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File: 952 KB, 1440x1376, Screenshot_20200903-062202~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22140383 No.22140383 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Cointelegraph writers clickbait headlines so much. They contradict the headline by the end of the artist (which most ppl aren't going to read). Did Band sponsor this article or something. Are they upset they didn't get an invite to the smart contract summit?

A Chainlink spokesperson told Cointelegraph that there are profound reasons for why Band has not enjoyed a similar level of success on the Ethereum network:

In comparison to Band, it is also important to note that their instance on Ethereum had up to 5 days without a price data update, meaning that the data was dangerously out of sync with reality. This is one of the multiple reasons why while they were on Ethereum, there wasn’t a single live user that was willing to tie their security to Band’s oracles on the Ethereum network.

>> No.22140404

oh no no no, it's over for chainstink!

>> No.22140491
File: 1.18 MB, 974x620, Sergey Nazarov Chainlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmmmmmmmhhh... tasty, new LINK FUD

>> No.22140521

Sorry *Article not artist

>> No.22140651
File: 1.61 MB, 1440x1357, Screenshot_20200825-105512~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22141663

I should have linked the article. Remember marines when you're at the top everyone will be coming for you.

>> No.22140861

curl fag.xyz/price
{data:{price:'20.23', date:'2020-09-02 21:46:34 UTC'}}

that'll be $460 please

>> No.22140987
Quoted by: >>22141041

Cointelegraph is biased as fuck. After every crash there's always an article about how Bitcoin is:
>"poised to move to 14k"
>"Bitcoin mirrors gains of past halvings, suggesting $41K price in 2020" (currently a top headline)

>> No.22141008
File: 720 KB, 748x732, Screen Shot 2020-03-11 at 9.58.08 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you get what you pay for. a chainlink oracle price feed is well worth $450. if you don't get this maybe you are the problem. what are you, poor?

>> No.22141033
Quoted by: >>22141125

>In comparison to Band, it is also important to note that their instance on Ethereum had up to 5 days without a price data update, meaning that the data was dangerously out of sync with reality.

the real takeaway

>> No.22141041

I wonder what bags they could possibly be holding

>> No.22141125
Quoted by: >>22141224

these slimey chinks won’t fool anyone with their shitty take, this is what matters >>22141033

inb4 research how deco nodes work

>> No.22141224 [DELETED] 

wait, OP misquoted the article in his shitpost, its actually

>A Chainlink spokesperson told Cointelegraph that there are profound reasons for why Band has not enjoyed a similar level of success on the Ethereum network: In comparison to Band, it is also important to note that their instance on Ethereum had up to 5 days without a price data update, meaning that the data was dangerously out of sync with reality. This is one of the multiple reasons why while they were on Ethereum, there wasn’t a single live user that was willing to tie their security to Band’s oracles on the Ethereum network.

>> No.22141253

Oh no they're starting a VHS vs betamax war! Except we know who wins

>> No.22141437

It's paid. TheBand chinks and CZ are trying to suppress LINK. The glowies should finally stand up and show the chinks who runs this shit. An armed raid on Binance headquaters might do.

>> No.22141462

Holy cope! LMAO

>> No.22141483
Quoted by: >>22141807

Journalism in general has deteriorated dramatically. Crypto journalism is just a microcosm of this trend - poorly written, biased, click-bait slop weaponized for attention. Fuck I hate this space and almost everyone in it.

>> No.22141625
File: 48 KB, 443x455, 1598398266801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting cucked by Chadlink and crying about it like a little bitch
Chainlink confirmed $1k EOY.

>> No.22141663
File: 88 KB, 888x398, 1596650179109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>really ryan?
>really brian?
>really cz?
>really zeus capital?
>really mt. gox?
>really bitmex?

>> No.22141720

>believing or even reading journalist garbage in 2020

>> No.22141807

The real redpill is that journalism was never good. Look up the Spanish American war for an example of how dangerous journalists are.