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22911291 No.22911291 [Reply] [Original]

Polkastarter just hit Uniswap. Get it while it’s super early /biz/.


>> No.22911446

scam. stay safe out there biz

>> No.22911481

Dude no. We are all waiting for Polytrade.

>> No.22911540
File: 13 KB, 225x225, Pepe Baller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22911965

This will the next UNI.
Wait till this is 2$ at the end of day.
Remember, 2 dollars is still only a 20 million MC!

I know fucking Uniswap vegetable coins that passed that mc.

>> No.22911580

Where can I find mcap info? Ive heard its below a million..

>> No.22911965
Quoted by: >>22911981

Under 20k circulating. This is a fucking no brainer, I aped in at $.27

>> No.22911981

You mean 20m but same idea applies

>> No.22912062

The seed and presale investors are going to be dumping for awhile. They got in at .01 and .025. They are already doing well over 10x

>> No.22912086

Yeah im betting if the 20c floor drops it can dip a fair amount lower

>> No.22912093
Quoted by: >>22912109

People got Uni literally for free.
Believe me this will go to atleast 2$ or higher.

>> No.22912109
Quoted by: >>22912151

Yes eventually. I’m just saying you might want to wait because you may be able to get in a lot lower.

>> No.22912151

The US is still waking up. Anything below $.50 is a steal. I bought in to avoid being frontrun.

>> No.22912178
File: 95 KB, 1600x1064, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only because of the low circ supply. Good for short term play

>> No.22912206
Quoted by: >>22912239

you're fucking retarded. the lot of you. shitcoin hit uni at 10M market cap and you all think you're early. already 50M fully diluted....and nobody knows what the distribution schedule even is.

>> No.22912235
Quoted by: >>22912266

The East coast has been awake

>> No.22912239
Quoted by: >>22912263

The distribution schedule is on the site, and 50m would still low for this you brainlet.

>> No.22912263

kek. a new shiny project hits uni everyday....but yours would be undervalued at 50M mc. okay. go all in anon.

>> No.22912266
Quoted by: >>22912432

The volume and the hold above $.25 is bullish. Not everyone knows about it right away and the gas prices are high.

>> No.22912312
Quoted by: >>22912477

>$.0125 private sale price
>$.025 presale price
you cunts wanna pretend like getting in at $.50 is a bargain. kek....look out kid, you're gonna get hit

>> No.22912432

Yep we will be rushing through 1$ and

>> No.22912477

With that downward pressure, it still holds and rises. Uni pumped with downward selling pressure the whole way and people still have that fresh in their memory. Different trading channels are all talking about it and watching it. It's only at a $6m market cap with 9m volume. You're too autistic to see what's going on.

>> No.22912655

I'm not interested in buying private sale bags at 20x on day one. I was watching this shit trade at $.70 like an hour ago. patients is rewarded. no need to fomo in blind

>> No.22912745
Quoted by: >>22912826

You don't think this is the dip?

>> No.22912765
Quoted by: >>22912987

Look at the amount of pooled tokens. They can get eaten up pretty easily.

>> No.22912826
Quoted by: >>22912985

20% of seed tokens and 25% of private sale tokens were unlocked today. these people are up 20x and 10x still at $.25. I'm not in a hurry.

>$9M volume
yeah....adding liquidity is calculated as volume. so is selling into the pool. anon...you aped into this shit thinking 20k was circulating when it was 20M.....not too smart

>> No.22912985
File: 484 KB, 2048x1006, Screenshot_20200929-111642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22913021

we're good

>> No.22912987
Quoted by: >>22913185

look at the amount of pooled eth....then look at some of the wallets who are executing larger sells. the selling has just started dude

>> No.22913021

kek. you're the most retarded kind of ape.
yes, they are vested...but 20% of seed tokens and 25% of private sale tokens are unlocked today and you can see them being sold.

>> No.22913185

you've got a point. It's still at my entry so I cashed out for now. You think this is a good play when it dips?

>> No.22913204




the list goes on. there's quite a few seed and private sale buyers with large amount that are selling, and still have a lot more to sell. not bullish. maybe I'll buy at 10-15 cents

>> No.22913395

this is the state of biz, retards fomo'ing a project with any line code written and shilled by satsgang as well as other influencers, go ahead, grab a x10 pumped bag and get rekt

>> No.22913487

It's holding with that sell pressure

>> No.22913797

Incredible bullish. They're almost out and the rest of the tokens come next month.

This will be 5$ at the end of the week.

>> No.22913923


>> No.22914193
File: 77 KB, 693x448, 141881-full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22914277

>be me
>wakes up at 9:30
>bought in at 10:05 or so
>thought i bought at 0,18
>go watch a lecture
>check my balance
>realized i actually bought in at 0,44 because of the huge pump in the first minutes
>already lost 40%

>> No.22914277

Kek. $5 end of week, it's fine fren

>> No.22914778

I really whant to believe in you fren, thanks

>> No.22914799

Watch biz fomo at 5$ again.

>Never change