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25942590 No.25942590 [Reply] [Original]

A while back I promised to make a thread about how to use money with women for a variety of different desired outcomes. This is that thread.

For many this will be remedial, but I feel it is necessary as the number one reason I see men who are newly rich fuck up their lives is by using money to try to buy women or by allowing women control over their money.
As with similar posts I'll start out with basic theory, then move towards use-case specific theory, then give a series of examples then answer any questions anons have. If you want questions answered throw them in the thread and I'll start answering them after I get done with the main posts.

Above all else remember this: you may think that what men or women do with respect to sexual relationships is right or wrong or that it is logical or illogical or that it is fair or unfair.

Exactly none of that matters. If you can't accept that first stop reading now.

>> No.25942686

let's hear it you faggot

>> No.25942836

Inb4 entry level evolutionary psychology. I guess that's occult knowledge to the normies here though.

>> No.25943260

Everything that I'm about to write can be derived from basic biology. In short, a man is biologically successful if he can have many children by (ideally) many different women and those children go on to create successful grandchildren, repeating the process. It doesn't matter whether he actually does these things, but the attributes that allow him the option of doing those things are the ones viewed as attractive to women.
Similarly, women are sexually desirable if they are able to bear children who themselves are likely to go on to be successful.

Because men and women are different biologically, their reproductive tactics are different too. Men generally don't care about if women are financially successful but do care greatly if they are beautiful. Women will gladly marry a man who is ugly who has a powerful, irrevocable status like that of a prince or the son of a prominent family.

And that's where money comes in. Many of you think that money is a turn-on to women. This is only partially true. A man who becomes rich but is unable to protect his assets has zero chance of raising children in a life of wealth and privilege. For that man his money may even lower his sexual market value if he is so weak otherwise that his wealth just lets more people take advantage of him.

For this reason the use of money is as important as how much you have. The beauty of money is that it allows a fast track to what is otherwise a very slow genetic competition. Obviously everyone wants a beautiful intelligent partner, and if you are able to acquire money, and, most importantly, use it as a source of power, you can skip the line and fuck, date or marry way above your genetic lot in life.

If you doubt what I'm saying, look at Jeff Bezos. He's a man as rich as they come married to a disgusting worn out whore. Even worse, there aren't women lining up to take her title because they know, deep in their genetics, that he will bear them children like him.

>> No.25943518

bezos divorced his wife and now he goes out with latina milf newswoman, right? or is that old news?

>> No.25943764

>Everything that I'm about to write can be derived from basic biology
OP just tl;dr-ed 2,500 years of history and culture

>> No.25943911
Quoted by: >>25947106

>A while back I promised to make a thread about how to use money with women for a variety of different desired outcomes
>Still has not done the above

>> No.25944348
Quoted by: >>25947106

I wouldn't mind as I am somehow currently paying £1400 a month so my Mother does not lose her house. It stings as I know for a fact I'm not the sole recipient of the house despite being her only child.

>> No.25945063
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Quoted by: >>25947106

this post is retarded and OP is gay

>> No.25945225

Let's start with the easiest case-specific theory and move up from there. I'll admit when we get to the absolute top (in terms of women) it is much, much harder. When I say top I mean specifically young beautiful virgin women who are looking only for commitment and come from prominent well-formed families who themselves do not need money. These women are rare and hard to access.

From the bottom, however, the situation is much much easier. Many of you will become rich and suddenly be surrounded by men who are successful with life, family and women while you have none of this. Here's where to start.

Realize that if you do not offer a great genetic package and do not have access to power through your connections, your money is your biggest asset. To that end, if a woman is even considering fucking, dating or getting involved with you, she is going to test that asset the hardest. If you're a 3 and a 7 asks you to buy her a necklace or take her on a trip, you should effectively never do it (unless of course she's your wife and the mother of your children). Expect this kind of testing the most.
So what should you do if you're at the bottom to be able to pass these tests?
- First, you need to understand what it means to be in a power position and rewire your brain to accept the new reality of your position. You are now a better catch than that 7 so long as you have the will and the intelligence to keep your money yours and growing forever. Some men use whores, others use "sugar baby" relationships, others use their money to put themselves in relative positions of power through more noble means (donate a pittance to an organization full of young women and get photo ops and hand written thank yous). The point is that you have to see women and money as transactional rather than separate entities.

Note that women will gladly do these transactions but they never, ever will verbalize or acknowledge them. Why? The answer is again biological.

>> No.25945228

Let me summarize for you faggots since OP is a faggot and cannot be brief.
> Face
> Money
> Height
In that order for attracting women. That's it.
Also, MacKenzie Scott was basically Jeff Bezos' Empress Theodora; she held that company together and deserves every penny.

>> No.25945356
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Quoted by: >>25947106

OP just stop.

>> No.25945451
File: 23 KB, 352x356, 1579934922767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When I say top I mean specifically young beautiful virgin women
you are mentally retarded. that's not "top". top is being able to have a good conversation with her and not get bored, day after day. while being sexually attracted as well. that's about it

young beautiful virgin women

are you fucking serious. you sound like a fucking ISIS trainee terrorist

>> No.25945493
Quoted by: >>25947106

next post will mention dowries

>> No.25945582

Women and men differ in physical and social strength. The average man can beat 99% of women in an unarmed fight to the death; the average woman can socially out maneuver 99% of men when the stakes are high, as they are in romantic/reproductive situations. Because of this the ability of women to test men with only the reproductively valuable men passing that test is of the utmost importance. It is as important as mens vision is in finding beautiful women.

As a man who has money, you must first and foremost show that you have that ability to retain that money as yours. Not as your families, not as hers and yours, but as exclusively yours. If you can't do this you are likely to bear sons who also can't do this and so are destined to be broke and sexually valueless.

If you're at the bottom make absolutely sure that nothing you do with women jeopardizes your wealth. Practically speaking that means that you should be offering transactional interactions without ever saying that they are transactional. Men who get this do things like say "I'm taking a trip to X to do Y thing that I like, if you want to come you can." They buy a car that they personally like rather than one they hope a woman will like. And they're not afraid to be brutally bluntly honest with respect to money and social interaction. If you're 40 and fat, walking up to a beautiful 19 year old with her friends and saying "would you take $1000 to sleep with me" has a zero percent chance of working, even if the girl is in desperate need of money and happened to have a fat old man fetish. To her the loss of social status is as grave as a loss of wealth is to you. If you do things properly, however, by walking up to her at her job, asking if she has any interest in trying sales, and then discreetly proposition her in private and in a way she knows her friends will never find out, you'll have more success as the guys who used to run girlsdoporn (as they also had do convince the girls to do film).

>> No.25945668
Quoted by: >>25947106

Virgin cope, or beta provider. Prove me wrong.

>> No.25945793
Quoted by: >>25947106

He divorced his wife to be with a disgusting worn-out whore.

>> No.25945799

Note that simply by showing that you understand these unspoken rules, you immediately are higher value. The reality of the world of a young beautiful woman is hard to understand unless you've been around a lot of them. A good way to get exposure, social proof and confidence is to put them in an intrinsically inferior position which breaks your societal conditioning that women are special.

The great irony in this is that many of you will be so well conditioned that you'll be upset about this and intentionally fail the tests that women throw at you because you want their validation so bad. You'll say things like "I want a good conversation" or "someone I have something in common with" If you read any literature outside the trash written in the last 40 years you'll realize that this has been known since time immemorial to be a fools errand. Men will never find an intellectual equal in women and they should not want to. One step further, women don't want that. They want a man they look up to and always feel somewhat inferior to so that they feel led, protected and lucky.

Men fuck women they find beautiful
Women fuck men they respect
Love is the societal justification

Lets move on to the next step: you aren't a complete loser with women, but you are looking for a short or long term relationship with a high quality woman (but not the absolute apex).

How do you use money to do that?

>> No.25945844

>leaving personality out of the ranking

>> No.25945967
Quoted by: >>25946115

Again harsh truth up front: you cannot skip steps
If you're just a dyed in the wool beta male and just want to get your 5 million to get a cutie to cuddle with, that's not going to happen. You have to have the experience with women such that the one you eventually get knows that you could have other women if you wanted.

This is another element that nobody talks about with respect to the happiest marriages: they are strong and happy because of an upfront public commitment (usually through their religion) and also because the members of the marriage are in a non-needy state of harmony with respect to their marriage itself. A man who secretly worries about his wife leaving him because he doesn't think he can do better will eventually turn into a needy little bitch whose wife will grow to resent him. A woman who lets herself go will herself (!) hate the man who is so weak that he doesn't issue her an ultimatum: lose the weight or lose me. The exact same thing applies to money for marriage: if she knows you're too stupid to protect your assets (in other words she knows she can walk away and take half of your stuff) she will view you as a weaker, dumber and less desirable mate when compared to a man who has his assets protected in a way where she knows she will get nothing. Even if you are 100% in love and know you will never divorce, a woman will prefer a man who knows how to shield his assets from her, just like a man will prefer a woman who has only had sex with him versus one who has been used by other men.

>> No.25945973
Quoted by: >>25947405

all women are whores

>> No.25946033
File: 22 KB, 705x301, 1593770640834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25947405

>all that shit
this is why i straight up don't interact with women at all

>> No.25946115
Quoted by: >>25946377

For the man looking to use wealth to get high quality women, first become confident with average and below women as above (whores, sugar babies, other transactional fucks), then use your money to gain access to higher quality women through accessing things that require money. Women respect men who do this because they are passing the test: they know that women want an easy way to preselect men of means but would not have the poor social skills to come out and say it. These women will again test you by trying to find out how much money you have, how you got it, what your plans are for it etc. Giving away this information is showing weakness. Redirecting the conversation to the ways in which you're bringing pleasure to yourself with your money (and leaving the door open for her to join you in doing this) is the way to pass the test because you are displaying that you know wealth preservation is an important part of the package you are offering.

>> No.25946291

you are a virgin aren't you?

>> No.25946351
File: 395 KB, 1125x1798, 1607912712822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is PUA bullshit with an appeal-to-authority pseudo-academic "evolutionary biology/social psychology" spin on it and tells me that the author of this thread has spent countless hours in a basement seething and alone. As long as you treat women as some kind of thing to be conquered and possessed, and as an enemy instead of an ally, you will continue to seethe, alone, in a basement.

Make them laugh. Ask questions so they get to talk about themselves, and express genuine interest. Women, as you pointed out in such wonderfully autistic language, are good at smelling bullshit, so don't fake it. They will try to manipulate you- if you aren't dumb, and aren't wearing rose-colored glasses, you will be able to spot this manipulation from a mile away. Indicate to them that you aren't falling for it- cheerfully show them that their tricks aren't working, like you would a small child who is trying to convince you they haven't eaten a cookie when they have chocolate on their face. Be assertive but not an asshole. If they do something bad, then punish them by withdrawing your attention, affection and/or support and they will come crawling back. Or not! If not, then go on with your life.

It's difficult right now because the cultural climate is supercharged and social media (and especially dating apps) are essentially an extremely sophisticated and high-powered psyop to make everyone hate and mistrust one another. Still, if you find girls with whom you share common interests and are temperamentally and behaviorally compatible, and not too judgemental, it should be possible to find someone to date.

Good luck anons! It's rough out there. If you're having a hard time meeting someone, try to use the time to work on yourself. Nothing sexier than a man who is passionate about something and working towards a goal.

>> No.25946377
Quoted by: >>25946703

Finally, a word on the absolute highest end women. Again, they have their pick of men in their youth so no, there itsn't any magic bullet. You really do have to be strong in all fields, but the magic box to tick is that of "true signals" and the easiest way to do that is through leadership.

Let me explain: if you make a great first impression and a woman is really into you but then she catches you in a lie, she is not going to think "well everything else was good, he's probably great" she's going to think it was all a lie and run away. On the flip side if she finds out that another woman really wanted you to date her and you friendzoned her, she is immediately going to think that you have huge sexual value and that she needs to try hard to impress you.

The easiest way to do this for someone with money is to leverage having money (note I did not say use your money, just your position as someone who has money) into leadership positions.

Two situations to consider:
1. You walk up to a random young beautiful woman and offer her advice on cryptocurrency
2. You give a talk as a successful investor to a women's business or investment group on a college and then end up talking to them individually crypto

See the difference? That's what generally separates the absolute highest end guys (and gives access to the top tier women). Things like "fame" are just iterations of being able to create artificial scarcity on your side and inflate competition on hers.

OK, on to the examples (note all of these assume you have money and want to use it as maximum leverage to get what you want from a woman):

>> No.25946560
Quoted by: >>25947405


Social status should be added here and that doesn't mean regarded highly by people in society but more like having a consistent net work of friends that actively seek your time because of your personality

>> No.25946703

The absolute bottom: you're ugly, no social skills and poor hygiene. First, clean yourself up, then become completely at ease with where you are and what you want. Fuck hookers if you want, speak privately and bluntly about what you want from normal women and gain a background of female experience. There is a reason that many prominent families pay to have their sons fucked by high end working girls so that they don't get taken advantage of by normal women. Do not ever give money, gifts, online donations or anything else that by its very nature shows that you cannot hold on to money.

The next step up: You're a lifelong beta with your eye on that special girl but you're too much of a pussy to ask her out. Ask her to do something where she serves you to benefit another woman instead: if you've always wanted a nice car go talk to a female salesperson at a high end car dealer (they always tend to be decent looking 30's and 40's) and ask the girl to come along to give her opinion. The setup where the other woman is well dressed and wants something from you (you to buy the car) creates artificial scarcity. Do not buy the car because it's not up to your standards and you hate "being sold" (which implies that you have semi attractive women around you frequently).

Let's say you're a guy with money but live in a place (for whatever reason) that doesn't have many attractive women around. Use your money and the power of the internet to find attractive women and pay to fly her to you but never gifts or cash for her. The storyline of a "gross old man" paying for a young pretty girl and she just ends up falling for him after a series of fucks is pretty common. The story of that same man giving her gifts, cash or anything else that is non-transactional and her ending up with her is non-existent.

And finally, the thing that a lot of men are going to really struggle with in this thread is being dishonest with yourself.

>> No.25946762


I used to do the stuff you're saying, and it worked 5-10+ years ago . But now with tinder, women have no reason to fuck a guy who isn't a square-jawed chad unless they're getting some kind of resources or status.

>inb4 limiting beliefs or whatever
It's just reality. I've been using dating apps for a long time and I've personally seen my success rate fall off a cliff, despite my game getting better.

>> No.25946836
Quoted by: >>25947460

The brutal truth is that no man actually wants things that are evolutionarliy disadvantageous. Some men will delude themselves into thinking they like older women because they're too cowardly to go for younger ones, but in the end they're just lying to themselves to try and gain social acceptance (notice how all of the things that are actually good in women eg youth/beauty/virginity are the ones mainstream society pushes the opposite of?).

It's all a big shit test. Some of us have had dating and married lives better than you can possibly imagine simply because we're smart enough to realize what the test is and allow 99% of men to fail themselves out of the dating market. We're happy, the women who laugh at nice guys behind their backs are happy and the guys looking for a "partner" get them after guys like me had their best years so that someone can work to enjoy our leftovers.

>> No.25946858
Quoted by: >>25947452

I've seen so many cases where this gets disproved. Nice day dreaming kid

>> No.25946978
Quoted by: >>25947452

OP answer this question please. It matters

>> No.25947060

here my frens, is the bitter redpill. Stack sats and this shit will come easy. Remember, millions of women are turning 18 (or whatever is legal in your country) everyday so the value of the roasties in the current market drops / bleeds out every day. So don't hate if they are "dating up", especially with the clown world that is tinder / bumble ; they've only got one chance to make it. On the contrary, not every man wants to or is not capable of bettering themselves. So your value automatically increases if you are striving to make it.

>> No.25947106
Quoted by: >>25947454

You're partially right but I did try to specifically show how money can be leveraged into sexual success (by definition without sacrificing much/any of the money, which ironically is the correct way to leverage money into sex)
A woman so foul I would not be able to get an erection looking at her naked and bent over
I tried
We had someone stop by so I got sidetracked
I would strongly recommend speaking to her about that. She will respect you for it.
This is incorrect. I generally only associate with men with extremely high end wives and prior I spent time around men who had access to the hottest girls. While you are correct that those groups have more tall, wealthy, good looking men the men who were not already from that world (did not grow up wealthy) generally only had the wealth. This is the group being targeted with this post.
And I agree Mackenzie deserved a nice parting gift. The point was not about her, it was about the hideous ghoul you get when you have billions but don't know how to use them.
See my below about lying to yourself about evolutionarily poor women.

Let me give you a thought experiment: if there was a magic man that actually at his core wanted all the soiboi beta stuff, wouldn't that mean that his genes would be selected from the gene pool in a few generations as he'd have an old spouse and few kids? Your self imposed delusion requires you to disavow the same !science! in which you believe.

My thoughts exactly
Sad but true

>> No.25947405

Personality is really just the same genetic makeup as physical beauty and intelligence. Those traits run very close in heritage studies.

Guess who has the absolute best personality? The children of the strong gened rich. They will charm you, make you feel important and wanting more and then will politely exit so they don't waste any more of their time on you.
In extreme circumstances (war, famine), yes
Most human beings have a genetic ancestor that was born as a result of war rape
If that is actually, genuinely what you want, then more power to you
Statistically it's much more likely you're too cowardly to stop protecting your ego and start taking steps to rectifying your situation.
I am not
Are you listening to yourself? Think about how pathetic you sound to someone like me when the thesis of what you're typing is "if you act really nice, you might be able to find someone to date" That is the definition of someone who thinks he's pathetic and lucky to even get female attention.
I tried to give pointers as to how money can be used specifically to gain the kind of social status that results in power over women. You can publish 100s of peer reviewed papers and have very high social status among academics in your field, but you will have no better success with women. If you do what I described with money you will have the highest sexually valuable social status/dollar I can think of.
You may be missing a bigger point: only losers play losing games.
If tinder is dry, then you need to use your money to leverage an advantage: professional photos of you in high social value situations
More importantly you need to use online resources like seekingarrangement, high net worth dating apps etc where you have the intrinsic upper hand.

If you actually believe you are a high value individual and you aren't having success in a certain forum, the first thing you should think is that the forum is flawed.

>> No.25947445


Seriously like you can do the rounds, spending 20-30 minutes every day swiping, chatting with some tatted-up green-haired single moms to try and get them out on a date. Try to be 'cocky-funny', show your 'high value', all that shit. But think of how much time and effort you're putting into this that you could just use to make money and not have to worry about the game.

Don't get me wrong, it's super-helpful to understand male/female social dynamics, but the current climate of trying to seduce roasties who have literally unlimited options, is a losing proposition.

>> No.25947452

Provide a counter example
I am not
This is mostly true: using your resources on yourself is the more attractive use to women. Women respect and desire men who are resistant to their attempts to divest men from their resources.
Not a bitter pill at all

>> No.25947454

Thanks for the public service announcement, OP. My fear is newly rich betas will be kowtowing to "solid 7's", thus skewing clown world mating forever away from males. Look what happened when people tool the /fit/ pill; standards rose for mediocre women, men are as beta as ever.

>> No.25947460
Quoted by: >>25947674

money is only useful as a minimal entry fee to allow them to assess your genetics and some personality traits. any attempts to use excess money to retain a girl's attention will be pointless. if you have power/status then girls feel less guilty in earning excess money from you, but if your genetics is trash they still can't be retained. your explanation has a good takeaway, that we must be able to show we can own our wealth. i have implied that message in my explanation which is far more concise.

>> No.25947526

See my post above. A man who gets it will either figure out how to rig that game to be severely in his favor or not use that resource if it doesn't value him.

If it actually is as bad as you say it is, then the simple act of you using it is a hard signal that you are low value and don't know how to properly protect your most valuable asset: time.

>> No.25947594

Lord have mercy, I forgot about the proliferation of single moms "not here for a good time, I'm here for someone who wants a commitment". What in the actual fuck...at least with Plenty of Fish days, they knew they weren't desirable and dropped all pretences. It's mind blowing that the least desirable (who wants to raise another man's spawn?) of the dating pool are now selecting mates.

>> No.25947657

>It's mind blowing that the least desirable (who wants to raise another man's spawn?) of the dating pool are now selecting mates.
it is crazy on the surface, but surely you realize this is the fault of men and that it all makes sense, as per >>25947454

>> No.25947674

One of the reasons I felt compelled to make this post is that I see, over and over, the same cycle of losers getting rich, women taking their money and everyone ending up miserable. The investment discussions I have here are every bit as deep as those I have with truly rich people in real life. It's really more a game of dont-fuck-it-up once you get money. But everyone fucks it up.

I wish I could tell people what life is like for a guy who is a 5 but gets rich and actually knows how to use his money properly. Since this is 4chan nobody would believe it.

You're wrong that money is the gateway. It is one part of the package. How many apex women go after really good looking losers? Effectively none.
How many beautiful young women go after ugly wealthy guys who are good with their money? I see it literally every day.

>> No.25947788
Quoted by: >>25948000

i said genetics, not 'good looks'. pretty boy looks don't get you anywhere unless you have masculine traits.

>> No.25947916
Quoted by: >>25948353

Could you give some real life examples (as opposed to those who are downplaying your worldview). I for one am all ears (I'm sure others are too).

>> No.25947940
Quoted by: >>25948096

Let's look at this as /biz/nessmen:
Yes, single moms are gutter trash, however a lot of people reading this thread are pathetic too.

If you're fat, ugly and newly rich inviting a single mom out for a drink and being brutally honest with her is a good way to use her as the stepping stone she is.

"You said you're looking for commitment and if I were in your shoes with your responsibility I'd want that too. We're both adults. I can't commit to marrying you and loving you forver tonight but what I can promise is if you come over to my place shaved (or "ready to gag" or "with your ass enema clean" etc.) I'm committed to having a pack of diapers (or formula or whatever) ready so when you walk out we both look like saints."

Women literally are too stupid to understand they just got fucked for 30 bucks worth of baby supplies for their mongrel child, they just know that their social status is sustained and they feel like you care so their feelings are good.

>> No.25948000

You're splitting hairs now. Literally nobody cares if you're a prettyboy or masculine as a man.

Men judge women by beauty first
Women judge men by power first

You caring what kind of beauty a man shows is as logical as me caring about what job title at corporation x a woman has.

>> No.25948014

This comment will answer all questions about this topic so you don’t have to listen to some 40 year old autistic faggot who can’t efficiently state obvious things to other autistic faggots.

Women want your body, your status, and your money in that order of importance. Status is your identity in society and how respected it is.

Unless you are insanely attractive, all women will betray you if given the chance. If you are rich, your wife will divorce you either way, they will take your money, and they will use it to get a husband who is poorer but more attractive than you. Any woman you marry will cheat on you PERIOD.

You are dealing with a creature that hates you unless you are Chad. They will only fuck you until they have enough resources so they can afford to marry Chad. If they can’t afford to marry Chad, they will use you for resources while they fuck Chad on the side.

If you are unattractive and have nothing, then your only option is to fuck ugly women who hate you. If you are attractive or rich, then you MUST do what is optimal and fuck hot women who hate you. It is only logical. You must cheat on them as much as you can, even if you have kids, because it is the only way you can counter their cheating. You must have a pre-nup in place to keep as much money as you can from them when they eventually leave you.

When you are dating a woman, have a budget for them. You are paying to fuck this person with your time and money. Name your price and only spend what’s in the budget. Don’t let her control your money. Let her know you are nice, but at the end of the day you are in charge and if she wants something, you must APPROVE it first.

The only time a woman will love you and be loyal is if you are 50 million times better than her in body, status, and money. That means if you are average, she needs to be a vietnamese dwarf with two heads. Essentially, for her to be loyal, she won’t be worth it.

>> No.25948096


I'm a bit confused about your whole thesis here. You're saying .. demonstrate that you have wealth, but don't directly give cash/gifts? Sort of like a Dan Bilzerian "bring whores on your boat and shoot AK47s, but don't pay them directly" ? Or am I misinterpreting

>> No.25948139
Quoted by: >>25948480

poo poo pee pee

>> No.25948156

See... now this makes sense to me.

>> No.25948241
Quoted by: >>25948480

wealth primarily attains the freedom of males. it is a minimal entry fee to display genetic value to women.

>> No.25948353

Do you mean of well-handled wealth or men going through the cycle and washing out? I can give a few of the former and an endless supply of the latter.

Washing out: guy was a typical pale skinny nerd did everything right went to med school became an anesthesiologist and then started a small group practice at a local hospital replacing the locums/satellite coverage they had before. World by the fucking balls. He meets a female doctor and they "HAVE SO MUCH IN COMMON AND GREAT CONVERSATION"

Now they fight every day about who is going to watch their "furbabies" because she doesn't want kids. Spends insane amounts of money on handcrafted bullshit that she wears to show how much more taste she has than everyone else. He looks suicidal every day and will work until 65 to support her place in the world and jack off.

Doing well: guy who literally didnt graduate high school because he stopped showing up because he started hanging drywall (then booking jobs and managing a team) and making a ton of money. Hurt his back after a few years and realized oh fuck nobody cares about me if I can't do this and I can't do this more than a few more years. Got smart and leveraged connections to pick up jobs subcontractors left hanging for over the market rates. Literally spent a few years coordinating jobs from his parents house saving every cent and investing in shit he used and tech stuff he liked. Now he's a fat fuck in his early 40's who everyone in his city of ~150k knows on a first name basis because he's just nice to people. He's engaged with no wedding date to an absolute fucking smokeshow twentysomething who works at a shitty public hospital in a job she hates because he tells her (to her face no less) that she never has to work a day in her life after she gives birth to their second kid.
I make it a point to make sure he's in town when I'm planning trips to the major-ish metro center that's near his place

>> No.25948403

What if you're attractive AND rich? Would you mind discussing outliers to traditional sexual theory? What if the girl has such low self-esteem that it inhibits her sexual instincts, causing her to fuck down? Does that even happen? What are the implications of her having such a disorder, and could that be managed in a bearable way? I have almost no experience, so I am genuinely curious. I am sick of hearing the same standard redpill shit after the thousandth time.

>> No.25948480

>women want your body first
>women hate you unless you're chad
>for her to be loyal, she won't be worth it
More to the point the thread was made to show you how to get high value for your money with respect to women.
Men who don't know how to extract value from women for the least amount of money possible are, ironically, lower value men as one key value metric for men is wealth preservation.

Get it?


>> No.25948596
Quoted by: >>25948633

if a male's genetics are below the threshold requirement for reproduction, money is an entry fee, or a fee that ensures temporary sex will cause accidental emotional attachement i.e. falling in love

>> No.25948633
Quoted by: >>25949009

(edit, typo) if a male's genetics are below the threshold requirement for reproduction, money is an entry fee, or a fee that ensures temporary sex will NOT cause accidental emotional attachment i.e. falling in love

>> No.25948686
Quoted by: >>25949009

your blog posts can be summd up in the following:
>don't spend your money on girls
>spend your money on bettering yourself

What other anons have been saying, today and the past year, is that when it comes to picking up girls online in this century you are competing with a local giga chads, celebrities, and simps willing to pay $400 for bath water.

You still haven't talked about the "how" to do what your talking about. If I was indian how would I get my dream blonde girlfriend with 600k in crypto and not spend any money to obtain her? If I was a weird geeky guy how could I get bimbo native asian chicks to dm me online? I get what you're saying but how exactly?

>> No.25948759
Quoted by: >>25949415

Appreciate it OP, great read vs all the larp that goes on. Paying close attention; perhaps tripfag it up and redpill boards?

>> No.25948803
Quoted by: >>25949415

Examples of both would be appreciated

>> No.25948877
Quoted by: >>25949579

OP are you happily married with concubines that your wife knows about, and is likewise happy with?
If not, then everything you have said is invalid from the evolutionary standpoint, and only valid through the societal construct of western civilization.

>> No.25948956
Quoted by: >>25949579

you beta boomer retard,

I am becoming rich for myself not to play Ring Around the Rosie with women

you are talking like there aren't enough women except there 3.5 bill of them.
do you even realize how high becoming a $ millionaire puts you incomparison to rest of the world, heck even US

If she is doing her dumb tests, I am farting on her face and finding another beautiful young women, got no time for retard shit.
Plenty of beautiful young women in the world who would fall over heels for a simple $ millionaire without any dumb games

if you are reading this, don't listen this retard OP, You are waaayyy more worth the value than OP is suggesting. I don't even think this retard even went outside the US.

pump and dump. tell them straight what you want, if she ain't with it cut contact, if she plays dumb tests, leave right then and there and find someone else. As simple as that!!

>> No.25948984
Quoted by: >>25949579

You sound like you don't get laid much by hot women. All of your insights are based on you and your old buddies watching young women occasionally approach your group and subtly offer to spend time with you for money.

The truth is that women want a man the same reason a man wants a woman. BODY. First and foremost. That is her goal in life. To fuck and marry Chad. Her second goal is to be respected by the tribe and to then resources.

The only reason hot women go after men with money is to TAKE the money. While the heist is going on, they are fucking Chad on the side. When the heist is over, they go after Chad so they can actually enjoy sex and be respected by other women who admire that they have a Chad.

If you are not Chad, you are RENTING a woman. You are ALWAYS RENTING.

Your ideas about how to extract value are unnecessary. You decide on your price like any other asset, and you pay it. When it gets too expensive to be worth maintaining, you toss it.

Rich morons think they can make up for not having the body by being more powerful. They become billionaires and then find out one day their dumb wife was fucking Chad on the side and will settle for 15 million dollars and Chad and let the dumb faggot keep his 50 billion.

You are so fucking dumb you that you think women value power the same as men. You say women like men for power…. but you are failing to realize that to a woman, fucking Chad is literally the most powerful fucking thing on the planet to her. It gives her a physical sensation that keeps her alive. It gains her the respect of her peers. The only thing a rich man could give her that Chad can’t is housing, clothing, and vacations to a beach. All of that doesn’t compare to 24/7 orgasms from Chad. The only thing Chad needs to compete with a fucking billionaire is like 50K a year.

>> No.25949004
Quoted by: >>25949579

I feel like a lot of this is basic pick up artistry shit. Most of this also seems like it comes straight from a evolutionary psychology grad paper or something

>> No.25949009

You're on the right track
If you're a man, you can leverage money to get an entry fuck for most women regardless of the other aspects of your life. If you then keep it transactional, she will generally develop feelings (and vice versa).

If you were an Indian in India 600k will not be enough
If you're an Indian in America/EU etc you need to do exactly what I said above: leverage the fact that you have wealth into relative positions of authority and use the proportional scarcity that creates to get that bottle blonde ho.

If you're a weird geeky guy and you want to swim in big ol asian tittiz the same applies. Lets say you're the same as the poo with .6mm
Find the country where you want dem tittiez. Message outlying universities/high schools about being in their region and offer to speak for free at their shit tier institution "for free" since you have a "free day". Ask to coordinate with their women in business/finance/investements leader and have her help you "find" the hotel you stay at. Send group messages every 3 days leading up to event. Fly there and stay in the capital in a nice hotel. Drive there and say literally fucking anything. Stay for 5 hours after signing autographs and exchanging info (remember you always support aspirational young people because you were once one). Tell them you'll be in capital for X days. If they want to come fuck you, great, pay for their cab. If not fuck the locals in capital city x.

>> No.25949037
Quoted by: >>25949579

are you in some high net worth club or something or you meet these guys through work?

>> No.25949415

As always, glad to be here.
Also as always fuck tripfags for all eternity. The virtue of every thought, thread and idea being evaluated on its own merits and nothing else is truth to me.
The fails are painful to post. Imagine seeing a man destroy himself, his heritage and his lifes work for a woman all of his ancestors would consider completely without value. I genuinely feel like throwing up when I think about it.

A guy from my profession. Does well but "cant date" because it's "scary out there"
Imagine you're a woman and your man says other women scare him. Immediately valueless.
Now engaged to a literal tatted up worn out whore. She makes him keep their dogs and their house's kitchen compost in his room (separate rooms) because she has a sensitive nose.
I guarantee if I wanted to I could fuck every hole she has in an hour if I wanted to.

Another success story I fucking love. Maybe a little off topic but fuck it. Guy I grew up with nothing remarkable. In middle school girl he likes dates another guy who is popular but kind of an asshole. They start taking and he just says one day "you seem good but if you actually like that guy it means you're a dumb piece of shit" She spends the day desperately explaining herself. Doesn't talk to her for a week. Few days later they're together. Makes her say to her friend group how awesome he is. Literally goes to community college and today is a baker for some local hippie faggot farm to table commune bullishit where he makes 80k a year, they clip coupons and buy gold and crypto. She's still skinny and looks fabulous after 3 kids. Still obviously loves him. I still hang out with him now after 30+ years and us having completely different day to day lives. I have more in common with him as a literal worldwide nothing than I do with people who are household names.

>> No.25949579

I'm married with a wife young enough to give me as many kids as want. We have 3 now.
Sounds like you're firmly in the theoretic. I wish you well.
Again, you're wrong on every front.
I've led a very happy life where I was fucking every woman I wanted to.
Now I lead a very happy life fucking one woman.
But never out of harmony.

You should read what I wrote above about how money retention is an intrinsically valuable asset of a man. It will help with your theorycrafting.
I am generally surrounded by people of a similar net worth to myself on the investment side of what I do

>> No.25949681

OP, I must say, you did not disappoint. This is very much so objective and applicable knowledge that 95/100 autists here would never understand, but will benefit from tremendously. Far outweighs any sort of blackpill ideology on the subject. OP turned out not to be a faggot

>> No.25950338

so what you’re trying to say is be cautious of your assets from bitches, that’s it?

>> No.25950553
Quoted by: >>25951214

Yeah I’m sure you were fucking every woman you wanted to in cincinati ohio or w.e. small place you are from and you were fucking 10’s even though in reality they were 6’s.

You literally told these people to go to high schools and guest speak to get pussy. The only thing that should be met with is laughter.

You gave zero reasoning as to why any point I made was wrong. What I told you is reality and even more so with women under 30.

You seem to think a woman loves you because of how much paper you have and how stern of an attitude you have with it. They don’t love you or even really respect you that much more for not caving into their demands. If you don’t have the body, they do not respect you period. They will settle for you and CHEAT on you when they get the chance. The only question is how many times it will happen. The only reason they don’t flat out rob you and divorce you is if they are average looking and of a certain age, because they feel like they won’t be able to get a better deal. But if they can, they will.

If you are not Chad, you rent, period.

It does not matter how well you manage your finances are how well you act… if your wife can get a better deal, she will take it. And a better deal is literally just Chad with half as much money and half as much personality as you. All of your power and who you are, are equivalent to less than 1% of Chad’s looks. Literally pennies to bitcoins.

Stop telling these people that they can find love or keep a woman if they just get money and act like a man. It doesn't matter how hard you try, if you are not Chad, you are a placeholder until she can get Chad permanently or gets tired of trying.

>> No.25950568

Each woman should only have a max of 3 kids to stifle overpopulation. But men should have up to 3 wives because holy fuck we need variety. They don’t need other male partners because they are naturally bisexual, but men are not. In this light polygyny is just, and is the recommended natural way.

>> No.25950874

imagine being this autistic

>> No.25950934

Based thanks anon, I was one of the ones who requested this kek

>> No.25950960

This nigga called it

>> No.25950979

Also do you have plans for another spoonfeed thread?

>> No.25951139

Women respect the body and face above everything. Anyone says otherwise, he is coping. I am tall and handsome guy and you can not believe how easy is pick up girls every where and any time and how sweet they'll be. Several of them have mocked and made fun of ugly guys in front of me and even offered me to move in with them and find work in their dads company, but I refused.

They don't care about your money or status as long as you are a chad and find you desirable especially if their friends want you too which makes it more competitive.

>> No.25951214
File: 436 KB, 380x723, 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Women are every bit as shallow as men.
Sure, you can mental mindfuck some of them and outsmart them but Chad is biologically wired for them to breed with.

Also, this guy mentioned he is married and happy fucking one woman. I can assure you that once you get past fucking 50-100 women. You are NEVER SATISFIED fucking one woman.
You actually become damaged goods and are confined to a life of being a coomer. Unfortunately it is the path I have taken and there is no redemption.

>> No.25951707
File: 222 KB, 640x636, B3C82E83-E08C-4D16-AD62-68DEAB975ED6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good tip is to study pimps and the way they treat women. The keys are all there.

>> No.25952667

Okay OP, enough walls of text, just answer the question about how to use money with women that is on all of our minds:
How make money from fuck prostitute?