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26203099 No.26203099 [Reply] [Original]

Any handsome, tall, white and rich anons here?
Can you confirm with that you can go to a bar and effortlessly meet a DECENT chick and fuck here without getting into relationship (she should be ok with that too)?
Or is it just a meme and women will view you as provider/boyfriend regardless?

Thank you

>> No.26203129

im handsome tall white and relatively rich for my age. I hate women though so i wouldnt know

>> No.26203138

Good way to meet Chlamidya, hire a whore nigga, they're cleaner

>> No.26203162

u can . once for sure.
after a while she will try to pin you down, either just implicitly let her have that fantasy. never commit tho or be clear that u dont want a relationship and she is free to walk away.

>> No.26203165

>go to a bar
>meet a DECENT chick
Pick one and only one.

>> No.26203191

Key word is decent, and I mean that as attractive (8/10 or something) woman who is not otherwise easy, like a college girl who is staying in the same hotel as your parents. Doesn’t count sluts and actual whores

>> No.26203216

>you can go to a bar
If only.

>> No.26203237
Quoted by: >>26204251

6’2, swedish (in Finland), handsome anon here. Can confirm. I dosn’t guarantee anything but it dose give me a foot in the door so to speak.

>> No.26203287
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Quoted by: >>26210406

If I'm wearing full Ross? forget about it.

>> No.26203383
Quoted by: >>26203476

Listen anon, im not tall or particularly rich... im above average looking i suppose... but unless I live in a different reality than you, there is a type of girl who goes to bars looking for guys to fuck.

They're not quality girls. They're bar skanks.

are you implying bar slags reject you?
Im sorry anon.

>> No.26203476


>> No.26203545

Being handsome is living life on ez mode. Back when I was a degenerate I would go to clubs in Tokyo and women would buy me drinks. I would inevitably end up fucking their brains out that night.

>> No.26203547

yes, and I'm not even tall. most will try to get in touch afterwards

>> No.26203576

Just be yourself fren : )

>> No.26203591
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>> No.26203669

post a pic of what the average girl would look like? I'm tall and handsome and have thought about going to do this many times. But I'm in a loving relationship with the most amazing girl who is ironically half jap

>> No.26203691

Not even tall, rich, or particularly handsome and I've done this multiple times.

>> No.26203732
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Quoted by: >>26203857

>who is ironically half jap
How can you be ironically half jap?

>> No.26203802

>decent chicks
media lied to you. Decent chicks are met at work or libraries, during university, in clubs (be it sports, music or whatever)
But certainly not at parties or bars.

>> No.26203838

I'm somewhat handsome, tall and white and on my way to making it but I don't go to bars nor do I really talk to women so I can't say anon.

>> No.26203857
Quoted by: >>26204188

Ironic in the sense that I want to go fuck japanese women when my gf is japanese herself

>> No.26203887
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Never EVER date or marry one. They get off on fucking handsome foreigners and are massive sluts. I’m fluent in nipnong so I ended up marrying a qt virgin from a bumfuck farmer town but I had my fun with gyaru back in the day.
Don’t listen to what retards tell you on here about 5/10s being able to pull Japanese cute girls. You need to be a 7/10 minimum unless you want to fuck a dog faced gaijin hunters. The cute ones have their options so they don’t fuck ugly weebs

>> No.26203987
Quoted by: >>26204222

At least you date the Japanese girls from Japan, not the american ones.

>> No.26204134

i'm 6'4 with blue eyes, plenty of muscle, and a decent face. I've been with plenty of women but yellow fever is setting in hard the last few years. I always wanted to go to town in Asia. But my gf is a very attractive virgin and we've worked hard to build a functional relationship. Our sex life is pretty meh though

>> No.26204188
File: 9 KB, 224x212, ohho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not irony.

>> No.26204191

>good sex life
pick one anon, though either are a larp

>> No.26204215

It’s that simple anon. Being tall and handsome pays off dividends.

>> No.26204222

Yeah Americanized asians are fucking terrible. Usually obnoxiously left.
I have a haffu daughter now and can’t decide if I should move back or not. I hate a lot about American culture but I hate the wageslaving in Tokyo and I want to buy land.
If your girlfriend is a good person and attractive I would say you keep her. Fucking sluts is fun for a while but it is fleeting and finding a nice woman to make your wife is very difficult, especially a virgin (which does matter regardless of what blown out roastoids will tell you)

>> No.26204251

halva inne kek

>> No.26204250

6' 4 handsome American here. The answer is yes.

>> No.26204271
Quoted by: >>26204341

can confirm
if you are tall and white and average or above looking Bitches in tokyo nightclubs will try to fuck you
you dont even have to put in the effort of approaching them
they aren’t girlfriend material though and are of course mentally ill most of the times
im going back after things turn normal again

>> No.26204341

This, any girl who is willing to do a one night stand after college is 99% a whackjob, and def wrap it up as well

>> No.26205234

>Being handsome is living life on ez mode.
Truly it is. I'm a total dick and a weirdo but everyone, male and female, likes me and treats me with respect because I'm handsome.

>> No.26205582

yea its ez. girls give you shiny eyes usually when you walk in the room. all i have to do from that point is not fuck it up. its nice but you start to strive for a higher calling after a while

>> No.26205752

>girls give you shiny eyes usually
>tfw no girl gives you the ol' shiny eyes
knew i wasnt gonna make it

>> No.26205763

I tick those boxes, but have discovered that being an autist cancels all that out. I can pull if drunk as fuck, but otherwise lack basic conversation skills, so I can’t do anything other than creep people out.

>> No.26205780

Yeah that's what handsome people do, surf on 4chan.

>> No.26205883


>> No.26205931

I’m tall, handsome and social and I can fuck girls easily I meet at bars. It gets kinda gross though after a while. I’m 25 and I’ve fucked probably 50-60 girls. Now I just meet girls on hinge and have a nice rotation. I usually fucked 2-3 of em a week and then cut them off when they get clingy and add new ones

>> No.26206211
Quoted by: >>26206568

Yes. You can be a non-loser, have sex, and be rich and still browse here faggot.

>> No.26206365

It's absolutely true. I'm fat now so ain't getting any pussy anymore. But there are a metric shit ton of women out there who'll suck your cock if you're able to present yourself in a way which'll make their friends envious.

>Used to just be a tall, dorky, and socially retarded

>Became fairly wealthy, fit , confident, and learned to talk with people.
Started getting laid regularly

>sold company, became fat
Back to incel life, just with a decent bank account

>> No.26206459

>shiny eyes
What is this anon? When I lock eyes with girls they just have a poker face. I'm not sure if I've seen a glint in anyone's eyes

>> No.26206568

I'm not saying they couldn't, just that they don't. Handsome people go to Twitter and Instagram, it feeds their egos with all the like notifications.

>> No.26206662

Sounds like you're the one that doesn't belong if that appeals to you.

>> No.26206683

All these larp lmao

>> No.26206713
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mfw bars have been closed since forever

>> No.26206720
Quoted by: >>26207251

All hinges on your social skills, you could be the most top tier good looking guy but when they find you you are an awkward sperg it's like repellent, women HATE awkward conversations. No they won't just giggle and go along with it anyway like in your fantasies.

>> No.26206724
Quoted by: >>26207342

First of all, I can tell you're an ugly loser.

Secondly, just because your attractive doesn't mean you're a retarded consumer sheeple normie.

>> No.26206726
Quoted by: >>26207015

It's unironically in the eyes, anon. If you get the impression she's interested, then make the move.

>> No.26206870
Quoted by: >>26207481

I'm tall and handsome because of luck.
I'm rich because I don't waste my time, money or effort on w*men. They don't deserve me.

>> No.26206932

Hello me

>> No.26206974
Quoted by: >>26207096

Hi gaylord

>> No.26207015
Quoted by: >>26207484

Idk man the way they look at me I can't tell if they just think I'm strange looking or not
I've locked eyes with a few after I caught them looking but I feel like I'm assuming something that isn't really there.
Almost on the verge of an office space style introduction with some of these chicks but I'm convinced it won't go as smooth as I think it will lmao

>> No.26207096

>t. has never talked to a woman his age

You can have sex with women while still hating their being.

>> No.26207188
Quoted by: >>26207346

>everyone, male and female, likes me and treats me with respect
oh anon...

>> No.26207251
File: 79 KB, 664x1024, 1609961937641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. For any given night there are a lot of variables in play. How you look, how you approach, how many girls to guys there are at the bar, how you feel that night, how drunk you are. The better looking/more women you approach the better your odds of getting laid that night. You dont need 10 no's, you just need 1 yes.
If the chick looks even slightly interested, approach. You'll figure out real quick if shes into you. The worst that happens is you go home alone and avoid an STD. As long as you go out with the intention of having a good time you will never be disappointed.

>> No.26207342
Quoted by: >>26210385

I think it's odd the way you conflate being ugly with being a loser.
Also your use of the words retarded, normie and sheeple. Very unhandsome of you. I think you're lying.

>> No.26207346

You would too if we were talking face to face.

>> No.26207394

no amount of money will fix autism

>> No.26207430
Quoted by: >>26207859

the eyes never lie. this applies to many situations in life. hard to describe, but in particular young girls when i was growing up. its just a way they show interest

>> No.26207481

incredibly based. don't let them steal your essence. be strong. raise a family

>> No.26207484
Quoted by: >>26207859

Keep in mind that most people at the bar are looking for something similar, social interaction. If you talk to her and you read the situation wrong then you move on, no harm no foul. The upside is potentially getting your dick wet. Do the math, if the potential for an awkward situation is less then the potential for getting laid then approach. Do this over a long enough period and your odds of getting laid approach 1. If you never approach then you will never get laid.

>> No.26207629
File: 92 KB, 640x420, 03EE26FF-8C8E-4A68-AE9F-DDC2D97C952E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you walk into a room, if a woman sees you and touches her hair, she wants to fuck. Look for it. It’s a subconscious self grooming mechanism. Approach with an irrational lack of self doubt without being a dick. Easy game.

>> No.26207681

same except Im poor

>> No.26207859
Quoted by: >>26208106

Done the bar thing, got over my fuck everything that moves phase in high school/college. Not really looking for one night flings personally
Thanks for the tip anon. Just been doubting myself lately, plus pandemic mask bs is gay as fuck and kills my mojo

>> No.26208106
Quoted by: >>26208210

yea. it all comes from within. i've been beta a bunch of times too. when you are living right by working out and doing good things it will emanate. lift weights, get sun, make money, dismiss thots. find a good girl at church or get lucky and find the 1/10,000 on dating sites. and remember they want to cover up attractive people with masks because its the source of their jealousy and resentment. don't wear em

>> No.26208160

Handsome and tall White guy, not rich, checking in. Yes I can. Sex is easy and effortless. But it's a grass is greener thing. Pussy is nice but when you're getting it, it's not on your mind and not that important

>> No.26208210
Quoted by: >>26208788

Based. Been doing no fap naturally lately, I just lost interest. I guess thats the next step. Thanks for the encouragement fren

>> No.26208461

Handsome, tall, white and rich checking in.

It's ridiculously easy to get laid. Tinder has changed everything about the dating scene, even non Tinder meetings.

The problem is, most "decent" women want a relationship. This is just normal female psychology. Mentally balanced women don't want to have to deal with a procession of man whore players. If you're handsome, tall, white, and rich, they'll want to nail you down, and the more desirable you are, the more clingy they'll get. They'll fall in love.

In fact, you might have better chances of a no strings attached hookup if you have some flaws attached to you, like relative poverty, or being of a race unacceptable for a long term relationship, or having a mild personality disorder or drug problem.

>> No.26208604

i met all my gf on the internet never been to a bar alone in my life

>> No.26208788

no problem bud. stay off the porn. we're pulling for you and your success

>> No.26208858
File: 9 KB, 205x246, CCCCFE48-A6E8-42E7-9C5A-C4682CF85656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26209206


Goddammit I hate being 5’4. This entire lifestyle is out of my reach. I will never have a girl want to have sex with me for any reason besides money. I’m white with a decent face and have money but height is a death sentence

>> No.26208961

They do i'm reading this

>> No.26208992

Stop saying this shit it’s not true the all time low is wrong, it was never such low
Better buy base and you will be rich

>> No.26209147
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Quoted by: >>26209379

I used to go out when I wasn't rich yet.
Some girls showed interest but quickly hit abort when it turned out I was an autist. The way you act is much more important. They can smell confidence.
However I remember on NY eve I wore a decent shirt and got really drunk and I made out with 4 girls that night, I feel like the moment they see you making out with another girl they start flocking. This is backed up by a few more other nights where I was in a good mood, makes a huge difference. But usually I'm just a brooding autist so avoided.

As for being rich, it's not a meme in the sense that being rich can give you a confidence boost and buy you some nice clothes. But that's all.

>> No.26209206

just become a tranny

>> No.26209211
File: 197 KB, 494x380, Screenshot at dec. 02 21-58-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26209379

Im white tall handsome, smart and witty, have a deep voice, been approached multiple times by women, never had gf, only kissed a girl once in summertime

tfw having hardcore intimacy emotional problems

>> No.26209257

I'm tall, rich and white. I also don't go outside.

>> No.26209270

The last statement is interesting.

I had an easier time getting nsa hookups 5 years ago, when I was poor (working 20 hours a week for 20 dollars an hour) and living with my parents. Now I have a six figure salary.

I always attributed the increased difficulty in getting nsa hookups to age, but perhaps that was also a factor.

>> No.26209358

Wtf someone is whorepilled on this board? I've fucked many escorts and all my annual tests for Sti and stds are negative. Granted they did say some diseases might take years before appearing so who knows. I'm reaching 40 now so who gives a fuck. Been fucking escorts since 24.

>> No.26209379

Also I am 6'3

can attest to this. When they find out you have prospects they lose interest in flings.

anon it's easiest if you go with some people that are not very close friends, it forces you to step out of your comfort zone.
If you manage to get one of the girls laughing, ask if she wants to get a smoke and try to kiss her outside. Usually works.

>> No.26209400 [DELETED] 
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I am not handsome, nor am I tall. I am also not white, I am skinnyfat, but I am probably not ugly, am might be handsome in fact. There are times when I could have succeeded with qts but I was too socially autistic with any romantic interaction with women. I am a virgin at age 28.

Anyways, I am a Accountant/Lawyer. So, I will be rich. I also made a lot of money witg crypto.

I think confidence is what we anons lack. As long as you are confident, you can get a qt. Confidencs is NOT gained by beeing urself, but rather by improving yourself.

>> No.26209479
Quoted by: >>26209519

I am not tall. I am also not white, I am skinnyfat, but I am probably not ugly, I might be handsome in fact. There are times when I could have succeeded with qts but I was too socially autistic with any romantic interaction with women. I am a virgin at age 28.

Anyways, I am a Accountant/Lawyer. So, I will be rich. I also made a lot of money witg crypto.

I think confidence is what we anons lack. As long as you are confident, you can get a qt. Confidencs is NOT gained by beeing urself, but rather by improving yourself.

>> No.26209519
Quoted by: >>26209737

exactly, and the way to improve yourself is by stepping out of your comfort zone.

>> No.26209604

Anons. Its not that hard. Not tall, but have a cool loft, and a personality. The pandemic has been great for getting laid. I have been using Tinder since my breakup in June. It’s great because after chatting for a day or 2, and maybe a video date, women are willing to come over for a movie. 4 out of 5 are there to have sex. If you don’t want to continue you can stop texting after or say you have exposure to covid and boom they disappear. If you aren’t a neet living at your moms house or a total ogre this is easy times frens.

>> No.26209737
Quoted by: >>26209869

>improve yourself
>valuable member of society
>what does your father think
This is /pol/ brain wash. It doesn't belong here.

>> No.26209869
Quoted by: >>26210079

you forgot to include integrity, sense of self worth, non-degenerate. none of that malarkey belongs here

>> No.26210079

If you believe that /pol/ has a high sense of self worth, you are beyond delusional. Until you can see through their bullshit, may I recommend that you stay there?

>> No.26210117

>going to a bar to meet women

what are you 50?

>> No.26210240


pick 2

>> No.26210267

>handsome, tall, white and rich anons here?

Can tell you know nothing about how slayers actually slay. Stop reading women's magazines.

>> No.26210289

Buy $CLF


>> No.26210333

is pic supposed to be attractive?
i guess i have different tastes to white men

>> No.26210385

Read the halo effect lol, but a lot of folks do compare ugly with poorness

>> No.26210406


>> No.26210425

I don't really go to bars anymore, but when I did I used to be able to get some skirt pretty easily. Wasn't rich either, just tall and handsome.
The quality varied quite alot though as I was often rather drunk.

>> No.26210530

Mail order Asian anon....

>> No.26210559

You won't find a decent girl in a bar unless you go somewhere she's on vacation (vegas, ny) and she's newly single, on a bachelorette party etc.

If you just want a discreet fucktoy apps are the way to go. Have to know how the game is played on there, but easy once you get it.

If you want a high quality woman you need social access and have to be willing to wait for sex. Really high quality women won't fuck you at least until you're in a committed relationship. The upside is they'll generally tell you up front because their goal isn't getting fucked, it's finding someone long term.

>> No.26211725

6'1 Chad genetics, but socially introverted INTJ where I don't like people that much. Only had one, one night stand. Wasn't that hard, but I found it to irritating to talk to a roastie for the time not having sex and I wanted her to leave right after sex. However I was too polite to just tell her to leave. A night of talking about "wow racism is bad. Orange man bad. Police bad." Was a "deep conversation".

Traditional Vietnamese gf now. Cooks for me, takes care of me. Can't really get past how much I dislike 99% of humans to get into hookup culture.