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26517508 No.26517508 [Reply] [Original]

Just watched a TA expert on youtube say it was going to correct to $18 at least.

>> No.26517558

yes it is over, LINK is cancelled.

>> No.26517594

Lol no.

>> No.26517622

dahm poor american tards always cash out this year. Pump usually happen about six hours from now
Don’t believe this fucking dumpers who tell that xrp will rise again, shit
Just follow me and my pool on poolz. Use your brains and get income with nft

>> No.26517690

Did his TA had some loops in it?

>> No.26517721

>$18 is now FUD

>> No.26517739
Quoted by: >>26519139

>TA expert

>> No.26517771
Quoted by: >>26517872

he just wants your links

>> No.26517872

yes, you can donate links to him if you want as a sign of appreciation

>> No.26517969
Quoted by: >>26518058

you are a retard. if it went to 18 today it would still go to 1k this year. you don't understand markets, may as well sell before you go poor

>> No.26518058

but he said eth will appreciate more than link since link is limited by eth growth. Is it true?

>> No.26518115


>> No.26518529
Quoted by: >>26518820

this whole thread is a larp, including the responses. jeez, how fucking bored are you lot?

>> No.26518820
File: 11 KB, 400x260, 1611395991174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up nufag.

>> No.26519089

No, that's nonsense. For one thing Link is blockchain agnostic and secondly that's like saying the internet can't become more valuable than a single computer manufacturer.

>> No.26519139
File: 364 KB, 790x671, ta expert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26519141
File: 1.72 MB, 828x1792, 1608305344855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, what ever happens, ALWAYS trust YouTube TA experts. You're gonna make it bro.

>> No.26520447
Quoted by: >>26520685

lol. I actually believe there's someone out there saying these things, too. People are retarded.

>> No.26520685

I mean, this is true, Link can't have a higher market cap than ETH

>> No.26521322

'run over' in the sense you can't make over 10x, and even 10x is a push

>> No.26521406

1000 freedom tokens eoy

>> No.26522366

>On Jewtube

Really, JIDF? Is this the kind of bait you're doing now? C'mon.

>> No.26522409

Post the youtube

>> No.26522425
Quoted by: >>26522874

does he have an expert license?

>> No.26522874

I don't know, good question. How can I check this? Is it supposed to be displayed in his channel somewhere?

>> No.26522996

/biz/ has been telling you motherfuckers to buy since it was 10 cents and yet now you complain because you waited until it was $30 to invest.

>> No.26523062

$25 is the new $13.20

>> No.26523109

Why did Sirgay betray us? We were all supposed to be in this together.

>> No.26523154

i sold my LINK tokens last night, will rebuy at $17