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File: 32 KB, 628x304, 546789765456754346798654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23241280 No.23241280 [Reply] [Original]

Get to prepping, Bobo

>> No.23241313

based Donnie

>> No.23241323

How weak is the American economy if it needs constant stimulus? Like a dying man on a ventilator and steroids to keep it alive, just let it die, let America die

>> No.23241345
Quoted by: >>23245141

I don’t give a fuck.
I can buy more Quant so I’m gucci.
(It is a shame about the country, tho)

>> No.23241382

The stimulus goes to individual people.
Because they've been financially impacted by lockdown and other measures imposed by the govt.

>> No.23241458

This shit makes me so mad
>stay home! You aren’t allowed to work and feed yourselves and families!
>we’re still gonna be collecting OUR checks though, that YOU pay for with taxes you still have to pay!
Fucking clown world.

>> No.23241488

Mutts are 2 years from civilization fall

>> No.23241502
Quoted by: >>23242228

Now the economy is dictated by Trump tweet

>> No.23241557
Quoted by: >>23241677

You're not american tho?

>> No.23241568
File: 248 KB, 773x1000, 1596635656035.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes YES accelerate the collapse. The faster hyperinflation hits, the faster I can ascend past the short-term thinkers thriving in this rotted civilization. MMT is going to make me so rich when the bottom falls out.

>> No.23241605
Quoted by: >>23241664

>Implying when the USD goes the whole world's economy doesn't go with it


>> No.23241654

If you're unable to change your life to survive after 6-8 months, you're a fucking retard and deserve to go under. Maybe if you autists cared about one another and carried out basic precautions regarding this virus you wouldn't be so buttfucked right now?

>> No.23241664

particularly euros who hold this view, i find it funny lol. like they don't understand that europe will be divided between Russia, Turkey, and an Arab Coalition, the moment US protect ceases.

>> No.23241677
File: 143 KB, 625x773, 1542440996326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23241705

>only americans can profit from stocks and crypto pumping

>> No.23241695

It means the dump 2.0 is coming, deluded Mumu

>> No.23241705
File: 61 KB, 556x556, 1602248253722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked but copepilled

>> No.23241726

I can't even tell if this is bullish or bearish

he literally said stimulus canceled and now it isn't?

>> No.23241742

The lockdowns not only didn't help, but delayed herd immunity giving the virus more time to mutate and get worse. This is why the "pandemic" is over in places that didn't lock down, but us surging in places that did GTFO of here with your NPC-think.

>> No.23241750
Quoted by: >>23243556


>> No.23241779

He said he won't sign the Dem's stimulus bill which includes billions in funding for Planned Parenthood and BLM, but said that he would approve a stimulus bill that only includes money going directly to the citizenry.

>> No.23241794
Quoted by: >>23241860

ok and? same difference. House is solid dem and can demand whatever they want. So basically nothing has changed is what you're telling me.

>> No.23241834
Quoted by: >>23241882

No, he said no money to bailout bankrupt dem states, but more money for the airliners, the parts about the citizenry are minimal compared to the rest of both bills fucking migacuck

>> No.23241838

>US "protect"

every european man is wishing your death, you are not allies.

your end is coming and we don't need you to defeat Russia, Turkey or Arabs

>> No.23241860

Depends on how well Trump can make the Dems expend their political capital or vice versa.

Nothing has changed.

>> No.23241882
Quoted by: >>23241925

>No, he said no money to bailout bankrupt dem states
That's what the guy you're replying to is talking about.

>> No.23241895
File: 105 KB, 962x621, wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US soldiers surrendering to Iran

>> No.23241919


>> No.23241925
Quoted by: >>23241966

He isn't, see
>but said that he would approve a stimulus bill that only includes money going directly to the citizenry.
He said that on a single tweet which was promptly backtracked and promptly turned into a much bigger bill with even more money to bailout bankrupt zombies

>> No.23241936

You Eurocucks have been hiding behind Big Daddy US' Hegemony since WWII came to a close. Your armies barely exist, and your citizenry is so cucked beyond belief into accepting foreign invaders and rejecting "EBIL NATIONALISM" that your men would sooner roll over and present anus to Russia/China/The Arabs when that protection ends.

You have no idea how fucked you are when the USD goes down.

>> No.23241965
Quoted by: >>23242118

this is some tasty coperoni

>> No.23241966

I don't know if it's true that Trump added support for large failing companies, but it is true that Trump shot down the stimulus bill proposed by the Dems because it would bail out dem states disproportionately.

>> No.23242022
Quoted by: >>23242118

t. 33% white

>> No.23242044
Quoted by: >>23242118

>please fall with me if I fall

I promise I won't arrive at the end of the war next time, I promise I will be here when real men are fighting, I promise pleaaase

>> No.23242105


>> No.23242118
Quoted by: >>23242149

Didn't realize there were so many ignorant Eurocucks on here. You guys really don't understand that your quality of life and everything your countries are able to do are enabled entirely by the US patrolling your shipping lanes and holding the biggest stick in defense of your ever-weakening male population.


>> No.23242128
File: 277 KB, 680x646, 1602326048401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.23242132

If trump unironically doubles Pelosi's offer and puts a 4 trillion$ stimulus on the table then he's the 12D chess /pol/ makes him out to be and even I'll vote for him.

>> No.23242141

In b4 Trump signs a $4000 stimulus package to all Americans literally buying their vote to win the election

>> No.23242149
Quoted by: >>23242534

please die, we never needed you to conquer the world

we still don't need you to put it on our feet, you are just the autist cousin we left on a wild island

>> No.23242170
Quoted by: >>23242197

Y'all are really dumb.

Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnel, and Kushner will not reach a deal by election day.

>> No.23242197

biden and trump are both mossad agents

>> No.23242204
File: 105 KB, 1024x576, Trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


President Trump is the greatest politician alive. How much is the stock market going to drop when he leaves office?

>> No.23242228

Always has been

>> No.23242252


>> No.23242272

mutts are honorary niggers begging for welfares

>> No.23242534
Quoted by: >>23245515

id = okaynigger

>> No.23242539

Literally if we took it seriously everything would be opened back up now we’d be chilling we have the resources to have been the best in this time. Instead no let’s listen to idiot in chief and do jack shit and then give stimulus money! Stupid idiots

>> No.23242596
Quoted by: >>23244214

>if we took it seriously everything would be opened back up now
Lmao, like Europe right now?

One of the best-performing EU countries during this second wave is Sweden, which didn't really have a lockdown (and was criticized mercilessly for it)

>do jack shit
lmao, Trump banned travel from China and Europe in February.
And guess what, the Dems called him racist for it.

And weeks later Fauci and the Dems were STILL telling people not to worry, and to congregate in large masses.

>> No.23242685
Quoted by: >>23242728

The lockdowns worked everywhere else.
It's only america that couldn't keep their shit together.
The herd immunity meme is outright false too.
You earned this culling.

>> No.23242728
File: 613 KB, 1902x1022, george floyd protests map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The lockdowns worked everywhere else.
>It's only america that couldn't keep their shit together.

Wonder why...

>> No.23242760
Quoted by: >>23244456

Is this just assumptions or is there actually evidence that other countries have higher rates of immunity?

>> No.23242796
File: 165 KB, 2397x1300, strange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, that's strange.
seems to be inversely related with which states are going pear shaped right now.

We can both draw false corollaries, asshole.

>> No.23242799

Even if stimulus was passed today it's still not enough time to get money in everyones hand by election day.

>> No.23242835
Quoted by: >>23242943

This chart: >>23242728
is consistent with population density, you absolute moron lmao.

Those red areas didn't have proportionally smaller/fewer protests.

>> No.23242862

>Mutts are 2 years from civilization fall
What a waste of good digits.

>> No.23242891



>> No.23242902


>> No.23242940

>tighten QE
>NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you can't just like, turn the pump off
>muh bigly economic growth.

Trump, Biden, I don't give a fuck; this country is cursed.

>> No.23242943
Quoted by: >>23242998

>you provide stupid evidence
>i provide noted, stupider evidence
>you point out how stupid your original evidence was
and I'm the moron?
wow, you were just pretending to be retarded.

>> No.23242998
Quoted by: >>23243122

What the fuck are you schizo-ing about?
In the middle of a full-blown pandemic, the far left started widespread rioting and looting for months on end.
And you have the gall to wonder why the virus is doing better than in other places.

>> No.23243009

You're mostly talking to american Burgers and occasional Britbong.
As if they'd understand...

>> No.23243122

>blaming it on the left when it's bumfuck KKK states struggling to keep the spread down
>this much cognitive dissonance
really gets the joggin noggin on how the american economy could be such dogshit

>> No.23243155
Quoted by: >>23243369

>bumfuck KKK states
They had tons of riots too, see >>23242796

Note that your argument is basically that large public gatherings don't help spread the virus.
You absolute dumbass lol

>> No.23243213
File: 437 KB, 456x427, 1430727610916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't realize that quite a few states still restrict commerce, recreation, gatherings, events, socialization?

>> No.23243296

Pelosi just dabbed on Trump

>> No.23243369

Are you seeing something I'm not seeing?
North Dakota had tons of riots? Wyoming had tons of riots?
And yet they, months later, currently have infection rates above 1.1.
It has nothing to do with the riots, it has everything to do with republicans being literal retards. They even have low population density going for them in mitigating the spread, and they still fuck it up.

But yes actually, large public outdoor gatherings, where most of the participants are wearing masks, don't spread the virus.
There was literally no increased correlation with George Floyd protests and virus cases. Around that time AZ, TX, and FL were having the most new cases per week.
That empirical information is out there if you want to see it.
but if you want to go ahead, and keep practicing motivated reasoning, instead of critical thinking, be my guest.

there's a reason why your country is on life support, and it's because of people like you.

>> No.23243426


>> No.23243461
File: 2.41 MB, 498x344, cringe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23243477


>> No.23243470
File: 1.26 MB, 1630x1050, democrats want to dismantle trump travel ban march 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23243533

>North Dakota had tons of riots? Wyoming had tons of riots?
Every single state did, again see >>23242728

>It has nothing to do with the riots, it has everything to do with republicans being literal retards.
Pelosi is a republican?

>> No.23243477

nothings cringier than being american m8

>> No.23243482
File: 31 KB, 385x392, 71PdfXMzqNL._AC_UX385_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's crazy trump is allowed to pump EVK stock like he did on "accident"

>> No.23243533
Quoted by: >>23243776

>keeps up the blind motivated reasoning
classic, don't ever change.
Xi has you guys over a barrel.

>> No.23243556
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>> No.23243619
File: 67 KB, 713x951, covidksvsny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23243894

It's because the more inland states weren't hit with the full brunt of the virus at the beginning unlike coastal cities. The cases per 100k people are just now starting to match up. Not to mention we're doing way more testing than we were in march so that results in more reported cases.

>> No.23243721

Going big won't ever happen, so we're going home instead

>> No.23243723

2 years? Try 9 meals. Maybe even less, then people will go into anarchy.

>> No.23243776

I accept your concession and apology.

>> No.23243894

>nyt stats
thank god, something empirical.

Yeah, I get the way those states might not have been taking it seriously, but that only ads to the way those cousin fucker redneck states are retarded. And I can understand that data collection processes might be skewing the data itself.
The original issue was that the quarantines and health measures that were near universal and somehow worked in other countries, didn't seem to be effective in US.

Literally 20% of recorded deaths globally.
Businesses still begging for more gibs from the government.
The rest of the small business simply folding up shop and applying for a job at Amazon.
Children getting stupider by the week with zoom school.
Most of the world won't accept vacationers from their leper colony.
One of the few countries stupid enough to let their most powerful leader get hospitalized.

But they want to keep talking about if masks are an assault on freedom.

>> No.23244154
File: 89 KB, 563x716, Heaven-Will-Destroy-The-CCP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


President Trump has defeated the Chinese virus in combat and has been given the Mandate of Heaven to launch nuclear war on China. It might be time to invest in Uranium mining companies.

>> No.23244214
Quoted by: >>23244248

Hahahahaha shut down China travel is the biggest meme. Why didn’t he shit it down from Europe? Is it Bc he’s a faggot?

>> No.23244242

>US and CN finally get this nuclear mexican stand-off in motion
stop, my penis can only get so erect.

>> No.23244248
File: 533 KB, 825x887, eu condemns trump travel ban us 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23244323

>Why didn’t he shit it down from Europe?
He did.

And they "denounced" him for it too.

>> No.23244261
File: 76 KB, 639x595, 1240393095655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23244385

It was not without sacrifice. F

>> No.23244295

Didn't this idiot post this last week? Didn't he, hours before, end negotiations until after the election? Didnt he say in August that he'd use his executive orders to get 1200 dollars to the american people if no deal was reached?

All trump does is tweet. Somehow, to trumptards and baby boomers, this is all it takes to make it seem like you're doing something.

>> No.23244302

Kek, Drumpft can't even do a coup in Venezuela or Belarus and you think he's going to nuke China...

>> No.23244323
Quoted by: >>23244407

>he eventually did two things
>that were ineffective

>> No.23244325
Quoted by: >>23244397

>Yeah, I get the way those states might not have been taking it seriously, but that only ads to the way those cousin fucker redneck states are retarded.
Not taking it seriously? They were the only ones that took it seriously, that's why they weren't fucked for the first few months but they're getting fucked now. Every other state has already been hit hard so they already have their herd immunity.
>The original issue was that the quarantines and health measures that were near universal and somehow worked in other countries, didn't seem to be effective in US.
There were nightly mass group protests of hundreds of people standing next to each other in every major city. No shit the health measures weren't effective.

>Businesses still begging for more gibs from the government.
>The rest of the small business simply folding up shop and applying for a job at Amazon.
Yeah it's retarded to force small businesses to close but let target and walmart stay open, wonder (((who))) could be behind that. Of course they'll ask for gibs.
>Children getting stupider by the week with zoom school.
Agreed, everyone should home school.

>But they want to keep talking about if masks are an assault on freedom.
Retarded governors are trying to fine people if they don't wear masks in their home or for not wearing masks when you're going for a walk even when you stay distanced from everyone except your family. Plus shutting down churches but allowing protests is completely hypocritical. It is an assault on freedom.

>> No.23244385
Quoted by: >>23244539

How do you starve to death after a week?

>> No.23244397

>motivated reasoning intensifies
Yeah, nothings cringier than being american.

>> No.23244407


He banned travel from China in January, anon.
Way ahead of pretty much the rest of the world.
Months later, De Blasio was still telling people to gather in large masses.

And when he banned travel from Europe, the EU denounced him for it because he was so early they couldn't wrap their heads around what he just did.
Weeks later Europe would ban travel from Europe too, lol.

>> No.23244436

and yet you guys still have 20% of global deaths.
thank god.

>> No.23244456
File: 50 KB, 380x380, yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ate ham.

>> No.23244479
Quoted by: >>23244679

oh i should have known better than to give an actual response to a retarded TDS faggot, can't see past the hebrew propaganda or think for themselves

>> No.23244496
Quoted by: >>23244679

>bad goy, you aren’t allowed to work and feed your family, or gather with your community to worship God!
>only we are still gonna collect our paychecks that are funded by your taxes
>you won’t though
>and you still have to pay those taxes
>and niggers are burning down your country with impunity for 6 months
>they don’t need to stay inside and wear masks though goyim, only you working class whites!

>> No.23244535

WHO literally condemned lockdowns lol

>> No.23244539

He gave his life for an american, we need more sustenance than lesser beings

>> No.23244568



>> No.23244594

>bumfuck KKK states
Majority of covid deaths are blacks and spics lmao

>> No.23244618
Quoted by: >>23244691

We don't give a fuck about you Americans. You're a bunch of traitors that have no problem killing innocent people, even your own people. Thanks for your "help" at world wars and for dropping bombs on my country's industry to make sure we weren't a treat to your economy. You're not the center of the world. We are fine without USA trying to make Europe fail

>> No.23244638
File: 612 KB, 1902x1006, george floyd protests map 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23244864

wonder why

>> No.23244639

>entire world laughs at america for not getting free gibs like college and healthcare
>Americans finally get a $1200 check

>> No.23244679

yeah, only an american would think this is a clever comeback

>this much paranoid schizophrenia
yikes, anon, you might want to check your tap water for heavy metals.

>> No.23244691



>> No.23244700
Quoted by: >>23244755

You can't even defeat rice farmers yet you still think that you can beat Russia or China lol

>> No.23244755
Quoted by: >>23244864

France couldn’t defeat them either? Plus they were backed by the Soviets and China

>> No.23244793

>clever comeback
I was just stating a truth, not trying to get into gay battle of wits retard, I'm not even american

>> No.23244797

Possibly because we have one of the highest rates of testing?

>> No.23244821

t. muh juden /pol/tard

>> No.23244862
File: 173 KB, 1566x881, 190821-moss-trump-jew-tease_l8tml3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23245061

>hebrew propaganda
easy with the antisemitism

>> No.23244864

>still hauls out the same retarded arguments
>still trying to cope

lol american military confirmed as powerful as france's

>not even american
is being an american a step up for you?
why are you sucking their cock so hard?

>> No.23244883
Quoted by: >>23244911

t. Redditor

>> No.23244909
Quoted by: >>23245090

>lol american military confirmed as powerful as france's
France has literally won the most battles in history.

>> No.23244911
Quoted by: >>23245161

>ur reddit if you don't believe in the retarded dribble of angsty retard rejects of the internet known as /pol/

I literally never view reddit, ever. >>>/pol/ is more your speed.

>> No.23244924
File: 354 KB, 1798x1324, 1373036767231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23245090

>"mass gatherings help spread viruses" is a retarded argument

>> No.23245061

If jewish influence and control isn't part of your worldview then you're not getting the full picture. If you think it's 100% conspiracy nonsense or 100% all one single coalition of jews that have one big plan then you're retarded, but there's a nuanced understanding of different motivations within different jewish communities that push their interests.
Why do you hate americans so much? you sound like you're coping from a literal who europoor country

>> No.23245090
Quoted by: >>23245139

>resting on your laurels this hard

>still trying to cope
>still being a motivated tactician
>still oscilating between abstract arguments and hyper specific arguments, depending on what suits his needs
>still embarrassingly transparent
>still thinks he's going to convince anyone

>> No.23245129

That’s literally what’s happening, though. Are you trying to say that the gov officials who told us we can’t work WEREN’T still collecting checks?

>> No.23245139
Quoted by: >>23245325

>>still trying to cope
>>still being a motivated tactician
>>still oscilating between abstract arguments and hyper specific arguments, depending on what suits his needs
>>still embarrassingly transparent
>>still thinks he's going to convince anyone

That's a lot of cope for a very simple notion: months of mass violent protest is bad for viral spread.

>> No.23245141

this isnt 2018 bro

>> No.23245161


>> No.23245183

Compared to other countrys, the stimulus we are getting is nothing.

>> No.23245325

Please, show me the studies showing the causality.
Not just your shitty screencap.

Or let's take a case study, Portland has been in upheaval for months straight.
I wonder how their case numbers look.
Oh wait, democrat ran city. democratic ran state.
left wing protestors practicing individual responsibility and following the safety guidelines.
Fucking weird how that works.

But god forbid, you switch from making an abstract argument, to an evidence based argument when it doesn't benefit your motivated reasoning.

>> No.23245338
Quoted by: >>23245409

>Please, show me the studies showing the causality.
The causality between mass gatherings and viral spread?

Anon, I...

>> No.23245409
Quoted by: >>23245442

>can't show causality between the protests and viral cases
>can't stop hiding between his abstract argument
>can't get into specifics
lol americans

>> No.23245442
Quoted by: >>23245503

>mass gatherings don't help viral spread

This is what you're arguing. Listen to yourself.

>> No.23245503
Quoted by: >>23245544

>doesn't know how to greentext

There's more reputable sources out there, but I can imagine you get upset that anything that doesn't come from Fox.

>> No.23245511



>> No.23245515

What a fucking reach

>> No.23245544
File: 897 KB, 1099x993, health experts doctors say riots are ok but protests against lockdowns are not.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lmao, yeah is this according to "health experts"?

>> No.23245668
Quoted by: >>23245834


>> No.23245763
File: 253 KB, 881x848, 23123123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((Mallory Simon)))

Every time.

>> No.23245778

>still can't provide specifics
>still hides behind abstraction
there's more data based research on the internet from reputable academics about outdoor, masked gatherings of any size being relatively safe and the protests not influencing the number of case loads in their region.
Portland's another case study you can't disagree with.
Meanwhile, we have plenty of evidence that Republican ran districts didn't take this seriously, and have drawn out the struggle, and destroyed businesses that would otherwise be free to operate by now.

But feel free to start offering up specifics and information instead of pull quotes.
I bet you can't. Because you're american.

>> No.23245828
File: 928 KB, 2070x964, fauci february 18 risk low no mask.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23245883

Look at all that shit you just wrote.
Large gatherings help viruses spread, and masks will do very little do stop that. Pic related.

There's simply no way you can cope your way out of this.

>> No.23245834

It's not for you pajeet, only for people in the US

>> No.23245865
File: 118 KB, 478x700, heaproves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23245883
Quoted by: >>23245900

>another screengrab
>no data
lol, classic, don't ever change americans

>> No.23245900
Quoted by: >>23245961

You want data to prove that large gatherings help viruses spread?

>> No.23245961
Quoted by: >>23245978

I already asked, please, data that the specific george floyd protests increased the spread of the virus.
In leiu of that, data about masked outdoor gathers increasing the spread would be nice.

or, you know, keep making your abstract argument and giving me pull quotes and screengrabs.
both are equally satisfying.

>> No.23245978
Quoted by: >>23245996

>data that the specific george floyd protests increased the spread of the virus.
You want specific proof that large gatherings help viruses spread?

>> No.23245996
Quoted by: >>23246028

>american reading comprehension

>> No.23246028

Well that's what you're asking.

You're asking proof that hundreds of not thousands of large gatherings specifically about George Floyd and/or BLM helped cause viral spread.

>> No.23246073

You are trading american stocks on an american finance forum. You sure you want the country to die?

>> No.23246076
Quoted by: >>23246107

>You're asking proof that hundreds of not thousands of large gatherings specifically about George Floyd and/or BLM helped cause viral spread.
exactly, can you provide it?
or are you just a little bitch?

>> No.23246083
File: 17 KB, 236x245, eaede5343c68b36909cdcb806d53e8e7--stupid-liberals-liberal-logic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23247238

Their is no winning with you tranny leftists. It is asinine how you think.
Trump banned travel from China, shut down the economy to stop the spread long enough to build ventilators and ppe (which we also helped the EU and other shitstain countries with), he signed into effect the FPUC which gave millions of Americans more money in their pocket than they have EVER had, he not only built the strongest US economy in history but also he is building it again (this moons the argument that Republicans are benefitting off of democrat economies and democrats are hurting from Republican economies), he is producing a vaccine faster than it has ever done in HISTORY.
Meanwhile the democrats have been sending covid patients to elderly homes, rioting and burning buildings, halting or delaying aid because they want funding for planned parenthood and horribly ran democrat cities, trying to impeach him based on second hand info, spied on his campaign, and accusing him of being a racist even though he has denounced racism over and over, calling the appointment of Amy Comey Barrett fraudulent (even though it is PERFECTLY constitutional) and blaming Trump for everything from Covid deaths, to wildfires, to riots).

You imbeciles create your own monsters then blame everyone around you once they come to haunt you. You label everyone racists and fascists when your policies are the ones that are hurting minorities. Most people don't give two fucks about race. They just want to enjoy life and be left the fuck alone. Not to mention your side is sending out millions of UNSOLICITED ballets. Why?! We never did before? Why now? If you are scared of corona you can send for a ballot. Watching all of this while you cucks have the gall to scream fascist all the while you silence everyone around you is sickening. Your side is either brain dead or brainwashed. You live in an alternative reality where identity politics and fear rule your lives. No wonder you throw yourselves under cars at protests.

>> No.23246107
Quoted by: >>23246179

>exactly, can you provide it?
So you're asking me to prove that large gatherings help viruses spread.

>> No.23246179
Quoted by: >>23246217

>can't provide the proof
>is just a little bitch
>retreats to abstraction
clever, always a classic, never change.

>> No.23246217
Quoted by: >>23246318

>>can't provide the proof
Anon, you're asking me to prove that large gatherings help viruses spread.

>> No.23246318
File: 36 KB, 600x361, 60abe2f271b3669c42df97ecce25b74a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23246354

that's not what you offered me here
which in some ways, would be very american

>> No.23246354
Quoted by: >>23246399

Asking whether the hundreds or thousands of large BLM gatherings helped the virus spread, is the exact same as asking whether large gatherings in general help viruses spread.

>> No.23246399
Quoted by: >>23246435

>something specific is exactly the same as something in general
>straight from the horses mouth
ladies and gentlemen, the american education system at work

>> No.23246435
Quoted by: >>23246474

>>something specific is exactly the same as something in general
There's nothing specific about hundreds or even thousands of large gatherings all over the country over the course of six months or so.

>> No.23246474
Quoted by: >>23246479

>retreating to abstraction
good one, thats a classic. please dont ever change.

>> No.23246479
Quoted by: >>23246598

What abstraction?
Are you having a stroke?

>> No.23246494
Quoted by: >>23249828

Every financial decision I've made in the last 3 months has been wrong.

>> No.23246546

LMAO you literally need our military

>> No.23246598
Quoted by: >>23246643

>retreating from specific details
>hiding behind abstract arguments
>still can't provide any data or evidence
lol what a bitch

>> No.23246643
Quoted by: >>23246787

>retreating from specific details
There's very little that's specific and detailed about hundreds or even thousands of large gatherings all over the country over the course of six months or so.

>hiding behind abstract arguments
What abstract argument?

>>still can't provide any data or evidence
You don't need data or evidence from me that large gatherings help viruses spread.
Hell, ANY gathering. Even just 2 people at a time.

>> No.23246692

When is the next Crypto stimulus ...

We need another Uniswap drop !!!

>> No.23246787
Quoted by: >>23246892

>[Source: trust me bro]

>> No.23246892
Quoted by: >>23246963

There there.

>> No.23246963
Quoted by: >>23247207

I'm waiting for you to show up with another screen cap and pull quote to try to prove yourself.
I'm starting to lose my chub.

>> No.23247207
Quoted by: >>23247597

You're waiting for me to prove that large gatherings help viruses spread.
Anon pls

>> No.23247238
File: 34 KB, 719x465, 239D8681-C81D-4A29-804B-03E0B7E8BEDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23247334

They have always been their worst enemies

>> No.23247334

These are the kind of stupid centrist memes that a retarded boomer would post. Horse shoe theory is gay. Also, it is undeniable that the white race is the superior race, leftists like to try and deny it and put their success as down to dishonesty, thuggery, stealing, and nepotism and punish white people for their superiority.

>> No.23247597
Quoted by: >>23247631

No please, anon, you're a shining example of how the white race is doomed and it's americans who have doomed it.
Please keep avoiding the data and evidence.
I need to keep this stiffy going.
I can't cum in the presence of a reasonable argument and critical thinking.

>> No.23247631
Quoted by: >>23247784

>Please keep avoiding the data and evidence.
You want data and evidence for the fact that large gatherings help viruses spread.

This is the hill you're choosing to die on.

>> No.23247784

no, anon, clearly, this is the hill that americans are choosing to die on.

>> No.23247828

Blacks and lefties, yes.

>> No.23248186

please god, my precious metal bags are packed and 2 years would give me enough time to make it to 1000ozt of silver

>> No.23248226


from the EU people need to know that we are still on the SWIFT dollar system if the US is Fucked the world is fucked.

Look at the countries that tried there BICS system (Russia, China, Brasil and others) more fucked then the rest.

You need to look on both sides of the coin and how interconnected we are financially.

Geopolitical this decade will be fucked.


>> No.23248524

You sound like a slav retard. It is common sense that huge gatherings increase covid risk, are you braindamaged? You played typical 14 year old acting cool on 4chan slav games that a caveman would find amusing, typical internet europoor

>> No.23249031
File: 48 KB, 1270x116, Screen Shot 2020-10-13 at 3.33.26 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are there plans?

>> No.23249102

US hits all of Iran’s financial sector with sanctions -

US will start sanctioning everybody and limiting their access to swift because other countries will not end their financial relations with Iran. how this will end? US will be alone in its SWIFT system and other countries will find another way - crypto?
almost every other decent country is against financial bullying that US does with does sanctions.

Iran knows the game and has been preparing for this -

>> No.23249276

>Russia teaming up with turkey
>Russia even thinking of invading europe
Americans are so fucking delusional holy fuck.

>> No.23249522

russia has an aging population efforts to make europe rely on russia for energy are mixed but they can be the muscle for smaller countries to not get fucked with when buying shit from OPEC/etc. if russia doesnt make moves within 10 years and now sooner because of covid russia will be done for

>> No.23249557

1000% based anon zeihan is overlooked alot despite being right. made any trades based on what he has laid out? Im looking into the uk /us trade deal now to see who lighthizer has mind for the US winners, tyson chicken is the most likey so far from the meat exports that theuk was bitching about a lowering of meat regulations

>> No.23249572

Dump is literally so desperate that he is trying to buy votes. He knows that the polls prove that Biden is going to tactical nuke him in a landslide victory. Get fucked fascists.

>> No.23249684
File: 60 KB, 640x427, 1581965286889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is unironically the play for economic collapse? Wait to buy real estate? Buy bullion now? Beans, guns, monero?

>> No.23249828

Same thing, but at least I made it through Uniswap.

>> No.23249949

Those states have much lower mortality rates.

Stupid kneeling subhuman asshole.

>> No.23249983
File: 245 KB, 850x709, bobo-with-masks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no Drumpf farted again. My alts are gonna crash.

>> No.23249997

I can't believe these nigger events even took place in the Ozarks. Springfield needs to be nuked. What is that in Northern Arkansas? Russellville? Probably like 14 obese white women and some niggers with cardboard signs standing arbitrarily on the sidewalk. God damn shit show I hope this whole cunt gets a reset and white libs get thrown into septic pits and set on fire (in minecraft).

>> No.23250001

> /biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.23250032
File: 24 KB, 236x361, F15D6B7E-572D-4259-904D-689F9491D34C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we save ourselves from the kike and their Jewish mess of civilization?

>> No.23250056

6 months-30 years, broadly, is far more realistic. But I like your style.

>> No.23250064
File: 47 KB, 512x422, 16E44767-942D-45C9-A41B-A467A8C9A408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you kikes and Chinese agents will be indicted

>> No.23250150
File: 467 KB, 1536x2048, DD344E29-513B-4126-AEAC-EEC78E481C3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an American I literally cannot wait to leave. The writing is on the wall and I know 75% of these larping trump supporters are going to jumó ship and blame it on liberals/niggers than just admitting they drunk so much of the koolaid that logical thinking is flooded with bullshit. Only problem is they will carry this over to the next country and spread their retardation.

>> No.23250189

>Russia LITTERALLY invaded Europe and annexed Crimea not 4 years ago

>> No.23250463
File: 82 KB, 1508x1025, 159704500024517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digits confirm if next stimulus comes via XLM