>$1.25 resistance broken Next step: $100We made it, RLCbros
dear anonymous,today, i officially became an oiler.go, oilers!
There is no actual push to buy it, it's literally one mini-whale trying to force the price up, presumably to dump on people who buy above his walls. And then there's another mini-whale actively blocking it from going above 1.3. The price needs to dump back to a dollar and then surge to 2 dollars in order to wipe these faggots out first.
>>26163914Mini whale was probably the wrong word to use. Dolphin? Faggot with a stack large enough to push the price up or down on a relatively small coin like this which otherwise has little momentum.
>>26163914These mini-whales are actually big-whales trying to fool you into sellingFully SEC compliant eRLC offering coming, Coinbase coming, Orange and EDF will finally use it
>>26163999>fool you into selling>by pushing the price up to dump on youYeah you're a faggot and a retard, fuck you and your stack you nigger.
fuck this digital cow pat scam anons buy rubic instead
>>OPwhy are people buying this
>>26164108In two weeks when pajeets sell and threads cease nobody will know what is/was Rubic
>>26164141The thing is that no one is. It's literally a dude with a 16k stack trying to force the price up while a dude with a 30k stack prevents it from going beyond 1.3. The support is artificial and at any point in time he could move his stack out of the way and the price would dump.
>>26164266I should also mention earlier there was another guy with a 40k stack that forced the price down to 21 cents from 29, so frankly if you're buying while this fuckery is going on you're going to get fucked.
>>OPWe're going back to sub 1$. The team is dead and Iexec is just doing consultant work. They're not businessmen, they're geeks running a fucking science experiment and sitting on a fortune of ICO money. They cant even fucking hire competent people to actually get shit done. Fuck these french faggots, hope they get stabbed in that piece of shit nigger infested hellhole that Lyon is.
>>26164266do you expect us to believe $50k worth of buying/selling is what's making the price move? the 24h volume is currently $6.6M.
>>26164462NSMDO nigger
>>26164462>We're going back to sub 1$.No we're not
what keeps you RLC holders alive? what drives your resilience? I researched the project back in 2017/2018 and held a small position as late as 2019 but I've not seen anything fundamentally change for me to re-enter this market. sure its seen gains in the last year but it looks like nothing more than noise cause by the BTC bullrun which will inevitably subside. Are most of you just desperate $1+ bagholders that have nothing left but hope?
>>26164560Spotted the nigger with the 20k stack trying to push the price up with fake support.
>>26164904Quantum immortality
>>26164904My average buy price is 30 cents
>>26164905okay, then explain to me how 0.5% of the volume is propping up the price. genuinely curious because that seems like nigger-level logic to me.
>>26164357>>26164266>>26164072>>26163962>>26163914Wow, this amount of cope is unheard of...>>26164141This is the safest and easiest 100x.
>>26164905lol dude we already know that you're a retard, now you can fuck off
>>26165105Because nobody is selling
>>26165192confirmed nigger. doesn't know what volume is.
>>26165145It's probably actually a 1000x
>>26164905>>26165192The absolute state of iExec fudders
>>26165367Kid said:>Whale>Dolphin (kek)>16 k stackLMAO
>>26165335this but uninronically
>>26165407Kek I guess I'm a whale with 50k.
>>26166118Based imagine not having 870 barrels
>>OP>Next step: $1.00ftfy
>>26166175$2?? It better do better than that! More like $200 by EOY
>>261662045900 barrels here anon will I make it ;')
https://confidential-computing.iex.ec/FUCK YEAH
>>26166204can someone explain the 87xx meme to me
>>26166439Circulating supply is 87 million
>>26166493Total supply, I mean. Circulating is 80m
>>26166439At 1t market cap just 87 RLC will make you a millionaire
>>26166439 this v>>26166493So basically, only 10 000 people can own 8700 barrels.
>>26166537RLC is going much higher than 200 at some point anon. It can't be ignored for much longer
>>26166604>So basically, only 10 000 people can own 8700 barrels.this shit sounds to good to be true when I think about it, and I have 12k
>>26166854I've been holding for 4 years tell me how anything sounds too good to be true at this point. I've held for what feels like half of bitcoins life
>>OPwhy would I but this when CUDOS just launched and is better at decentralized cloud computing in every way?
>>26166939You shill this in every RLC thread. Stay poor, cudos for trying though
>>26166939I own both :)
>>26166939Because nobody cares about your shitcoin. If you could understand what AMF's certification means, or that Gilles has been working on iExec sinnce 2000... you wouldnt be shilling
>>26166939Developer here. There are no docs, no SDK, no demos, no examples and if you want to develop a dapp for this network you have to fill a form and become a "tech partner"Huge redflag
>>26167478BS. Dumb nigger, they are releasing demos after demos, and have you been on their slack? Fuck you're pathetic.
>>26167585He's taking about cudos fren kek
>>26167711LOL. Right
>>26165192low iq. SHAME!
>>26167962Imagine selling only retards would sell
>>26163999Trips says so
iExec will burn faces when the time comes.
>>26165273>doesn't know how order books workif the sells aren't selling into the buy order book then the price won't go down Rajesh, and the price maintaining means that nobody is moving up or moving down and you said volume is super low right? aka nobody is sellingnigger
>>26168227BULLISH B U L L I S H
>>OPFeels so fucking comfy.
someone post the logo with all the partnerships please
>>26169546thanks, getting my buddy to join the party
>>26169530Jakarta famous night club is missing from that list
>>26169546Where's the seal of approval from AMF?
>>26169713Add it
Bros, i'm bullish on this
>>26165037How about an argument for why someone should buy now?
>>26166204That's why I have 1870
>>26170333>Only 10,000 people can have 8700
>>26170333>feb enterprise market>usa approval inc>tranny party EOYnow fuck off you dog
What happens if no one buys eRLC once the public offering becomes available?
>>26170333It's not even top 100 lmao
>>26171829nothing, anyone can swap to eRLC after the swap
>>26171829Then Gilles will activate the scam mode and buy everything himself. Just trust him dude