Let's start with the easiest case-specific theory and move up from there. I'll admit when we get to the absolute top (in terms of women) it is much, much harder. When I say top I mean specifically young beautiful virgin women who are looking only for commitment and come from prominent well-formed families who themselves do not need money. These women are rare and hard to access.
From the bottom, however, the situation is much much easier. Many of you will become rich and suddenly be surrounded by men who are successful with life, family and women while you have none of this. Here's where to start.
Realize that if you do not offer a great genetic package and do not have access to power through your connections, your money is your biggest asset. To that end, if a woman is even considering fucking, dating or getting involved with you, she is going to test that asset the hardest. If you're a 3 and a 7 asks you to buy her a necklace or take her on a trip, you should effectively never do it (unless of course she's your wife and the mother of your children). Expect this kind of testing the most.
So what should you do if you're at the bottom to be able to pass these tests?
- First, you need to understand what it means to be in a power position and rewire your brain to accept the new reality of your position. You are now a better catch than that 7 so long as you have the will and the intelligence to keep your money yours and growing forever. Some men use whores, others use "sugar baby" relationships, others use their money to put themselves in relative positions of power through more noble means (donate a pittance to an organization full of young women and get photo ops and hand written thank yous). The point is that you have to see women and money as transactional rather than separate entities.
Note that women will gladly do these transactions but they never, ever will verbalize or acknowledge them. Why? The answer is again biological.