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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 208 KB, 808x805, dgbjackson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2591769 No.2591769 [Reply] [Original]

what the f*ck do i do with these dgb bags? /biz/ said they were gonna moon and it just keeps going down

>> No.2591775

Shoo shoo pajeet!

>> No.2591781

Don't blame /biz/ for you listening to shills and buying high.

>> No.2591793

really hating this nu-/biz/ shit

>> No.2591808

>what the f*ck do i do with these dgb bags?
shove them up your ass and keep coping

>> No.2591816 [DELETED] 

kys with them or rather check a smart investment group like this one https://t.me/upcomingPumps

>> No.2591827
File: 75 KB, 620x466, sharpie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, i think you know.

>> No.2591843

It was only 100sat a few weeks ago, now its 1000. I dont understand why u mad. Wait a few months and it will break new highs

>> No.2591862

>he trusted /biz/

>> No.2591863
File: 645 KB, 948x1112, 1498179496761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2593201

I had to post this.

>> No.2593166 [DELETED] 


Send them to me to look after for you. I'll send them back when it moons

>> No.2593201

>"Will Litecoin ever break $100? Will exhausted DGB holders ever sell their bags? Find out, next time, on another episode of PAJEETCOIN DGB!!"

>> No.2593241

>wahhhh why didnt my coin multiply 200 times since i bought it a week ago

sell it off and stop playing this game you fucking finks

>> No.2593263

just fucking sell

if you had sold 2 weeks ago and put the money in literally any other coin youd be better off

>> No.2593337

Sounds like /biz/owes you a lot of money, maybe you should sue? CALS when? I'm on brother

>> No.2593503

Hodl that shit anon. It'll be back to 2k soon