called "The rabbit and the hare" pattern

>> No.30104812
Quoted by: >>30104940

Where/how does a US based cuck pick up a bag of this?

>> No.30104940

Binance.US has HBAR. It's only tradable via the HBAR/BUSD exchange if you don't connect your bank account. My route was:

>> No.30105003

>no one uses that bullshit anymore
Dumbest shit I've read on this shit hole all week.

>> No.30105068
File: 302 KB, 900x451, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30105178

To answer your question

>> No.30105178

Danke schön.

>> No.30105972
Quoted by: >>30106520

When will this start climbing the ranks? There's a lot of complete shitcoins above it

>> No.30106520

How does #69 sound?