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File: 30 KB, 566x387, IMG_2663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2380747 No.2380747 [Reply] [Original]

Suck my tits, fags.

>> No.2380754

feeling generous?

>> No.2380755


>> No.2380765
Quoted by: >>2380784 >>2387674

Larp, you can input any numbers into that app

>> No.2380772
Quoted by: >>2380797

if not larping i would congratulate you but you're an asshole so fuck you

>> No.2380773
Quoted by: >>2380822

Wow, one million dollars worth of rare numbers.

Good luck selling them, fag.

>> No.2380784
Quoted by: >>2381061

That's true but the numbers are real, except they don't include my Etheroll, MobileGo and Monaco.

>> No.2380788

nice try faggit, that's Romanos from twitter

Isn't even worth a million after taxes and sellin all your alts & btc either way

>> No.2380793
Quoted by: >>2380824

Do they taste good? lol.

Congrats. what worked for you?

>> No.2380797

Yeah. That was a bit over the top.

>> No.2380804

I can also enter exaggerated amounts into Blockfolio, checkm8

>> No.2380816
File: 9 KB, 258x206, nocoinersbtfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats cute op

>> No.2380820

All hail Romano!!

>> No.2380822
Quoted by: >>2380838 >>2383710

newfag here. Whats the problem in selling such a big amount back to $?

>> No.2380824
Quoted by: >>2381106

Time in the market. Bought ETH under a dollar up to 41. This runup today was incredible, last 10% was made today.

>> No.2380826
Quoted by: >>2380850 >>2380855

I only see 700k. Thanks for paying tax

>> No.2380837

Jesus fucking Christ. Congratulations

>> No.2380838
Quoted by: >>2384112

No problem unless you feeling like tax evading, in which case big problem.

>> No.2380844

show the graph or its fake

>> No.2380846


I'm fascinated by what you must be feeling at the moment - speculating as to how far that could go in the future, what you could do with it / what you plan to do with it.

Are you planning to diversify anything out of crypto?

>> No.2380850

1.2% tax faggot

>> No.2380854

send me 5 ETH then

>> No.2380855

Not selling yet.

This niggra.

>> No.2380868
File: 28 KB, 1129x225, thatscuteop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2387331 >>2387908

u mad bro

>> No.2380878
File: 105 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170610-131408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2380899
Quoted by: >>2380928 >>2380950

I bet someone's portfolio literally looks like this

>> No.2380920

what you hodling?

>> No.2380928
Quoted by: >>2381033

>and they don't even remember their wallet exists

>> No.2380950
Quoted by: >>2382570

Winklevoss twins supposedly have 100k btc

>> No.2380962
File: 285 KB, 462x500, 1492725282488.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nosmartphoner here

any computer equivalent of blockfolio?

>> No.2380987
File: 179 KB, 853x480, fight me nerd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2381028

Buy a $10 android phone you nerd.

>> No.2381013

damn, you are actually a NEET.

>> No.2381028
File: 344 KB, 462x500, 1492725754752.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2381081 >>2381251

I don't like phones and I only have a shitty flipphone for the sake of using crypto exchanges

>> No.2381033

I wonder how much bitcoin is forever lost

>> No.2381061

Also $1M club here, and invested 200 eth into Etheroll back in ICO. How do you feel about that project? Dev seems honest, but focused on creating perfect backend ops for the casino rather than marketing and taking advantage of first mover advantage (already 5+million wagers with no advertising and 1/10th bankroll is impressive)

Would love to see DICE get off etherdelta and onto yobit or trex

>> No.2381067
Quoted by: >>2387579

>Suck my tits
Post em and I'll consider it.

>> No.2381081

coinigy tracks exchanges and wallets automatically, no idea why people use this blockfolio trash.

>> No.2381106

Nice. wish I had done that earlier. bought a few ether at 8 and 20 and 40. still nice but not what I could have done with 1k. lookimg for the next big one. thinking Bancor, RDD, verge, BAT and maybe waves while sitting on my Ether.

any reccomendations maybe?

>> No.2381125 [DELETED] 

Please take pity on a filthy beggar and send me ETH:0x321342ab0868Ab5147F2Dc6A84f32F1e29A31039

>> No.2381149


felix you have money but youre a fucking cuck bitch faggot and you know it

>> No.2381150

satoshi is that you?

>> No.2381203

>can literally enter any number you want

if you want people to be jelly, then post a timestamp with you and your lambo, or a screencap of the actual wallet holding your coins

>> No.2381216

So they can shill more people into their Ponzi schemeby posting fake numbers

>> No.2381251


>> No.2381425
File: 52 KB, 640x480, LOGH Episode 03v2(DVD) - Central Anime(85966db4).mkv_snapshot_05.25_[2017.06.09_09.28.42].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2381728
Quoted by: >>2381788

Coinig cost $20 a month. I dont make enough trades to justify that.

>> No.2381740 [DELETED] 

Please brother 0xAC644c87D1B50Fd570A6626Da3350efB1721C171

>> No.2381788
File: 108 KB, 640x640, nomizi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2381820

>Coinig cost $20 a month
i just registered for free, can see my balances already

>> No.2381810 [DELETED] 

I'll take that pesky .05 ether off your hands Mr.Whale.

>> No.2381820
Quoted by: >>2381840

that's the 30 day trial

>> No.2381840
File: 100 KB, 750x708, 1494047987287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see..

>> No.2382386



>> No.2382570

U can see any wallets holding, although they may have it in numerous And it might be plausible since they bought like 3 years ago

>> No.2382581 [DELETED] 

I don't believe it; Send me 0.5 ETH so I know you're not lying


>> No.2383710
Quoted by: >>2387750


You also won't find a public market that will exchange that amount for cash

>> No.2383744 [DELETED] 


I hope to ride to valhalla with you in a lambo!!

Help a brotha out !!


>> No.2384049
Quoted by: >>2386883

I have $48 mil of BTC on a hard drive sitting in a landfill somewhere in Australia :)

>> No.2384112
Quoted by: >>2384140

So just pay taxes, whats the big deal

>> No.2384124

If real, good job, faggot. I'm about to break 100k so I'm feeling good.

>> No.2384140

The problem is tax laws for BTC are all over the place, in the US anyway.
It'll be at least five years before they wake up and realize how to properly allow people to file them.

>> No.2384164
Quoted by: >>2385334

can you guys help the ARK node reach #51, we are so close to so much money. ARK is a great long term hold regardless. I won't sell it for you but sell it to yourself with some reading

>> No.2385315

Youre the whale on etheroll

>> No.2385334


people like you deserve rags and empty bags

>> No.2386763
File: 80 KB, 250x250, 1493524518422.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Congratulations dude ! Cash out partially and keep on being awesome.

>> No.2386883

I work at a landfill in Australia.

Which one is it in?

>> No.2386916

Please send me only 0.0001 ether if possible, I'm new in this and I'd like to earn my first bit of cryptocurrency.

I can send it back if you wish to, I just want to see if it works.

>> No.2386937
Quoted by: >>2386970



>> No.2386960 [DELETED] 


I don't care if I get banned

>> No.2386970
Quoted by: >>2387297

When Romano says buy you fucking buy!
It's that mothafucking simple!

>> No.2387297
Quoted by: >>2387315 >>2387387

What his advice for today?

>> No.2387315


>> No.2387331


>> No.2387387
Quoted by: >>2387421

Follow him on twitter dipshit.
He is the developer of Viacoin.

>> No.2387421
Quoted by: >>2387646

Don't have a twitter account, was lurking on his twitter but didn't saw a prediction for today. Saw that he got most of his predictions right though.

Does he think that UBQ is gonna moon today?

>> No.2387423

I'm at $780k - now I'm hoping blocknet and bitbay will X10 and that will push me over the million

>> No.2387447

I'm not even kidding in. Is blocknet will be the new bitshares. They do atomic swap which is true decentralised exchange
And Bitbays rolling peg in winter will be better than tether with is currently X7 Bitbays price
So both will go up a lot!
I know what I'm talking about. I started with $20 k and now have almost $800k

>> No.2387513

60$ on bat still hodling tho should i just sell for bitbay??

>> No.2387579

Present them

>> No.2387602

poloniex or bittrex

>> No.2387627
Quoted by: >>2387686

Anybody have thoughts on siacoin?

>> No.2387646

>Don't have a twitter account
just bookmark his profile site

>> No.2387668
File: 27 KB, 436x436, 1479050660822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If trips you HAVE to send me 10 ETH.

Praise kek!


>> No.2387674

Lol this. Go suck a dick and drown yourself OP

>> No.2387686
Quoted by: >>2387731

Its worth atleast $100, depending on your portfolio. Can't see it reasonable going past 50c, but stranger things have happened.

>> No.2387731
Quoted by: >>2387862

You own it?

>> No.2387750

Why does he have to withdraw it all at once?

>> No.2387862
Quoted by: >>2387927

10000 a couple of weeks ago. I have a neat little profit, but nothing spectacular.

>> No.2387908
Quoted by: >>2387961

pls send 0.000000000000000000001 bitbeans anon my goldfish died and im very sad ;_:


>> No.2387927
Quoted by: >>2388009

You going to continue to put money in it?

>> No.2387961


>> No.2388009
Quoted by: >>2388030

Maybe. But not much more. My basic plan is to put $300 in every two weeks. $100 ETH, $100 other big coin (probably going to also be ETH unless I see a dip on another coin), $100 in alt coin (Sia, stratis, UBIQ, Ark, Golem, PIVX, Lisk, etc.)

I'm all about diversification. I'd rather $100 in 10-15 alt coins than putting my eggs in one basket.

>> No.2388030
Quoted by: >>2388089

I'd like to join you and keep in touch and bounce ideas off one another

>> No.2388089
Quoted by: >>2388464

I don't really have ideas. I just read up about as many coins I can, and see which ones have unique ideas that I think have real world applications.

I recommend just following /biz/ and Romano, they have more technical analysis desu, I literally just trade with emotions.

>> No.2388464

Boner killer

>> No.2388951

Please help a poorfag out!
