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File: 696 KB, 1125x2436, AB21FEE1-EA8A-4444-95FE-9E095BC13022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21231554 No.21231554 [Reply] [Original]

Im a computer science PhD and I read the white paper, it seems promising but if you understand the technical details you realize this token literally has no use case. It has one of the most professional and experienced teams in crypto but the tokenomics are very flawed. The token simply isn’t needed for the grid network , Why pay for computing power in RLC when it’s easier to just pay in BTC or ETH

And not to mention it’s been 3 years and still there is ZERO real world adoption. Seriously, go look on the iexec marketplace, nobody is using it.

I bought in at 80 cents but sold my stack and made a nice little profit.

Put your money in anything else. Fuck even AMPL has better future than this piece of shit.

>> No.21231597
File: 161 KB, 1125x846, 5322682B-A54A-4E74-899D-5DBDCD38F22E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, just sold my stack last week.

Feels good desu

>> No.21231713
File: 140 KB, 782x758, 3e3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21232701
Quoted by: >>21232830

This is some Fat FUD boy. There have been heaps of orders made through the iexec network. Stop trying to keep BIZ poor

>> No.21232740

you're fucking retarded for computer science phd.

this will pump regardless. LINK is a fucking shitcoin that's shit at it's use and is no where near worth the $4bil valuation is has

>> No.21232796

Didn't this same pasta get posted earlier today? Nice FUD.

>> No.21232830

its literally a screenshot from the day the marketplace was updated and all orders were removed. big yikes but bullish I guess if the FUD is this shit tier

>> No.21232867

You were a student yesterday and a freshman 1 week ago OP

>> No.21232941

poat proof of phd, raj. you sold at 1.37 and now want to get back in fudding strwet shitter. tokenomics are great and feature node and sidechain staking, also lock ups for premium features etc... usage is low because blockchain projects are not yet ready to use it. same goes for link. link and rlc are the same caliber

>> No.21233054

Weak fud.