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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.22892011


>> No.22892034

checked, and 10k

>> No.22892070

I literally want that picture to be my life
I wish i didn't give up so early. I wish my parents helped and guided me

>> No.22892082
File: 103 KB, 750x732, 1592686154490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22900299


>> No.22892085
Quoted by: >>22894521

200 stinkies

>> No.22892086


>> No.22892176
Quoted by: >>22893118

Everyone wishes that, but when you try to tell a young person not to give up, often the answer is "fuck you for telling me not to do what I feel like".

>> No.22892430

Checked. How much for yacht party?

>> No.22892764
File: 41 KB, 618x464, 6C3F844B-DC82-480C-B065-BA8FE711B29E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22892815

The only true answer is “not enough”

>> No.22892782


>> No.22892815


>> No.22892844

2k. I want more but I'm also open to investing in smaller coins that show potential. I'm leaning towards continuing my link accumulation though.

>> No.22892867

900 :/

>> No.22892878


is it really over?

>> No.22892905
Quoted by: >>22893021

pretty good for a third worlder if I may say so

>> No.22893021

7.5k and that (11) is the number I wanna reach, praying we crab 6 more months, happy for you 3rd world bro

>> No.22893041

what the fuck are you checking?
lurk moar

>> No.22893118

it's because the people telling you what to do committed major errors in their life that completely invalidate their advice. i didn't start making money until i started to do the opposite of what my "mentors" told me to do.

>> No.22893164
Quoted by: >>22893183

so you started sucking dick?

>> No.22893183
Quoted by: >>22893498

only your mom's

>> No.22893187


and i AM going to make it!

>> No.22893204
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>> No.22893239

10.5 and 1 linkpool share (gl staking if you don’t have that)

>> No.22893243
Quoted by: >>22894489

I want to move my links to EOS

>> No.22893300


>> No.22893301

15, but i am accumulating

>> No.22893305
File: 722 KB, 1884x1479, Dcpzt0YV4AA1KuE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calm your sheet pajeet. only frens welcome here

>> No.22893390

0. I tried to get some by shoving sharpies up my pooper though but that didn’t work out too well.

>> No.22893498
File: 57 KB, 702x589, oh my.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22893530


>> No.22893578
File: 16 KB, 297x294, 77993d4a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was checking your mother LMAO

>> No.22893760


>> No.22893774


>> No.22893781
Quoted by: >>22894564

Those people generally are trying to warn others not to make the same mistakes they did. I can think of every excuse to "invalidate" your opinion and call you a faggot, but likely with your attitude you'll be calling yourself one in some year

>> No.22894250

21K. A suicide stack, a real suicide stack and a second real suicide stack. I really don't want to suicide over this.

>> No.22894268

BTC dumps are incoming for the next 4 days. Expect only pain.

>> No.22894295

- 54k

>> No.22894297

0.00000003 or something on Binance. I can't even use it.

>> No.22894314


I own 13598.6633 Chainlink tokens

>> No.22894340


Kek well played

>> No.22894373

I am holding this hold. It is the best hold. He knows not what he holds. This hold it is the most comfy hold. Hold? Yes, I am holding this hold.

>> No.22894437

I don't hodl much currently. Used my profit to buy other DeFi dip like PLT and DIA

>> No.22894451


>> No.22894489

Hang yourself after you make that trade

>> No.22894508


>> No.22894515


>> No.22894521

200 gang.

>> No.22894564

it only makes sense to listen if the person succesfully corrected the error in a context similar to yours. most advice is on the level of a fat person telling you not to eat sugar "because it's bad for you."

i am quite content to earn and save more since i stopped following the advice of failures. don't put your internalized guilt trip on me.

>> No.22894571

Twenty nine thousand ten billion and twelve.

>> No.22894581

35k Link total, haven't sold a single link and have only bought more
>t. 2017 holder

>> No.22894625
Quoted by: >>22903866

LOL GTFO anyone who says they have over 1k LINK is a STINKY LARP

No way your mama gave you that much lunch money

Anyone with real money is out banging bitches and educating themselves instead of wasting their life on this awful website

>> No.22894713


>> No.22894794


down fron


Sold the 20K at about 5$ each on average over time

>> No.22894815

0. Sold at 19c

>> No.22895366
File: 46 KB, 448x486, 1595194374122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22903414


Wish I browsed /biz/ earlier instead of dicking around on the other boards. Oh well

>> No.22895410

Enough for an assassination contract for (you), kike. Good luck!

>> No.22895545
Quoted by: >>22897292

Suicide stack is 1k faggot

>> No.22895614


>> No.22896268


>> No.22896538
Quoted by: >>22902837

used to have 34k now im down to just 1k.
sold most of mine around $6 and bought RSR
i doubt 30k LINK is enough to even make it so i have a better chance making it with RSR.
kept 1k LINK as suicide insurance tho.

>> No.22896781

Kek 56k. Feels fucking good to dab on nulinkers

>> No.22896952

I've got some eth lying around I trade poorly with, might dump that right into link and wait.

>> No.22897292

Sorry, couldn't hear you over the sound of all those dicks in my mouth.
If it turns out to be 1K, I'll have made it + showered myself in life changing money on the way up, so joke's on you I guess.

>> No.22897478

Only 1.3k currently. I had 10k in March, but like a fucking idiot I started selling it bit by bit as it pumped its way up. No way in hell did I ever expect it to hit 20 this year. At least I have a suicide stack. This is my punishment for swinging LINK.

>> No.22897967

More than you, kiddo. Hehe check em.

>> No.22898127


>> No.22899045

Bout 7 fiddy

Would be over 1k if I didn't do pump buying.. ill admit it.. i fomo'd a bit.

>> No.22899470

260 and nice trips. gonna try to DCA to 500 if i have time

>> No.22900299


Pic is me

>> No.22901295


>> No.22901841

I used to have 100,000. Like a non retard, I took some 200x off the table. Now awaiting BoringDAO.

>> No.22902024

Almost 1400 really want 2k

>> No.22902591
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>> No.22902634
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Quoted by: >>22902663

20k. I'm still shocked at how few 10k+ stacks still post in these threads. 10k-20k used to be average in 2018

>> No.22902663

Yeah, I sold. Yeah, I had three years. Yeah, I am poor now. Yeah, I wish still had even 1k.

>> No.22902820
Quoted by: >>22903020


>> No.22902833

It’s never enough.

>> No.22902837

I hope this is a larp

>> No.22903020
Quoted by: >>22904076

Pls don't post decimal amounts anon

>> No.22903059
File: 43 KB, 500x388, 1599428413786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3.5 links

Hoping to get to 10 by the end of the year.

>> No.22903414

Checked and I had the same wish when I got here in March 2018. Missed the bullrun by a few months. Thankfully anons helped me by making link such an obvious buy. Started with $11 worth is all I had in the bank at the time. Every wage bought more. Now Ive lots. Good luck

>> No.22903866

ud be surprised desu
t. 55k

>> No.22904076


>> No.22904334
File: 145 KB, 969x1024, sword.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22904363

i quit in 2017 and am returning now. ironically... how hard should i fomo in RIGHT NOW? i want to kms seeing 10 dollar link after being liquidated by holding icx. is it too late marines? feeling dumb ://

>> No.22904342

Over 10k with an average of .30. Have never sold and only continue to buy. Either I escape the wage cage and start real generational wealth or i die with my stack.

>> No.22904363
Quoted by: >>22904434

if someone like yourself told you to buy, would you buy

>> No.22904386
File: 233 KB, 220x168, boi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 330

>> No.22904405
File: 27 KB, 439x603, sword2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never too late. my dads from another country, my mom is a deadbeat. you can reinvent yourself a million times and still be true. hang in there (not by a rope)! still can be your future friend...

>> No.22904434

thats the fun of the board brah.

>> No.22904448

0. Why couldn't those shitty scammers manage a Poloniex listing? Not going to go out of my way to buy a scam.

>> No.22904470

6k, I should've taken it more seriously and bought more when it was under a dollar.

>> No.22904737

3k, my stack is the only thing I have to bank on to save me from abject misery and despair so still trying to accumulate more

>> No.22904792


>> No.22904820

15k. Is LINK still a thing? Kinda forgot about it.

>> No.22905120

i have 2 link :D

>> No.22905442

24k. I hope it’s enough to make it.

>> No.22905891

only 1k

>> No.22905950

i bought most of mine back when it was 0.30-0.60c
took loans out for it and everything
im on a break from working at the moment, but if it hits $30 i might take out $100k worth to coast off of for a few years while i wait for the retirement moon to come

>> No.22906057


Going to sell about 10% soon to get a mortgage for my sister and her kid

I don't really want to take out that much LINK but my sister needs somewhere to live and I'll at least cover about 1/3rd of the monthly income I'll need to stop working forever

>> No.22906824

Is this shit ever going to go up? Has been dumping/crabbing ever since $20.

>> No.22906870

exactly 100k like the meme foretold

>> No.22906962


>> No.22907396

Check and over 4k

>> No.22907604

Had 102k, now 100k. Not larping.

>> No.22907620
