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File: 329 KB, 640x440, 6E59EE70-F168-495A-9D31-E7C096931DDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25697841 No.25697841 [Reply] [Original]

> what do you mean? Leasing an 2021 Audi A3? Me? Everyone at work or school avoids me and I have 2 contacts in my phone besides parents, but yeah. Therefore I derive my non existing personality by regurgitating constantly that I use a 5 year old iPhone with a broken screen and drive a $ 800 car to work so I could DCA my wage into BTC/ETH in 2018/2019. Imagine Beeing a consuuuuuumer Kek. Heh I spend 3-4 yrs of my 20s/30s on 4channel/Twitter 18h and now I Have $88.000 Kek. Insane right I am rich normies never will make it

>> No.25697927


>> No.25697970

Stop talking about me not cool lol

>> No.25697969


>> No.25697988


>> No.25698019


>> No.25698065

this is me but because of this now im worth 500k$

>> No.25698070
File: 1.07 MB, 1396x1456, drivingintoalakebrb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's literally me

>> No.25698173
Quoted by: >>25698405

>driving a beater just to gloat about how much of a non "consoomer" you are
>driving an overpriced luxury sedan
Mega cringe.

>> No.25698191

basically me but i buyed physical gold not internet coins lmao im loser

>> No.25698216

That is a man's car. I hope you coom and consoom yourself to death, faggot.

>> No.25698250
File: 261 KB, 600x841, 6e9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25700989


>> No.25698305

Imagine thinking people will like you if you coonsume

>> No.25698405

both of those options are based

>> No.25698468
File: 33 KB, 435x370, 1570871308620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blow 50k on an asset that will be worth less than half of that in a few years just to make normies think you're doing well

Act broke to stay rich.

>> No.25698568

I've done both. I bought a range rover sport when I was 24 and lived a few years in a nigger rich fashion.

I'm much more content at age 32 driving a 2015 vehicle worth ~$15k and having 7 figures put away. Expensive cars are a money pit and they attract gold digging whores.

>> No.25698600
File: 120 KB, 645x773, 1556567077979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25698728

I'm not telling you what I drive because hipsters always fucking ruin a good thing. They have destroyed any chance of normal people obtaining old M3's and Syncros. Once hipsters find out something is rare, dependable and reliable from people who know, they drive the price sky high. They even fucked up cheap beer.

>> No.25698817
Quoted by: >>25699828

Hipsters didn't ruin m3 prices, they were always boomer collectors cars

>> No.25699828
File: 145 KB, 1080x1200, bmw-m-x-kith-m3-e30-ai-02.jpg.asset.1602699069027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's literal hypebeasts and zoomers, they built 16,000 e30 m3s they shouldn't be $50-90k cars

the big brain move is to buy a classic car you love and a shitbox camry like op's car

i suggest e46 m3s being the most iconic m3 other than the e30

>> No.25700068

E46's are getting old enough that theyre crossing into cool territory, away from being the most fearsome paki road warrior weapon besides the Grand Caravan.

>> No.25700891

>97 Honda accord
>Iphone SE
>80k Portfolio

It only took me 1 year though. Please this is too personal retract those statements. I feel so fucking poor like a failure. I lost 600$ today shorting BTC. Making money is the only way for my dad to respect me.

>> No.25700986

holy shit this is some serious COPE

Keep consuming funko pops OP

>> No.25700989

A billion is much more than a fucking million, most people consider making it in the low millions. That isn't enough to buy a lambo. Maybe for a few months, but it would be better spent on a house. Maybe a few generations down the line your family will have that kinda money.

>> No.25701025

I literally drove that exact car for several years until 2 years ago when I upgraded to a newer used corolla. I bought that car (94 Camry) when it had 220k miles on it for a grand and drove it for another 130k miles before selling it to a trailer trash coal burner and her bf for 500 bucks.

>> No.25701105
File: 886 KB, 1078x812, 1539904635589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This unironically but minus the waging part and only having $88,000.

>> No.25701291


>> No.25701390

If you live in the city, buying a nice car is pointless. You are just gonna sit in the traffic anyway, might as well get something that has decent fuel consumption

if you live in the country, buy a truck obv

>> No.25701735

Looks like someone sold their 80k gains for a luxury car that will lose half its value in 2 years. rip

>> No.25702425

unironically zoomers will drool over the catfish camaro
>big engine