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>> No.27470314
Quoted by: >>27479553

What were these people thinking?
>Yes, I'm gonna dump my life savings into a reddit meme stock after it went 100x. Surely all the millions of people who did the same will ALL get rich.

>> No.27470487

Is this the kind of debt that can be cleared through bankruptcy?

>> No.27470695

Good question

>> No.27470705

didnt he short? How can you go into negative balance if you hodl?

>> No.27470880

Been telling this for DAYS but you made fun of me.




>> No.27470899

the biggest economic psyop in history

>> No.27470993

Because he bought options and didn't know what the fuck he was doing.

>> No.27471034

He bought over his budget. No idea why a trading program would allow it.

>> No.27471048

this is going to have some fundamental repercussions for the financial industry. nobody is going to want to be in the stock market anymore

>> No.27471078

Built for RBC

>> No.27471118

>that reddit spacing

oh no no no no

>> No.27471152

When do we deploy the pink wojaks?!

>> No.27471157

>only 6 hours
huh ... pussies

>> No.27471282

faggot reads a page on options and thinks he's good to go, but he still keeps fucking up the terminology. i'm not gonna need regular porn for years after this.

>> No.27471295

Look at how big his capital was.
Options allow you to trade with x3 - x5 your capital. So he could have easily filled it.

>> No.27471325

wait, he bought too many buy options and the premiums put him into the red?

>> No.27471332

>Setting market buy options premarket


>> No.27471343
Quoted by: >>27477606

The ones who made assloads of money from the GME pump already have more money than they'll ever need in their lives and can generate even more with municipal bonds and T-bills alone so how come they don't grow a sense of Noblesse Oblige and bail them out?

>> No.27471348

big sign that crypto will rocket?

>> No.27471388

How can he do that by mistake? Doesn't he review order before submitting?

>> No.27471402
File: 42 KB, 916x609, Es3MO7EXEAEtjZM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GME will go back up and rocket soon

Why: well let’s see here, oh yeah, the short interest is still above 100% (fuck you S3 and you’re bullshit numbers)

The amount of volume trading has gone down from 130+ million to 20-40M yet the number of buys versus sells is still heavily skewed towards buys meanwhile hedge funds are manipulating the stock by making MASSIVE amounts of tiny calls and puts and buys and sells IN ORDER TO DRIVE THE PRICE DOWN AND TRICK ALGORITHMS into thinking there are massive sell offs when in reality everyone is buying and holding


The longer we buy and hold, the worse their short interest gets and the more this hurts them



THEY BORROWED STOCK AT $10/SHARE AND NOW THOSE STOCKS ARE $200+ PER SHARE, they have to pay the difference!!!


Billionaires losing billions everyday or your account going further in the red despite not actually owing any money!?!?!?


>> No.27471554

Robinhood was right after all to restrict these ideas from trading and losing everything.

>> No.27471626
Quoted by: >>27472697

>Is this the kind of debt that can be cleared through bankruptcy?
Are you jewish? If so then yes, if not then no.

>> No.27471642


>> No.27471653

>keep holding so I can sell my bags at a profit

>> No.27471747
Quoted by: >>27475995

Imagine if it dumped now and RH comes out as the hero because they stopped people from losing dumb money over this.

>> No.27471795

Don't laugh you retarded faggots. They are getting desperate and coming here. Then they are going to come to /pol/ blow past pinned ask ask for redpills. Clean up your mess and send them back where they came from.

>> No.27471832
Quoted by: >>27474723

This. Reddit, 4chan and memes were a mistake.

>> No.27471864
File: 48 KB, 546x366, Bueno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically buying this dip

>> No.27471913
Quoted by: >>27472697

Not for goyim.

>> No.27471919
Quoted by: >>27475806

I dunno - normal calls shouldn't be liquidated because the most you can lose is the premium. So who knows what the fuck he did.

>> No.27471954

>only slept 6 hours

>> No.27472008

> Canadian dollars
Please, he probably owes the amount a small car costs.

>> No.27472066

A fool and his money are soon parted.

>> No.27472089

Just drop the act. It’s time to sell at open, it’s only going to plummet more

>> No.27472092
File: 2.63 MB, 640x640, 1592261096453.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should have bought silver instead

>> No.27472096

>only slept 6 hours
What? That’s a normal night for me. This is absolutely a woman, passing her retardation onto everything but herself. Stupid cunts like this are the examples the gov’t will use to justify whatever “protections” are coming.

>> No.27472144

Nobody looks at losers so nobody will care. Remember who got second after Usain Bolt? Yeah me neither.

>> No.27472185

So we’re laughing about kikes stealing calls from normies to sell them to schlomo at a discount?

>> No.27472255

Silver took a fat shit.

>> No.27472278

no, we're laughing at the ~5m that joined WSB over the last few days and thought they'd make money buying it at 300

>> No.27472296

People are already killing themselves in record numbers thanks to the government enforced lockdowns

>> No.27472328
Quoted by: >>27472621

>Sell so my bosses don't go bankrupt
Fuck off shills

>> No.27472359

He didn't say what his strike price is but I'm assuming it was was for a lot more than it's trading at now
this nigger is really proof positive of why RH needs to restrict you fucking niggers who can't be bothered to even double check what the fuck you are doing before you send away $300k and then leave yourself rekt out of your own stupidity, greed, and haste yet want to say it's the bank's fault. No nigger, it's YOUR fault and that's why options aren't for fucking beginners.
The only new regulations that come out of this will be ones that make it harder for the retail investor to compete. Fucking morons

>> No.27472427

>we're sticking it to the jews by losing our money to a r*ddit pump and dump orchestrated by them!

>> No.27472453
Quoted by: >>27473016

It’s precious metals though so in the long run it will be fine especially with all the fed printing.

>> No.27472498


>> No.27472505

Hmmm how can we crash the stock market more? Ah yes I got it goyim lets restrict retailers from investing, that will certainly teach them from giving us money!

Said no kike ever.

>> No.27472521

Strike 570

>> No.27472570
Quoted by: >>27474085

Who is sending you and utter faggots like you to shill here. Retarded people exist, so because of that you shouldn’t be allowed to do what you want with your money? I bet your faggot ass also believes in gun control too? Eat shit bitch

>> No.27472612

>Being down 1MIL in cash
Holy fuck. I'd probably kill myself. I only make $42k a year.

>> No.27472621

>cope and reddit speak
You lost

>everyone who disagrees with me is paid to post!!!
You are reaching schizo levels of denial

>> No.27472630


If shorts truly covered and there is no more squeeze left, why is trading still restricted? What are they are afraid will happen? With millions of people still buying more, then this price has no reason to go down...yet it is. That is due to trading restrictions and hedge funds taking advantage of the fact that no one could trade. A ladder attack that can't be interfered with is a perfect attack. Volume has been far to low to justify price action or even half of shorts covering.

>> No.27472639
Quoted by: >>27472756

who has the pic of the guy who bought with his grandmas lifesavings

>> No.27472671
Quoted by: >>27479791

You are right anon.

Reddit is an alt-right website which promotes conspiracy theories that directly lead to people dying.

Reddit should be deleted.

>> No.27472697

Back to pol retard

>> No.27472756

HAHAHAH no way!

>> No.27472791

This, unironically, this was worse then bitcoin during peak mania in December 2017, least if you bought the exact top and held you made money, GameStop will never ever go back to three digits after this, it’ll be a crash then a slow bleed back to 10-20$

>> No.27472869

>killing people = bad
kill yourself, disgusting filthy kike

>> No.27472888
File: 167 KB, 1920x1867, 1530552711436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would still be green if you bought on friday.
Also you would have actual coins and bars in your hand instead of a piece of paper that entitels you to a share of a dead end company thats deep in the red numbers

>> No.27472898

What they wanted:
What happened:
>20yr old male found dead in apartment after a wellness check

>> No.27472910
Quoted by: >>27473104

oy boomer faggots like my parents actually buy silver.

go back to Denny's you old fuck

>> No.27472958

I planned on holding til 0 either way, if it crashes let it crash. The tears so far were worth it to me, and I still believe that I'll be enjoying way more than just tears once all this is said and done. Pessimists have no place here.

>> No.27473016
Quoted by: >>27473093

bro silver is fucking worthless.

at least don't go fill retard and buy gold if you want precious . metals

>> No.27473026
Quoted by: >>27473181

A few early guys made bank. Then A few shills, tards and funds helped blackrock make billions Off this while ruining the lives of inexperienced newfagswho fomod. They already posted a 3b windfall off game before the crash which they would’ve had a position and hand in. They even gave chamath great marketing who just used this to fud robinhood to push the exchange he’s backed, kek. you were all just pawns. Now hodl to 0 I’m sure that’ll hurt em. Melvin capital will get billions in bail out money, you won’t get shit

>> No.27473031
Quoted by: >>27477442

>he thinks silver is something to daytrade

>> No.27473093

>t. GME bagholder

>> No.27473097
File: 2.43 MB, 1238x1136, 1612238755498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bagholders be waking up like

>> No.27473104

how are those diamond hands doing, champ?
Quake 3 was good game

>> No.27473181

If my holding GME to 0 had no chance of hurting anyone, no one would be talking about my shitty investment, they'd silently enjoy profiting off my ignorance and leave it at that. The fact there's even a discussion surrounding GME and the short situation says it all.

>> No.27473248


No you fucking retard, he was basically leveraged 100x like a complete fucking idiot

>> No.27473277


>> No.27473367


>> No.27473454
Quoted by: >>27473744

Look at the float on Gamestop. The short squeeze is over. Some huge hedges have literally made billions. They're covered, and redditors will be the bag holders.
When it comes to finance you're in this for yourself. Anyone who tries to get you on board with some collectivist notion isn't your friend. They won't give you money to cover your losses.

>> No.27473477
Quoted by: >>27473709

where do you find these posts?

>> No.27473503


>> No.27473516


>why is trading still restricted?

because they're ACTUALLY protecting unsophisticated traders from losing their money

>> No.27473526
File: 243 KB, 1125x2436, botcity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27474524

Lol buying more.

>> No.27473608
File: 82 KB, 1080x349, Screenshot_20210202_104454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that if you are holding GME this is who you are holding with. In her post history she is spamming the diamond and rocket emojis but also asking what trading volume is.

Gtfo gme the second market opens

>> No.27473654

there's unironically nothing wrong with anything you said

>> No.27473709


>> No.27473744
File: 170 KB, 382x346, 1612208626029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27476936

There hasn't been volume moved enough in the days since shorts expired to clear the shorts in the market. Instead those on the hook spent every minute short ladder attacking GME instead of paying off short stocks and thereby just paying off their debts. My losses don't even exist by their standards. they're so small. Their losses can potentially crash they entire global economy. Hence why they can't stop blinking and cheating to try and fix the situation, and I haven't blinked since last Wednesday.

>> No.27473756
Quoted by: >>27473846

Lol, they'll bail the big guys out, give them a slap on the wrist meanwhile your insurance premiums, mortgage/ credit card/tuition loan interests will take a hike and next year instead of a stimulus check, uncle bide will send a nice tax hike your way.

>> No.27473808


>> No.27473820

His problem wasnt the options but the margin
Without automated margin the buy would just have been failed due to not enough funds
Moneylending is a dirty business and those who lend for interest will go to hell

>> No.27473846
File: 39 KB, 400x400, 1611960903212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Desperation stinks and you smell like asshole on fire.

>> No.27473891

I feel sad for her, she's not even a tranny as i expected and never posted before this GME thing started. just some clueless normie being used by wsb faggots and then thrown under the bus. she even says she wants to help her pregnant sister with her gains, and that her bf has been begging her to sell.

>> No.27473898

>Robinhood was right after all to restrict these ideas from trading and losing everything.

unironically this. and its going to cause even more ass pain because the lawsuit against them is going to be dismissed completely after its shown they prevented millions of retards from financial ruin

then some other reddit assholes will be left holding lawyers bags. kek

>> No.27473918
File: 241 KB, 2144x1173, harry potter inspiration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27473929

Not buying more, but; that movie was called Avengers: Infinity War.

Maybe she was troll.

>> No.27473946
Quoted by: >>27474184

So robinhood was right to sell people's shares? Or would this have never happened without interference?

>> No.27474004

Thanks for the discount, fuckin nerds!

>> No.27474019
Quoted by: >>27474747

Nah that's bullshit, you can go drop all of your money on black at the casino but stock brokers care for some reason if you spend all of your money on gme?

>> No.27474022
File: 106 KB, 1280x1270, 1607616569489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>putting your life savings into the Blockbuster of vidya
Anyone who bought GME and didn't sell when it hit $00+ deserves to lose everything. One of my plebbit friends convinced two of our normalfag buddies to buy at $300 lmao I tried to tell them it was a Ponzi scheme, and the price would tank after the big fish cashed out, but they said I was just a hater. My retarded friend who was the ringleader actually tried to take out a $10k personal loan to buy GME. Thankfully the bank denied him.

>> No.27474085

The only retarded faggot is you. The anon was saying RH would restrict trades as justification.

>> No.27474090
File: 746 KB, 1800x1600, 4BB09379-0FD8-4129-B8AF-04DF6095681A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27474109

Laugh at me shills I bought on wednesday at 80% high and didnt reduce my position by friday. Call me a retard but I am just a pig.

>> No.27474184

Normalfags forgot about this shit over the weekend. It was only trending for a day on social media when all the idiot bought into GME. Anyone with brains would have sold on Friday, but greedy faggots actually thought a $10 stock was going to skyrocket to $1k per share.

>> No.27474195

The people on r/Wallstreetbets screaming "DIAMOND HANDS!!!" "HODL", are they just trying to con others into inflating the price or are they true believers?

>> No.27474306

At this point, it seems more are leaning towards the former than the latter

If they were true believers, they wouldn't have to constantly repeat "buy the dip"

>> No.27474391

Many of them are hoping the price goes up so they can exit. Till then, there is no difference between the 2 groups. Anyone else would have already made their money.

>> No.27474456

You really hope shit like this is posted ironically, but you know it isn't. If Biden deletes plebbit from the Internet, I will vote for him in 2024.

>> No.27474489

maybe it isnt end game, just prelude where thanos snapped his finger

>> No.27474524
Quoted by: >>27475838

Kek, reddit went into Qanon levels of delusion over this. Anyone who doesn't believe GME is going to 1000$ is now a paid shill. Anyone who is looking for investments that aren't GME is a paid shill. Anyone who wants to discuss the actual fucing stock market past this particular pump and dump is a paid shill.

>> No.27474526

They're newfaggots who encountered new memes for the very first time and got roped in hook, line, and sinker, Only a few are truly cynical enough to encourage others to be hapless retard bag holders.
Anyone who bought in over $100 and didn't sell is a shit eating moron. Their next purchase is likely a rope.

>> No.27474626

Memespamming faggots who don't understand the sunk cost fallacy.

>> No.27474698

Is now a good time to short GME?

>> No.27474723

Don't even compare wsb to /biz/. The way reddit works allowed for a cult like belief in GME, where all contrary opinions were downvoted to hell or removed by the mods. Meanwhile in /biz/ people have been calling the GME fags delusional from the very beggining. If anything this just proves 4 chan is just a better platform.

>> No.27474744

Idk man even if I lose my 1k this has been exciting and I'm gunna continue investing

>> No.27474747
Quoted by: >>27474967

This. No rich fuck in the history of mankind ever tried to prevent a poor to lose everything.

>> No.27474800

Yes and please use leverage while youre at it

>> No.27474861

Scrolling through wsb is like scrolling through pol a month ago.
>Here's how trump can still win

>> No.27474862
File: 73 KB, 1059x595, Es1iaBqWMAIJrEy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.27474884


>> No.27474921

Silver is at a high and is up 100% last 12 months. Oh, you wanted a meme investment?

>> No.27474967
File: 41 KB, 740x740, 1612104282539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If those digits alone don't convince you, all logic from the post put aside, then you never deserved to post your shitty fucking opinions like they ever mattered here in the first place.

>> No.27474974
Quoted by: >>27475019

Here if some anon liquidated their 401k and savings accounts for (you)s they'd be called a nigger fucking retard and promptly told to kill themselves.
On reddit they're upvoted and given "gold" and other stupid meaningless emojis on their account linked to a persistent username.

Reddit is literally for scum. Its a sick disgusting ecosystem which incentives the worst behavior from early internet forums.

>> No.27474973

People at the very beginning of GME made money. Alot of money. What are you even talking about? It was only when it got to 300 did it turn into a cult.

>> No.27474980

>Delusional from the very beginning
>There are people who bought in at 30 and sold at 400

While I agree people who went FOMO after the peak are retarded, you sound like some big sour grapes retard if you can't acknowledge some people were right from the start

>> No.27475019

>On reddit they're upvoted and given "gold" and other stupid meaningless emojis on their account linked to a persistent username.
Nah. They get told the same thing. That was pre GME.

>> No.27475050
Quoted by: >>27475355

How the fuck did he turn out to owe them money?

>> No.27475066

I bought at 100 and sold at 300 and still made a killing.

>> No.27475088

The broker is the middle man that moves the money between sellers and buyers and if people keep buying they will enter a weird place where there’s going to be a lot of people getting money and a lot getting fucked with no cash in reserves to pay out. If they don’t restrict trading people woudlnt get paid and they’d get in big trouble. Robin Hood is just too small to be a meme platform. That’s why big guys had no issue meeting orders

>> No.27475144

Last week:
>goes to 500 thursday
>RobinHood shuts it down
>it stalls and falls, people are angry beyond belief
>they put together class action lawsuits
>wow to never use RobinHood again
>price recovers somewhat for the weekend
>everyone prepares for monday

Current week:
>everyone is still limited from buying via RobinHood
>Somehow this is a surprise to the plebbit retards who spent 3 entire days NOT setting up with a different broker
>the step where this plan failed was when people had to switch from a gamified app for retarded children to a less child-friendly broker
>No one can buy
>Hype dies
>Stock plummets
>Paperhands sell

Let's play hypotheticals. Imagine you're a GMEfag for a moment. You believe it all - the short squeeze, that holding and buying means you will win. To your mind, this is the easiest play of all time... but you don't move to a different broker after the one you used fuck you. That literally all you had to do. But you don't.

I mean, it's mindnumbing. It's fucking mindnumbing.

>> No.27475200

>he way reddit works allowed for a cult like belief in GME, where all contrary opinions were downvoted to hell or removed by the mods

pull your head out of your fucking ass. you couldnt even post a reasoned reply to a GME delusion thread last week without 10 (you)s calling you a hedgie and a shill

>> No.27475219


>> No.27475240

I thought /pol/ was the most manipulated board on 4chan but it's clear there's a bunch of hedgies or paid shills here trying to demoralize GME investors lolol

Conviction in GME was *never* tied to price action. The squeeze hasn't been squoze, and hedgies are setting themselves up for even more pain by artificially depressing the stock as tons of people continue to buy.

>> No.27475318
Quoted by: >>27480402

Somebody please post this to reddit. They could have just bought LINK like I told them. they didn't listen.

>> No.27475328

Look at 4stats.io. /biz/ become the highest post per minute board on 4chan, without other boards crashing in traffic. We had an influx of outsiders. We had an influx of fucking retard redditor scum.
Some anons here of course are pretty stupid, but on the whole reddit is an entirely different circle of retard hell.

>> No.27475336
Quoted by: >>27475470

The premium on anything is going to be astronomical.

>> No.27475338
File: 9 KB, 225x225, happymerchant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will definitely kill yourself alongside your tranny reddit friends faggot, you can even say "TO THE MOOOOOON!!!!!" as you do it in solidarity for the hedge funds that you gave away all your money to, this is called natural selection.
>fuck you s3 and your algorithms, I don't believe it because the reddit echochamber told me to trust the plan!!!

>> No.27475355

I don’t trade options but my guess is he didn’t have the $500k or whatever so it went on margin automatically because he probably has that feature enabled and did 100x margin

>> No.27475362

Im buying more today.

>> No.27475369
File: 131 KB, 1266x688, B807A89F-808D-4194-9FFC-131C3229B602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27475653

This is exactly why 4chan is 100x better than Reddit, it’s because nobody cares about disagreeing with people on 4chan because we are all anonymous and don’t have a reputation to keep. Reddit posts get upvoted or downvoted based on how aligned with the hive mind it is. It always devolves into the most midwitted, thoughtless, cookie-cutter shit floating to the top while all contrarian opinions get buried or downvoted. Reddit is for circlejerking, 4chan is for shitting in each other’s mouths.

>> No.27475384

you know as well as I do that plebbit had a limited amount of the actual gme shares, whales like blackrock likely allowed Melvin to close their positions at a comfy premium on the weekend . Plebbit took alllll the heat and caused the blowoff top at 500 but funds ran it up to three digits, now wsb will be ruined as 5-6m new members got rekt and will be out for blood in 2 weeks time, there will be lawsuits (on each other)

>> No.27475403

1 post by this ID is always trying to put HODLERS down, unless explicitly stated in the 1st post. I don't know why I bother explaining this, no one old enough to fall for this surface-level astroturfing even posts here, and the rest of us can read through their insincere language within seconds, so anyone native to /biz/ with half a brain cell to rub together knows not to trust this bullshit. Lying means nothing to cunts like you.

>> No.27475442

haahahahaha retard rbc user like me

serves him rightb canucks are soulless

>> No.27475454

Because of all the reddit and /pol/ refugees. /pol/ might be a good salt mine as well.

>> No.27475470
Quoted by: >>27475853

Yes the premium will be expensive but you don't get the downside of infinite losses.

>> No.27475485

God I hope this is bait

>> No.27475494

Maybe they did and that’s why they’re still holding. ACATS takes like a week and they’re all out of cash that won’t be cleared at their new broker.

>> No.27475500
Quoted by: >>27475542

What are the best links to check for salty reddit tears?

>> No.27475514

>yet the number of buys versus sells is still heavily skewed towards buys
That's a lie, redditard

>> No.27475542
Quoted by: >>27476024


>> No.27475608
Quoted by: >>27475915

This is why you don't fucking gamble. Just buy and sell. Tf are you doing gambling on price movements for?

>> No.27475613

>Hold my bags

>> No.27475618
Quoted by: >>27475785

Well, yeah, the entire point was for the small number of people who bought early to make a lot of money. Retards who bought at $300 fell for the "hedgies have to buy the shorts" meme, and thought it was guaranteed money. These were the idiots saying GME was going to hit $1k. It's the equivalent of dumping all your money into a slot machine after you just watched someone hit the jackpot.

>> No.27475653
Quoted by: >>27476580

There's at least a chance biz will repulse / beatback all the newfags... There's zero chance WSB survives... They now have to be a cult that agrees in going all in one trade, anyone who is interested in a different trade is a shill trying to distract...

>> No.27475661

Lol haha shill retard stupid moon gme buy hold diamond ape cuck buy gme buy buy cuck wifes boyfriend to the moon moon amc we like the stock dickfaggot lol for the lululz yolo yolo yolo fud fud yolo fud melvin capitalism autist sperg haha lost all my money bitch fuck kykykykykyjykyk kyks jews gme amc diamond hands yolool

>> No.27475710

>"paragraphs are reddit spacing"
>t. retard who actually reddit spaced

>> No.27475733

Kek. All of you HODL scrubs are being taken offside now. Your betters are here to collect your shekels. I hope you bought the highs.

>> No.27475766
Quoted by: >>27476194

Right about them making money? sure I agree. Im calling delusional to the fags that thought GME would reach 100K per share.

>> No.27475771
Quoted by: >>27475822

The level of lying and cheating has been exposed with this event. And retail is now a player if not maybe a check on these institutions. It will be a lot less profitable to be a hedge fund manager in the future

>> No.27475784

God I love this fat faggot, I'm going to be bummed when he has a heart attack

>> No.27475785

People forget or don't know that Martin Shkreli of all people used to be a WSB mod, they think because it's LE REDDIT then they must be the same huggy-bear goodboy friendly justice crusaders that they have in their other echo-chamber subs.

>> No.27475798
File: 262 KB, 867x881, 1611509029890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27476082

That part offended me the most

>> No.27475806

maybe he somehow bought too many calls on margin? That would explain why he got liquidated. The other anons here are saying "dude leverage lol" but long calls are supposed to be defined risk where you can't go negative, just lose the initial debit.

>> No.27475809
Quoted by: >>27476056

Someone post the memes, like the Starship Troopers "it's afraid" one or The Big Short edited poster.

>> No.27475822
Quoted by: >>27476304


>> No.27475838
File: 199 KB, 585x876, 2_1_21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When 4chan starts to agree with the MSM you know something fucked is going on.
Bots and paid shills galore retard.

>> No.27475853

Oh I agree, I’d never just short sell shares but the money in puts has already been made.

>> No.27475856

>stunt gme growth by stopping buyers
>it tumbles
>look we saved you!!!1!

>> No.27475889

being called a shill is not nearly as bad as having your posts removed by the mods or being downvoted into the void.

>> No.27475915

To be fair, in his own mind he thought he thought was spending like $4,500 which in the grand scheme of things is an insignificant amount of money
But anytime I try to make a trade on any platform I get a message that confirms what I am doing. I can’t believe he didn’t get the same type of message and just ignored it

>> No.27475993

Holy shit

>> No.27475995

>Restricts sellers to be only able to sell
>Causes price to fall dramatically and allows hedge funds to cover their shorts at a fraction of the cost
>But since the price went down, they're heroes!

>> No.27476024

eh, cannot really find anything. hate that layout

>> No.27476056
File: 304 KB, 1013x1500, 3FD83D1A-5D10-4D4A-B83B-DBAD06805212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27476180


>> No.27476082

Yeah I'm not sleeping at all and I made money

>> No.27476089
File: 519 KB, 629x677, 1608248230254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27476223

Is this what you make decisions based on?

>> No.27476094
Quoted by: >>27476513

Tears haven't started.
Wait for a week.
Then search with the loss porn tag.

>> No.27476106
File: 420 KB, 500x356, pfft.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people trading stocks literally let random jew bankers do whatever the fuck they want with their stocks and money with no oversight
lmao at legacy money
lmao at legacy trading
lmao at legacy banking

>> No.27476140

>you tell me to jump off a cliff
>I do
>you have killed me

It’s nobody else’s fault if you are stupid enough to gamble your life savings on something you don’t understand. I was tempted to punt £50 but didn’t bother because I knew I didn’t know it would go up. Hubris and greed are why people are poor.

>> No.27476146

Wait until the market opens

>> No.27476152
File: 18 KB, 340x363, Frank_Vincent_as_Billy_Batts_Goodfellas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27476843

Not him but
>greentext and quotes
Are you retarded?

>> No.27476180

Yes that one. Thanks.

>> No.27476194

10k-20k for sure though.

>> No.27476223

If the MSM told you to jump off a cliff would you do it?

>> No.27476304
Quoted by: >>27476736

With what? It’s over you lose. Can’t the hedges see no one is selling? No one is coming to save them and sell while the interest payments continue

>> No.27476320

I had two dreams over the weekend, one where it went to $67, and another where it was $610. I am expecting a bounce off of 67, and im selling at 610, because I don't give a fuck, and I have a gambling problem.

>> No.27476324
Quoted by: >>27476663

Only if it would save lives and stop the spread

>> No.27476342
Quoted by: >>27476663

Silver has always been what boomer preppers bought before crypto existed as a way to "maintain" wealth in case the USD collapses or whatever. It's never been a "get rich quick" scheme like this GME thing was. No one is getting rich off bullion.

>> No.27476373

Jesus christ.

>> No.27476376
Quoted by: >>27476663

If the MSM and 4chan both said jumping off a cliff was a bad idea, would you do it to spite them? Seems like that's what you're doing now.

>> No.27476464
Quoted by: >>27476663

That depends, How many upvotes and badges would one get? We’ve seen millions of plebbiters commit financial suicide for pats on the back, and why?

>> No.27476509

Another 20 days of holding looks like the black pillers are on the side of the hedgies

>> No.27476513

It can be a week or a month. No one is selling. What sucks for you all is that it’s just a shit ton of common people with 200-$300 worth of GME. They don’t give a shit if they lose it and the absolutely HATE hedge funds (we all do). So give up and cover now and save yourself millions

>> No.27476580
Quoted by: >>27476655

Has anybody seen any salt from wsb oldfags? It must suck to see your secret club get raped like a whore.

>> No.27476609

God have mercy on this poor soul. He must have been abused as a child.

>> No.27476610
File: 391 KB, 833x1102, 1611833263194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laugh all you want, I'm not fucking selling.

>> No.27476654


You're delusional. The moment GME blew up this entire board was filled with nothing but GME and WSB threads and all arguments against it were refuted by people calling you racist remarks or a shill.

>> No.27476655
Quoted by: >>27477138

Yeah I don't have any screenshotted but there have been several posts about "muh sub will never be the same" for the past few days on there.

>> No.27476658

Lol have fun when IV evaporates the price of your contracts

>> No.27476663
File: 1.90 MB, 1920x1080, 1611775623525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 people defending the MSM in a 20 second timeframe should show any Human on the board what's going on.

>> No.27476671


>> No.27476673
File: 635 KB, 1598x1189, 1611584001667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/ people have been calling the GME fags delusional from the very beginning
I dunno if you're new or just never went to /smg/ but the coom cat has been spammed there since september, most of the general was in it at one point.

>> No.27476695

Funny as fuck seeing all the dumbasses complain about how literally every other broker is too complicated and how Robinhood's one button shit was the best

>> No.27476699
Quoted by: >>27477188

>the absolutely HATE hedge funds (we all do)
Yeah no.
Not everyone is a bitter faggot like you who gambles his pocket money

>> No.27476706
File: 18 KB, 2144x122, GME2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27477009

I actually already sold.
I do hope you make it and the hedges get fucked. But I will also take the consolation of pink wojaks and tears.

>> No.27476736

Moar cope please, it tastes so good

>> No.27476757

>nobody is going to want to be in the stock market anymore
Yeah, right. People will only talk about and remember the big wins, not to mention a lot of these "investors" who dumped a hundred thousand on GME at $300 were people who never invested in the first place, so they will just get scared off into the same position they were before.

>> No.27476843

>not him but
>on a board with IDs

>> No.27476887
File: 12 KB, 400x400, EA900D3F-875F-420A-88D0-8B981DC7C6B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being so retarded you think a sardonic reply is a bot
I’m actually rooting for the (((hedgies))) now because you GME faggots are so fucking insufferable and delusional

>> No.27476924
Quoted by: >>27477278

4chan is a better platform because if someone posts something retarded I can call them a nigger.
This toxic board culture and emphasis on free speech allows us to dig far deeper than plebbit ever could. /biz/ is a decentralised collective, reddit experiences groupthink delusions.

>> No.27476936

Low volume could be in increased share price no?

>> No.27476941

Yeah we're all paid to do it. Yumeko caught us again, god damnit.

>> No.27476956

lmao cope and seethe

>> No.27477009
Quoted by: >>27477222

No you didn’t. You never had any shares, you’re an intern at Melvin

>> No.27477025
File: 157 KB, 2549x1332, Clowning_round.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burn in hell

>> No.27477038
Quoted by: >>27477373

>No one is selling.
>What sucks for you all is that it’s just a shit ton of common people with 200-$300 worth of GME.
/r/wsb started the fire, but it's institutional money that smelled blood in the water that made the stock skyrocket. and now that institutional money is dumping on you.

>> No.27477044
Quoted by: >>27477263

The current price represents a fantastic buying opportunity. I'm predicting above 500 again before its over.

>> No.27477069

>buy gamestop at $400.
>Go to sell it 5 days later
>"Best I can do is 4 dollars
Fucking gamestop.

>> No.27477106

this, anyone who bought higher at higher than 10USD is absolutely stupid jogger.

>> No.27477119
File: 220 KB, 500x376, 1608626691284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look here you anime fags, nobody cares if you put your play money into GME or whatever. We are laughing at the plebbit faggots who dumped their 401(k)s into GME at $300, because they fell for people spamming rocket ship emojis. The big fish who make millions trading stocks were already cashing out when it was below $200. That should have been a wakeup call to all the newfag retail investors that this was a literal Ponzi scheme. The price of greed, a fool and his money, etc. etc.

>> No.27477138

The worst are the posts by new subs.
>yes r/wsb has changed, and thats a good thing!

>> No.27477181

I'm guessing there's a bit of both. They really want it to work out but even if it doesn't, they probably want it to go up to at least profit a bit/lose less from buying in. Really feels like a mass delusion where everyone is trying to convince everyone else they are in this together and to ride it out while also looking for the correct moment to backstab them and leave.

>> No.27477188

Hahaha, wake up man. Why do you think millions of people joined a Reddit sub when they found out they could bankrupt hedge fund and maybe get rich in the process. Hedge funds and people who work there are the worst kind of people and everyone knows that. Normal people, not the ones being paid off and who benefit from the system

>> No.27477221

Anon you're one of the few holders who has been nice. I hope it goes back up for your sake.

>> No.27477222
File: 112 KB, 2490x1091, GME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What more fucking info do you need? Here is my PL chart. The dip is cause I am still holding 1 share hoping for the moon.

>> No.27477263
Quoted by: >>27477521

So go buy and post your position

>> No.27477278
Quoted by: >>27477345

>4chan is a better platform because if someone posts something retarded I can call them a nigger.
Sometimes I even call people a nigger who post insightful things.

>> No.27477312

you're delusional if you think finance isn't a jew dominated domain

>> No.27477329
Quoted by: >>27477611

>Why do you think millions of people joined a Reddit sub when they found out [...]
because they wanted to make a quick buck, you dense moron

>> No.27477340


>> No.27477345
File: 20 KB, 403x408, 1604332023141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The day we can't call each other niggers and fags on 4chan anymore is the day I finally rope. Nigger.

>> No.27477353
File: 143 KB, 1010x1272, 1595953718593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean 4chan spacing.

>> No.27477373

Dumping what? There’s no volume.

>> No.27477381
File: 310 KB, 1405x516, Screenshot_20210202-084205_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah look at the downvotes i got for saying i sold

>> No.27477423
File: 128 KB, 1100x800, ngmi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27477974

This guy is right, I can hear all the seething from idiots in here who got called idiots for being idiots but think that a $150 stock price means they were right all along. Lol, no.
They are still over 100% shorted.
Just because there are a few thousand shares that can be bought at a bargain does not mean they can buy 50 million at that price. How do none of you understand that? You can only buy what is being sold, and no one is selling at those prices. Only their own stocks, which they already hold, are being sold at those prices and only to ladder. You can't trigger margins and fish for stop losses out of this mess.
The low price doesn't matter if no one sets their ask at that price, and no one is. Gods you folk don't understand markets at all. Pathetic.

>> No.27477435
Quoted by: >>27480169

This text is altered right....?

>> No.27477442

silver and gold are two of the best things you can day trade

>> No.27477507
File: 113 KB, 556x313, 7B077775-D03D-4CD6-8EF9-C8BD41901CE9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t you dare fucking lie about /biz/. You were just as easily manipulated and were WELCOMING reddit on here.
Fucking faggot.

>> No.27477521


>> No.27477590

We can't see the downvotes retard

>> No.27477606

i'm fucking poor but if i would suddenly get fuck you money rich i'm going to give money away to my family, then friends, then extended family, then animal shelters etc, then cancer research. I would literally need billions before I'm going to give money away to retards on the internet.

You know the worst part about these people is: when it goes wrong they cry about it on the internet, they are poor victims and the system is wrong. If it goes right and they become rich they act smug and brag on reddit.

>> No.27477611

That’s right, everyone thinks like you. No principles, anything for a dollar. I think you’re actually proving my point

>> No.27477672

buncha dum crackers in this thread s mh

>> No.27477689
Quoted by: >>27478121

You have a profile picture of the Joker burning money on facebook right?

>> No.27477717

I caught wind of this whole thing when it was around the $50 mark and seriously considered buying, but I doubt I'd ride it out all the way to $300 or have the perfect timing to sell it at the $450 mark. I mean come on, the fact you could essentially double any money you invested in just a few days when it shot past $100 would have me pretty much guaranteed sell whenever it started dipping. I understand the whole short squeeze dynamic but how's that working out for people right now? Nobody is even 100% sure if it has already happened and the people playing against them have a fuckton of money, experience and shady tactics.

Sorry that I'm a paper handed bitch for thinking doubling your money in a week is a bad investment.

>> No.27477765

nice pasta I lold

>> No.27477770

Bought 2.5 shares at 500 and change. 280 each.
Almost sold in the 400s but got greedy. Believed the 1k meme.
Absolute newfag mong.
Its not money I desperately need. But I could have almost doubled up but now I've lost more than half.
Gonna sell market open and lose as little as possible.

It was a laugh Thursday and Friday. Knew I'd fucked up by not selling before close fo day friday. And Monday was a hoping it comes back up.

Time to accept the loss and move on. Dumb cunt here

>> No.27477807

he probably be 8 figures eow

>> No.27477810

Dude you’re outing yourself hard. Faggit

>> No.27477890
File: 624 KB, 1152x900, 50FCC2BD-8429-4F00-9793-F2CF19F0BEF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27478045

Maybe they should find out where this guy- their hero- lives. In mine craft

>> No.27477895

That's the thing about cults, the worse things get the more irrational they get.

All moderates have left leaving only the crazies to spout conspiracy theories among themselves with no check to bring then to the reality.

They literally just need someone to call them faggots every now and then to get them well grounded. You guys made me a casual 4k and it's only dropped since I sold.

>> No.27477923
File: 178 KB, 2500x1406, 917jv1xqqb731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27477926

>robinhood fucked you so you go to charles schwab who doesn't let you buy shares either

>> No.27477937
File: 382 KB, 1079x1070, 1607554542204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put in extended hours buy order at 170 last night
>didn't cancel it, went to sleep
>wake up
>see GME
>oh fuck I'm a bagholder now, oh well
>check etrade
>order cancelled at 8pm
Fuck yeah, I'm still in the green. Probably going to sell out my 5 shares today and take a minor profit, then buy back in later. I know that makes me a dirty swinger but it's such a small amount a tiny bit of rope probably won't kill me.

>> No.27477968


>> No.27477974
File: 32 KB, 600x655, 1612199128375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27477997

>Reddit believes the squeeze has to happen because the short percentage is still so high
>even though the total shorts count all shorts taken including those at the three hundred mark
>even reddit knew more shorts were being made yet continued to claim the squeeze would come
Calling it now, wsb's faith in that one measurement has given other hedge funds free reign to fuck them.

>> No.27478026

I still like the stock.

>> No.27478031

Paper hands straight up gives money to hedgies. Just hold a bit.

>> No.27478045

He literally did nothing wrong. All he did was post his DD on gamestop as an undervalued, overshorted company and posted his daily updates while the sub called him a fucking retard every day for like a year.

>> No.27478050

i don't care about the money elon already said GME will be THE entertainment industry on Mars

>> No.27478068

Gamers never learn

>> No.27478091

For a bunch of retards they sure seem to be successful in what they are doing.
Education, the media, financial sector and political class are all under attack and losing credibility.
These are the faggots who think shutting down businesses by reporting for fire code violations is funny.

>> No.27478095

Why are you on /biz/?

>> No.27478121
Quoted by: >>27478290

Not exactly. But like I said, people from all walks of life and across the political spectrum are joining together to make this happen. Maybe it’s a PR problem, right smart guy? Enjoy the squeeze:)

>> No.27478198

>buys uncovered calls on margin
>blames bank for losses
reddit really is filled with amazing people

>> No.27478199


>> No.27478209

Fuck off

>> No.27478269

I lost about $500, bet a paycheck on GME so I'm not upset about taking an L. I enjoyed the memes and the shitposting and I'd do it all again except I'd be less greedy next time. I'm gonna start trading in companies I have more of an understanding about and that I can trust to grow. I've been browsing video game publishers / developers and there's a few out there I expect to make decent gains in 2021.

>> No.27478290

At this point I hope it atleast goes back to 300 to save you some embarrassment. The battle was won when Melvin declared they closed their position at 100% loss, anyone who didnt sell at 350-450 that day is a retard.

>> No.27478321
File: 69 KB, 748x748, 1597661519682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27478849

My biggest take from this post is this cunt thinks 6hrs sleep is not much

>> No.27478369
Quoted by: >>27478771

[citation needed]

>> No.27478389
File: 188 KB, 1160x773, klaus-schwab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The plan is going well.
Accumulate debt, plebs. Soon ze reset will come, and we will clear it all for you, in exchange of all your property, and you eternal servitude.


>> No.27478491
Quoted by: >>27478771

Yeah, that's what I also read on Breitbart and Infowars.com

>> No.27478568
File: 1.70 MB, 860x720, 1608322922596.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27478730

female logic

>> No.27478602
File: 118 KB, 1440x945, 9xpzo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27478604

well i invested 30 dollars just to fuck melvin and i knew it will go down

>> No.27478622

This. Happened to me at TD once. Obviously I was not nearly as retarded as in OP and i was only negative 500 bucks...but holy shit for once these brokers were actually on it when it came to getting their money. They called me 4 times that day to get me to deposit more money.

>> No.27478727
File: 107 KB, 1038x294, reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27478876

Let's show those f***ing hedgerinos by losing money!

>> No.27478730


>> No.27478771
File: 1.01 MB, 1080x839, nu-biz reading list.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back to plebbit government plan trusters.. You can hecking love politically appointed experts there without ever encountering wrong-thinkers unless you click there hidden posts below the dislike threshold.

>> No.27478830
File: 23 KB, 394x509, 1591919040199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> baby's first ponzi scheme
fuck redditors

>> No.27478849

>only got 6 hours, brain crashed
Wonder what this fucker would do if he only got 3-4 hours a night for months on end

>> No.27478876
Quoted by: >>27480444

lol you dont actually lose money if you dont sell, its going back up in 100 years

>> No.27478889

He bought options which is a contract to buy the stock at a future date or something like that. He accidentally bought 10,000 shares instead of 1.

>> No.27478916

Are you a poorly written bot?

>> No.27478931
Quoted by: >>27479144

>Robinhood took off my sell limit again

those mother fuckers
Reminder to reset them so you don\t get jewed out of your stock

>> No.27478992


>> No.27479088
Quoted by: >>27479226

down 350k premarket
what keeps me going is the fact that at least i'm not a pajeet

>> No.27479126

Tbh it would kind of be refreshing to get fucked as bad as this guy. Like at that point I'd just get as much cash as I could in a briefcase and sneak down to Mexico to try out a new life. Tbh would probably be better than my current life

>> No.27479144

still using jewhood, you deserved it

>> No.27479166

I bought one share of this as a joke. I'm surprised it's taken this long to dump. Who are these retards that are using options? I do alright flipping things around, but I don't fuck around with that. I use my own money and keep most of the risk away.

>> No.27479226
Quoted by: >>27479550

ransheed my sir... i bring bad news

>> No.27479287

>mfw reddit probably has a larger kill count from an hero than 4chan does
>4chan literally tells everyone to kys every hour
Something is terribly awry here.

>> No.27479328

This stuff is so fucking cringe

>> No.27479379

so no source. thanks

>> No.27479404
File: 2.31 MB, 854x480, 1612004389893.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27479416
File: 408 KB, 1080x2220, Resized_Screenshot_20210201-165251_Reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27480087

>> No.27479427

like it or not, r*ddit gets exactly what they fucking deserve.

>> No.27479457

Yep, me too brother. It's been insane the past few days with so much people taking bullets for Reddit.

You deserve what you got.

>> No.27479465

obvious larp photoshop, the numbers don't line up

>> No.27479487


Probably best post to come out of this thing.

Also, checked. Nice.

>> No.27479540

>/wsb/ is traditionally a loss porn subreddit
Did they just orchestrate the biggest loss porn event to date?

>> No.27479550

at one point last week i was up to almost 2mill net worth on gme
that net worth means nothing compared to my gratitude everyday that i'm not a pajeet

>> No.27479553

They don't think

>> No.27479555

Why do that for GME and not do it with TSLA?
They let TSLA get short squeezed into nearly a trillion marketcap and didnt stop anyone from buying, shorting, etc. Retail bears got fucking slaughtered and everyone was silent.

>> No.27479560
File: 13 KB, 640x666, 1605714675074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27479565
File: 69 KB, 662x684, 1612193406418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We sure showed Wall Street! I lost my mortgage, took on loans even on my wife's name, and dipped into my kids college funds. Revolution of the pleb and poor doesn't come cheap! That's what I'll tell myself.


>> No.27479579

Hope reddit gets shut down

>> No.27479591
Quoted by: >>27479914

this what the fuck
ive stayed up for 4 dayd not even 3 weeks ago
i mean i was also on a meth binge but i had ALOT of work to do, basically 18 hour days for almost a month and those 4 days allowed me to take 5 days off.

>> No.27479696

Fuck the normie leftists on reddit. They deserve to jew'd.

>> No.27479746
File: 61 KB, 215x225, biden demon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bad advice, this was a pump and dump and you had to get in below 100 bucks.. anyone else should have just been watching from the sidelines at this abosolute freak show

>> No.27479791

Never suggest this. Reddit is the ultimate containment board; it is a necessary evil.

>> No.27479819
File: 56 KB, 960x492, 1612195381571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its like in da Invencibles 3!!!

>> No.27479829

The only good thing about all this is that reddit niggers like you got taken to the cleaners.

>> No.27479876
Quoted by: >>27480027

Bitcoin might still crash and wipe out everyone who bought at $42k hoping to see $100k with everyone egging them on with "NOBODY WHO BOUGHT BITCOIN HAS EVER LOST MONEY!!!"

>> No.27479894

I'm laughing at fucking retards, Jesus Christ who the fuck enters into a stock at all time high during a short at fucking 300 to 400 dollars. Can't believe there were retards expecting GME to reach $1000.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, so many suicides impending by the week.

>> No.27479914

What the fuck do you guys do as work? Manual labor? I have a lot of intensive work involving intelligent thought. My brain won't be awake on only 3-4 hours of sleep.

>> No.27479924
Quoted by: >>27481199

The stock tumbling is linked directly with Robinhood blocking purchases, you mongoloid fucking shill.

>> No.27480027

bitcoin crashes all the time dough

>> No.27480054
File: 27 KB, 802x276, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27480241

It's just like in the movies, guys, hold the heckin stonkerino XDDDDDDD

>> No.27480087

>losing a lot of money doesnt make you a bitch on reddit

>> No.27480169

he's a gay degenerate
someone even put a pic of his destroyed asshole after fisting on 4chan, I think he's selling them

>> No.27480241
Quoted by: >>27480356

What if it is though? I don't want to be that guy with the nasally voice who gets proven wrong by the chad adonis in the end.

>> No.27480267
Quoted by: >>27480429

Anyone who held over the weekend is a certified retard. All the signs where there that this shit was gonna crash. I'm laughing at these idiots.

>> No.27480307
Quoted by: >>27480923

sounds like cope to me

>> No.27480356

it will never go above 300, even if there will be an other surge

>> No.27480402

fuck off linkie. bet you bought at the peak. stop shilling your ponzi here

>> No.27480429

Yes. The hype could not continue and the price had already hit the ceiling

>> No.27480444

Just hold until inflation covers your losses

>> No.27480599

Please pump to 250, that would make my day

>> No.27480603

>I thought /pol/ was the most manipulated board on 4chan but it's clear there's a bunch of hedgies or paid shills here trying to demoralize GME investors lolol
There's money on the line here. It's not just orange man bad bullshit, this is going to determine whether a mass amount of hedgies ends up homeless.

I doubt that honestly. I would expect Blackrock and other hedgefunds not to take their foots off of Melvin's neck in exchange for a "premium". They'd rather kill Melvin outright and collect as much money as they can along the way by taking all the retail shares. Hence the Silver shilling - Citadel is trying to still worm a way out of all of this because they know regardless of whether or not retail is in the game, they're getting killed. But at least if they get killed by Blackrock and friends, it wont be done in public.

>> No.27480757

This isn't supposed to be ironic, isn't it?

>> No.27480829
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, 818D728F-DED6-45E3-A0B6-FA6E36EF684C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27481116

Chapo trap house podcast soys posted hilarious $GME PnD parody this morning
Parody of reddit pumper crossed with some old mob movie parody. Kinda funny desu:
What’s this movie called, again anyone know? Anyway, is the party officially over? Who else is dumping with market orders at 9:30am sharp?
I bought 8 shares last week at $105, sold two yesterday at $290. Fuck I can’t believe didnt sell at the top of the pump on Friday I’m such a fuckin loser.

>> No.27480910

found the delusional retard

>> No.27480919
File: 23 KB, 750x560, 1606337277612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27481223

>losing $2mil for the upvotes
Hope it was worth it, faggot.

>> No.27480923

pajeet won't understand

>> No.27481114

We're all mercenaries here telling you to save your money

>> No.27481116
Quoted by: >>27481334

Kill yourself

>> No.27481155

I fucking love how everyone on biz is finally realising it was a pump and dump. 4 days ago this board was cringe as fuck, glad its returning to the normal shitcoin shills and memes.

>> No.27481199
Quoted by: >>27481387

They were blocking purchases, because they didn't have enough liquidity. They're just the middleman. Maybe retards shouldn't gamble their life savings on a meme stock using a meme app.

>> No.27481223

you ever seen redditor using the term pajeet?

>> No.27481334

Did you listen? Just the first few minutes of the pod. Check it out, you won’t regret it.

>> No.27481387

The purpose is irrelevant. Suggesting robinhood 'saved' investors when they actually tanked their portfolios is disingenuous.