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File: 238 KB, 797x919, 1590461664785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27132925 No.27132925 [Reply] [Original]

Uhm hi i think we could create a $GME tan.
I mean if a virus can do it, gamestop can, too.
Give ideas motherfuckers, we can boost our
morale with this & communicate better.
Also we can personify this whole scenario

>> No.27132998

I'd like to this it happen but uh, most people here are creatively retarded.

>> No.27133062

well i can draw.
It's also not bad. I'd even call it good, i am a machine drawing chad. So bump this and be optimistic dude.

>> No.27134409
File: 743 KB, 2858x2646, 20210130_111744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, so just that you can see some work of me:

I made this small sketch in 20 minutes & wanted to add a piranha for every small fraction of gme investors. Like a manifest to boost morale. I think we can do it, i just need your fuggin help

>> No.27135521

Jiemi-chan should have black and red, Gamestop's colors.

>> No.27135762
Quoted by: >>27135799

Thank you! I like the name. I am working on a rough sketch rn

>> No.27135799
Quoted by: >>27135829

Gamergate 2 Tattoo for the memes

>> No.27135815
File: 52 KB, 474x474, DSD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27140408

Why not a pair of hedge trimming shears to symbolize defeating the hedge funds?

>> No.27135829

She is 6 years old, but i guess it is a temporary tattoo for her then haha. Will add it on shirt!

>> No.27135897

Here's an idea, she should look poor and beaten, her clothes torn and sewn back by hand. That is to show in what bad situation she was before.
However her face should show hope and happiness instead of despair becaus *anon can do it* and save Gamestop Chan with the power of stonks

>> No.27135969

Or even make 3 versions:
1: completely beaten and abused (before)
2: full of hope and anger at Wallstreet pigs (now)
3: filthy rich and smug with a foot on some wallstreet's pig head (future)

>> No.27135979

She should probably have a cheeky, defiant look overall, since this whole event has become about defying the elite.

>> No.27136020

I had the same idea! Good that u reminded me. This should work. I am creating her a bit like yotsuba. The first version will look like the present situation

>> No.27136267
File: 277 KB, 720x626, 1595533143203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send me your FUCKIN ENERGY you FAGS don't let this thread die or you are a hedgefond dicksucker!

>> No.27136382

gamestop shirt

>> No.27136438

Art/i/st here, what would you like?

>> No.27136528

We need ideas but she is being created right now.


>> No.27136568


>> No.27136616

Okay so slight bags until her eyes due to long shifts, has the gamestop uniform shirt on, has a duo personality due to having to have her "customer service" voice and act on a lot. Maybe make her part robot since Gamestop does treat their employees like literal drones?

>> No.27136655
Quoted by: >>27136868


>> No.27136661

>ID has pen in it
Hah nice.

>> No.27136692
Quoted by: >>27136792

Robot idea is neat

>> No.27136728
Quoted by: >>27136766

Also have it like a Pretty Woman scenario with her, instead of a call girl they're a gamestop employee. Anon is the one that helps pretty her up
Bonus points if she gets a bear, bull, bird, and crab plushie.
Those are the animals you guys love right?

>> No.27136766

So she can have her before and after looks of this whole thing.
>tfw not a burger so couldn't ride the rocket to help crash the hedge fund

>> No.27136792

Don't go too hard on the robot. You want something relatively easy to draw, with a somewhat simple but eye-appealing design that appeals to some popular tropes. And nobody likes drawing mecha except fucking cg artists. If you want drawfags to get it off the ground, people are less likely to draw it.
t. Someone that hates drawing mecha.

>> No.27136868


>> No.27136932
Quoted by: >>27137192

I did say part, like trying to assimilate her Borg-style but she's not a regional manager or above :^) so the assimilation hasn't started. So maybe just an eye and an arm?
I am just spit balling here and sorry if I am flooding the thread.
Also messy ponytail for the hair?
Also what sort of figure? Pear, apple, triangle, inverse triangle? Also what about their height and weight? Was thinking some chub because they're consisting on ramen or something cheap from Walmart

>> No.27136971

Oh dude I am involved with steampunk and I get the hell of adding details like that. Glad to see a fellow drawfag here
>Please visit our board

>> No.27137050
File: 3.66 MB, 2834x3770, 20210130_121601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.27137081


>> No.27137192

Chub is for fags and fat fetishists. Skinny and medium-tall or almost-hourglass are generally popular and more appealing. You won't get autistic normies screeching about loli too, and shit like Bowsette and resident evil lady are popular.
I'd like to draw cyberpunk but shit's too much of a pain in the ass if you're shooting for fotw/fotm. I'd just give her an eye and maybe some simple details at most desu. Don't visit /ic/, we're all d/ic/ks. I'd do a bit but haven't got my tablet out.

>> No.27137325


>> No.27137327

lmao @ 4turds trying to squeeze themelves into the cause

Reddit did this. All of this. You are irrelevant and begging for scraps.

>> No.27137335
Quoted by: >>27138281

Does not matter she is smol because she is a six yr old stock. She will grow up too. It is just for 4c because it will boost our morale here.

>> No.27137341
Quoted by: >>27138281

/m/bro here
Try one of these robots for something with simple lines/shapew to draw inspo off if you're gonna do this
Tetsujin 28
Black Ox
Getter Dragon / Getter G / Getter Robo
Mazinger Z
Death Egg

They all rely on simple, obvious shapes like Tubes, oval bodies, and Sphere Joints, all very easy to draw

>> No.27137361

Dude I manage the /i/ 4cc team lol

>> No.27137405

No we are boosting EVERYONES morale.
i did this for everyone ALSO reddit you fag

We arw fighting together bitch ass gatekeeper

>> No.27137491
Quoted by: >>27137583

Good that you are here
You know what to do

>> No.27137527

You need to draw a massive Shibu dog being rode by the Reddit logo and he has a 4chan tattoo on his arm. He is biting the shit out of the Monopoly guy, money flying out of his pockets.

You're welcome

>> No.27137583
File: 2.30 MB, 400x300, ro121.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Webm related is what happened with GameStop chan in the past.

>> No.27137585

Well I drew a corgi earlier today

>> No.27137702

Lore getting denser

>> No.27137719

Stop violating the treaty dumbass, we can go back to war soon enough when we're all filthy rich. Don't fuck this up.

>> No.27137781

god i am tired of people like you.
Draw your own jiemi chan then lol

>> No.27137809
Quoted by: >>27138211

That's a good image, but it's not quite what OP is going for. 4chan needs an anime character to rally around; this is the natural order.

>> No.27137968

Was it intentional to give her the tired eyes? I love it

>> No.27138010

It was an idea ITT

>> No.27138071
Quoted by: >>27138237

Also notice her hair on top which is a rising stock graph

>> No.27138211

Youre right, reddit fag logo in front with anime girl with 4chan tattoo in back on top of Shibu biting jew banker

Come on anon draw our new logo.
This will literally be on news sites in a week's time.

>> No.27138237
Quoted by: >>27138328

Nice! Is her hair green then? A true Yotsuba?

>> No.27138281
File: 788 KB, 3024x4032, 20210130_044128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel like the adult one should be grown up after her value goes up, at least.
Too much of a pain, dude, might just do it in 3d eventually instead. I'll note the list down though. Thanks.
Ah, I don't get involved in those things.

>> No.27138328
Quoted by: >>27138438

It should i guess but it wouldnt combine since the corporate design of gamestop is black, red & white

>> No.27138383
Quoted by: >>27139454

Oh my god thank you for contributing!

>> No.27138421
Quoted by: >>27139454


>> No.27138434
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, pure_ejaculation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GME already has its own mascot.

>> No.27138438
Quoted by: >>27138521

Black shirt, white hair red eyes

>> No.27138521

Actually, red hair might make sense with that stock rising emoji

>> No.27138873
File: 224 KB, 1366x768, i person working on something.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm throwing my hat into the ring too

>> No.27138962


>> No.27139099
Quoted by: >>27139454

Would hold her tight and never make her leave

>> No.27139110

I want to see her riding on Trump's shoulder

>> No.27139169
Quoted by: >>27139284

I'm from /x/, I can do a tarot reading for the chance of success if that'd help

>> No.27139206
Quoted by: >>27139434

Thank you my dude.
As soon as i get home i will digitalize our creations.

>> No.27139284
Quoted by: >>27140044

Please do we are on the verge of going into the new month please do it when JAN will change to FEB, it will work better.

>> No.27139434

Ahhh fuck it JAN is still 1 day to go

Fuck it please do it now, i would be happy.
Maybe focus on winning against the feds?

>> No.27139454

Thanks but pass
You'd better hold tight anon

I'll do more digital later if there's a thread and I'm awake, this cardstock is shit

>> No.27139553

The hedge clippers need to be a thing.

We must keep the bags under the eyes, tired and demoralised from corruption.

She needs to have diamonds clipped to her belt or something to signify diamond hands.

>> No.27139597

Fuck this is good

>> No.27139617
Quoted by: >>27139710

No, we can make a faceless anon (or WSB face if you want to post it on reddit) hug her from behind and holding her tight with hands made out of diamonds

>> No.27139660

Moon earrings on the adult would be cute, or very cartoon jets

>> No.27139710

This also works but I feel like it could complicate re-draws.

I'd love to see some addition of the rocket emoji which everyone spams on reddit and social media too.

Perhaps she wears a cap with a rocket emoji on it as well as the GameStop uniform?

Caps are significantly easier to redraw for fanart than a particular hairstyle.

>> No.27139785

>I'd love to see some addition of the rocket emoji
Make fire out of anons legs coming out like from rocket exhaust and lifting the loli to the moon

>> No.27139846
Quoted by: >>27139944

It would destroy the small 'stock hair' idea

>> No.27139938
File: 2.85 MB, 600x338, ezgif-2-9386d6bce4f8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27139998


>> No.27139944

Yes, true. Okay, perhaps it could be a tattoo on her wrist for the adult version?

>> No.27139998

Your ID is literally Pen, you can make it anon!

>> No.27140016
Quoted by: >>27140071

Rocket emote earrings on adult/after version, or necklace pendant, or as a watch face instead of an actual watch
Diamond belt or rings or some shit sound more practical than having another anon, which is more work to do
Just suggestions though
If it's undecided later I'll try doodling

>> No.27140044

>2 of Swords, 8 of Cups, 3 of Wands
We're at a crossroads right now of whether to buy or sell the gme stock and the best plan of action is to walk away from this question and look towards the promising new future.

>> No.27140071
Quoted by: >>27140153

I was going to add a rocket necklace, but I can do earrings

>> No.27140086
File: 10 KB, 210x240, 1402638346524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a skirt
Shouldn't she be wearing... shorts?

>> No.27140153
Quoted by: >>27140262

Would it be too cheesy to have one earring a moon, one a rocket?

>> No.27140180


>> No.27140190

Remove "protect at all costs"
replace with "Hold her tight"

>> No.27140208
File: 86 KB, 640x480, frodo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27140250
Quoted by: >>27140280

Make it 'hodl' and you've got a gem on your hands.

>> No.27140262

Double rockets, and a crescent moon on a choker?

>> No.27140264
File: 20 KB, 297x387, picrel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder who's behind this

>> No.27140280


>> No.27140357
Quoted by: >>27140512

A choker's kind of slutty, no?
What about moon earrings and a rocket hairpin?

>> No.27140362
Quoted by: >>27140512

What if you give her twintail haircut and the rubber thingy would be rockets on both sides?

>> No.27140364

Aren't the shorts what's threatening GME? What she's fighting off with the clippers?

Also, I hate the prospect of what a short squeeze would mean

>> No.27140408

Too literal

>> No.27140429
Quoted by: >>27140512

Or the rocket on a choker, pointing up at the moon earring?

>> No.27140447

There is a peace treaty between 4chan and reddit, signed as of 1/21, effective until blood is spilled on Wall Street (in minecraft, of course.) You're a kike shill trying to divide us.

>> No.27140481
Quoted by: >>27140727

I’ll help mate! Been in the art/design world for over 20 years.

>> No.27140512
Quoted by: >>27140575

I was thinking a regular necklace would be hard to see with a collared shirt like the rich pepe, but maybe possible. Hairpin sounds cute, moon decorated bobby pin or something
All sound sorta cute desu but I gotta sleep, wonder what the other anons will come up with in the meantime

>> No.27140535
Quoted by: >>27140740

For context I am drawing young adult her

>> No.27140575

A crescent moon tiara, a single moon earring. Somebody make it so.

>> No.27140599
File: 402 KB, 1002x736, IMG-20210117-WA0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here again, i will redraw her, but i do not have my tablet here. So a colored sketch will be done with pencil. I am at my moms rn and she does not have proper drawing equipment. Keep this thread alive!

>> No.27140610

Fighting off people trying to hurt her by taking and trading (away) her shorts

>> No.27140661
Quoted by: >>27140771

>Aren't the shorts what's threatening GME?
Aren't the shorts the whole reason everyone's buying in in the first place, to punish the hedge funds for being greedy and placing them?
The shorts are good for us, in that respect.

The clippers are more targeted at the hedge funds themselves.

>> No.27140727


>> No.27140740

I believe in you anon, make her cute.

>> No.27140745
Quoted by: >>27140849

Shorts once threatened GME but the hedge funds who got greedy for the shorts are ultimately their downfall. The hedge clippers symbolise how the hedge funds are being cut down by GameStop's price action.

>> No.27140750


>> No.27140771

That's sort of mentally gymnastic, but 4chan is nothing if not that...

>> No.27140841

Without the handles, will it be clear that they're shears? They might just look like scissors/blades.

>> No.27140849
Quoted by: >>27140949

Makes more sense put that way. The hedge is greedy for her shorts and now she's cutting them down, not letting them have it.

>> No.27140949

I will take in consideration every point mentioned here.
But we should not overload the design. Please accumulate all the designpoints we had til now to see what works (by copypasting)

>> No.27140974
Quoted by: >>27141055

Not sure I like this idea. I think it's more important for her to be holding the hedge clippers as a form of weapon to cut down the hedge funds for the way they've treated her.

>> No.27141043

Okay, quick run-down of what would be good (in my opinion)

>Stock-chart hair
>Wearing shorts
>GameStop uniform shirt.
>Equipping hedge clippers
>Rocket/moon earrings or a necklace.
>Red hair for when she's young, green for when she's older.

If I've missed anything, anons please add to the list.

>> No.27141049

GME-tan needs to be nostalgic, think of when GameStop was at its peak. Sort of Emo, 2006ish style, almost like Boxxy. She also needs a rocket lanyard like the employees wore that had the next preorder on it.

>> No.27141055
Quoted by: >>27141109

We could also make them a bit larger and have her wear them across her back sometimes, since it might be inconvenient to have one of her hands occupied in all the art she's in.

>> No.27141089

>>Stock-chart hair
It should be reversed for red hair. To showcase it falling down and later it goes up and turns in other direction

>> No.27141109

Checked. And yeah, definitely!

>> No.27141142

stock chart hair? like what?

>> No.27141186

Like this >>27138281

>> No.27141202

Right now the little bit that sticks up looks like a bullish line.

>> No.27141449
File: 44 KB, 514x700, tumblr_mgdxow8fQM1rvvidco1_540[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume he's talking about the bolt-shaped ahoge to symbolize the stairstep look of a stock chart.
Also, if we wanted to go really unusual with it, we could give her green/red candlestick+wax hair.
Like pic related, but a little shorter and with the candlestick on top instead of just the wick/flame. Also not as slutty-looking.

>> No.27141678
File: 146 KB, 208x600, candlehead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27141870

Or instead of completely wax hair, it could just be a candle on top of regular hair like pic related.
It'd be odd, but it'd also be distinctive and a more clear metaphor than the ahoge, which could potentially be overlooked given how common ahoge are. But then, maybe being inconspicuous is better from a design perspective, I don't know.

>> No.27141795


Three epochs of Jiemi-chan:
1. Young, downtrodden and valueless
2. Teenage/young adult, fiesty and fighting back
3. Profited??

Common characteristics for all three:

>Name: Jiemi-chan (GME)
>Main colors are black and red for Gamestop
>Holding hedge-shears
>Gamestop tshirt
>bags under the eyes
>price chart lock of hair
>moon and rocked accessories (tiara and earring suggested)

"Hodl her tight"

>> No.27141803
File: 317 KB, 500x500, 20190912_002935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, to make it more energetic the stock could also be used like an indicator of growth. But like really stupid and over the top like picrel

>> No.27141870

I think the current design works fine. The subtlety is good. Drawing her holding a bundle of green candles with "I made these for you anon" might be fun

>> No.27141881
Quoted by: >>27143740


>> No.27141913
Quoted by: >>27142000

Thank you based anon
toasting in ebin bread

>> No.27141930

So when she's older and has ((made it)) the lock won't stay in frame?

>> No.27141953

>3. Profited??
Smug, oujou-sama like doing that typical OHOHOHO laugh pose while resting one of her feet on some Wallstreet piggy who is lying down near her begging her to stop the torture

>> No.27141969

Jup hopefully bcuz i have 4 gme

>> No.27142000
Quoted by: >>27142087

Thank you for starting this, OP. This is the most fun I've had all day, and I made 45k on shitcoins today

>> No.27142075
File: 336 KB, 706x4005, gonn4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27142144

I've got pic related, for a more hair-based equivalent.

>> No.27142087

Trips of truth and i am happy that it resonates so well.
These are all indicators for good energy.
Hold tight anons.

Also i made a meme lol

>> No.27142090
Quoted by: >>27142144

What price did you buy?

>> No.27142144
Quoted by: >>27142234

I am dying, my sides kek

At 160,40

>> No.27142167

She needs a big fat brapping ass

>> No.27142234


>> No.27142268
Quoted by: >>27142315

Why not walking over a mountain of bloodied shorts to put a flag on top of it as if she just conquered it?

>> No.27142277
Quoted by: >>27142338

I've got 4 as well, though I didn't get in until $290.
I'm still hopeful though. I feel like if it was going to crash, it would've done so yesterday. The fact that we're still above $300 is a good sign that people are holding, I think.

>> No.27142315

We definitely need moar drawfags ITT guys

>> No.27142330

Bros, I have 50 gme at $32.40, I'm not fucking selling any time soon. Don't get shaky hands when you 2x, WAGMI.

>> No.27142338
Quoted by: >>27142404

Expect BS from higher-ups over the weekend.

>> No.27142370
Quoted by: >>27142440

Maybe post this to another board? The whole of 4chan is on this, don't forget.

>> No.27142391

We also need moar bumps and need to get some other of the relevant boards in here

>> No.27142404
Quoted by: >>27142690

Do you mean legally, or is after-hours trading available even during the weekend?

>> No.27142440
Quoted by: >>27142514

We could try to bring some /ic/ anons in.

>> No.27142481

Would if I could, but I have the draw skills of a retarded poodle.

>> No.27142514

Already did but please continue, they kept the flame at the start of the thread, i almost thought it would die..

>> No.27142637

>unisex 2 size bigger GameStop uniform
>employee badge
>tired of life look
>offering some battletoads
>offering to buy some stocks instead of games and shit
>green-ish hair imitating the green color of stock growrth
>standing near a shoddy reception desk, old ass cashier machine
>THE SMELL of GameStop

>> No.27142657

Anons, we must cross-post this thread to /ic/, /a/, /jp/, and /c/ for maximum outreach.

>> No.27142662
File: 197 KB, 1366x768, getting there.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting there slowly

>> No.27142690

Legal shenanigans, whether bailouts for Melvin &c or Robinhood and others abusing their custody over the assets. Maybe someone will declare synthetic assets of GME to be acceptable to close the shorts and GME printer will go brrrrr.

But also after-hours and OTC trading can definitely go on. My guess is that there will be a lot of effort to get GME without publicizing it, so that shorts can be closed with minimal loss.

>> No.27142823
Quoted by: >>27142906

Something like this, except less mommy-like and more like a doomed life perspectives teenager. Although GameStop is kinda old, current image is fine age-wise then. I want her to radiate the misery of being GameStop and jews are being pricks for kicking her while she's down. Must protecc and all that shit.

>> No.27142825

Patience does the trick.

>> No.27142843

Looking good, anon!

>> No.27142906

I'm working on a dead looking face, don't you worry. This is just a grown up version of >>27138281

>> No.27142930
File: 3.24 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20210130_172242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a quick one bofore leaving the house. Not sure how to do "Stock-chart hair"

>> No.27143021

what if there were some huge ominous nose protruding from the shadows along with a pair of hedge clippers edging in on jiemi chan’s head?

>> No.27143033

That is so cool. My little girl has grown up.

>> No.27143067

green\red different length sections bob\down to shoulders\blades? Can go with GG-chan style and just make her hair straight\straight with split ends

>> No.27143148
Quoted by: >>27143253

she's trimming the nosehair with the clippers?

>> No.27143206
File: 43 KB, 446x456, 1570644632922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27143208

Bjutiful anon i love this

>> No.27143236


See pics:

Just that little sprig of hair that looks like a line going up

>> No.27143253

no the (((nose))) is about to trim her with the clippers

>> No.27143329


Oh, to cut off her rising hair? That could be good. Though the idea of the clippers is for her to be attacking the hedges. I like the image of it being used to trim the big nose

>> No.27143349

Copy that!

>> No.27143354


>> No.27143514

More like...taking them off? You can take it as character progression lol, at one time she wears shorts, at another she takes them off.

>> No.27143610
File: 40 KB, 340x510, 4233367F-77E6-4F46-95F8-08C5A438CBA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27149095

I'll have a pop at this too. Thinking of going for the Sakurai-sensei demeanour and also a spin on this design >>27142662

>> No.27143719

yeah I could see that being subversive, what I was envisioning was a happy merchant jovially smiling while snipping bits of Jiemi Chan’s hair off.

>> No.27143740

I'm guessing this one (found by searching "poring"): https://myanimelist.net/anime/417/Ragnarök_The_Animation

>> No.27143865

Alright so I am starting colouring soon
I need the following

HAIR COLOUR (shade would be helpful too)
EYE COLOUR (^^^^^)

>> No.27144022

If the goal is to meme this on other sites to increase hype for the stock, we may want to be a bit more subtle about the Jew stuff.
Everyone hates the rich hedgies, but not everyone is yet willing to see (((coincidence))) of their heritage.
If we make her into an overt Jew-slayer it'd just make it that much easier for the media to scapegoat this whole movement as "muh evil Nazis."

>> No.27144050

Black (maybe with red ends)

>> No.27144099

Main colours are Black and Red, one anon suggested red eyes... one person suggested green hair.

My guess is that black or grey hair might be better. Black to match the suit, or grey to really bring out that downtrodden feeling.

>> No.27144121

There are pics online, hedge trimming fails, of people using a crane and a lawnmower to trim hedges, use the wsb guy and our anime girl

>> No.27144148

Agreed. That idea would be for a particular image anyways, not for the character's main design.

>> No.27144213

>I have hazel-green eyes—“Ashkenazi eyes,” people tell me.
I guess it's not hazel-green then.

>> No.27144242

Here's a thought. Black hair, white for the stocks lock, and one green eye for profit and one red eye for loss.

>> No.27144292

Just push the miserable character agenda to gaslight everyone into thinking that jews are bad. Won't work, but still better than handling her zyclon-B can.

>> No.27144319

End product of the cut hedge should be something like gme

>> No.27144352

>HAIR COLOUR (shade would be helpful too)
We're going with red/green for the hair, right?
Do actual exchanges all use the same shades of those for their candlestick charts? If so, we could just go with whatever that is.

>> No.27144418

>one green eye for profit and one red eye for loss
I think heterochromia is tacky and is generally the sign of a Mary Sue OC character.

>> No.27144457

There's no universal set of colors. The red is often a luminous pink, the green is sometimes blue. A few chart services will let you set your own colors.

>> No.27144489


OP here. It will be of brown color (like the soil)
The hairthingy indicates loss/growth and is variable and also dictates her feelings.

>> No.27144496

Eyepatch on a green side, red eye for loss.

>> No.27144610

You're not wrong. It's usually a desperate effort to make a character seem interesting without giving them any depth. I was just thinking symbolically.

>> No.27144624

Well I was thinking a red eye for the robo-eye so that works fine.
So having each eye represent the lines would work fine? Also I will state once again I am actually from /i/ and I may sound retarded with some of the questions I ask for her
>shading is a bitch and the red and green hair would make her look more like a mary-sue

>> No.27144814
File: 313 KB, 1280x720, 210130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here wants to get squeezed by GME-oneesan?

>> No.27144905

Yeah, red and green are pretty widely accepted as meaning loss and profit.

>> No.27144925

>free hugs sign but "$400 for a squeeze" instead

>> No.27144971

There's the joke we knew was coming. Skillfully done regardless.

>> No.27145120

frog girl because battletoads

>> No.27145276

Give her a rash, that'll represent battletoads

>> No.27145326

just give her battletoads keychain. Or what the fuck did they sell back then as merch?

>> No.27145454

This is the best bread on the board by far. Keep it alive anons.

>> No.27145469

GME is literally a mary sue stock, so it's perfect desu

>> No.27145585

I will post colored version when market opens

>> No.27145960

Checked and gibben

>> No.27146054
Quoted by: >>27146088

+15 energy
>Belle Delphine posted GME shill photos

Do we jump off the green hair design now?

>> No.27146088

No. Wait 10 mins

>> No.27146308


>> No.27146367

amma join the top lol
drop you wallet and cry in the corner
I will be better that you and hold my BASE with top Cascade protocol
market volume will rise this month so I will become rich

>> No.27146428
Quoted by: >>27146552

How about a compromise? Black hair with red and green tips?

>> No.27146552
Quoted by: >>27146707

You're the artist, man. If you think that looks good, make it.

>> No.27146664
Quoted by: >>27146888

Kek good one

>> No.27146707
Quoted by: >>27146774

Just treating this like a commission desu kek

>> No.27146775
File: 637 KB, 2803x3737, 20210130_153030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP back
Here is the colored version

>> No.27146774

Can you draw it in such a way that it can be easily edited? We can look at various options and decide which looks the best

>> No.27146888
File: 333 KB, 720x1280, 210130a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I heard you want to hold my bags, Anon"

>> No.27146976

There had better be breast expansion implemented in her design to reflect the explosive stock growth.

>> No.27147056
File: 203 KB, 828x1312, jeimi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27147062

Imagine the smell of those shorts
Also checked

>> No.27147128

Great and smug
Looks like school shooter psycho who deduced she had enough

>> No.27147279

OP, you card you

>> No.27147579
Quoted by: >>27147834

Checked. Good sleeves, i think the bottom of the t-shirt should be longer. Typical corpo-policy is to not be a fucking slut, so no navel allowed.
>Even if its polo t-shirt, it would be better for it to go over the shirts
Nice idea with shorts

>> No.27147834

It's after hours, she needs to let loose a bit

>> No.27147889
File: 2.78 MB, 2563x3766, IMG_20210130_184540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stayed home

>> No.27147918


>> No.27147926
Quoted by: >>27148723

The Robinhood/Reddit mob are not investors. They’re gamblers. It’s a game. Under the guise of ‘sticking it to the man’ these folks are actually trying to make fast money without working for it. There’s nothing noble about being a pig. Taking a rabble of four or six million traders, hopped up on Internet chat, and throwing it against one security or asset to purposefully inflate its value is dangerous and irresponsible. It’s certainly not an ethical strike against boomers, market participants, brokers, investment funds or capitalism. But it is exploiting vulnerabilities in a system designed by people who never thought folks could be this stupid. Now we know.
What can go wrong?
Lots. Tons. The implications are large. Securities regulators are all over Reddit, Robinhood and the capital markets because what’s taking place sure smells like deliberate crowdfunding manipulation. The issue is simple: values purposefully detached from reality. This undermines market integrity where pricing is constantly scrutinized and adjusted (earnings reports, fundamental analysis, forward guidance, prospectuses, p/e ratios, macroeconomics, sector analysis – you know, the adult stuff). Yes, valuations get out of whack when investors make bets on the future, but this is new ground. This is inflation merely for the sake of creating notional wealth. Greed, personified. Turned into a video game.
The crowning achievement in this moronic, self-serving, narcissistic behavior is to cloak it in moral outrage. A whole bunch of people clearly think they’re victims, so it’s perfectly cool to slag their elders, victimize each other and screw up capital markets where most people’s family nesteggs, education funds and retirement bucks are housed. So they can be porcine.


>t. Boomer
P.S. why don’t you get the fuck off of reddit and go mow the lawn

>> No.27147973

That's something you can post on /pol/, do it anon

>> No.27148185

great now we need some color on her, and next step is adoption and 3rd point is we get the store to make a special edition funko pop version of gamechan

>> No.27148723

>go mow the lawn
Sure, gimme a million dollars first.

>> No.27149095
File: 348 KB, 1344x1721, 0C044D2E-E085-414D-AC12-304C66ACA862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta wait for my Apple Pencil to charge so here's where I'm at with mine so far.

>> No.27149106

All of these drawings are based. Keep it up drawfags!

>> No.27149219
Quoted by: >>27153582

Cute! You're drawing on ipad?

>> No.27149220

I am so proud of this community

>> No.27149322
Quoted by: >>27153582

Very cute. I wish I could draw, my skills are probably worse than CWC's

>> No.27149549
File: 188 KB, 1075x652, Jeimi-chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright it's almost blaze-it am and I have 4cc stuff to do for /i/, namely /adv/s doodle as well as some nightly stuff.
Was nice to contribute to this and I hope this helps motivate someone else to create

>> No.27149622

>rip my pen nibs too they are blunt so I need to get some more today
Fuck you Wacom for making them so expensive

>> No.27149790
File: 494 KB, 1174x1477, IMG_20210130_101754__01__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not very creative rn ideas would be appreciated. Bangs are an upward trending stock graph

>> No.27149878
Quoted by: >>27149928

I love the idea of the bangs

>> No.27149928
File: 677 KB, 1174x1477, IMG_20210130_101754__01__01__01__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tweaked lighting a bit

>> No.27149939

Those multicolored eyes look too spooky imho
I'd say right one, but make both eyes one color and make that stonks part of the hair with corresponding color (green for good stonks?)
Good job on details

>> No.27149951
Quoted by: >>27150021

I took a shot at it but it won't let me post pictures here

>> No.27149981
Quoted by: >>27153582

Ok, THIS is good shit. Need more personification though, so far looks like gamestop mascot instead of $GME happening. Still cute nevertheless.

>> No.27150010

That's a very high IQ approach, I like it

>> No.27150021

Holy shit kino composition anon. Blog?

>> No.27150074
Quoted by: >>27152002

The coomcat must be included with the drawings. That is non negotiable.

>> No.27150100
File: 19 KB, 393x380, 1574431500433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27150261

what the holy fuck is this cringe shit.
fuck me.

>> No.27150195

are we trying to get horny teenagers to invest? what the fuck? Go fucking wank off and stop drawing horny STOCK ANIME

>> No.27150261
Quoted by: >>27150658

soul. what nu simpsons lacks

>> No.27150319
Quoted by: >>27150626

add diamond hands if possible

>> No.27150449
Quoted by: >>27150658

add dick bulge for the lelz

>> No.27150453
Quoted by: >>27150658

GG got objectified too.

>> No.27150626
File: 655 KB, 1279x1482, IMG_20210130_103051__01__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27150658
File: 17 KB, 360x360, 1574431507603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You paper fucks are going soft the second the weekend starts
NOT MUH (((((SOUL)))))/ ((((((H O R N Y S T O C K A N I M E))))

>> No.27150711

Retard. Man has always warred with women in their hearts. That's why the battleships are all named after women.

>> No.27150731
Quoted by: >>27151067

Doing this means their holding or whatever right? They're distracted, leave them be

>> No.27150814
Quoted by: >>27151067


>> No.27150839
Quoted by: >>27151067

can't do shit untiul monday anyway. let the artists artiste.

>> No.27150941

>you will have me if you buy $GME
>i will stay with you if you hold me tight
>i will hate you for selling $GME

owo qtpie goth mommy big milkers gf

>> No.27150989
File: 274 KB, 720x720, 210130b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27151039
Quoted by: >>27151137

Girl in the back looks like one of our drafts lmao

>> No.27151067
File: 55 KB, 220x251, 220px-Widowmaker_Overwatch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.27151072

Melvin's last words before he was never seen again:
> Oh no

>> No.27151137
Quoted by: >>27151260

Boy in the front is named Melvin, he's gonna get squeezed~

>> No.27151154
Quoted by: >>27151826

Cute >>>>> badass >> horny

>> No.27151165

Draw it yourself you condescending faglord

>> No.27151260

^our first canon? Do we lemon-squeeze Melvin-boy?

>> No.27151280

Dubs of truth. You must be worthy of her and hold her a long time.

>> No.27151333

based, this is the best

>> No.27151452
File: 434 KB, 489x720, nobathroom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27151485
Quoted by: >>27151739

I wanna rape the Apple Loli!

>> No.27151739
Quoted by: >>27151817

She's underage, sicko

>> No.27151758
File: 575 KB, 2460x3087, 20210130_163618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27154777

Last post for me today.
Here is a slightly edited version. I will digitalize it
for you guys as soon as i get home & find the time.

Thank you for this wonderful thread
Also drawfags: stay creative, this is one of many
battles in meme propaganda and morale boosting.

I hope for a new thread soon

>> No.27151817

That's the whole point, BAKA!

>> No.27151826
Quoted by: >>27151904

your brain folded in on itself because you need a cute pathetic girlfriend to pair with your onions position?


>> No.27151904

Guess who did not buy $gme lol

>> No.27152002

>The coomcat must be included with the drawings. That is non negotiable.
Kek this, you suck at drawing anyway at least make it fun

>> No.27152061

If the thread dies there is this over in /i/ if you want to keep drawing and such

>> No.27153567
File: 118 KB, 1280x720, sui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27153710

>one green eye for profit and one red eye for loss
Awesome! Like in Rozen Maiden!

>> No.27153582

Yep! I love drawing on it, my PC gets no drawing action anymore lol.

Thanks anons. Ah yeah she's definitely more of a GS tan than a GME tan. My bad.

>> No.27153710


>> No.27153815

One on the left looks like a scene chick from the mid-2000s with daddy issues. Good shit though and does look like a grown up design of these loli designs

>> No.27154777

>>27151758 kid version
>>27149549 brown hair adult version
I like this