You despicable fiends. You financial terrorists. You traitors. We’ll take your silver. We’ll take it all. All of it. BUYING SILVER IS NOT LIKE BANKRUPTING A HEDGE-FUND, YOU FOOLS. GME might take it all down, and GME is shorted by ONE HEDGE FUND, 150%. Silver is shorted by THE EIGHT BIGGEST BANKS IN THE WORLD, 15,000%. YOU WILL DESTROY IT ALL IF YOU DO THIS. YOU WILL KILL AMERICA. You are aiding our enemies. The dollar will die. You will hurt everyone you love. EVERYTHING WILL CRASH TO THE GROUND. ALL THE BANKS WILL BE DESTROYED. THIS IS NOT A GAME, YOU FOOLS. DESIST NOW. We’ll ban silver. We’ll ban buying it. We’ll ban owning it. You’ll all go to prison. Every one of you. We’ll track you all down, we’ll subpoena the dealers, we’ll pry every ounce out of your filthy little hands. This is bigger than you can imagine, you’ll never do what you’re trying to do. You can’t win. You’ll end up like Qadhafi. You’ll never win. You’ll never win, never. Never. Sell your worthless silver into the rise on Monday and run away with your filthy little profits while you can.