I've been a long-term holder of iexec, but have recently started selling off shares of my (quite large) RLC bag. Here's why:
Hiring: It seems only two new developers have been hired in 6 months, while two (or three) have left in the same time. The essential positions in research, marketing and leadership are still not filled.
Location: The startup is located in Lyon and only hiring there, which understandably significantly narrows the range of top talent available
Website: A new website was promised shortly after the iexec crowdsale in April, but still hasn't been released. I consider this a major red flag for a project with 12 million at its disposal, it's not like any complicated web-app is developed here, only a redesign of a website should never take this long.
Marketing: Two months ago, it was promised, that a "top-tier" US-based PR company is nearly hired. No progress, announcements or anything here, one month before product release. Iexec is slipping out of the top100 coins on coinmarketcap as we speak, because nobody knows about its goals and potential progress.
Community: Although the community is still active on the slack, the more invested members and those actively contributing value have mostly left because the iexec dev team mostly acknowledges improvement suggestions but never acts on them. There is almost no effort of building a dedicated community.
Developer community. There is no effort to attract ethereum developers. This is a project aiming to extend ethereum (solidity) and there is almost no open-source activity, demos on ethereum conferences, etc. The recognition in the ethereum community is basically zero. I mean what the hell ?
Team Communication: The team is periodically active on slack, but not comparable with other projects. Iexec slack was until recently bombarded with scam attempts, then the invitations where disabled without any announcement or comment on this from the dev team. Another red flag.