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27330475 No.27330475 [Reply] [Original]

Diamond Hands bro... as soon as premarket opened I was up 10k

>> No.27330523

what the fuck
somebody convince me I'm not seeing this

>> No.27331012
File: 366 KB, 1900x1416, D4345F7B-9DC9-415D-B7E2-FD0087276BA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm scared! Do we have the momentum and numbers?

>> No.27331034
Quoted by: >>27332078

Holy fuck we’re skyrocketing

>> No.27331100

We’re going to be living on the moon soon

>> No.27331169
Quoted by: >>27331282

>bought BB and NOK instead of AMC
at least I'm still up on GME

>> No.27331195

my FUCKING broker just limited the margins but they don't get limited for another 3 hours or so. if i place an order now for 20 stock will it still happen?

>> No.27331224
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>> No.27331258
File: 184 KB, 1242x663, 5AE0063F-12EF-4A58-88B4-216A46CD5D1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes I’m all in AMC how could you tell?

>> No.27331282

Nok is a fine hold, don't be upset you bought a long term stock

>> No.27331364
Quoted by: >>27333500

fair play
what did you buy in at?

>> No.27331385



>> No.27331394

$50 eod

>> No.27331418

What's the price?

>> No.27331425
Quoted by: >>27331972

please help me i am so poor i can only afford 20 of these fuckers and it takes like 5 days to transfer my money to a new broker

>> No.27331478
Quoted by: >>27331531

You put in 40k?

>> No.27331499
File: 59 KB, 594x338, ESLCS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reporting in!
if a dip occurs today I'm buying more

>> No.27331531


>> No.27331547
File: 78 KB, 593x346, Screen Shot 2021-02-01 at 1.18.58 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27331719

>> No.27331550
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i like the movies

>> No.27331606
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>> No.27331706


>> No.27331719

nice, very nice, this will help.

>> No.27331727
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>> No.27331799
Quoted by: >>27340087

I’m scared bros. I have 4 9$ calls at 6.60$ per share and 9 shares that I bought at 18. Am I in a good position?

>> No.27331822

can someone explain to me how to premarket selling works. I want to buy a share at this price but not whatever moon price it will be at open. If I put it in now will it execute at the $16 price?

>> No.27331906

On Friday premarket AMC and GME had the exact same fucking chart and that carried on throughout the day; they are very different at the moment, maybe the fuckery has finally ended

>> No.27331911

normies aren't allowed to partake in pre market
only kikes
that is all you need to know

>> No.27331936

this is going to get crazy this week guys...

>> No.27331937
File: 1.92 MB, 711x400, they-work-for-free.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27332372

I've only got 25 shares, bought in at an average price of $13.51. I'm not going to get rich off of this, but fuck it.

>> No.27331972

please answer me. if the new margins occur in a few hours but i place my order now will my order just get cancelled?

>> No.27331999

This. Not sure what I'm in for bros.
Buy using fidelity at market rn?

>> No.27332010

When you can access the premarket depends on your broker, for example fidelity lets you trade at 7, webull at 4 I think but robinhood doesnt let you in until 9

>> No.27332019

Sell at open!? Then buy the dip a half hour later!?

>> No.27332048
File: 157 KB, 527x386, 1600741847025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I set my sell limit at $50.

>> No.27332057

I need this shit to dip after open so I can buy

>> No.27332080


Don't do that, you'll fuck the algo and trigger stop losses/panic

>> No.27332078
File: 36 KB, 916x690, skyrocketing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking at the wrong ticker, it's literally dumping

>> No.27332135

Based nazi

>> No.27332158

>Then buy the dip a half hour later!?
honestly might not be a bad idea if it dips low enough, would at least guarantee some money.
Dude 50 shares being sold won't trigger shit lmao there's hundreds of millions of shares being traded.

>> No.27332172

I set mine to $100. Some anon told me to sell at $100 and pivot to silver to get ahead of normies and then pivot to resource stocks. What do you guys think?

>> No.27332187
Quoted by: >>27333154

>dumping your 6 shares will trigger a stop loss

>> No.27332205
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>> No.27332234

I was thinking 100 as well
haven't done it though, might wait and see what tomorrow brings

>> No.27332253

Such aggressive German words, this looks like stock broking for nazis. Weird.

>> No.27332273
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>> No.27332280
Quoted by: >>27332609

Already hit a high of €17.8, stable support around 13.4. This is looking good friends.

>> No.27332328
Quoted by: >>27332454

Physical silver or silver miners?

>> No.27332372
Quoted by: >>27334906

Around the same boat as you.

If you hold till $30 which is likely, you'll double your money. Hold a little further. Maybe sell half or 1/4 of your shares once you hit a certain mark and wait. Buy more if it dips, and get out $50+

>> No.27332377
Quoted by: >>27332454

He was pretty detailed in his reply to me. Basically banking off a partial market collapse though

>> No.27332384

Dubs decree $100 by E.O.D

>> No.27332454

This is what he said: Not sure if you’re still on, but I’ll tell you and others how to make it. Once amc hits 100, sell, buy AGQ, hold for 2 weeks, then buy TZA. Hold for a week, sell then buy DFEN, hold for a month, then sell, you’ve made it, now invest into stable ETF

>> No.27332480


>> No.27332486

its snowing out and im holding

>> No.27332498
Quoted by: >>27332664

i have a sell limit at $50. what would happen if it hit that limit in pre-market? would my stuff sell right there?

>> No.27332522

>tfw not getting annoyed I'm only up 64%
Greed will be the end of me

>> No.27332558
File: 162 KB, 593x635, 27e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PLEASE. I'm stressing out here

>> No.27332572
Quoted by: >>27333001

Is AMC really shorted by the hedgies like GME and where to buy it in Europe?

>> No.27332609

it has literally done this exact same movement the past two market opens, then goes to sit back down further.

>> No.27332624
Quoted by: >>27333655

Why are you here if you're so stupid dumbass

>> No.27332637

Did you set a limit? If not, all it means is that it'll execute your buy order once the New York Stock Exchange opens for normies at whatever the current price for AMC is at that time.

>> No.27332664

in the hypothetical it hits that in the pre-market (it won't), it will only trigger if you can buy/sell on the pre-market.

>> No.27332694
Quoted by: >>27332856

What are you talking about? Past two market opens were pretty awful by comparison.

>> No.27332701
Quoted by: >>27335123

Dude you're fine lol, us GMTards are better working off the NYSE anyway.

>> No.27332730
Quoted by: >>27333022

looks fucked atm

>> No.27332736
File: 403 KB, 579x406, Screen Shot 2021-01-28 at 11.26.50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crabbing pre market again
yup, im thinking we arent mooning lads

>> No.27332752

Bought 104 shares at $9.15, sold at $12.84 like a paper-handed fuckhead.
Today I'm going for whatever $1400 dollars gets me at opening dip and hold until the $20s.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-s9LdQPXF4 this song will get me through it

>> No.27332772
Quoted by: >>27333022

Why the fuck should we do what "some anon" told you?

>> No.27332826
File: 398 KB, 750x1334, 10B358E5-7540-416C-8041-5AD351032403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf are you looking at?

>> No.27332856

the last two pre-markets it hit a high of 16-17, then the rest of the day went back to reality. don't be a fucking idiot.

>> No.27332899

Zoom out

>> No.27332915
File: 98 KB, 1124x1044, 1611535049088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i hold for several more weeks? or get out at 100$ per share... if thats even possible. im only 800$ in so i dont care if i lose it. i want moon or bust

>> No.27332918

He’s spreading FUD cause he didn’t buy in last week.

>> No.27332970
File: 870 KB, 208x384, d220e3c8149f95fcd686315f6eb932f3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just put my limit sell at $1488. Ready for liftoff!

>> No.27333001


>> No.27333022

He said this is all reliant on AMC mooning and then silver actually pumping to trigger a partial market collapse and then drum up talks of war so the other stocks go up. It's a very specific scenario. He told me to watch all the stocks and not buy when they already took off.
If AMC hits $100 and I sell, I'll make a thread about this and he'll see it hopefully. I might just be retarded but I trust the advice for some reason desu
I was asking if anyone thought it was a good move, not to do it as well. I can see it working out. If I lose money, guess it's my fault.

>> No.27333074
Quoted by: >>27333617

He's looking at some fake "crypto stocks" shit. He's probably 14 years old. Ignore him

>> No.27333110
Quoted by: >>27333266

It looks like TZA mooned like fucking crazy during initial covid market collapsed so could be onto something

>> No.27333154
Quoted by: >>27336243

>what is the butterfly effect

>> No.27333169

How money do ineed to afford cuties like this

>> No.27333196
Quoted by: >>27333266

What even are the odds that it'll hit $100 per share? seems unlikely cut I could be full of shit

>> No.27333208
Quoted by: >>27333411

Anyone got any tips on using options to get 100 more shares of AMC? My money is currently all tied up in Robinhood and I want to buy further in, but have literally never traded before. Currently have 13 shares, and I have enough buying power to buy a contract. Is this worth doing or will I end up paying out the ass to do so?

>> No.27333241

newfag to trading. on td ameritrade if I set a sell limit so that if it hits 50 while Im sleeping I don't miss out will that revoke my ability to sell at a lower price later if I am inclined. assuming that it doesn't hit 50 of course

>> No.27333266

Yeah, I saw all the charts and read into them. It looks crazy enough to work. I'll keep on an eye on them and keep /biz/ updated if I go down this road.
I think the $100 part was applicable to me specifically because it would give me enough capital to get quality gains off the silver stock

>> No.27333268
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>> No.27333291


>> No.27333304

what time does the market open? I'm new to stocks but been in crypto three years. plz no bully.

>> No.27333327
Quoted by: >>27333394

four hours

>> No.27333394

cheers m8

>> No.27333397

We weren’t this strong pre-market on Friday. I think we’re going to have a good day lads.

>> No.27333411
Quoted by: >>27333577

Margin trading is inherently much riskier but it can technically multiply your buying power
9:30 am in New York

>> No.27333475

einfach an der Spitze gekauft. RIP

>> No.27333486
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>> No.27333500

Around 11.50 I'm guessing.
His current value divided by the current stock price.
That's how many shares.
Then that stock price minus his GAINZ divided by shares.

>> No.27333507

Are there charts that show past premarket data? I'm using yahoo finance but it only has market hours on the graph

>> No.27333512

Sucks I have to wage all day the next four days. Gonna be very distracted from my work kek

>> No.27333577

I made a decent amount of money on doge so it's essentially play money to me. The cost of a contract is less than the profits I made so I'm not THAT worried about risk, I mostly want to know how to go about doing this to maximize my gains, because I honestly have no idea what I'm looking at.

>> No.27333600

tfw no job
tfw neet life
tfw snowing a shit ton right now

>> No.27333616
Quoted by: >>27333910


So I know people are shilling $50 bucks on here, but come on this shit dropped from $16 last week all the way to fucking 7 something, let's be real how much money can we all really make?

>> No.27333617

nah, he started the graph when AMC hit $24 on wednesday(?) and then zoomed out so it seems like a big dump down to where it is now

>> No.27333630

how tf do you sell in premarket to actually sell at that $19?

>> No.27333631

comfy trading

>> No.27333641
File: 89 KB, 623x703, hedgies could be here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to to hold it even if you're tempted to cash out
You will never make it big if you can't keep your head cool and hands diamond
When it dips it's time to stock up

>> No.27333644

same. I'm going to go through so much coffee this week.

>> No.27333655

Why is anybody here?

>> No.27333674
Quoted by: >>27334206

what broker can a european use

>> No.27333726

asians dumping it... back to 16.5.

>> No.27333732
Quoted by: >>27333884

How TF is there no share momentum?
GME has been frozen whereas amc is moving.
I have both so I'm not really upsetti... My hopeful brain says there's very few stocks actually being traded because diamond hands

>> No.27333807
Quoted by: >>27333886

what do i put my sell limit at? i put in 1k and idc if i lose it all

>> No.27333841
File: 237 KB, 600x383, 9b2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a good question, if AMC actually hits 50 (which I doubt it will) how long should we hold then? Would such a big pump indicate that we hold longer? I have been hearing a lot anons setting their upper limit at 50 but if we actually get to that point I have a feeling we could have potential to go higher.

>> No.27333884

restrictions targeting volume from what i gather as a retard with internet access

>> No.27333886
Quoted by: >>27334054


>> No.27333887

So we're definitely buying the morning dip today right? No way this doesn't skyrocket

>> No.27333910
Quoted by: >>27333985

Exit near $30, that’s my conservative forecast

>> No.27333950
Quoted by: >>27340472

95% will sell at 50

>> No.27333973

Just sell when you see a profit you like

>> No.27333980
Quoted by: >>27334028

I don't know anyone who isn't buying AMC, even the normies are buying through cash app.

>> No.27333984
File: 53 KB, 600x800, EfS-wTUXgAEZlsv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27334045

BROS!!! $16.55!!!!

>> No.27333985
Quoted by: >>27334368

What's your "I smoke copium" forecast?

>> No.27334028

big if true

>> No.27334043
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>> No.27334045

Damn. I got $5k I want to dump into AMC, at this rate I'm going to make back peanuts. Should I wait for the usual 11AM dip?

>> No.27334054

Hahaha good one man

>> No.27334075
Quoted by: >>27334361

i see some saying 16 is a hump to cross then it has to recover from selloffs at that price and 20 will be the sky rocket but i dunno anything about this. i just like movies

>> No.27334104
Quoted by: >>27334214

Anyone know if you can put a buy or sell order through on Revolut? I want to set a buy for the morning dip but may not be there to watch

>> No.27334158

I think it's going to be touch and go if it gets that high. You can make an argument that a ton of people set 50 as their limit, but you could also make an argument that a lot of people are watching and won't want to be left out if it starts to soar.

>> No.27334198

Try fidelity. Worst case is you get hit with a good faith infraction, but you can have like 3 of those a year so whatever

>> No.27334206

revolut or degiro.

>> No.27334214

Yes you can.

>> No.27334284


>> No.27334357

Hello oldfag

>> No.27334361

I think $20 is really pessimistic. Lots of good news have been surrounding AMC merely because of the stock trading, and unrelated to the short contracts. $600 mil debt converted to equity, the company is no longer on in dnager of bankruptcy. Add the short squeeze potential on top of this, you've got a heavily shorted company with a healthy D/E ratio. I'd put a conservative guess at around $50 like many others.

>> No.27334368
Quoted by: >>27334433

The fuck does that even mean?

>> No.27334369
File: 559 KB, 853x480, Screenshot_2021-01-29 Live GameStop Coverage - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27334375
File: 16 KB, 690x224, HaveI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have I made it yet?

>> No.27334389

Every single stock worth investing in is up, why is this

>> No.27334414
File: 480 KB, 808x805, 1245736418654271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>75$ 1/26

>> No.27334428
Quoted by: >>27334484

After hours price is 16.18 usd. ITS GONNA POOOOOMP

>> No.27334430
Quoted by: >>27334485

Where are you guys watching the current amc stock value?

>> No.27334433
Quoted by: >>27334522

What's your high end, hopeful projection for the share price

>> No.27334466

>they think AMC will go higher than 25$
Anything other than GME is TRASH

>> No.27334471

Only if you live in Africa.

>> No.27334484

no, its no different to the last pre-market. it will go back down again, and then by pre-market tomorrow it'll make the same movements that make retards like you think it's pumping.

>> No.27334485
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>> No.27334522
Quoted by: >>27334921

$50, like everyone else
And yours?

>> No.27334580

>retards think after hour trading isn't going to fluctuate between the next 3 hours
Man, so many of you retards have no idea how stocks and trading work. Hopefully you don't lose all your money by getting in on this hype.

>> No.27334587
Quoted by: >>27334667

Mins is set at 100

>> No.27334590

Not sure what to set my limit sell price at

>> No.27334650
Quoted by: >>27334718

EU markets have been open for 3 hours now. Personally that’s the only thing I’ve been looking at; premarket is a meme

>> No.27334667


>> No.27334709


>> No.27334718
Quoted by: >>27334793

What's EU market looking like?

>> No.27334759
File: 18 KB, 702x236, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should've brought more, but I am an ex poorfag pussy who isn't used to spending big sums of money.

>> No.27334793
Quoted by: >>27334920

Premarket peaked at 22 euro, market peaked at 17.8 euro, strong support around €13 right now

>> No.27334874

>source: dude trust me

>> No.27334906

>Around the same boat as you.
>If you hold till $30 which is likely, you'll double your money. Hold a little further. Maybe sell half or 1/4 of your shares once you hit a certain mark and wait. Buy more if it dips, and get out $50+

>> No.27334920

>peaked at open
Hmmm, maybe selling and buying during the day could be a smart move.

>> No.27334921
Quoted by: >>27335163

No clue, really just bought it because I had spare money to throw away. Haven't really followed it. I think it's in its early stage and figured it would be staggered from GME and have a longer peak. So I've been investing more time in watching gme. All of it in willing to throw away so I can afford to be greedy and peak hunt

>> No.27334932

Can amc go 100 usd? If not then why? Gme is 400 dollar

>> No.27334959

AMChads, should I grab some more shares before the market opens or wait for a dip?

>> No.27335014

because kikes at Wallstreet were playing cat and mouse game with r/wsb, they had to buy positions at premium because everyone was holding. this caused the stock to forever skyrocket

>> No.27335029
Quoted by: >>27335151

I've seen the data and it seems possible. The stock is heavily shorted and the people shorting it are fucked. Meme momentum is building too. HOLD.

>> No.27335038




>> No.27335098

I'm buying open and have 60 bucks floating for the dip.

>> No.27335123
File: 1.72 MB, 640x360, 1611934384621.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesnt it matter? What about the exchange or taxes or whatever. I'm scared bros.

>> No.27335131

I could be wrong but I don't think it's gonna dip that much. 11-12 seems to be like a floor. It already went up to over 20 last week and the shorts aren't due until this and next week.

>> No.27335151
File: 517 KB, 834x704, 1600880673891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redditors are finally dismissing the notion that this might be a distraction and seem now to genuinely think that they can squeeze this one too.

>> No.27335163

It has been in the past, the stock is very volatile after all. If you know momentum it can get you some good cash.
Pretty much the same for me. I think it does have a longer peak if people collectively hold on and resist the urge to get out. I feel that this urge will get very strong around $30 for the average trader and that may trigger a signal to all the institutions with massive long positions

>> No.27335191

I literally work 3 hours a week and make quadruple the amount I did when I was a wagecuck. snowing here too, very comfy day of trading ahead

>> No.27335272

I've been watching different video analysis on it and this guy's vids are my favorite so far: https://youtu.be/USnPWOjFyUI

>> No.27335276
Quoted by: >>27335861

What do you do?

>> No.27335289
Quoted by: >>27335861

Damn anon how'd you manage that?

also based, it never snows here

>tfw can't bundle up and sip on spiced cider during a winter storm

>> No.27335334
Quoted by: >>27335822

Nah, not really anyway, like you'll still be taxed with the rates of whatever country you live in, I've been doing this for a good while now and haven't had anything serious.
Yeah was just looking at the day to day since Wednesday, seems the way to go, then buy when it hits like 11 or something

>> No.27335350
Quoted by: >>27337054

I think you're right, but I'm hopeful the big holders put what they could lose in and don't care and the tiny bags are too stupid and principled to sell before "$100"
I'll admit I'm retarded if it goes over 50-60. But if it does I feel like I could catch a dip and re-enter

>> No.27335476

Did that friday, but I wait until the midday dip, and it just was not as low as expected. Not worth it considering fees.

>> No.27335485

should I buy on open or is it gonna dip?

>> No.27335497
Quoted by: >>27337054

Hate to be a double poster but I'm headed to bed and curious, what's your GME take? You think it's over?

>> No.27335509
Quoted by: >>27335822


$1=€0.83 so take that into account when you're looking at your profits and then check your capital gains tax or whatever it might be in your country

>> No.27335581
Quoted by: >>27335792

>tfw only 55 shares.
Man invested 5k when I had the chance. Oh well. At most I can make like 2-4k realistically but I'll take it.

>> No.27335667

It's over

>> No.27335792
Quoted by: >>27335976

4k into this TSLA dip could be tasty though, true for AMD, AAPL and the others.

>> No.27335822


Absolutely based. Thanks for easing my mind. I freaked out because I just now noticed.

>> No.27335839

No it's not

>> No.27335861
File: 1.25 MB, 267x426, 1607817410586.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll say this, it's one of those increasingly rare times where blending in and hiding the autism and power levels long enough to get a master's degree actually paid off. and I somehow managed to do it debt free and got a tuition discount by working on campus at the same time

>> No.27335964

13,40€ stable
burgers you are next

>> No.27335976
Quoted by: >>27336077

Thanks fren, I'll look into those. Can't take these 12 hour wagie shifts anymore...

>> No.27336009

Is it still worth buying AMC now?

>> No.27336013
Quoted by: >>27336185

I set my limit sell at 100 but might cancel think we’re gonna go to 400

>> No.27336014


>> No.27336022
File: 248 KB, 2448x3264, 0tzivwgr08b61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27336153


>> No.27336060

If it dips early, yes

>> No.27336077
Quoted by: >>27336266

IF I can keep up the gains I have been making the last 6 months I will never be a wage slave ever again

>> No.27336140
Quoted by: >>27336223

I think so. I bought it pretty close to 13 and I'm holding. Big shorts coming due this week and next.

>> No.27336148
File: 55 KB, 492x590, 145562437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27336153

After this is done I'm titfucking her while drinking 100 year old whiskey

>> No.27336185
Quoted by: >>27336302

dont get too greedy

>> No.27336212
File: 261 KB, 250x250, 124FB5A3-6A19-4F34-B892-59673E5D0E37.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These Reddit fags better hop on today

>> No.27336223

Where can you see this? I've only seen shorts with days to cover at between 0,6 and 4

>> No.27336243

I sense there's going to be a MASSIVE dump right at open from people finally breaking even with it having hit 16

>> No.27336249
Quoted by: >>27336334

if i buy today when should i sell?

>> No.27336266
Quoted by: >>27336420

Nice. What are you holding?

>> No.27336268
File: 1.40 MB, 480x480, 1585423587756.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27336375

if the cat dances it's gonna moon

>> No.27336275

chinks are dumping it on their market, you'll be able to buy in at 5$ at this rate.

>> No.27336286

Is robinjew allowing people to buy today?

>> No.27336302
Quoted by: >>27336428

What realistically do you think it will go to? I will be surprised if it hits over 20

>> No.27336334
Quoted by: >>27336393


>> No.27336369

Yes but I think it's still limited shares.

>> No.27336375

What the fuck is this real? How can he do that?

>> No.27336393
Quoted by: >>27337164

do most brokers even allow for that or do you have to wait for the trade to settle?

>> No.27336404

You can buy a certain amount, they released a couple statements on it

>> No.27336415

Just up to 10 shares of it.

>> No.27336420


>> No.27336430
File: 352 KB, 601x434, 1540540019381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You WILL buy the dip
You WILL hold my bags
You WILL loose your money

>> No.27336428
Quoted by: >>27336523

I'm thinking the same thing
I've got a sell order at 100 as well but thinking it's pointless
if it gets to 400 I'll laugh that I missed out but I won't be mad
maybe 25

>> No.27336456






>> No.27336497

Robinhood ceo said they are removing the buy limits this week

>> No.27336498


>> No.27336523

If it hits 400 I will implode, and bless anyone with the will-power to withstand selling.

>> No.27336561
Quoted by: >>27336638






>> No.27336610

AMC is being shilled like fuck on WSB, those poor fags are gonna pump the price up for us and get caught holding the bag

>> No.27336638

Sorry currently phone posting and my autism made this happened :(

>> No.27336675


>> No.27336692
File: 226 KB, 533x715, Devil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27336765
Quoted by: >>27338279

this is misinfo, they were 35 during like 2018 when the marvel craze reached a peak. please, don't be an idiot.

>> No.27336789

reddit made all of this happen we were fucking late what the fuck happened to this place

>> No.27336816
File: 51 KB, 484x254, sE3jbVX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27336974

me going to the AMC when the pandemic is over knowing we helped it from bankrupcy.

>> No.27336867
File: 204 KB, 580x305, 1606513468494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27336928


>> No.27336882

Somebody is forgetting the spam of GME threads in September. WSB and here had the same userbase before they got taken over by fags.

>> No.27336921

Remember bros, AMC will dip today and that is okay as long as you use the opportunity to expand your position and not sell like toilet paper hands

>> No.27336928

1/2 at $50 and 1/2 at $100

>> No.27336974

I had a bunch of stock in AMC before this happened waiting for it to recover because I really like going to the movies and hoped it would recover a little by July.

>> No.27336996

the problem with reddit now is the fucken normies bro they don't fucken understand that this is serious shit you cant just derp your way in without knowing what the fuck ur doing they're posting shit like



>> No.27337032
Quoted by: >>27337416

Is this reasonable or optimistically high

>> No.27337054

That’s exactly what I’m hoping for too, that’d make a lot of people happy
I think it can pump a bit more but you won’t get nearly as much if you didn’t buy weeks ago. It’s too high now, at least for me, to be worth it

>> No.27337121

Forgive a /pol/tard, but I never really saw the difference between /biz/ and wsb. I knew about this place years ago, but after a friend somehow mentioned wsb and I looked at it, I was convinced it was 4chan (which it literally says they are). Never understood the issue when wsb seemed like some kind of reddit hideout in plain sight but for investment trolls

>> No.27337164

Places like RH allow up to 3 Day trades of the same stock within a 5 day span

>> No.27337169
Quoted by: >>27337441

for those of you who were here during the last great mania remember?
Do you remember the hodl memes??
I hope you do because when you go to wsb and it has even infected this place (no surprise) IT IS FULL OF HODL memes!

from experience this means only one thing. some one is ready to unload on top of your heads and they want you to hold onto your dicks while they are doing it and you stare passively into the void of despair.

if you are too dumb to see this, there is no hope this time and it will be a hard lesson until next time you participate in a bubble.

this has been a GIANT psyop with billionaires telling you to do this or that.
fucking advertising companies churning out memes like its the last time.
memes are powerful and they are known to work since they exist.
the memes often have an emotional appeal where the little guy sticks it up to the big guy.
do as you please, just dont forget. you have been led into this situation.
you have literally been led through the power of social media.

there are hedge funds now that hold gme stock and amc stock and silver and whatever you want, they probably traded OTC (over the counter) during the weekend. easy fucking peazy.
do you really think they are that stupid? yes, the ones that lost were too arrogant and they got caught up.

the other who stand to gain from this are the first ones who will pay for the advertising costs for the memes NO PROBLEMOS BECAUSE IT IS IN THEIR FAVOUR.

>> No.27337176
Quoted by: >>27337495

I mean buy limit, trying to get in on the dip

>> No.27337181

It hasnt even started yet.

>> No.27337199

This prompted me to check out WSB for the first time in a while, and jeez. Normalshits have destroyed that board.

>> No.27337267
Quoted by: >>27337376

I wish I could get in on this; I opened an account with Fidelity last week and am still awaiting being able to put funds in it from my bank.
IS there any way to get money in this fucker?
I also tried last week to fund my acc on RH and they pushed it into next week on Feb 2 while disabling my instant deposits despite being a gold member. lulz
Any suggestions on where I could partake in these shenanigans while I'm waiting?

>> No.27337376
Quoted by: >>27337779

How the fuck did RH disable so many people's funds? I am not even gold member and I was able to just deposit and buy and sell freely

>> No.27337416

Everything at this point is just being optimistic

>> No.27337441
Quoted by: >>27337509

i'm just gonna move this to the other thread

>> No.27337445
Quoted by: >>27337521

AMC please moon

>> No.27337495
Quoted by: >>27337897

Dipped from pre-market 15 to 12 friday, and from pre-market 17-ish to 7 thursday iirc. There's been huge traction. Make your prediction off that.

>> No.27337509

yes, thats how I roll

>> No.27337521

Moon at Noon

>> No.27337755
File: 69 KB, 922x788, 1612037437458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27338034

difference is is that here you can say whatever you want and it'll sit there when you posted it. WSB is reddit so it has upvotes and down votes - there's some legit issues with the AMC and GME pump that some anons here are raising. Sure, we call em kikes but their replies dont go anywhere, on reddit they're buried and filtered by the collective retard voting system. /biz/ is just more organic way of sifting through info where as WSB has always been the majority opinion.

>> No.27337779

In short, anon... I was just being a retard and made a dumb mistake. The app wanted me to add my savings account for some fucking reason. When I already had my checking on it from yrs ago, and so I just obliged. Then I made a transfer from my savings (which I keep nothing in there, mind you,) and canceled it right away out of stupidity. I should of let it go thru and made an internal transfer, but nope.
I had no clue RH would restrict my account just from reversing funds into it. Kind of retarded esp since I'm a gold member. Not only that but their support has yet to even attempt to help me and I'm sure it's not hard for them to reverse this restriction.
Fucking pajeets

In the end it's my fault though for not doing the transfer internally.

>> No.27337897

Premarket news has been shilling silver in an attempt to drive peoples attention away from GME or those who are GME/AMC or those who are full AMC. The last 24 hour news cycle has been shitting a brick. GME is up 5% and AMC is up 20% pre-market.

Of course, when the market opens, there will be a dip like what we saw pre-market (and that is normal on Mondays as people tend to sell on the shill news they read all weekend.

>> No.27337948

I think the size and voting system of wsb makes the forum unfocused at times. Like, a lot of top posts are just memes or any other "funny" posts that receive upvotes. It can be hard to find the actual discussion imo.

>> No.27337958
Quoted by: >>27338382

If it hits around 25 dollars I'm selling guys, don't worry though Ill buy back in when it dips back to 13-15

>> No.27337981

What do you think the dip will be like? I want to put like 500$ in to AMC today but I don't know the first thing about predicting a dip on something this volatile.

>> No.27338034
Quoted by: >>27338436

Don't forget that reddit has always been a place for faggots who make the O face and that they live off of normalcy. It's a place for inorganic memes that are sponsored by Tel Aviv, and those in our loveable alphabet soup. ;^)

Reddit is too controlled a place, and it is also hard to tell who the fuck is real on there. Since they all mesh so well together with the bots now.

>> No.27338109

yeah yeah, but you have to make your own assessment of how large the dip will be imo. I think a lot of the people who want in on AMC are already in and holding/buying more, thus I think the dip will be moderate. Though, a lot of people who got in at a high price will want out now.

>> No.27338189

Selling my 25 x $16.50 shares for $19.90.

>> No.27338200
File: 240 KB, 1242x1182, E3D01EE6-7E2A-413B-B2D1-5A10161367BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not selling btw

>> No.27338215

this place has never been good outside of crypto which is tardproof

>> No.27338227

if they halt buying again, it could go below 10. look for 12 or lower though I'd say

>> No.27338233

That's my worry is that people that bought in at say 16 are gonna say fuck this and cash out ASAP to at least break even.

>> No.27338236
File: 148 KB, 880x1200, WAAGGHH AMC AMC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.27338254

Buy them all

>> No.27338257


>> No.27338279

Haven't Hollyjew have been holding back releases while the COVID pandemic is still about?

>> No.27338296
File: 249 KB, 900x1092, AMC WAAAGH!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27338332
File: 74 KB, 720x720, 12e1115a8b56bf098b6c24d36a0150ff.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27338349

predictions on price?

>> No.27338353
Quoted by: >>27338452

Mine too, but there are also a lot of people like myself who bought a conservative amount of shares and now want more, which will counteract the dip

>> No.27338357
Quoted by: >>27340432

Yes they have a few billion dollar movies lined up like 007 and kong vs godzilla

>> No.27338362

>think a lot of the people who want in on AMC are already in and holding/buying more

AMC is 50% normies who missed GME. I don't trust them to hold

>> No.27338378
File: 54 KB, 750x585, baby linies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's bringing what to the Yacht party?

>> No.27338382
Quoted by: >>27338552

$25 will be the new floor today

>> No.27338385
File: 326 KB, 720x1122, Screenshot_20210201-111428_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may hate reddit
But this is a good thing as they have more pump power in their numbers than we do

>> No.27338436
File: 215 KB, 1200x893, 1612114866145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27339113

yep. you can literally just bot upvotes too so they can control what gets seen. I'd use WSB after making a thesis from here and other DD. If it's being shilled on WSB it'll probably go up - money is money afterall.

>> No.27338449

Thats why you need to spam diamond hands memes on twitter and wsb

>> No.27338452

Luckily for me I had some shares leftover from beforehand when it was 2 dollars, and then bought in again at like 13, my original shares should mitigate most losses I might take

>> No.27338500

still no provisional buying power from Webull
Am I fucked?

>> No.27338552

Yeah I wish lol

>> No.27338572

Dis ork gunna buy AMC franchizy wi all my new tooths. We blay movies only Orks want to watch! Eldar-hegies stay late to sweep for wagie tooths!


>> No.27338589

I'm buying some shares come opening hours. Sure, I'm prolly paying premium now, but it's going to go UP for a little while at least.

>> No.27338593

Pre-market opened at $17.50- $4.00 over closing on Friday. That's a pretty high opening which can also be suggestive of a potential rally but all we're doing is speculating right?

Friday market closes at $13.26
Monday pre-market opens $17.50 dips to $15.80 (well above Friday closing)
Currently crab walking above $16.00

Even after the market manipulation last Thursday, the prices are still trending upwards. Aside from the silver shilling all weekend and this morning, AMC stock has been mentioned WAY more than last week. You will need to buy the dip when you think that's good for you. Of course if you're too conservative, you will miss a decent dip.


>> No.27338608

Look at this hedge faggot

>> No.27338655

Reminder that the ones shitposting about "AMC IS GONNA DUMP" are the same people who didn't buy in on friday or any day before.

This shit is gonna moon, we're gonna have diamond hands, and faggots are going to be seething. Screencap this.

>> No.27338684

If they sell, we buy. There's an outrageous amount of people who are not even aware of the shorts that have to be covered this week, and what rate they're shorted at.

>> No.27338705

So much this.

>t. someone who regularly FUDs things I don't own

>> No.27338730
Quoted by: >>27338787

I think monday will be a huge pump for amc when normies find out about this but don't want to drop $300 on gamestop

>> No.27338767

Bought in a 15.50 here, hoping to sell on the initial rise and then buy back in on the dip.

>> No.27338768

I have a limit order to buy 110 stocks minimum of 14.50$, do you think it will dip enough at openingnto go through?

>> No.27338787
Quoted by: >>27339202

And more people like movies than video games.

>> No.27338838

Idc what you say, we’re going on a journey today. I’m just straight up holding this until a dip is imminent. It’s got all the public attention necessary to move big but I’m not holding past the 4th. If it goes up to 50, I’ll make a killing. If it goes up to 30, I’ll still make a killing. If it goes higher, I’ll see you fgts on the beach

>> No.27338841

Dubs confirm. FUCKING HODL

>> No.27338859
File: 127 KB, 1080x2031, 1611709844445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So let's say for some reason gamestop has a panic selloff sometime tomorrow.
Would that likely trigger absolute panic in AMC as well?

>> No.27338931

If anything, it could prompt dumpers to pump AMC since apparently AMC is yet another squeeze candidate.

>> No.27339015
Quoted by: >>27339328

when people lose, they tend to cover their losses elsewhere (if they still can).

>> No.27339099
File: 1.04 MB, 1208x3039, 1611547137992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

took the screen shot

>> No.27339113

all i know is i'm sad i won't be able to make any gains on these shorted meme stocks. :(

>> No.27339152
File: 49 KB, 661x720, dc93fd9db97fa47ec756eb22f2ab67965c58b6fdcd6b5f5eb902396e506117a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27340130

You mean the survivors of the GME bloodbath?

When GME pops it's going to be a fucking slaughter for the vast majority of normies. They'll likely never invest again lol. You think those people would have anything left to reinvest in AMC?

>> No.27339202

I like the stock. I don't necessarily like pozzed jew media.

>> No.27339328
File: 17 KB, 473x357, CXIhAM8WAAAw4sl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27339506


When I initially joined in on the stocks, I didn't know shit and I was late. I bought into BB and NOK, and I got them at bad prices. They soon shut down trading of all the meme stocks, including BB and NOK that I had went for. When this happened, they dipped and I panicked.

I sold a bit after the dip, and gathered my losses. I saw dogecoin was getting a lot of traction here and on wsb, so I dumped everything into dogecoin. I managed to get in on dogecoin when it was 0.02 and sold when it was almost 0.08. With that, I made back what I had lost from BB and NOK, and I put it all into AMC.

If GME goes south, I am willing to bet people will go for AMC. I am sticking to this. I won't fucking budge. Not anymore. It's AMC OR FUCKING NOTHING. I AM WILLING TO GO DOWN FOR THIS.

>> No.27339386
File: 819 KB, 1000x707, DAKA DAKA AMC@100 Tooths!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look fellow Ork's-

Da way da WAAGGHH works is that we all believe its going to 100 tooths and weze hold cus its worth 100 or more tooths- then it literally will!

Dats da way da Ork WAAAAGHHH works JUST like da way da Eldar magik works that got them here. Their planets and MOON is ours now, dis WAAGH momentum cannot be stopped- even after dey tried their dark Eldar-Heggie magic- Da Orck lines not only held WE STAYED GREEN! We are green!

- WarBoss Anulbussdriver6969


>> No.27339506
File: 25 KB, 458x321, 3ac4f280b0ed985ac4e545c170182b759452af35833303c5888f2ef3cd2397af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27339598

Dip ww@ bros

>> No.27339679
Quoted by: >>27339847

Bring more Daka when price falls!

>> No.27339703

ill bring breadsticks fren

>> No.27339794

do nothing at open
buy at dip
do not sell

>> No.27339818

They've been behaving very similarly so I'd say yes

>> No.27339847

It ain't ever Fallin

>> No.27339870
Quoted by: >>27339912

>+$15-16 pre market
This is good right? We’re gonna make it aren’t we?

>> No.27339903
Quoted by: >>27340028

i have 70 @ 10, have been following the patterns since the RH shit went down. it isn't going to moon, don't be a fucking retard. i've got a limit sell on 20.

>> No.27339912


>> No.27339998

why not just try. you'll find out either way.

>> No.27340028

>not a limit sell at $50

>> No.27340087

You won't make a ton of money but you probably won't lose money either. Not a horrible position.

>> No.27340093
File: 101 KB, 700x632, 1502236622539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen up anon.
Are you listening? Don't tell anyone else I told you this. Okay?
Hey, are you really listening?
I've been told that if you hold GME/AMC and buy as much as possible...
.. that you will be guaranteed a happy life with your anime waifu in the afterlife.
Hey anon. That sounds pretty crazy, huh?
Well, I know it sounds silly, but...
Come on anon, don't laugh at me.

Just, don't you think that'd be nice?

Is it wrong to want to believe?

You will hold with me, won't you, anon?

>> No.27340130

Not to talk about the ones who got fucked by crypto in the same day already.

Trading requires actual skills and patience, if you don't have that don't gamble your money away because someone else will take it.

>> No.27340350
Quoted by: >>27340723

This is good advice. Alternatively you can go AMC>DOGE>Silver if you want to maximize your profits both short and long term.
Unironically DOGE is so hyped among normies you can grab an easy x2 before moving to silver.

>> No.27340385

My offers start at $250. It’ll hit some time this week I reckon.

>> No.27340432
File: 8 KB, 194x293, 51F4FCPBZDL._SY291_BO1,204,203,200_QL40_ML2_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even I'm gonna watch this in the cinema if it's open.
Fuck watching it on a pishy monitor.

>> No.27340435
Quoted by: >>27340600

are yall poor something lmao i have 2k in this and only sell at 100 and i could care less if it hits zero 99 percnet of you hold like 2 shares kek

>> No.27340472
Quoted by: >>27340546


>> No.27340520

The past two openings had rh fuckery going on. Normie were barred from playing since Wednesday.

>> No.27340545
Quoted by: >>27340584

500$ buy order at $12 each, we will see what happens anons.

Worst case scenario I lose 500 but I like this stock.

>> No.27340546

nope because it's never gonna reach 50

>> No.27340584

will it get that low?

>> No.27340600
File: 97 KB, 1151x1033, 1550422858395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27340696

For someone to spend so much on a meme stock, you're not very smart, are you?

The phrase goes "couldn't care less", anon. If you say you "could care less", that implies you already care a lot.

>> No.27340657


>> No.27340696
Quoted by: >>27340797

t. got beat up and his lunchmoney taken by bullies during school

>> No.27340706
Quoted by: >>27340990

premarket is at 13 at the moment on fidelity, i'm setting it up as an automatic while I wagecuck during open but i'll keep my eyes open.

If it doesn't i'll just up it to where I need to but if we are talking about a dip on something this volatile it could go below its weekend premarket for sure.

>> No.27340723

I'm not buying your fucking bags. Piss off.

>> No.27340797

I was home-schooled, nice try. I wasn't beaten at a school, only at home.

>> No.27340839
Quoted by: >>27341020

All you faggots selling at $50 are gonna be reaching for the rope. Minimum $300 or miss out. If it hits $50 today it will hit $300 this week. I’ll be laughing when you try to FOMO back in while kikes limit you to buying 1-10 shares.

>> No.27340929

Explains everything

>> No.27340990

>premarket is at 13 at the moment on fidelity
Dude it's at 15.81 as I type

>> No.27341020


>> No.27341402

what we closing at today boyz?

>> No.27341418
File: 412 KB, 1000x4011, they_win_in_the_end.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like your little rally is getting sniffed out by the hollywood jew already.
so much potential.
This thing WILL become a blockbuster and YOU WILL SEE IT

*by that time they will have changed the seats and the sound system. since you pumped the stock*

the milking of the goy never stops...

>> No.27341476
