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>> No.22465815
Quoted by: >>22465831

First for massive doomp

>> No.22465818


>> No.22465824
File: 77 KB, 723x687, Trending (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22465831

I bet half of my abandoned RH account on it

>> No.22465842

GME is not gonna happen

>> No.22465844
File: 133 KB, 483x442, 1598279272749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>futures blood green

>> No.22465853

GME is never going to happen

>> No.22465860

Hahahaha it gives me so much satisfaction seeing legitimate normies getting destroyed in the markets. Dumb femoids always expecting money to just show up.

>> No.22465861

Just hold this week fren. Us bears are gonna make it. Fuck the market LET IT BURn LIKE A NIGGER COVERED IN CRISCO GREASE

>> No.22465863 [DELETED] 
File: 2.95 MB, 2160x2880, 7_DREAMERS-1304428736893386752-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22465912

were the cohen army

we never sell

although im worried the catalyst will be the q4 earnings next year and it wont even do anything till then LOL

what if im fucked

my calls are january

what if theres no catalyst and nobody gives a shit that consoles came out and it just stays the same
till after my call expires

is this a legitimate thought

>> No.22465867
File: 19 KB, 566x171, 2020-09-13_15-21-44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are so fucked

>> No.22465870
Quoted by: >>22466894

God damn it, the apple calls that I sold are probably going ITM

>> No.22465877
File: 62 KB, 306x377, 33096548-8725911-image-a-8_1599927338884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The king of bears has been awakened from his sleep

Sell everything

>> No.22465878
Quoted by: >>22465918

Get a new image
This is close to avatar fagging
SQQQ will pump

Especially if we gap up

>> No.22465882
File: 993 KB, 797x865, 9ADEB5DC-6C01-47D6-B226-30C1A7F71BC5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22465884

who is fucked and what are the tik tok stories about?

>> No.22465891

What's a good SQQQ strike for this week? 28?

>> No.22465909

Lemme suk ur cock if u make it wit calls hmmnnnng adaddybearp

>> No.22465912

Yes it's a legitimate thought
The same EXACT thing that happened with tankers is happening with GME

>> No.22465918
Quoted by: >>22465950

>Tripfag worried about avatarfags

>> No.22465926
Quoted by: >>22466069

28 is good

>> No.22465939
File: 638 KB, 1000x1000, 1599941596890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22466004

Best of two worlds.

>> No.22465942
File: 43 KB, 1024x1024, 1599883570541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22465977

Who /one minute candle gang/?

>> No.22465950

I'm only tripping until all the GME fags die so the one mf who bet me is definitely dead

>> No.22465952

Refer to


>> No.22465958



>> No.22465972
File: 25 KB, 210x576, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when do the money printers start again?

>> No.22465974

These futures are the epitome of line go down surely line go up now

>> No.22465977
Quoted by: >>22466029

As a yuropoor fees on my broker would literally bankrupt me if i traded 2M candles.

>> No.22465983

>OOOO GRATS!! now watch your money GROOWWWW! im so tempted to buy tesla today too!!

>it already went up $100 :) :) :) definitely do it in the morning!!

Fucking normies. Fucking femoids. Fucking braindead niggerfaggots. All of them.

All they know is Apple and Tesla. What's a broker? What's VIX? What are futures? What's a NASDAQ - is that a special company? What's a S&P 500? What's a Dow Jones? Earnings? What's that?

- Sent from my iPhone

>> No.22465995

Crypto dumping.

>> No.22465996
Quoted by: >>22466016

Someone bet you personally that it’s gonna happen? I do respect the spite and pettiness of tripping just to tell someone to go fuck themselves, carry on m8 and godspeed

>> No.22465997
File: 171 KB, 750x1025, F039CBAB-CB80-4DB0-9ECC-C5630DBC090C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Convince me to not buy a ton of NVDA calls tomorrow at open.

>> No.22466004
Quoted by: >>22466448

why would a red WEEK ruin bears with puts you dumbass

>> No.22466006

I think it's more like "Hmm VIX Back to August Levels? Maybe Tech Stop Pee Pee Poo Poo Now?"

Except that we still don't have a stimulus bill. And QE being eased. And people finally realizing we might be in a deflationary period instead of an inflationary one.

What's a DXY anyways? Haha..

>> No.22466011

nobody cares

>> No.22466013

Tech will dump and the ARM deal was priced in months ago.

>> No.22466016
Quoted by: >>22466063

I'll print out your post and frame it so I can show it to the next asshole who gives me shit about it

>> No.22466026

Buy a ton of of NVDA calls, but for 2022 though. Or at LEAST June 2021. Don't be a faggot by doing monthly or weeklies. That's how you blow out your account.

>> No.22466029

I'm just watching them.

>> No.22466031

the trusty rule of three (sometimes five)
red days rarely continue for more than 3 days before a day of relief, and vice versa

>> No.22466033

The dude who bet me and said he would trip to prove it knows
And every time I say GME WILL NEVER HAPPEN
I smile
Because he seethes in silence

>> No.22466041 [DELETED] 
File: 1.66 MB, 2160x2880, 7_DREAMERS-1301401661693292545-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the money printer go bllllllllpppttt

cohen got me, he gonna pay me forward

20$ tender offer

thank you sir i will exercise my option and call in my shares

thank you very much mr cohen

>> No.22466043
Quoted by: >>22466080

expiring Friday?

uh oh
this wasn't priced in

>> No.22466054

Thursday was day 1, that leaves tomorrow to dump.

>> No.22466060

The relief was Friday afternoon
Every single pattern has been accelerated and condensed since February

>> No.22466063

Please do

>> No.22466069

If we gap up tomorrow, I'm thinking of getting them around 10-11ish. The only news that I've seen come out this weekend is more vaccine soon™ nonsense. This feels like a bull trap.

>> No.22466080

SQQQ will hit $30 and it could happen tomorrow

>> No.22466087
File: 851 KB, 850x1040, 42461fc7372a2a9b6b5ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22466093
Quoted by: >>22466149

Why are you guys riding on SQQQ when you could just short /NQ instead?

>> No.22466098

It better, I held my $27 SQQQ calls.

>> No.22466101
File: 170 KB, 360x346, 444267_1139.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek. Can't believe I missed that. Over/under he already offed himself.

>> No.22466105

Can you guys redpill me on Giga Metals Corporation (HNCKF)?

>> No.22466113
Quoted by: >>22466203

Priced in.

>> No.22466125
Quoted by: >>22466156

There is an amazon commercial about using 100% electric delivery vans
I don't think they bought them from workhorse

>> No.22466140

Isn't Tesla going to go back up sooner or later?

>> No.22466144
Quoted by: >>22467604

The bear will leave its cave forever

>> No.22466147

i do want more AI/ML investments

>> No.22466149
File: 54 KB, 346x482, 1598572246675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cause I don't use margin

>> No.22466156

Probably because they were interested in delivery vans and not CGI

>> No.22466163
Quoted by: >>22466179

Yeah, before it plummets again.

>> No.22466166


Fuck you

>> No.22466179

So all these people will be fine as long as long as they sell at the next peak?

>> No.22466188


I never knew “perfectly preserved” good mean such drastically different things to two people

>> No.22466190
Quoted by: >>22466292

SPY is looking strong for tomorrow. Gap up and fade through the day looks like its on the menu.

>> No.22466198 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 564x703, miahourly-1299421669124182016-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



my money printer is brapping all over the place

it turns out i didnt need my 40k i only needed my gamestop calls and im gonna be doing better than i ever was come november

when the squeezening comes

>> No.22466203

Yeah youre probably right. It is a rumor, so there may never be a deal between TSLA and GIGA but I'm a dreamer and autistic. I've seen some shilling going on and Im easily swayed

>> No.22466210

>Last week's market pullback - which led to the fastest ever 10% correction in the Nasdaq from an all time high - was predictably concentrated in mega-cap growth (MCG) stocks, and followed their strong outperformance in August...we are on the cusp of another historic inversion, one where retail daytraders fully cement their role as the dominant price setters in the call space, at least until we have a sufficiently powerful market crash to deter such frenzied momentum chasing. Because clearly last week's shallow correction - which was quickly BTFDed - was not enough.
Courtesy of our friends at https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/edge-another-historic-inversion-retail-traders-set-surpass-50-all-call-buying

>> No.22466213


>> No.22466239
Quoted by: >>22466774

They predicting pump?
This dump is going to be insane
Retail tards don't have any cash left to pump the market
They're underwater on TSLA and GME

>> No.22466243

This battle is going to be epic
You vs baggies bad luck

>> No.22466244
File: 71 KB, 720x394, 38ekff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22466643

>Another dump
>Smug bears happy about gains
>Bears miss exit
>Salty bears because the collapse doesn't happen and they lost their gains
>"Total annihilation soon!!!"
>Line marches up while bears stay cash or try some puts
>Dumb permabull checks his account for the first time in two months and is happy about all the green

>> No.22466264

Bye bye SQQQ fags~

- sent from my dick

>> No.22466271

i highly doubt it might go a bit north of what it end at firday not much if it does

>> No.22466288

It’s going to blow up guaranteed, it’s going to have some explosive growth growth for the rest of the week. I’ve got some insider information and that stock will hit $100 in a few years once ev’s start rolling out

>> No.22466292


I’m down. Selling in the morning and jerking off the rest of the day is my forte

>> No.22466299

welp, I'm not getting any sleep tonight that's for sure..

>GME calls that expire 9/18

why the fuck did I listen to you people?

>> No.22466307

You didn't
GME is not going to happen

>> No.22466308



>> No.22466321


>> No.22466344

After RKT, why would you hold calls after earnings?

>> No.22466359
File: 698 KB, 1200x902, 432532456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell for the GME shill
I've literally never seen gamestop mentioned here except maybe as a meme

>> No.22466365

>Blockbuster video is never gonna happen.

>> No.22466366

>I’ve got some insider information and that stock will hit $100
Yeah baby that's what I want to hear!!! I'm going to buy a fleet of cybertrucks when I decide to cash out

>> No.22466367

is this on nyse

>> No.22466375


I’ve got some bad news for you

>> No.22466388

Thanks just bought 100k

>> No.22466390
File: 124 KB, 592x1115, 2020-09-13_15-49-26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22467229

TSLA is fucked

>> No.22466398

Please tell me the market will crash soon, I've watched it skyrocket since March and just lacked the courage to buy when the whole world is about to collapse due to the second wave. It's already all over the media, it should crash relatively soon, right?

>> No.22466402

No one invests into gamestop man.

>> No.22466407
File: 1.00 MB, 498x278, A584F2FC-C4E5-43C6-8E1F-84FC06D9B401.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, is there a ticket I can go all in with a margin account on Brad Pitt’s rock hard abs?

>> No.22466410

just keep being a coward your whole life we need work slaves

>> No.22466426
File: 58 KB, 640x853, vfamfos275m51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the stock market will either go up or it will go down? Is that it?

>> No.22466427

who on earth told you to do that it wasn't me

>> No.22466428


name a more pathetic collection of losers ever assembled?

>> No.22466431

March was the biggest bear trap in history, I doubt the markets will tank that much.

>> No.22466435
Quoted by: >>22466453

What was the strike price?

>> No.22466448

Maybe he is thinking that people with weak hands would freak out and try to cut their losses by cashing out.

>> No.22466449

You didn’t buy in March you fucking disappointment? I didn’t get into this shit until July and would fucking kill for the opportunity to have bought in March, I was in the dark. You should commit seppuku over the missed opportunity you sad person.

>> No.22466453
Quoted by: >>22466479


>> No.22466479


>> No.22466481
Quoted by: >>22467486

Isn't gme the 2nd most shorted stock on the market after tesla?

>> No.22466485

>They think futures is mooning
>They haven't even looked at the volume nor the order book nor the originating countries of the buy/sell orders
Naive pigs. Getting ready to be slaughtered.

>> No.22466486
Quoted by: >>22466507

If you aren’t stacking safe dividend stocks for your family you’re a fucking retard

>> No.22466498
Quoted by: >>22466805

I've got 1k worth. They struck a deal to supply Tesla with nickel. They are on the Canadian market

>> No.22466502

Same exact episode has been playing on repeat for days

>> No.22466507
Quoted by: >>22466544

Does that also include Jamal and the kids he had with your wife?

>> No.22466534

usually it does result in a gap up before a dump then a pump then a slow bleed. some retards on both sides will panic buy/sell and lose money

>> No.22466538
Quoted by: >>22466560

I agree with this. I feel like VIX dropping is misleading, due to how many times we've seen it reverse after market open

>> No.22466544

Weird thing to say. I suggest trying to build a healthy relationship alongside a respectable dividend portfolio

>> No.22466560

Aren't options a big part of VIX?
Seems difficult for it to be very accurate right now

>> No.22466563
File: 138 KB, 482x427, 1592925255156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think we ran out of momentum bros it's over

>> No.22466592

The news said that our world is about to end, that every single person over the age of 60 will die, I saw cryptos, precious metals and stocks collapse all at once. Back then I really believed it's the end of the world. I watched in disbelief as it pumps despite the constant bad news. Now we're a month a way from the second wave that will most likely be much more deadly than the first one according to many doctors.
I will still not buy, what are the shares good for if the entire planet is going to hell? The only companies I'll consider this time around will be apocalypse-proof like basic commodities.

>> No.22466608


>> No.22466622

>two more weeks bro

>> No.22466623

>second wave

>> No.22466624
Quoted by: >>22466809

nigga wat, you made me fucking check
made it sound like it went to 0.00% or something holy shit you guys turn retarded the moment futures/market is back up

>> No.22466639

yeah bro, that second wave with a million zillion cases in which 99.99% of the people who have it aren't even aware of the fact

>> No.22466641


None of that is going to happen and I hope you screen cap this look back on what a stupid naive pussy you were cringe find a way to laugh at yourself and learn from it.

>> No.22466643
Quoted by: >>22467779

>I'm too smart to make money!

Maybe Bulls are smarter than you give us credit for

>> No.22466646
Quoted by: >>22466703

Werent the last 2 months was just a gamble on another stimulus package? The Democrats played Trump like a child, there will be no stimulus and everyone will blame him for the collapse. He has already lost this election. Then the Left will ride into the ruined city on a white horse and save everyone with another stim check, pumping the economy in the process. Masterfully played, Trump is a fucking idiot for not seeing this coming.

>> No.22466655

You hoard toilet paper and hand sanitizer dont you?

>> No.22466656
Quoted by: >>22466678

can you post a screenshot of the post

>> No.22466657

How wide are y'all setting your iron condors? Asking for a friend

>> No.22466658

Can't have a second wave if the first one never ended :^)

>> No.22466674

le ebic reddit maymay, narwhale bacon at midnight lollll

>> No.22466675

>Here comes 6 gorillion more chink cold deaths

>> No.22466678

I don't screen shot posts


>> No.22466683

>it's the guy who spends the whole thread vaguely relating to stocks but actually is just blowing the Democrats about how smart and cool they are and pmurt is done this time for sure
>and a tripfag
>and gookpop poster
Holy FUCK this is cancer power hour

>> No.22466686

People that hold V are better than you

>> No.22466688
File: 74 KB, 590x518, Screenshot from 2020-09-13 19-03-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey zhang how does +1% sound to you?
>sounds good schlomo
*enters +1% into python script*

>> No.22466702

Tesla has a PE ratio of $950 and a book value of $10. Assuming massive future growth, their intrinsic value should be around $50-$100. They are massively over valued. If you want to speculate that people will just keep giving Elon Musk free money, go ahead. I'm not risking it. Even Elon said it was overvalued, and that was back in may. What does that tell you?

>> No.22466703

I don't know about that.. the most logical power play is to have Trump win and crash the market. The ensuing chaos is the perfect capitalization for a greater power grab.

>> No.22466714
File: 83 KB, 705x960, 9D050885-9C6B-450E-9436-205FD9552C8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think the world is really gonna end, what the fuck do you have to lose by throwing a couple grand at some failsafe stocks at the bottom of a historic market crash?

>> No.22466717

People that hold WMT are better than you

>> No.22466716
File: 61 KB, 630x847, Vaporwave Spaceforce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22466809

>It's another Bears waited too long to sell and so complain that the system is rigged. Meanwhile, they would have made more money consistently if they just bought and held Episode

>> No.22466724
Quoted by: >>22466816


This place is trash and full of bears during non-market hours because bulls blow them the fuck out during the day and run them off

>> No.22466731
File: 2.22 MB, 1280x720, 1600036690865.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I make money off of simps?

>> No.22466744

People that hold CAT, FAST, or CX are better than you

>> No.22466747

I'm going to keep tripping because line only go up retards like you keep seething

>> No.22466765

Become a tranny I guess

>> No.22466771
File: 732 KB, 1430x2199, Screenshot_20200913-160935_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even musk said the stock was overvalued... in fucking may. Look at the price in may. Holy fucking shit! It still has a long way to fall.

>> No.22466774

Everyone is liquid right now you retard. The money is just waiting to pump

>> No.22466777

Invest in home suicide kits

>> No.22466778

bolt ons, apparently

>> No.22466785


Jesus Christ, fuck that whore

>> No.22466794
File: 1.90 MB, 540x960, 1597839482665.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will the w*men bubble burst? Surely it can't keep up this level of growth.

>> No.22466801
Quoted by: >>22466814

>Everyone is liquid right now
There are more bag holders than you think
Courtesy of mr. portnoy

>> No.22466805
Quoted by: >>22467080

>They struck a deal to supply Tesla with nickel.
Oh shit I thought that was unconfirmed, I need to get in asap. In the mean time shut your fucking mouth because the volume has already been blowing up the last 2 days. Everything Elon Musk is involved in is way too overvalued

>> No.22466809

How to view country of origin for orders?
A lot of negative pressure bro
Check the rsi and macd

>> No.22466811
Quoted by: >>22466973

What a fucking retard. I first bought stocks in December 2018 at the end of a 3 month bear run. March 2020 was just a routine fire sale for me. I remember checking my stocks one day and seeing them all down and shit in March and only thinking “oh well they’ll go back up, might as well buy more now”

>> No.22466814
Quoted by: >>22466824

Lmfaooo you think Dave portnoy matters?

>> No.22466816

Bulls have lives outside of /biz/ Bears just come here to be miserable with each other

>> No.22466824
Quoted by: >>22466843

No but I think a lot of people do

>> No.22466830
Quoted by: >>22466880

are you a retard? everyone has been buying tech the entire way up

>> No.22466832
Quoted by: >>22466889

Worlds oldest profession

>> No.22466833
Quoted by: >>22466889

Women are the most vicious parasites on earth. At least drug dealers wont pretend they are your friends.

>> No.22466839

When dumb men stop buying?

>> No.22466843
Quoted by: >>22466870

Yeah, young people with barely any money

>> No.22466844
Quoted by: >>22466873


SPY 350 by end of the month. Go all in on SPY leaps right now!!! Trump's win is going to catapult SPY to 400.

>> No.22466866
Quoted by: >>22466944

RSI is very neutral and close to oversold territory on both the NASDAQ and SP500 futures

>> No.22466870

We'll see, I suppose

>> No.22466873
File: 70 KB, 599x518, Screenshot from 2020-09-13 19-14-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A chinaman told a robot to walk to the 1h moving average and dump it.

>> No.22466880
Quoted by: >>22466904

You know it’s September 13th right? Not August

>> No.22466887

I fucking despise women, they all need to go.

>> No.22466888

>i'm not being annoying bro i'm just trying to keep the thread on track
>23 posts by this ID
>not even halfway to bump limit yet

>> No.22466889
File: 152 KB, 848x886, 1599864790857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop replying to slide posts nger
If you wanna simp though simp to this girl
Good videos but too azn in mentality, needs bwc balls

>> No.22466894

Covered calls are a fools’ errand. Generally. Right now they definitely are.

>> No.22466904
Quoted by: >>22466927

yeah, and you think as many people sold in the past week than bought in the past 5 months?

>> No.22466905

Going forward tech heavy portfolios will underperform boomer portfolios

>> No.22466913

I wish that they had started the Presidential debates sooner
why wait until the end of September
We could have been having debates a month ago
I just want entertainment

>> No.22466923

They are continuing to delay the inevitable

>> No.22466927

No, but the money that matters dumped onto the retards that don’t in those 5 weeks

>> No.22466932

>He still thinks debates are happening

>> No.22466937
File: 384 KB, 808x805, 1497669346194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

futures crashing

>> No.22466944
File: 399 KB, 1024x1493, 1599965640349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check the drop slope after the prolonged gap up homie on the 1d 1min candles
That's an organic drop too. The pump was whales
That's why anon said momentum is gone

>> No.22466947
File: 70 KB, 593x519, Screenshot from 2020-09-13 19-18-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now we're drawing a parabola.

>> No.22466957


>> No.22466960

They will go red tonight before going green in the morning
Then we'll gap up before paper handed retail gtfo because they're starving

>> No.22466962

>presidential zoom call

>> No.22466973

I am sincerely envious. I’m not particularly hoping for another black swan but I will absolutely be ready should it happen again.

>> No.22466979

The debates are the democrat's secret weapon. They play up Biden being old and senile just for the debates. He's going to come charging out of the basement.

>> No.22466981
Quoted by: >>22466998

Thanks, just bought 1 million k

>> No.22466987
File: 207 KB, 750x1334, 2F0E466E-78AF-4FBE-B103-B8A4AB6D281B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22466989
Quoted by: >>22467032

Source faggot

>> No.22466998

Betting on new lockdowns?

>> No.22467000

Joes been a massive moron and constant embarrassment since the 1990s

>> No.22467001
Quoted by: >>22467021

>I have pretended to be retarded for 2 years dot jaypeg
>all so that on this day I can reveal that I'm actually a very witty and inspiring speaker

>> No.22467004


>> No.22467020

Need an update on this (you)less fellow!

>> No.22467021

His idiocy has been pretty suspiciously ill-hidden

>> No.22467027
File: 636 KB, 1200x1047, 1599828140407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shorting MSFT a good idea? Thots?

>> No.22467032


>> No.22467035

I have a subscription to a Korean equivalent of a Bloomberg Terminal. I'm sure Bloomberg Terminal has the ability to sort futures order flow by country, order velocity, and order block size.

>> No.22467042
Quoted by: >>22467064

lemme guess. MSFT will fucking dip even though TikTok was never priced in and nothing has changed since July

>> No.22467051
Quoted by: >>22467074

Hey ur the TQQQ, QQQ, SQQQ anon aren't you. Are you currently all in cash rather than stocks? Markets been looking real shaky.

>> No.22467058
Quoted by: >>22467192

>Korean equivalent of a Bloomberg Terminal

>> No.22467064
Quoted by: >>22467082

>MSFT will fucking dip even though TikTok was never priced in
But they pumped alongside walmart when that tiktok thingy was being announced as a sure thing. Lol not priced in why else would either pump on no news

>> No.22467074
Quoted by: >>22467278

Half in SQQQ calls
Waiting for the bottom of the channel then I'll get into TQQQ calls
TQQQ right now is betting against the grain

>> No.22467080

>Everything Elon Musk is involved in is way too overvalued
That’s the only merit in this stock. I’m counting on fans to pump this bad boy up. Tesla is up so retardly high and the evaluation makes absolutely zero sense. If HNCKF ever gets released on RobinHood those faggots will bring it up to at least $1000 per share

>> No.22467082
Quoted by: >>22467185

it's back to the same valuation it had at the end of June, it's just been crabbing the whole time

>> No.22467085

where the fugs an ausbro gotta hold
Lf a mobile app or decent site, or can i trust commsec?
First trades starting this wk keen to kick off at 10

>> No.22467090
Quoted by: >>22467192

Nigga gib me free shit only

>> No.22467112

Absolute degeneracy I'd be ashamed of having a daughter like that.

>> No.22467118

Tik Tok doesn’t have the luxury of turning down the US. If Tik Tok is banned in the US, it’s value drops 90% overnight

>> No.22467167

She abandons doing that or I kick her out of the house if she were my daughter. Then again I'd have kicked her out the moment I learned she went down that path aka the tit job she got. Would not get an inheritance or at least a diminished one (pouring over the extra into the children who stick to the straight and narrow)

>> No.22467175
File: 485 KB, 849x1016, 1579492528095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22467208

All over again

>> No.22467178

>Back then I really believed it's the end of the world.

>> No.22467185

Wouldn't retail traders have some impact?

>> No.22467188
Quoted by: >>22467254

How are these "futures" decided anyway? Is it TA based?

>> No.22467192

You got me

You gotta spend money to make money

>> No.22467199


>Turning down last chance to make money in the US market

What 4D chess play is going on here

>> No.22467207

normie roasties buying is literally the biggest sell signal ever
we established this in 2017/ 2018

>> No.22467208
Quoted by: >>22467225

I thought I heard a story that yahoo could have bought google way way back in the day but they didn't (lmao)

>> No.22467225

Yeah I was going to post that one but this seemed even more fit. Jerry Yang was basically a retard

>> No.22467226

>the biggest sell signal ever
Only valid for a week according to the turbo bulltards

>> No.22467229
Quoted by: >>22467272

What the heck is that pig pic portrait really in his office!? Man that is some bad taste. That look in bis eyes though really makes it look like he legitimately has that portrait in there.

>> No.22467245
File: 876 KB, 301x300, 68C0E05F-8970-43E5-BD9E-EDF64E8A855D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22467289

Buy the rumor sell the neeeeeewwwwssssfuuuuuck I’m not feeling so good. Anon...

>> No.22467249

the faster they get BTFO the faster the market returns to normal. I say let them get burnt who honestly cares they'll make that money back with fans only in a week

>> No.22467253

The job I’m applying for (UnitedHealth) offers a stock program where they take money out of my paycheck and give me UNH stonks for 10% off. Do I do it or just take the money and buy better companies?

>> No.22467254
Quoted by: >>22467329

What do you mean? They are "decided" the same way all other market prices are decided. Supply and demand.
People trade futures based on news, economic data, TA etc.

>> No.22467257 [DELETED] 
File: 326 KB, 959x1078, original_243467215[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22467315


>> No.22467272

Hes a jew. No shit hes fucking weird

>> No.22467273
Quoted by: >>22467327

Ask for SQQQ

>> No.22467278
Quoted by: >>22467312

Oh I see. In general how far out dated do you do these option plays? A few weeks, months, a literal year?

>> No.22467288

bend over bearfag

>> No.22467289

they'll be fine
this TikTok thing wasn't a big deal either way, the only way it effects their stock price is if they got a really good deal or if they really underpaid for it

>> No.22467305
Quoted by: >>22467387

definitely do it
you're most likely not smarter than the markets when it comes to pricing/ valuing UnitedHealth so just assume it's fairly valued. and think of it as getting 10% for free (on average of course).

>> No.22467312

A week
I only buy when I expect imminent massive movement

>> No.22467315


>> No.22467322
Quoted by: >>22467333

Anyone got a link to their accounts. Am interested in seeing their reactions to the price drops.

>> No.22467326
Quoted by: >>22467365


>> No.22467327
Quoted by: >>22467352

you're really fucking annoying and i hope you get btfo this week.

>> No.22467329

>People trade futures
Oh, so they're pumping because it's not a true reflection of the market pricing, just people betting on what's gonna happen with a limited pool and constrained supply/demand

>> No.22467333
Quoted by: >>22467400

Their usernames are right there...

>> No.22467335
Quoted by: >>22467407

do it
is there a limit to how much you can get?

>> No.22467337
File: 56 KB, 365x365, 90A56DCB-CFB7-4339-B539-4B502C8AB27F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy DFEN tomorrow. 20 EPW. Screencap this

>> No.22467341
File: 140 KB, 462x422, CE05D1C0-3BF3-4B5D-8ACC-A31E8032D854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a positive note, I know next time give you good news then the bad news, NVDA is going to rocket my account into tendies land. NVDA so solid and never let me down.

>> No.22467352
Quoted by: >>22467430

For the markets sake I hope I do too

Line go down surely line go up now

>> No.22467353
File: 489 KB, 750x1334, C8A90767-6935-430F-B169-FA260FDA7B8A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22467430

Yes so its meaningless. Futures been green nearly every day for past two weeks. Markets crashing tho. Look at weekly chart. This shit has another 10-15% to correct easy. Loaded up puts

>> No.22467365
Quoted by: >>22467519

Yea, I don't think cracking down on this shitty cancerous app is the same as decade after decade of them making cheap knockoffs of shit but I guess if you really wanna suck Chang's dick that bad you could frame it that way.

>> No.22467371
Quoted by: >>22467386

>34 posts by this ID

>> No.22467373
File: 140 KB, 960x721, American Posting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22467412

Oracle got Tik Tok. Let the degeneracy continue!

>> No.22467386
Quoted by: >>22467405

>Gtfo my secret club

>> No.22467387
Quoted by: >>22467754

UNH seems like a boomer stock though, I’d rather get in on TQQQ/SQQQ or horsie.

>> No.22467388

What are your guys thoughts on Uber? Thinking about buying some long term calls. But will it dip in short term?

>> No.22467400

Ahh I see. Short term has better returns than a month out but a lot higher risk.

Lol noticed that after posting.

>> No.22467403
File: 578 KB, 680x778, 1598837463237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22467507

>those futures
tech is back boys

>> No.22467405
Quoted by: >>22467429

>35 posts by this ID

>> No.22467407
Quoted by: >>22467450

This. You can arbitrage for instant 10%

>> No.22467412
Quoted by: >>22467559

Only for it to be banned 2 days later

>> No.22467429

Now count how many were responses to people who spoke directly to me

>> No.22467430

Well maybe I can pick up some cheap SQQQ in PM.

>> No.22467436
Quoted by: >>22467469

>10% off
that's kinda lame, it'd be one thing if they matched your contribution 1:1, then i'd say max it out
but 10% off a stock that might not necessarily outperform the market?

see if they have savings/retirement programs where they match your contribution instead (usually up to a certain amount yearly).

>> No.22467450

the stocks will almost certainly have a vesting period, so you can't instantly sell them
it's still a super good deal

>> No.22467455

you faggots ever going to buy any SPACs? not sure how may boats you can miss before you by any.

>> No.22467464
File: 199 KB, 683x1024, E15B60B4-D03F-44B3-B179-CDE17076947A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.22467469
Quoted by: >>22467515

>but 10% off a stock that might not necessarily outperform the market?
It wouldn't have to outperform the market though... If it even comes within 9% you are ahead

>> No.22467485

I got in on SHLL @38.45 and I'm getting in on FVAC tomorrow morning.

>> No.22467486

not close. tsla short interest has dropped considerably

>> No.22467492

>too lazy to look up individual company stocks
>just put in 1k in QQQ every month and max out 401k since starting work 4 years ago
>will be millionare before 35
it's so easy lmfao

>> No.22467500

>buying companies that derive value from merely getting pumped on a merger
>buying a spac after retail have likely caught in and not being screwed over by market makers

>> No.22467507
Quoted by: >>22467665

how many of you did actually realize that this golden bulls face is actually Soros? as in literally, some faggot photoshopped his face on the bull

>> No.22467515

eh i guess there's also the option of immediately selling the stock, unless you're restricted to specific trading windows every year as an insider

>> No.22467517
File: 33 KB, 667x422, MSFT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like someone wanted to cash out pretty bad. What causes an after hours dump like this?

>> No.22467519

China bailed out the US in 2008

>> No.22467537

im in voo. same shit different ticker lol

>> No.22467547

A glitch

>> No.22467559

The Deal was they needed to be sold by September 15th, and now that they are, it can stay

>> No.22467565
Quoted by: >>22467709

You’re going to lose everything when 2000 pt 2 happens

>> No.22467573

it's fucking google, it's buggy as shit. Use a proper website next time. AAPL and TSLA were weird as fuck for a few days after the stock split too, same thing with reverse stock splits.

>> No.22467575

Can we get serious non shitpost discussion of what markets are going to do this week? Imo looks like the downtrend is still strong and theres no sign of it breaking soon. All these freen futures are bulltraps and will rape bulls. What do yall think?

>> No.22467577

>news articles on the deal already
>everyone already knows this
>"announced next week"

Been priced in forever... same w battery day.

>> No.22467585

You can't view it, it's fake and this guy is a retard, and you're a retard for being so easily gullible and fooled

>> No.22467591
Quoted by: >>22467753

depends on what you mean by "true market pricing". There's tons of volume of in futures trading, it's not some niche thing. Both futures prices AND stock prices are just people betting on what the prices will be in the future.
On average futures prices = "real" prices. Just think of futures as extended trading hours. Of course a lot of things can change over the next 14 hours.

>> No.22467594
File: 82 KB, 1539x898, palladium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Palladium bulls have appeared at the starting line. It looks like an attempt will by made to break that pesky resistance soon.


>> No.22467604

oh shit... the rod just struck too...

>> No.22467631
Quoted by: >>22467664

>markets are going up so therefore they must go down!
>source dude just trust me bro
Bears are absolutely retarded. Being a bear is betting against America

>> No.22467658

>that futures bump

>> No.22467663
Quoted by: >>22467746

i like the idea that they're such retarded sluts they actually get hurt by the volume of cock they take.

>> No.22467664

>markets went down so therefore they must go up... Now!

>> No.22467665

Lamo it does look like soros

>> No.22467698

Futures going up
DXY going up

>> No.22467704

MSFT and WMT lost out on the Tik Tok deal bros.... luckily I’m only holding one call for WMT but I’m down so hard the past two weeks this is not what I needed. Oracle is getting the deal picking up calls for them a smart idea? Y/N

>> No.22467706

I'm mainly cash. Market has shown no stabilization. It's either hard up or hard down. No crabbing for even a week at this point besides small companies that have been likely crabbing in an upward or downward trend for months kicker being big tech companies seem to be moving the majority of the market and they haven't shown stabilized flattish movement for a while now.

>> No.22467709

i really enjoy working as a software enginer so if that happens i'll just hold until it goes back up

also going to buy some REITs because apparnetly they make more than normal investment properties and you dont even have to deal with maintenance and bad tenants and shit

>> No.22467721
File: 166 KB, 467x345, 836CC4B7-DFBD-41AA-8D29-07EC2056FB84.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell even crude futures are up right now. Gonna be a fun week either way...

>> No.22467734

That's still going on? Lots of talk and no action until supposedly now?

>> No.22467744
File: 679 KB, 671x450, 432543252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22467746
File: 204 KB, 727x929, burg29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something about a hotdog and a hallway and a beef dip sandwich

>> No.22467751
Quoted by: >>22467843


this but unironically with 100+ years of evidence backing it up

>> No.22467753

Yeah, but PM/AH have even more volume and are a better reflection of "true price", and obviously market open is the next step up.

So in reverse, futures trading has much less volume and than PM/AH and regular hours and won't accurately reflect prices or trend. With stuff like QQQ it's probably accurate more often than not, but not foolproof

>> No.22467754

You're most likely not smarter than the markets.. On average/ in the long run it's definitely smart to take the discounted stock option. You could even arbitrage/ hedge the option.
In theory it's a no-brainer. But if you wanna gamble then gamble.

>> No.22467766

What kind of REIT? Residential? What if the housing market goes kaboomboom?

>> No.22467768

Dixie is dead flat this afternoon.

>> No.22467779

I'm a bull. I'm criticizing bears for being unable to take profit

>> No.22467787
File: 167 KB, 1125x543, A5B0C362-E35B-4839-971F-CA8B1EF05009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22467797

If this indicates the action that happens when VIX goes up with SPY, then bulls will be trapped.

>> No.22467803

this not true O_O
most bears closed positions all last week

>> No.22467828
File: 245 KB, 669x1000, MV5BNTU1ZjNmNjktNjk4Yy00MzdjLTk0YzktMDRlYTllMjE0N2I0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTQxNzMzNDI@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not looking too good for the shorts now is it?

>> No.22467829

seems like a solid stock for a retirement fund. i wouldn't sink everything into it, but it's growing and has a dividend that isn't too small or too big.

if it's taken out before taxes as part of the 401k or something i'd go with it. it'd be a good 401k stock.

>> No.22467843
Quoted by: >>22467865

>t. Bornin2019

>> No.22467849
Quoted by: >>22467912

i had oracle calls from the earnings. How high can we expect it to hit tomorrow? $70-80?

>> No.22467850
Quoted by: >>22467906

what the fuck are you even talking about? Do you think shorting makes negative money or something?

>> No.22467862
Quoted by: >>22467891

Not sure what you're suggesting
There are several multi-year downward trends on that chart

>> No.22467864
File: 41 KB, 698x599, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude, stop this shitty REIT meme. Are you just looking for a value pick to store the rest of your wealth in? Don't pick REITs which are at the mercy of a housing bubble that may or may not pop again never mind all the fucking zombie corporations that can still pay their rent only thanks to unsustainable government aid.

Pick fucking utilities or anything that's actually safer anyway if that's the reasoning you have for buying a fucking REIT.

>> No.22467865
Quoted by: >>22467893

>he doesn’t know what compounding returns are
>markets went up so they have to go back down!!!

>> No.22467883

i care, we’re building a community we need lore and storylines

>> No.22467884
File: 104 KB, 619x434, Stock Market Indicator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are at all time highs,so I find it hard to believe that the Fed will do much to stop it from going down a little. I don't think they WANT inflation, so if they don't need to pump the market, I don't think they will.
>Tech is obviously overvalued. I mean, ok, I get it, the future is going to need tech, but jesus christ. some of these companies are priced out for 20 years of growth. retail investors don't pay attention to this, but I gotta think that the smart money is at least "thinking" about repositioning soon.
>No stimulus, so, people are not gonna be getting any free money put in the marke. seeing as how EVERYONE in America lives paycheck to paycheck, people might need toats rt cashing out their earnings.
This is just a common sense normie analysis. I'm sure someone else knows some more serious fundamental problems that might be going on.
It sure feels like it's not going to be going up like it has been anymore. I mean, what would make it go up? I can only think of things that would pull it down.

Also, look at pick related. I have been seeing this picture floating around. It looks like SOMEONE is throwing out this propaganda that basically says
>You know normies, if the market crashes again, Trump will lose. Hint Hint.
Take that however you want.

>> No.22467890
File: 85 KB, 1539x906, memes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22467891

And bull markets always last longer than the bear markets and always make up for the losses

>> No.22467893
Quoted by: >>22467911

mf none of that means the markets have to go up right the fuck now they can and do go down for months and even years on end

>> No.22467901
Quoted by: >>22467966

Imagine buying at 2000 peak not selling for breakeven in 2008 only to end up bagholding another 5 years and finally caving and just selling for breakeven in 2013 only for it to 2x 6 years later.

>> No.22467904

>incredibly bearish chart

what did he mean by this?

>> No.22467906
File: 929 KB, 850x1275, sample_635213382fdba65781b52129d0d29c80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22468270

I'm a tech perma bull and this is hypothetical. But if you're a software engineer in the US, essentially US technology, it's wiser to put some money in other places than US technology.
Maybe some Chinese stuff like BABA, Gold, Bonds or whatever. Just in case the US tech dumps and the recession kicks you out of a job.
At the moment you only have two very correlated streams of income. It's better to have more.
Yes. If the price goes up like it does now. Twice if you hold SQQQ calls or whatever and Vega tanks with your underlying inverse.

>> No.22467911

Yea if you don’t have ADD and actually want to make it one day than you won’t care about a couple year bear market.

>> No.22467912
Quoted by: >>22467938

No chance. Oracle is a deep state nigger. No chance Trump let’s this “deal” (whatever the fuck it even is) workout for a china buddy

>> No.22467918

Ok I see both points. Now Is there any other reason why you gents think the market will go up or down other than market went down so has to go up/market has been up so has to go down more?

>> No.22467919

making new

>> No.22467938

Based Trump not being part of the plan

>> No.22467940
Quoted by: >>22468034

Market is largely controlled by algorithms
And those algorithms are in a downtrend right now

>> No.22467951
File: 895 KB, 1379x870, Screen-Shot-2019-09-18-at-10.15.30-AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YES MASAYOHI, IM COOMING. Forced to sell ARM to the Americans wow. This will be good for a nice pump I bet

>> No.22467956


>> No.22467964





>> No.22467966

Imagine buying the top in 2000. Man I would be kicking myself if I bought the Nasdaq at 4000.
Imagine buying the absolute top of a bubble and still being up 3x only 20 years later and that’s if you never invested another penny that entire 20 years

>> No.22468007
File: 138 KB, 300x400, F87FF5E2-2EAA-4B72-A68F-7495BD2B8112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone outside of reddit and mainstream news is getting extremely weary about corona hoax. With everything coming out about them fudging the numbers by 99% at the outbreak and realizing the only people at risk are elderly and fat or have low t-cell counts the “pandemic” will be over sooner than later and the 24 karat golden bull run will commence.

>> No.22468034

>Anon, the algo whisperer

>> No.22468061
Quoted by: >>22468179

I agree that most people are no longer afraid of the Corona boogey man but what does that have to do with what happened last week and whether or not it will continue into this week?

>> No.22468179

Inflation is 1.3% for the year and only .4 or around there for the past month. The liberal shit hole states need the stimulus package more than America in general. DJT actually has the leverage when it comes to that, and can sign whenever he wants to pump the market before the election. He also has the power of sign offs on whatever FED actions want to be taken. He can basically pump inflation after the election and we are going to the fucking moon December 2020- until whenever interest rates go back to normal and the bubble bursts

>> No.22468226

It was kind of obvious when China/Japan's death rates were in the single thousands (they don't count comorbidities as deaths).

>> No.22468270

> But if you're a software engineer in the US, essentially US technology, it's wiser to put some money in other places than US technology.
This is good advice. If all assets were fairly valued OR you can't beat the markets then you should (in theory) be underweight (or even shorting) the sector you work in.

>> No.22468567
File: 94 KB, 712x960, 1592845054367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahaha at least I'm not this guy

>> No.22468741
File: 20 KB, 509x423, 1592513400338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corona does NOT kill, it CRIPPLES.
A Corona virus vaccine is a scientific IMPOSSIBILITY.
Expect 5-15 Million US Corona Invalids (unable to work) between the ages of 30 and 60 by 2025.
LONG Home Entertainment, Health Care Providers, Retirement REITs etc.
SHORT countries with socialized Healthcare such as Germany, France etc.

>> No.22468930

Tick tock tick tock, if you guys dont dump the market soon big bad DRUMPF is going to get into office. You don't want that do you? DO YOU?

Make the call, dump it. If you don't dump it then one day someone might protect that child you are desecrating.