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File: 453 KB, 1080x1175, Cardano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27521228 No.27521228 [Reply] [Original]

Organic growth.

>No pumps and dumps
>gains then pulls back before gaining more
>overall on the up trend
>community in it for the long haul
>incredible fundamentals

Truly this is the crypto to rule them all.

>> No.27521354

>still no smart contracts
lol why do they need 8 years for something other projects finish within max. 3 years?

>> No.27521421
File: 118 KB, 1600x901, Topkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27521493
Quoted by: >>27521608

>why would they spend extra amounts of time to make sure they put the best possible product out to the market they can

Dumb question

>> No.27521602

you wont be able to wait that's fine you can leave now.

>> No.27521608
Quoted by: >>27521866

What's special about cardanos smart contracts?

>> No.27521708
File: 563 KB, 1200x1120, Slav pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you mean masterpiece take a long time to be done?
Your brain on fast consumption society

>> No.27521706

do other projects work well?

>> No.27521724

Can anyone explain to me how the Governance and community voting shit are not retarded?
Literally the only thing that's keeping me from going all in.

>> No.27521866

To begin. Try DYOR next time

>> No.27521913
Quoted by: >>27522317

they are not retarded if voting doesnt cost $100 in gas fees.

and yes voting how funds shall be allocated is great

>> No.27521959
File: 43 KB, 866x777, stape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Already crashing off of recent highs.

Just give it up guys jeez.

>> No.27522038

nice try jew

>> No.27522067
File: 82 KB, 1045x614, cardano sssss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best coin ever!! organic growth , makes supports , gives great profit, great fundamentals

>> No.27522121

Slow and steady wins the race, if you don’t like it then sell

>> No.27522143

>To begin.
The article you posted doesn't say anything about out of the ordinary smart contract features though. It's just MUH HASKELL autism all over again.

>> No.27522173

biz is a forum to pump your bags, ada 5 years in production while he travels the world spending your money on vacation ada still in same condition

>> No.27522215
Quoted by: >>27522479

>no pumps


>> No.27522317
Quoted by: >>27522565

It feels like it introduces instability to the system when you leave things up to the decision of selfish actors.
I don't sense the same fool proof peer reviewed quality with this as I get with Ouroboros.

>> No.27522431

you need it if you want decentralization !!!

>> No.27522479

Have a great day anon.

>> No.27522526
Quoted by: >>27523052

What other projects accomplished Cardano is trying to? INB4 ETH

>> No.27522565
Quoted by: >>27523752

game theory, why would anyone vote to harm it? if your stake is big enough you will always vote for development instead of a token burn etc

>> No.27522717

Watching it Drop in real time is quite impressive.

This thing struggles to hold any gains.

>> No.27522871
Quoted by: >>27523977

Anon I...

Its been between .40-.44 the last 24 hours.. What the fuck are you even looking at master FUD.

>> No.27523052
Quoted by: >>27523866

Well I get the overall idea behind ADA and like it but I don't understand why they need so much time for basic features like smart contracts.
ETH has many problems but smart contracts isn't one any more. Several other projects also have secure and performant smart contracts in place and from what I see Cardano isn't trying even trying to completely change the way smart contracts work. So why does it take that long?

>> No.27523098


>> No.27523717

what's the best place to buy Cardano?

>> No.27523721
Quoted by: >>27523979

Why is it dropping so hard, guys? I'm liking this coin so far, but is this normal for ADA?

>> No.27523752

You can't just throw Game Theory on it and guarantee stability. With potential million actors in the system, there are no predictions or guarantees. It just comes off as unnecessarily over ambitious.

Besides, if we're thinking about institutional adoption, I don't think that a decentralized system governed by a community sounds attractive to a private bank for example that is trying to get into DeFi. I think institutions much prefer adopting products that have official management/owners that they can interact with.

And let's not even get start with the legislative side, Cardano (and similar self-governed crypto projects) are entering uncharted territory in terms of law. It would take decades for the real world to actually catch up and start understanding these types projects.

>> No.27523772
Quoted by: >>27524340

binance or swap it in exodus

>> No.27523825

Top kek.

This is an actual project something that could be on the s&p 500. Its growing in a healthy sustainable way. You're so used to pnd that anything that doesnt pump 400% looks bad to you.

Its like guys who watch too porn, when they see an actual naked women they have no idea whats going on.

Relax anon.

>> No.27523834
Quoted by: >>27524048

ADA will pass ETH. When Charles goes on Lex Fridman and Rogan podcast.

>> No.27523866
Quoted by: >>27524311

The main problems with ETH right now is the gas fees and speed of the network. Cardano is taking the time to ensure they put out a well polished and scalable project. Unlike, ETH who rushed the project out the door as soon as possible. ADA Smart Contracts and blockchain should fix a lot of these issues upon the final release.

>> No.27523914
Quoted by: >>27524340

Or bittrex or bitfinex..bittrex is better imo

>> No.27523977
Quoted by: >>27524099


If you like it at .42 (Down from .45, a near 10% drop) You'll love it at .32 when it plummets from this soon to be forgotten Pump and dump.

>> No.27523979

Bro what the fuck do you mean.. Its hovering between .40-.44. Are you fucking new here?

It was .10, .15, .20, .30, .35 and now .40-.44. You dont want to FOMO in when its shooting up brother.

>> No.27524005
Quoted by: >>27524188

any interesting dapp products coming?

>> No.27524048
Quoted by: >>27526354

Is he going on Rogan???

>> No.27524099

Holy shit you are an actual moron. Remove yourself from this fucking board and then planet Earth.

>> No.27524188
File: 37 KB, 986x995, adadada.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh Sweet Summers Child

>> No.27524224
Quoted by: >>27525371

>Truly this is the crypto to rule them all
If you unironically think anything else will ever rule over BTC you’re insane

>> No.27524311
Quoted by: >>27525802

LOL tezos launched a fully baked product that's scalable and has smart contracts

yet nobody fucking uses it a year after mainnet
nothing will supplant ETH but ETH itself, there is no way you'll steal eth's devshare, liquidity, or composability

ada bagholders are just like Nano.... a bunch of retarded midwits who think they stumbled on the next big thing but are actually too dumb to see the forest for the trees

>> No.27524317

Whats the dream top of cardano? $10? $20?

>> No.27524340

I don't see ADA on Binance

Thanks, I'll try that!

>> No.27524496
Quoted by: >>27525480


>> No.27524505

I sold early to buy REEF, took some profit and bought back in at the bottom of the dip.

>> No.27524702


.45 - .55 cents

Maybe closer to $1.00 if the Pump and Dump Discourse crew shows up, but highly doubtful

>> No.27524791


>> No.27525054
Quoted by: >>27526027

Over $5 is moonboy territory
Over $10 is /XSG/ territory

>> No.27525110

$3 end of march 4-5 EOY

>> No.27525371

Btc will forever be a store of value. But cardano will be the backbone of crypto and dapps. It will become the most common name in crypto for developers. Btc will always be more popular with normies.

>> No.27525480
Quoted by: >>27526059


>> No.27525802


Tezos doesnt have the co-founder of Ethereum building it.. Do they?

A fucking retarded woman made that shit.

>> No.27526027

>>>27524317 (You)
>Over $5 is moonboy territory
>Over $10 is /XSG/ territory

EOY, over 5 would be crazy. Only holding 1600 but thats a lot of money where i live.

>> No.27526059

Eww. Bittrex is a shitshow

>> No.27526354
