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29390866 No.29390866 [Reply] [Original]

As soon as this news gets around we’re mooning straight past $1

>> No.29391166

everything about this coin has me wired up

>> No.29391283
Quoted by: >>29395489

Very bullish

>> No.29391518
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Stop anon, I can only get so erect.

>> No.29391643
Quoted by: >>29395489

never seen this one before
beautiful work

>> No.29391663

if eth solves the gas fee problem then what will be the benefit of using rubic? cross-chain swaps can already happen with binance bridge

>> No.29391693

This is a Pajeet scam
Get out of here
Rubic Rugpull is soon
This is straight out of the Mumbai Playbook
The Russians are actors
Pajeets are farting on you

>> No.29391721

>if eth solves the gas fee problem
i think we've got a few years then

>> No.29391762
Quoted by: >>29395489

Old fud. Cope, seethe, and dilate.

>> No.29391767


>> No.29391831

Rubic is aiming to be the Amazon of cryptocurrency. Everything you could ever want to buy in one spot, for the lowest prices, and truly anonymously if you prefer. It is future-proof with cross-chain support. In 5 years there will be multiple major blockchain networks: Ethereum, Polkadot, Cardano, Avalanche, Binance Smart Chain, Neo, etc. Each network will have their own Dapps and tokens. Rubic is aiming to be the place to go if you want to trade anything and everything.

As far as the token is concerned, imagine a scenario where you have a token on Ethereum that you want to swap for a token on Polkadot, and you have a token on Binance Smart Chain that you want to swap for a token on Cardano. Do you need to carry ETH and BNB to make the trade? What about DOT or ADA? To make it simple, you can just pay for the swap using RBC. That way, you can freely swap tokens without having to worry about needing the underlying network's asset for transaction fees. Instead, you can just use RBC as a tax asset and trade freely, knowing you're always getting the best price, and you're always in possession of your cryptocurrency.

>> No.29391852
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Quoted by: >>29392034

BSC isn't the only chain in the world anon

>> No.29391855

its coming


>> No.29391916
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>> No.29391969

then the rest of rubic's platform will be unique and a first mover in a few ways
we have this bullrun at least
it would be hilarious if eth 2.0 comes about right now after years of waiting though lol

>> No.29392034

ok i get it. thats pretty based. if i want to never work again starting from today whats the stack i need

>> No.29392090

100k is the make it stack

>> No.29392141

25K stack minimum

>> No.29392140

50k make it stack

>> No.29392248
Quoted by: >>29392683

So, do I have to buy it again, or..do I redeem the old coin for the new one, or..what?

>> No.29392290

12.5k Stack

>> No.29392303

Anonymity will allow the Chinese to move between eastern and western markets without the CCP caring, as long as they have RBC. CRYPTO SILK ROAD.

>> No.29392362
Quoted by: >>29392833

6.75k or regret forever

>> No.29392478

At least 50K. Millionaire EOY.

>> No.29392556
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Quoted by: >>29392912

>blocks your path

>> No.29392683

presumably since their entire value prop is cross-chain swaps you will be able to migrate tokens back and forth between chains

>> No.29392833

anon your math is a bit wrong

>> No.29392912

>eoy? 4-8 billion easily
>you're going to see expl0sive growth as it begins to take over uniswap's market cap (8.7 billion current)RBC can grow organically as fast as uni, but it can also grow even quicker as uniswap carved out a portion of the market that will be lost from uniswap's own high gas fees. RBC can gain thoses loses, as uniswap's own growth will fuel its decay via high gas
>looking forward to end of february and march for this bad boii, after june expect to see 10-20 dollar rubic, that's without money from the bullrun.
>so that jump from 1 billion to 5+ bilion will be much quicker as long as the team's roadmap is relatively flawless ( it took uniswap 6 weeks to go from 1.5 billion to 9 bilion)
>why would you even use uniswap directly when you get L2, anonymous interactions, the best prices via aggregated dexs, and crosschain swaps
>each billion in market cap is +10 for rubic.

>> No.29392962
Quoted by: >>29393831

Somebody spoonfeed me, how do I buy? I want to help the pump

>> No.29392984
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Quoted by: >>29393259

Enter the Dragon

>> No.29393051
Quoted by: >>29393215

Rubic goes to $50 eoy, anyone that doesn't think so doesn't understand what rubic is.

>> No.29393215
Quoted by: >>29393291

>anyone that doesnt think so doesn't understand what Rubic is

I know what Rubic is; it's an exchange
I've used it once to test it and found nothing groundbreaking about it

>> No.29393259
File: 50 KB, 600x600, 5252452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Rise of Rubic

>> No.29393291
Quoted by: >>29393420

Stay poor pajeet.

>> No.29393322

What is the token useful for ?

>> No.29393420

Well what is groundbreaking about it, have you ever used it before? Their trading volume also seems extremely for their marketcap, it doesn't add up

>> No.29393429

Making you rich

>> No.29393461

Dev fund, staking and crosschain swap tax in the future.

>> No.29393521

It's useful to buy it and dump it on dumb crypto newfags that joined in 2021 and don't know what the fuck they're doing

>> No.29393529

See >>29391831

>> No.29393565

Ah yeah sound idea I'll buy then !

>> No.29393616
File: 1.03 MB, 850x810, hakurei_reimu_kirisame_marisa_rei_and_sananana_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_tarmo__sample-5b2e43dfe34b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29393838

Calm down fren. I've been in crypto longer than 99% of /biz/ posters and I own a motherfucking shitload of Rubic.

>> No.29393656
Quoted by: >>29394484

Should I swing and buy more during the dip ?

>> No.29393683

but can i buy it on BSC? not paying for gas

>> No.29393719
Quoted by: >>29394163

Some people cannot use Binance bridge without VPN

>> No.29393723

checked double dubs

>> No.29393742
File: 631 KB, 1440x1948, Screenshot_20210222-082817_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very soon you will be able to.

>> No.29393831
Quoted by: >>29394832

uniswap sir

>> No.29393838

>I've been in crypto longer than 99% of /biz/ posters and I own a motherfucking shitload of Rubic

Larper, post your wallet

>> No.29393896

BSC version is planned, but that will take quite some time. Just send USDT to your Probit account and buy your RBC from over there.

>> No.29394163

binance has cracked down on vpn users too. only option for us in US is to use rubics exchange

>> No.29394315
File: 578 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20210222-192530_Mycelium Wallet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29395493

I'm on the phone, #6 holder on etherscan, 0x93b. A screenshot of me receiving ETH from the address

>> No.29394388

Yeah as soon as chinance lets me transferm y funds.

>> No.29394421

he's not larping he's shown proof many times
all the top wallets are biz
pretty much all the top 100

>> No.29394476

>Its a bunch of IOUs
What a fucking joke mETHheads know their fucked with competition nipping at their heels if they don't fix this gas kikery.

>> No.29394484

Don't swing you'll get rekt.

>> No.29394832

Or maybe... On Rubic?

>> No.29395060

Oh shit really?
I gotta get out. This is the 63728263 time they are going to pull the rug. Any day now. Right?

>> No.29395247
Quoted by: >>29395406

There’s no place to buy this other than Uniswap?

>> No.29395406

Probit or Rubic exchange

>> No.29395489

etc etc all pajeets

>> No.29395493
File: 420 KB, 1200x912, 1613957659108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big if true>>29394315

There was also another whale the other day that delivered
Check this out
Rubic Total Victory

>> No.29395785
File: 7 KB, 237x250, 1605907368370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29395834

Here it is.
The exit pump.

>> No.29395834
