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21017514 No.21017514 [Reply] [Original]

Can we please ban XRP threads?

XRP is not even $0.30. Let that sink in. It's not even $0.30. It will probably take 10+ years for normies to break even if it happens at all.

Jed McCaled sells over 1.7M XRP EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY.

XRP as the "gold standard" is not happening according to Ripple CEO https://twitter.com/bgarlinghouse/status/1290426576169918464

Ripple CTO cashed out all his XRP. Called it "de-risking". Not even their CTO has believe in its future.

Brad Garlinghouse sued over claiming to be "long on XRP" while in fact he sold any XRP he received for USD.

Jed still has 4.5 BILLION XRP left.

But wait, there's even more!

Some shithole project Ripple gifted XRP for no fucking reason IS STILL DUMPING 1 MILLION XRP EVERY DAY!

R3 sued Ripple FOR BILLIONS, they (((settled))) for an undisclosed amount (of XRP)

MoneyGram which Ripple PAID to USE THEIR ODL software instantly sells any XRP they receive.

In addition, MoneyGram tells Ripple to fuck off after Western Union offers to buy them. Ripple in response pulls the plug on ODL. https://u.today/ripples-partner-moneygram-doesnt-hold-any-xrp


Lets face it. The only reason XRP pumped in 2017 was because of normalfags hoping it would be the next Bitcoin when it would appear on Coinbase.

XRP is dead.

>> No.21017554
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>> No.21017612
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Quoted by: >>21018179

So what you're saying is that xrp will be 2k eoy. Gotcha. Thanks.

>> No.21017640
Quoted by: >>21018179

it's afraid

>> No.21017642

does moneygram hold any coins?

fuck ripple

>> No.21017657
Quoted by: >>21018179

Don't worry, ill probably make another purchase before the 13th.

>> No.21017663
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you fool

>> No.21017683

Go back to r*ddit if you want censorship, this is an American board

>> No.21017713
Quoted by: >>21018165

That is not a human foot. David Schwartz is some kike alien hybrid.

>> No.21018066
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>Jed McCaled sells over 1.7M XRP EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY.
Can you understand averages? its not being sold every day. Its an average. this is clearly fud. the guy has every reason to share his portion of the company, he was a founder.
>XRP as the "gold standard" is not happening according to Ripple CEO
Ripple was never going to be pegged to the dollar thats some stupid larp shit. It will however be used to liquidate currencies in cross boarder payments using xrapid.
>Ripple CTO cashed out all his XRP. Called it "de-risking". Not even their CTO has believe in its future.
He clearly did this for tax reasons. dudes getting rich, you have to know how to stake your gains also see here: https://www.geekwire.com/2017/jeff-bezos-sells-1-billion-amazon-stock/

>Brad Garlinghouse sued over claiming to be "long on XRP" while in fact he sold any XRP he received for USD.
This will be thrown out of court and will be used to confirm the fact that XRP is not a security. this is planned. also see: https://www.coindesk.com/ripple-xrp-lawsuit-fails-ceo-garlinghouse-fraud

>Some shithole project Ripple gifted XRP for no fucking reason IS STILL DUMPING 1 MILLION XRP EVERY DAY!

When you start any business you issue stocks to gain capital and influence. This is risky for sure, and business owners can make mistakes by funding the wrong partners.

>R3 sued Ripple FOR BILLIONS, they (((settled))) for an undisclosed amount (of XRP)
"For billions" are you retarded? You hold that shift key down like youre adding additional meaning to the statement, lawsuits always initially start with egregious amounts. Every business makes pour decisions and settling lawsuits is a normal practice of business.

>MoneyGram which Ripple PAID to USE THEIR ODL software instantly sells any XRP they receive.
XRP hasnt been adopted yet, they dont need to hold it. Right now xrps value is based on speculation. Its primary function is utility which has yet to have been adopted

>> No.21018165

which is exactly why 2k eoy

>> No.21018179


>> No.21018214
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>> No.21018219
Quoted by: >>21018253

Basically a bunch of newfags and redditors are here now and jelly of links success and are trying to replicate it hard with their scamcoin they're holding bags for.. Very cringe and I'm not gonna buy your bags.

>> No.21018253

I don't want you to buy my bags. I want XRP to crash so that I can buy it all up.

>> No.21018376

^ this

>> No.21018403
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I'm with you, bruh

>> No.21018495
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Oh, how I pity the fools that roam this world.

There is a good reason XRP has been dumping for 4 years. Jed is a major catalyst alongside Ripple themselves and the idiot projects they funded with XRP.

David cashed out all XRP he had. He doesnt hold it anymore in 2020. Even their CTO sees no price increase.

XRP won't ever be adopted because - by design - it is created with the sole purpose to enrich the founders.


>> No.21018543
Quoted by: >>21018642

>governments and multinational conglomerate corporations joined forces for the sole purpose of scamming /biz/ of their pocket change

>> No.21018610
Quoted by: >>21018642

theres no argument here. I gave you ample reasoning for each of your claims, yet you repeated the same stance, even after I showed that you were lying or exaggerating the truth. I gave you counter examples for each of you suppositions and yet you call me a fool?

>> No.21018642
Quoted by: >>21018661

>joined forces

There are no XRP partnerships. RippleNet has active customer, sure.

The price is on my side. Not yours.

>> No.21018656

Great thread OP. XRP is a literal scamcoin.

Unfortunately Ripple makes 100% of their profits from idiots buying the token. So that means they need to constantly get new suckers to buy. They hire astroturfing and shilling teams. /biz/ is currently being hit by a a paid XRP astroturf team. They will all call you dumb, post the same photo, “stay poor etc.”

Don’t underestimate peoples intelligence, average and smart people aren’t falling for it anymore or never did. Thats why Ripple is here, it is desperation. This is the death throes of XRP, it will be out of the top 5 in a year.

>> No.21018661

The price? I just told you the price is a measure of speculation, not on adoption. when adoption happens the price will rise. You are lying:


>> No.21018681
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Miners dump btc too. Jed can only dump a tiny % of total volume each day, it's negligible. Pegging crypto to gold is the dumbest thing in the world as it would peg the price and wouldn't moon. Moneygram has to sell xrp because of liability since there is zero regulatory clarity on crypto and xrp.

This kind of FUD doesn't matter. Even if what you said was true (it isn't) new entrants will FOMO in because "bitcoin too expensive" and "bullish on Ripple".

Full disclosure i have xrp in portfolio but i don't have any illusions of it having amazing utility or believe price will go higher than $20 over next 2 years. I also believe xrp price is based primarily on speculation and heavily dependent on bitcoin bull market. It is a top 5 coin for several years and this is what leads to new speculators throwing money in.

>> No.21018683
Quoted by: >>21018719

>Ripple owners sell xrp to make money
>Ripple gives away xrp to make money

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.21018694
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Its funny because the OP is literally being copy paste spammed, even after being debunked in previous threads. Fudders seem much more like astroturfers to me.

>> No.21018695
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>Sergey will remember this

>> No.21018719

When that lawsuit verdict comes down, you could actually be held criminally liable, scum.

>> No.21018733

Are we all going straight to baba cocks house to take our money back rioter style?

Im putting together a team

Raiding babakeks house in ontario. Fucking him in the ass on persiscope

I demand my 2000 $ xrp if he doesnt buy my coins for that price im gonna shoot him

>> No.21018748

wow the fud has led to personal threats of me being liable for Ripples actions. Wow the fud knows no end. how much do the pay you pajeet?

The lawsuit will get thrown out, and the day before I will reinvest. When it is thrown out I will poo in a toilet to spite you.

>> No.21018752
Quoted by: >>21018815

I actually agree with you that xrp is a scam coin depending on new entrants but so is every coin other than bitcoin (small exceptions: eth, xmr). That doesn't mean xrp can't go to $5-20 if btc hits 100k.

I don't think /biz is astroturfed by ripple but they do in fact spend millions on advertising, that much is true

>> No.21018767

when the caymen islands scam crashes sirgay will flee

>> No.21018780

settled or thrown out. Either way it won't matter because we made it to the start of bull market.

>> No.21018811
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>> No.21018812

I really hope you're right, anon.

We need that liquidity for tokens with actual potential like ETH, ADA, VET, RLC, TRAC

>> No.21018815

Yes, you are selling an unregistered security, probably for compensation.

Go ahead and look up what kind of penalties you’ll face. Better hope you are just a moron who bought, and not paid to push this. There are thousands of lawyers salivating to take that XRP money.

I’ve been on /biz/ for a long time, this is clear astroturfing. And of course it can go up short term, long term its price is down and it will never outperform Bitcoin long term. XRP started trading 7 years ago at 5300 satoshis. It is 2100 now, 7 years later. It will be under 1500 in another 1-2 years.

>> No.21018838
Quoted by: >>21018869

chainlink doesn’t do the same thing?

>> No.21018861
Quoted by: >>21018893


youre fucking retarded.

>> No.21018869

We weren’t talking about Chainlink. Whattboutism won’t save you in court. Theres a million negroes who sell drugs and shoot people, doesn’t make it ok for you

>> No.21018871
Quoted by: >>21018913

No one outside of crypto does his math with:

Could be 1500 sadoshis or 500 sadoshis

Damn people look at you like you are retarded

>> No.21018875
Quoted by: >>21018923

Okay I will admit I red those transactions wrong. My antithesis remains, the guy has every right to sell his xrp. hes a former owner. The current owners are not selling like this. This is not some coordinated scam to make one faggot rich.

>> No.21018884

Its truly insane how ONE PERSON could crash a billion dollar project.

>> No.21018893
Quoted by: >>21018906

>guy on Ripple payroll says it is not a security

Wow! They spent more of your dumb money to buy another person off to gain legitimacy. It won’t save you. Better hope 4chan doesn’t keep IP logs.

>> No.21018898

lmao the conviction of this lad
thank you for your service

>> No.21018906

Yeah and the former cftc chairman is gonna get bought out and risk his legacy and respect on a scam. You really have no fucking sense.

>> No.21018913
Quoted by: >>21018950

Everybody does the math on how much money they are making/could’ve made.

You shills are very upset? Lashing out because you realized you might go to jail/lose all your money for pushing this scam to idiots?

>> No.21018923


Taking a shit in the morning while gettin his dick sucked by tiffany and dumping xrp.....

Wow real chad. Where is nikB ? Oh hes the cuckolded bf sitting in the car in front of the house to drive her to her next dick sucking appointment

>> No.21018933
Quoted by: >>21018991

>politicians integrity
Hahahahaha!!! Really making a strong case.

>> No.21018950
Quoted by: >>21018975

Suck my dick you bitcoin mongrel or whatever scam you are supporting

Read my comments cock sucking faggot

Satoshis mafs made easy. Go and fuck you. No one in the R E A L WORLD IS GIVING A FUCK ABOUT SOME ASHTOSHI LMFAO

>> No.21018962

1. Let's say /biz is astro turfed by Ripple. Who cares? Just filter out xrp threads. A lot of people here are quite retarded so it's hard to tell the difference.

2. In the long run all the alts are dead. Buy low and sell high. I bought in at 2k sats I sell at 8k sats. At the peak it might hit 20k sats again, maybe higher. I dont think it will be 1500 sats in 2 years. It really depends when the bitcoin blow off top is. Xrp is a shitcoin but it is king of shitcoins so it will won't go to zero, especially in our current bull cycle.

>> No.21018970

XRP is as disgusting as the guy in the pic.

>> No.21018975

You are a failure whose life has resorted to selling a scam to fools. I can understand why you are angry. This path will only bankrupt you further.

>> No.21018991
Quoted by: >>21019050

Guy could literally go anywhere with his credentials and hes going to go to XRP for his scam money? if its only making the owners rich how could they afford to pay off some of the most powerful people in the world? youre fucking dumb as rocks man. your conspiracy here is worse than the larpers

>> No.21019004

bro these people dont deserve to hear about xrp and the connections etc. let them invest in their linkies and btc they will get fucked up the ass harder than a pedophile in prison

>> No.21019050

>Sell XRP
>Pay faggots to shill it
>Bribe judges

Make no mistake, XRP has been a billion dollar profit or more for Ripple. Last year they de-risked on hodlers as much as they could.

>> No.21019065

There's no really a reason to buy XRP, it's a scam shilled buy newfags who fell for it.

>> No.21019078

Dude wants his money and that's how he got paid. I don't see a problem.. Would microsoft have failed if founders offloaded shares early?

>> No.21019156

You can buy any other shit coin in the up coming bull run and make more money

>> No.21019172


Except Microwaves have an actual use case and are used by almost everyone around the world every day.

XRP has been around for almost 10 years and all it achieved is having scammed some redditors that bought at 3$

>> No.21019180

It wouldve been concerning if Paul Allen was court ordered to stop selling his shares so fast, yeah. They probably would fail.

>> No.21019312
Quoted by: >>21019953

Think I should just sell my ripple for statera

>> No.21019839

based lad

>> No.21019953

I'll believe XRP pumps when I see it.

Currently, every single indicator points to a profitable short. And the founders are on my side on this.

>> No.21020130
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imagine trusting people that can't even spell basic words...